| William Hone - 1889 - عدد الصفحات: 876
...plumes, and watchful every way Through the rough stubble turn the seciet eye. Caught in the meshy snare, in vain they beat Their idle wings, entangled more and more : Nor on the surges of the boundless air. Though borne triumphant, are they safe ; the gun, Glanu'd just, and sudden,... | |
| Knut Gjerset - 1898 - عدد الصفحات: 126
...„Herbst" 357 ff. und „Frühling" 385 ff. THOMSON („Frühling") „Caught in the meshy snare, in vain they beat Their idle wings entangled more and more : Nor on the surges of the boundless air, Though born triumphant, are they safe u ; GISEKE („Herbst") „Der Vögel... | |
| Université de Toulouse - 1913 - عدد الصفحات: 570
...and, watchful every way, Through the rough stubble turn the secret eye. Caught in the meshy snare, in vain they beat Their idle wings, entangled more and more : Nor on the surges of the boundless air, Though borne triumphant, are they safe; the gun, Glanced just and sudden,... | |
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