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Shucking His Back Trail

Orphaned at twelve, Lou Atkins earned a gunman’s ‘rep’ by age twenty-five just trying to stay alive. He travels dangerous trails, shedding his past to gain a future.

The Dolphin's View (The Dolphins' View): Book 1: Transformation

Three dolphins set out on a great quest. They undergo an astounding transformation into half-human finmen, with arms, legs, and vocal cords. What will they say when they encounter man?

Ambivalent Advocate

Kay Schneider knows autism from the inside, so she knows how much autistics differ from one another. Although the idea of an individual autistic murderer does not astonish her, the stereotype of autistic people as violent offends her core sense of justice. Only a motive that strong, combined with her concern for the suspect’s young autistic daughter, along with love for a lost dog, could persuade her to advocate for a man she believes is guilty. Where her advocacy leads her logical mind is to a conclusion that threatens to conclude her own existence.

The Hindu Deception

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Stop Worrying About Cholesterol! Better Ways to Avoid a Heart Attack and Get Healthy

This book challenges the status quo regarding cholesterol’s role in the causation of heart disease. Many serious side effects of statin drugs are elucidated.


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Anna's Secret Legacy
by S.A. Williams