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The Adventures of Wabash Jake

Some say it’s the journey and not the destination that matters. But a man who can look at the world through the eyes of a child will have a lot more fun along the way.

Voices of Women -- a Study of Augusta Webster

An insightful study of Augusta Webster’s eight dramatic monologues spoken by female speakers, this book examines both gender and the genre in the Victorian context and beyond.

Mexican Bread

Mexican Bread. My autobiography, “Mexican Bread,” is a story of my personal family experiences and the journey my family had with Mexican bread. This autobiography describes my family’s history, achievements, happiness, humor and sadness. It also includes my personal connection with my grandmother’s and mother’s cooking, and the original recipes that my grandmother and my mother used daily to cook for our large Mexican family. I have vivid memories of them preparing and cooking these traditional Mexican recipes. These recipes include ingredients, especially lard, that because of society’s health consciousness, would never be included in any modern cookbooks. Even though my grandmother’s and mother’s cooking included these ingredients, they were a culinary treat for our entire family. My autobiography also includes memories of my childhood trips to Mexico, my school experiences, our family’s many moves to different homes in Los Angeles, and our relationships with cousins, aunts, uncles and those who lived in our family home. I also included some of my favorite family recipes, proverbs and my own personal quotes.

To Catch A Dragon

Did you know dragons cry tears of flames? Yes, even the tears of a dragon will scorch you if you get close enough. To Catch A Dragon by I.B. Lieve Enter my world of imagination laced with drugs, dreamers, and magic.

Hero Nation

A secret monster traps his victims inside his monster kingdom. A secret hero sets out to spoil his vicious play. Brother versus brother, playwright versus playwright, God versus God— Mankind’s endgame has begun…


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Anna's Secret Legacy
by S.A. Williams