A collection of theological tracts, in six volumesJ. Archdeacon, printer to the University, 1785 |
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النتائج 1-5 من 100
الصفحة 12
... defign was to erect an universal religion , which should recommend itfelf to all people , under their several political diftinctions , and which , therefore , was to interfere with no political establishments , but should leave them ...
... defign was to erect an universal religion , which should recommend itfelf to all people , under their several political diftinctions , and which , therefore , was to interfere with no political establishments , but should leave them ...
الصفحة 15
... defign fhall appear evidently to run through the Books of the Old and New Teftament , a man may , with infinitely greater propriety , suppose the most perfect drama ( where the finest defign is carried on by the best chofen plot , and ...
... defign fhall appear evidently to run through the Books of the Old and New Teftament , a man may , with infinitely greater propriety , suppose the most perfect drama ( where the finest defign is carried on by the best chofen plot , and ...
الصفحة 16
... defign in the divine difpenfations , or if we make any one part clash with the reft , we may be fure we do not understand them . Goodnefs was the principle of creation . God made man because be delighted to communicate being and ...
... defign in the divine difpenfations , or if we make any one part clash with the reft , we may be fure we do not understand them . Goodnefs was the principle of creation . God made man because be delighted to communicate being and ...
الصفحة 17
... defign of his providence , to overcome in every hour of trial , and will lead us to eternal life . To fuch a character , as well as to Daniel , ( Chap . xii . 13. ) it is the language of divine grace - But walk thou , thou honeft ...
... defign of his providence , to overcome in every hour of trial , and will lead us to eternal life . To fuch a character , as well as to Daniel , ( Chap . xii . 13. ) it is the language of divine grace - But walk thou , thou honeft ...
الصفحة 19
... defign of the writer did not lead him to take notice of the other parts of it . But we have no juft ground , from his account , to fuppose , that all the stars , which are probably each of them the centre of a diftinct fy- ftem , were ...
... defign of the writer did not lead him to take notice of the other parts of it . But we have no juft ground , from his account , to fuppose , that all the stars , which are probably each of them the centre of a diftinct fy- ftem , were ...
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
accompliſhment affured againſt Ahaz alfo alſo amongst Apoftles becauſe bleffing Canaan captivity chap Chriftians circumftances confequently confiderable death defign deftroy deftruction Difciples difpenfation diftinct Divine earth Egypt eſtabliſh faid faith fame fecond fee's feems fenfe fent feven feveral fhall fhew fhould firft firſt fome fpirit ftate fubject fuch fufferings fufficient fuppofe fure Genefis glory Gofpel goodneſs greateſt hath heaven hiftory himſelf holy idolatry Ifaiah Ifrael Ifraelites inftructions Jefus Chrift Jeremiah Jerufalem Jews Judah Judea juft king laft Lord Meffiah Mofes moft moſt muft muſt nations Nebuchadnezzar Noah obferve occafion oracles ourſelves perfon Pfalm pofterity prefent preferved promiſe prophecy Prophets puniſhment purpoſe raiſed reaſon reflexions reign religion reprefented revelation Scriptures ſeveral ſhall Shechinah ſpeak ſtate Teftament temple thefe themſelves theſe things thofe thoſe thou tion tribe tribe of Judah truth underſtanding underſtood unto uſe verf wiſdom worſhip Zedekiah