Classical Quarterly, المجلد 12John Percival Postgate, Edward Vernon Arnold, Frederick William Hall Clarendon Press, 1918 |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 6-10 من 20
الصفحة 62
... writes of finem imperii Bactra futura . Augustus has not yet reached the limits of Alexander . The Arabian expedition of Aelius Gallus took effect ' in the year 23. Since III . xviii . dates from August of that year ( Marcellus's death ) ...
... writes of finem imperii Bactra futura . Augustus has not yet reached the limits of Alexander . The Arabian expedition of Aelius Gallus took effect ' in the year 23. Since III . xviii . dates from August of that year ( Marcellus's death ) ...
الصفحة 98
... write the following non with a capital ; by this time ( pp . 5 sq . , 13 , sup . ) we know what these things suggest . salutantibus dare responsum means nothing whatever more than salutem reddere , cf. e.g. 7. 5. 4 salute accepta ...
... write the following non with a capital ; by this time ( pp . 5 sq . , 13 , sup . ) we know what these things suggest . salutantibus dare responsum means nothing whatever more than salutem reddere , cf. e.g. 7. 5. 4 salute accepta ...
الصفحة 101
... write instead of poterat ui ) , adds with his usual caution : ' quod non displiceret , si aut plures aut grauioris auctoritatis codices testimonio suo comprobarent . Liuius enim saepius ita locutus est . ' These words of wisdom and ...
... write instead of poterat ui ) , adds with his usual caution : ' quod non displiceret , si aut plures aut grauioris auctoritatis codices testimonio suo comprobarent . Liuius enim saepius ita locutus est . ' These words of wisdom and ...
الصفحة 102
... write maxima with Madvig . At 9. 24. 9 Madvig ( writing maximo ) throws the cum tumultu into the relative ... writes maximae ) possent , peditum equitumque copiae in Siciliam traicerentur ; here we should consider that either ...
... write maxima with Madvig . At 9. 24. 9 Madvig ( writing maximo ) throws the cum tumultu into the relative ... writes maximae ) possent , peditum equitumque copiae in Siciliam traicerentur ; here we should consider that either ...
الصفحة 114
... writes uiciumque , * but which F3Up and TDLA decently correct to uigilumque , saving the grammar , but with no profit to the sense , since no uigiles whatever have been mentioned save those stationis primae which happen to be the two ...
... writes uiciumque , * but which F3Up and TDLA decently correct to uigilumque , saving the grammar , but with no profit to the sense , since no uigiles whatever have been mentioned save those stationis primae which happen to be the two ...
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Abolita Ademar Aeneas Aeschylus Affatim Anthes archetype Aristophanes Aristotle Asia Minor Book Burman Caesar census Cicero Classical Quarterly Clytaemnestra conjecture correction corruption criticism Cynthia double number e.g. Aen edition editors Electra elegy emendation Euripides Eurycleia Eurynome evidence examples fable give gloss Glossary Greek Hastati Havet inscriptions J. P. POSTGATE Latin Livy Livy's Madvig meaning Mueller Odysseus omitted Orestes original paraphrasts passage Penelope Phaedo Phaedrus phrase Plato Plutarch poem poet Posidonius POSTGATE Professor Burnet Professor Taylor Propertius Pythagorean quae quam quod quoted R. S. CONWAY reference restoration Roman Rome says scribe seems Seneca sentence Socrates Sophocles spirant Stoic suggest sunt theory Thiele tibi tragedy verb verses Virgil W. M. LINDSAY words Xenophon ἀλλ γὰρ δὲ ἐν ΙΟ καὶ μὲν μὴ οἱ περὶ τὰ τε τὴν τὸ τὸν τῶν ὡς