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النشر الإلكتروني
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11. That 'tis not lawful to rife up either againft the Kingly or the Prieftly Office.

III. Concerning the Vertue of Mofes, and the incredulity of the Femi Nation, and what wonderful Works God did among them.

IV. That he makes Schifm not who feperates himlelf from the Wicked, but who departs from the Godly.

τῇ ἕκτε βιβλία.

τίνες οίσματα ποιν



φυγον τιμωρίαν.

β'. Ὅτι ἔτε βασιλεία το ἱερωσιών θεμιτὸν ἐπανίστως.

γ. Περί * Μωϋσέως αρετης, κι απισίας Ιεδαίων ἔθε 7 ves, καὶ ὧν ὁ Θεὸς ἐθαυματ βγησε δι' αὐτῶν.

δ'. Ὅτι Σπολίζε, ἐχ ὁ ν ἀσεβῶν χωριζόμυΘ, αλλ' of cvorbar apist, www. ουσεβῶν

V. Upon what account Ifracl. τίνΘ χάριν ἀπεβλήθη fallely fo named is rejected by God, ὁ Δαυδώνυμος Ισραήλ, από demonftrated from the prophetick δειξις ἐκ σερφητικών πειρή Predictions.

VI. That even among the Jews, there atore the Doctrine of feveral Herefies, hateful to God.

VII. Whence the Herefies fprang,


5. Ότι και παρά Ικδαίοις σιμέση ατομικής διδασκαλία διαφόρων αἱρέσεων.

ζ'. ὑπόθεν ἀνέφυσαν με

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ἐξ Ὅτι ἔτε ἀναβαπλίζειν χρή, ἔτε μων παραδέχεος Το παρα, 7 ἀσεβῶν βαπλισμα δοθέν, ὃ ἐκ ἔτι βάπτισμα, ἀλλὰ μόλυσμα.

ις'. Περί * δεπιχά φων βιβλίων.

ιζ'. Περὶ κληρικῶν γαμι και παραγγέλματα.

ιή. Παραίνεσις κολοσσα φεύγειν * 7 ἀσεβῶν αἱρετικών κοινωνίαν

ιθ'. Πρὸς φαυλίζοντας * νόμον.

κ Τίς ὁ φυσικός νόμο καὶ τίς ὁ ἐπείσακτα, και τώ αιτίαν επεισήχθη.

κα. Οτι ὑπὸ χάριν ἐστι αλλ' εχ υπό δουλείας τὰ ἐ

and who was the Ring leader of their impiety.

VIII. Who were the Succeffors of Simons Impiety, and what Herefies they let up.

IX. How Simon defiring to fly by fome magical Arts, fell down headlong from on high, at the Prayers of Peter, and brake his Feer, and Hands, and Ancle Bones.

X. How the Herefies differ from each other, and from the Truth.

XI. An Expofition of the Preach.. ing of the Apostles.

XII. For thofe that confefs Chrift, but are defirous to Judaize.

XIII. That we muft feparate from Hereticks.

XIV. Who were the Preachers of the Catholick Doctrine, and which are the Commandments given by them,

XV. That we ought not to rebape tize; nor ro receive that Baptim which is given by the Wicked : which is not Baptifm, but a Pollution.

XVI. Concerning Books with falfe Infcriptions.

XVII. Concerning Clergy-mens Precepts about Marriage.


XVIII. An Exhortation manding to avoid the Communion of the impious Hereticks.

XIX, For those that speak evil of the Law.

XX. Which is the Law of Na ture, and which is that afterwards introduc'd, and why it was introduc'd ?

XXI. That we who believe in Chrift are under Grace, and not nu(a)


der the Servitude of that additional


XXII. That the Law for Sacrifices is additional ; which Chrift,when he came, took away.

became a

XXIII. How Chrift Fulfiller of the Law; and what parts of it he put a Period to, or changed, cr transferred.

XXIV. That it plealed the Lord, that the Law of Righteoufnels fould be demonstrated by the Romans.

XXV. How God on account of their Impiery towards Chrift, made the Jews Caprives, and plac'd them under Tribute.

XXVI. That we ought to avoid the Herericks, as the Corrupters of Souls.

XXVII. Of fome Jewish and Gentile Obfervances.

XXVIII. Of the Love of Boys, Adultery,and Fornication,

XXIX. How Wives ought to be fubject to their own Husbands; and Husbands ought to love their own Wives.

XXX. That 'tis the Cuftom of Jews and Gentiles to obferve natural Purgations, and to abominate the Remains of the Dead ; but that all this is contrary to Christianity.


of the Seventh Book.

Chap. I.


Hat there are two

Ways; the one na

πεισάκτο νόμο, οἱ εἰς Χριςόν τις δέοντες.

και Ὅτι ἐπείσακτ ὁ ἐπὶ θυσιῶν νόμῳ, ἐν περιολε Χριςός παρα λυόμμα.

κγ'. Πῶς πληρωτής τα νό με γέγονεν ὁ Χριςος· καὶ είνα Xeisos by τότε ἔπαυσεν, ἢ ἐνήλλαξεν, ἢ μετέθηκεν.

κα'. Οτι καὶ δὲ Ῥωμαίων εδόκησεν ὁ κύρια δι καιοσαύης νόμον επιδείκνυθαι. κέ. Ὡς Θεὸς Ιεδαίες δια eis Xeισὸν ἀσέβειαν, αἰχ μαλώτες ποιησάμω, ὑπό φόρον κατέςησεν.

κς'. Ὅτι χρὴ φεύγειν του αἱρετώτας, ως ψυχῶν φθορέ

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Τι δύο οδοί εἰσι, μία - ζωῆς, ἡ φυσική,

tural, of life ; and the other intro και μία τα θα άτε, ἡ ἐπείσα·

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β'. Ἠθικαί ραινέσεις και elakay diaτawy, ouμovσαι τῇ παλαιά παρακελεύσει των θείων νόμων, απαγόρευσις Jupes, odors. Siepes, μοιχείας, καὶ πάσης απηγορε Μύρης πράξεως. γ. Απαγόρευσις γοητείας, Texvoxtovías, Emognias, δομαρτυρίας

δ'. Απαγόρευσις κακολογία as, utwise, y nos 28, as2020zias Idides, the ανεξίας, υποκρίσεως.

4. Απαγόρευσις κακοηθείας, we gownoan-fias, ogйs, u σανθρωπίας, βασκανίας.

5'. Περὶ οιωνοσκοπικῆς ἐ zaoldus.

ζ'. Απαγόρευσις το ουσ μs by aidaseias, men φανίας, και θρασύτητα. ή. Περὶ μακροθυμίας, αnanias, Tegithi, vis

D'. "On 2 U X Xelτὸν διδασκάλες γενέων πλεῖ Toy Sidaonanus JE TA• zesde of us ro

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, oi 5 To vou povov magiχεσιν.

i "On en un arogi fazicov, an eignety magourous, neiver T Singias, και μη προσωποληπτών.

ια Περί ψύχο, ἔπι ολιγοπής κα

16 Περί δ' ποιΐας. ιγ. Όπως δεν προσφέρε ὣς τοῖς οἰκέταις του κυρίας κι όπως χρὴ ὑποτάσσεται του 1xgras.

duc'd afterwards of death; and that the former is from God, and the latter of Error, from the Snares of the Adverfary.

II. Moral Exhortations of the Lord's Conftitutions agreeing with the ancient Prohibitions of the divine Laws. The Prohibition of Anger, Spite, Corruption, Adultery nnd every forbidden Action.

III. The Prohibition of conjuring, murder of Infants, Perjury and FalfeWitness.

IV. The Prohibition of Evil speaking, and Paffion, of deceitful Conduct, or idle Words, Lies, Cover. oufness, and Hypocrify.

V. The Prohibition of Malignity, Acceptation of Perfons, Wrath, Malice and Envy.

VI. Concerning Augury and Inchantmeuts.

VII. The Prohibition of murmu ring Infolence, Pride and Arrogance,

VIII. Concerning Long-fuffering, Simplicity, Meeknels and Patience,

IX. That 'tis our Duty to efteem our Chriftian Teachers, above our Parents: The former being the means of our well being, the other only of our Being.

X. That we ought not to divide our felves from the Saints; but to make peace between those that quarrel, to judge Righteously, and not to accept Perfons,

XI. Concerning him that is doubie minded and delponding.

XII. Concerning doing Good. XIII How Maiters ought to behave themfelves to their Servans; and how Servants ought to be f b ject.


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ιδ'. Περί υποκείσεως, και ροπής νόμων, καὶ ἐξομο λογήσεων.

ε. Περὶ τ προς γονέας πε ραπείας.


ις'. Περί το στός βασιλέα κι άρχοντας ὑποταγῆς. τζ' Περί καθαρά συνειδό το Η προσευχομένων.

ιή. "Οπ ή εξ όπιβολής το ἀλλοτρίο έπεισαχθεῖσα ὁδος, ασεβείας και προνομίας περ πλήρωται.

19. "Ол un 2n & dior

βείας ἐκκλίνειν δεξιὰ ἢ δώ νυμα, παραινεί ο νομοθέτης.

κ'. Ὅτι μὲ χρὴ φαυλίζειν το προσφόρων βρωμάτων, ἀλλ' ευχαρίςως μεταλαμβά νειν καὶ τεταγμλύως

και Οπ χρὴ φεύγειν τ * εἰδωλοθύτων βρῶσιν.

ὅπως χρὴ βαπτίζειν, και εις και. Διάταξις Κυριακή όπως χρὴ βαπλίζειν, και εις

τίνΘ θάνατον.

κγ'. Ποίας της στέον - ἑβ

ομάδα ἡμέρας, ἢ τίνας της ατέον, και χάριν.

προσώχρωμες ὑπὸ τὸ κα κι' Οἷος είναι χρή του I xριν δοθεί σαν προσευχ

κέ. Εὐχαριστία μυσική. κς' Εὐχαρισία ἐπὶ τῇ θείᾳ μεταλήψε.

κζ' Ευχαρισία πει το μυστικό μύρα.

κή από χρὴ ἀδιαφορεῖν Η κοινωνίας.

κθ'. Περὶ καρποφοριών δια ταξις.

λ' όπως χρὴ * αναςά αι μεν τα σωτῆς ἡμῶν ἱμές


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