صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

1 Cor. i


Eph. iv. 4.



Sentiments, and to be of the wei des aútŵr so



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ξάζειν, ὅπως μὴ ἢ ἐν vuir giouata, TE 3 Ev og ev moμa, πνεύμα,

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αναφερέτω, ὡς ὁ Χρι
sὺς τῷ πατρὶ ἀλλ ̓ ὅσα
3" Suvaray, divé
isœurs, › Cwv Dy' F
ong xav, as
néerQ" as T8
πατρός 5 δημιερ
γεῖν'', δ προνοῦν τὰ
uporna" : "67-

fame Opinions about the fame
Matters, That there may be
no Schifms among you; that ye
may be one Body, and one Spi- rampkoposaved
rit, perfectly join'd together in voi, Ty auch zoo-
the fame Mind, and in the fame un, veran 20ê-
Judgment, according to the av". è ora i å
Appointment of the Lord. & TWS MONITO
And let the Deacon refer all
things to the Bilhop, as Chrift
does to his Father. But let
him order fuch things as he
is able by himself, receiving
Power from the Bishop, as
the Lord did from his Father
the Power of Creation and
of Providence. But the
weighty Matters let the Bi-
fhop judge: But let the Dea-
con be the Bishop's Ear, and
Eye, and Mouth, and Heart,
and Soul, that the Bishop
may not be diftraded with
many Cares, but with fuch
only as are more confide-
rable: As Jethro did appoint
for Mofes, and his Couniel
was receiv'd.





σκοπΘ. κρινέτω. πλὴν s • Hing Ore 8monówe anon, xìỳ opaus, spa, Sa Tε, * tuxn, isα μὴ ἢ τὰ πολλὰ μεριμ νῶν ὁ Ἐπίσκοπο, ἀλλὰ μόνα τα κυριώτερα πο απερ καὶ ὁ Ἰωθώρ τῷ Maucet dierato, è ἀπεδέχθη αὐτό ἡ συμ βελία.


* deest. V, ¡Adïnaλíav.v. ¿deest,V.v. 4 xrisos.v. £ deeft.V. ° Most


Cora v.



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nas apportas II ὑμετέρων δικάζειν. & γδ αὐτῶν ὁ άβολα The addle" Tois Pens To Oes, èoved πεγείρα, ὡς μὴ ἐχόντων ἡμῶν ἕνα (οφὸν * νάμθμον μεταξύ βραβοῦσαι τὸ δίκαιον, * Tis durangyias Ygλ

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I Cor. vi.

TIS therefore a brave En XLV. comium for a Chriftian, to have no Contest with a-1, &c. ny one: But if by any Management or Temptation a Conteft arifes with any one, let him endeavour that ic may be compos'd, though thereby he be obliged to lofe fomewhat; and let it not come before an Heathen Tribunal. Nay indeed, you are not to permit that the Rulers of this World Mould pals Sentence again our People: For by them the Devil contrives Mifchief to the Servants of God, and occafions a Reproach to be caft upon us, as though we had not one wife Man that is able to judge between his Brethren, or to decide their Controverfies.

Let not the Heathen there XLVI. fore know of your Diffe** Pag. dannes úμv Yapo- rences among one another, 254. ρας, μήτε καθ' ἑαυτῶν nor do you receive Unbe

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lievers as Witneffes against your felves, nor be judged by them ; nor Owe them any thing on account of TriMatt.xxii. bute or Fear; but, Render to Cæfar the things that are Cæfar's, and unto God the things that are God's, as Tribute, Taxes, or Poll Money;



24, .

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our Lord by giving a Piece of Money was freed from Disturbance. Choose therefore rather to fuffer Harm, and to endeavour af ter those things that make for Peace, not only among the Brethren, but allo among the Unbelievers. for by fuffering Lofs in the Affairs of this Life thou wilt be fure not to suffer in the Concerns of Piety, and wilt live religiouly, and according to the Command of Chrift. But as you, & un

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vorm, autóder voev ὀφείλετε οι προηγ μίνοι, ὅτι οἱ τοιέτοι Goddeλqwv6 čv xv. εί" έργον επιτελέσιν, αλλὰ μᾶλλον ἐχθρῶν

if Brethren have Law-Suits
one with another, which ¿péλet
God forbid, you who are the
Rulers ought thence to learn
that fuch as thefe do not
do the Work of the Lord,
but rather of pubuck Ene- πολεμίων, « εις μιλού


? deeft. V.v. 2 dee...V..V. deeft.V. : ℗ss. v. deest. V.

αὐ των

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mies; and one of the Parties will be found to be mild, gentle, and the Child of Light; but the other unmerciful, infolent, and covetous. BATING He therefore who is con are aqwer Seaw, di- demn'd, let him be punish'd, xle & madengias let him be feparated, let him τιν ύτω είτα μεταμα undergo the Punifhment of Zeus & Terraμbα- his Hatred to his Brother. TENW * STW Green- Afterward, when he repents, ξεμθμοι επικεφίσεσιν let him be received, and fo vui ta xermera zen when they have learn'd Pru5 ¢ out yuper To His dence, they will cafe your


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Judicatures. 'Tis alfo a Duτy to forgive each other's Trefpaffes; not the Duty of thofe that judge, bnt of thofe that have Quarrels. As the Lord determind when [ Pe ter ask'd him, How oft fhall Matt. δελφός με, ο αφήσω my Brother fin again me, αὐτῷ ༠ ews inanis; and I forgive him? Till Seven Ou é times? He reply'd, I say not unge Co, ews & Faxis, to thee, Until Seven times, but 24 ews is downg - until Seventy times Seven. For σεις ἑπτώ ούτως η το would our Lord have us λtive annows to be truly his Difciples, and Gray AUTOR'S, & never to have any thing a under Exer und E- gainit any body; as for InYOS TWOTE, OLOF Opy ftance, Anger without mea


· αὐτὸν. V.

L 4


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fure, Paffion without Mercy, auengor, Jr Coverounels without Ju- μερον, ἢ ὁπιθυμίαν α ftice, Hatred without Re- dingv, ʼn pío conciliation. Draw, by your Infru&ion, thole who are angry to Friendship; and thole who are at Variance to Agreement. For the Lord .9. fays, Blessed are the Peace

domovdov. Tes v opones ὀργιζομύεις συμβιβάζετε εἰς φιλίαν, res exterirortas as o μόνοιαν ὅτι λέγε κύ e Manger of Μακάριοι explWOTION, OTI AUTO

makers; for they shall be cal- yoi ε& λn IngoνTY. led the Children of God,


ELVII. LET your Judicatures be held on the second Day of the Week, that if any Controverfie arife about your Sentence, having an Interval rill the Sabbath, you may be able to fet the Controverfie right, and to reduce thofe to Peace who have the Conrefs one with another againft the Lord's Day. Let alfo the Deacons and Presbyters be prefent at your Judicatures, to judge without Acceptance of Perfons, as Men of God, with Righteousness. When therefore both the Parties are come, according as the Law fays, thofe that

Deut. xix.



Ashera imav γινέπω δευτέρα G6άтшv, ☀дWṢ ἀντιλογία τη Σποφάσε ὑμῶν γύηται, ἕως σας βάτε ἔχοντες ἄδειαν, duvnoñte Dúvoy & deTide, ciples o as 7 nuerannv TYS Χαφερομηνίες προς αλ λήλες. Ευμαθές το συμ dingseiwy of Hangvoi, è oi πpeσπρεσ βύτεροι, απροσωπο λήπως κρίνοντες, ὡς es de μ Dκαιοσύνης αναγομέ νων εν ἑκατέρων TES retur, nadi: & ὁ νόμα

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