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I Tell You All This Because…

Before you open this book, beware! You might find things here that will upset your preconceived notions, or surprise you with joy, or bring a tear to your eye.

Billy's Song…

Why do things always have to happen to me, was Billy’s complaint until a girl, a dog, and an old man showed him a better way.

Get Lifted

A 100 day seasonal book of growth that is necessary for all walks of life. It is to be used as a daily meditational to provoke intentional thought on a myriad of principles and testaments.

Interviews with the Titans of Business

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Showers of Love, Thunder of Pains

Pure poetry, words that reflect the rhythms of life—honest, intoxicating and riveting. A revelation of the emergence from disappointments, heartaches, and bitterness. These pages are filled with wisdom, hope, love and lessons!


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Anna's Secret Legacy
by S.A. Williams