صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

178-181, 186-189

194-196, 203-205




Robert Herrick, the English Horace. By Elizabeth H. Haight.

A Chapter from an Unpublished Latin Syntax, with Prefatory Discussion.


Why Study Greek? By C. H. Weller..

Latin and Greek for Students of French. By Caroline Sheldon.

American Scholarship. By Paul Shorey....

By Walter Hul-


[blocks in formation]

Sir Oliver Lodge's Commencement Address on the Value of Greek, 1-2; Professor Manatt's Plea
for the Classics, 25; Professor Sihler on the Elective System, 33-34; Mr. John Jay Chapman on
Learning, 49-50; Mr. George R. Peck on Literature and Books, 73-74; Mr. T. C. Snow on How
to save Greek, etc., 81-82; Dr. William Osler on the Thinking of the Greeks, 89; Professor Steven-
son on Classics and the College Course, 97-98; Dr. Charles W. Super on Learning Foreign Lan-
guages, 105; Professor Whitman on A Broader Culture for the Doctorate, 105; Amherst College
Alumni and the Classics, 129; Professor Karl P. Harrington on the Teaching of the Classics, 137-

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