Classical Quarterly, المجلد 12John Percival Postgate, Edward Vernon Arnold, Frederick William Hall Clarendon Press, 1918 |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 6-10 من 46
الصفحة 19
... sense . Can an exhausting cry ' be a sort of brachylogy for ' the cry of an exhausting malady ' ? σITOVÓμOS EXTÍS ( Phil . 1091 ) ' food - providing hope ' = hope that food will be provided . If σтóvоv Варvßρŵτa ( Phil . 695 ) go ...
... sense . Can an exhausting cry ' be a sort of brachylogy for ' the cry of an exhausting malady ' ? σITOVÓμOS EXTÍS ( Phil . 1091 ) ' food - providing hope ' = hope that food will be provided . If σтóvоv Варvßρŵτa ( Phil . 695 ) go ...
الصفحة 30
... sense , nor yet to adopt the sperae of some MSS and interpret it as spirae . sphaera is simply the sky : the words which mean the zodiac are signifera sphaera , that is sphaerae pars signifera . Lucan has signifer polus in the same sense ...
... sense , nor yet to adopt the sperae of some MSS and interpret it as spirae . sphaera is simply the sky : the words which mean the zodiac are signifera sphaera , that is sphaerae pars signifera . Lucan has signifer polus in the same sense ...
الصفحة 31
... sense ; but que is thus three places removed from its proper seat and superfluous into the bargain , and the required sense is already given by the reading of the MSS . bellipotens genitor is vocative , like Cytherea in 8 and Phoebe in ...
... sense ; but que is thus three places removed from its proper seat and superfluous into the bargain , and the required sense is already given by the reading of the MSS . bellipotens genitor is vocative , like Cytherea in 8 and Phoebe in ...
الصفحة 34
... sense in verse 23 of the same epistle , ' in se retortas explicabo summulas ' , where the ' summulae in se retortae ' are various artificial modes of saying triginta , such as ' duc binas decies semelque denas ' , though only one of ...
... sense in verse 23 of the same epistle , ' in se retortas explicabo summulas ' , where the ' summulae in se retortae ' are various artificial modes of saying triginta , such as ' duc binas decies semelque denas ' , though only one of ...
الصفحة 35
... sense has ' circulus Mercurii tollens kalendas nonas idus puro de uespere ' ? uespere should be Vespere : puro Vespere is the clear evening star , as in Hor . carm . III 19 26 ' puro te similem , Telephe , Vespero ' ; and Vesper is ...
... sense has ' circulus Mercurii tollens kalendas nonas idus puro de uespere ' ? uespere should be Vespere : puro Vespere is the clear evening star , as in Hor . carm . III 19 26 ' puro te similem , Telephe , Vespero ' ; and Vesper is ...
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