صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


Politics, contain two parts, 408

MARIANA, his history of Spain Practice, or exercise of the mind,

commended, 411
Mathematics, the usefulness of
studying them, 339, &c.
Melvil (James) his memoirs com-

mended, 406

Metals, several sorts of them, 429
Meteors, 425

Minerals are vegetables, 430
Modus tenendi Parliamentum, 408
Moll (Herman), his geography

commended, 409

Morality, the best books that treat
of it, 407

Moreri, his historical dictionary

commended, 412


OBSERVATION, very useful to
improve knowledge, 349
Opinion, no one should be wished
to be true, 344, 346


PAXTON, his Civil Polity com-

mended, 408

Partiality in studies, 359

it misleads the under-
standing, 360

Parts, or abilities, their difference,


may be improved by a due
conduct of the understand-
ing, ibid.

Persius commended, 411
Perseverance in study, necessary

to knowledge, 384
Personal identity, the author's opi-

nion of it defended, 301, &c.
Perspicuity in speaking, wherein
it consists, 406

and how to obtain it,

Petavius, his Chronology com-
mended, 410
Petyt, his Rights of the Commons
of England, commended, 409
Plants, their several sorts, nourish

ment, and propagation, 430

should not be beyond its
strength, 370

the understanding is im-
proved by it, 381

Prejudices, every one should find
out and get rid of his own,

Presumption, a great hindrance to
the understanding, 384
Principles, when wrong, are very
prejudicial, 333, &c.

we should carefully ex
amine our own, 346, &c.

the usefulness of inter-
mediate principles, 358
Puffendorff, his writings com-
mended, 410

Purchas, his collection of voyages
commended, 410

Pyrard, his voyages commended,


QUESTION, should be rightly
stated before arguments are
used, 384, &c.

Quintilian, his Institutiones com-
mended, 407


RALEIGH (sir Walter), his His
tory of the World, 409

Reading, how the mind should be
conducted in, 353
its end, 405

Reasoning, several defects therein
mentioned, 325, &c.

how it should be im-
proved, 328

Religion, it concerns all mankind

to understand it rightly, 342
Resignation, or flexibleness, often
obstructs knowledge, 369
Rochefoucault (duke of), his me-
moirs, 411

Roe (sir Thomas) his voyage, 410
Rushworth, his historical collec-

tions recommended, 411

[blocks in formation]

Stones are real vegetables, 430
Strauchius, his Chronology com-
mended, 410

TALLENT's Tables of Chrono-
logy recommended, 410
Terence, 407
Thevenot, his Collection of Voy-
ages, 410

Theology should be studied by all
men, 342, 360
Thuanus, his History of his own
Times commended, 411
Tillotson, archbishop of Canter-

bury, his eulogium, 407
Transferring of thoughts, not ea-
sily attained, 395

causes of the diffi-

culty of doing it, 396

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C. Baldwin, Printer,

New Bridge-street, London.

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