178-181, 186-189 194-196, 203-205 211-214 218-220 226-230 Robert Herrick, the English Horace. By Elizabeth H. Haight. A Chapter from an Unpublished Latin Syntax, with Prefatory Discussion. lihen Why Study Greek? By C. H. Weller.. Latin and Greek for Students of French. By Caroline Sheldon. American Scholarship. By Paul Shorey.... By Walter Hul- SHORTER ARTICLES Sir Oliver Lodge's Commencement Address on the Value of Greek, 1-2; Professor Manatt's Plea Books, List of Recent.......7, 23, 31, 39, 71, 159 Book Notices..........57, 63, 86-87, 89, 118, 143, 199 Botsford, G. W.: see Reviews, Heitland, Bradley, B. W.: Caesar B. G. 2.11 again..... A Program of Reform.............2-5, (9-10) Burchard, Herbert M.: see Reviews, Smith Byways of Roman Verse, B. W. Mitchell 10-14, 18-21 De Bello Gallico 2.11, C. Knapp..... 5-6, 79 Chapter from an Unpublished Latin Syn- tax, A, Walter Hullihen..........194-196, 203-205 Cicero De Imperio Pompei 22, Max Radin Clark, C. U.: Ammiani Marcellini rerum gestarum libri qui supersunt (Moore).. 45-46 Classical Association of the Atlantic States |