صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

bodies there. By one pyre there was the poor widow dressed all in white, who, when the body was consumed and the glowing ashes quenched by water thrown upon them with their hands by several men standing in the Ganges, came and raked with her hand the ashes of her husband; she then turned her back to the river, and they put a pitcher full of water between her shoulders, which she held for a few moments, and then let fall so as to shiver it, and she was at once led away by the next of kin. I thought of the words, "The pitchers broken at the fountain." Thence we went to the chief Mohammedan mosque, and Edward and I climbed the highest minaret and had the most extensive view of the city. The city is full of temples, some of them covered with horrid sculptures. We walked through the narrow streets-narrower than those at Genoa-often met by a sacred bull, tame but impertinent. We bought some of the famous Benares brass-work, &c., and then went to the Golden Temple, the holiest place in the whole world in Hindu esteem, with its well of knowledge, from which decaying flowers and rice, mixed with Ganges water, sent forth the most poisonous odour, though the wretched worshippers paid highly for a spoonful of the deadly water to drink. We also saw a temple crowded with sacred cows, which roamed from court to court at their pleasure. Surely in Benares Satan's throne is. In the afternoon, by delicious contrast, we saw the beautiful Mission schools, where all is purity and love.

The next day (Saturday) the Maharajah of Benares, to whom I had sent the letter of introduction kindly given me by Professor Monier Williams, sent his paddle-barge to meet us at the river side, and an English-speaking Baboo to escort us, and we made our way very slowly, against stream, some four miles up the river to his palace, where he received us in state. I counted some forty attendants in his court, which was sumptuously furnished. His nephew and heir could speak English, and his chubby grand-nephew or son made himself quite at home with M-, and showed us all his musical boxes and toys. It was a thoroughly Oriental scene, and ended by his throwing necklaces over our heads, and pouring lavender water on our hands and kerchiefs, and sending us on his noble elephant and in his carriage to his gardens and great tank. That evening we drove in the setting sunlight, and returned by moonlight to see an old Buddhist temple.

On Monday at 10 o'clock we started for Calcutta.

Letter from the REV. W. R. BLACKETT, M.A., Principal.
To the Editor of the GLEANER.

CALCUTTA, September 10, 1881.
Y DEAR SIR,-I notice in the August GLEANER you
express a determination that your readers shall know some-
thing about the work of the Divinity School in Calcutta.
Perhaps it is my fault that they have not had the oppor-
tunity already.

In the first place, after floating about for some time, we have at last got a "local habitation and a name," and both are too large for us at present. But we are not "an airy nothing" in this large house even now. We are a growing child, and hope to fill out in time the present slackness in our habiliments.

Our house is an admirable one, and thanks to a liberal gift, conveyed through the Rev. A. C. Thiselton, of Dublin, has been admirably adapted for our purposes. We have one large dormitory, and two or three smaller ones, three lecture-rooms, a chapel, and a library, all on the ground floor; and on the upper floor our own living rooms, and a large hall for public lectures. Just outside we have a fine square, with public college buildings on two sides of it. Here we hope to do some public out-of-door work when our staff is stronger. And indeed the students are not backward now in entering into conversation with those whom they find taking exercise in the square.

Our staff is at present incomplete, as we are waiting for the brother who has been appointed to the work. The Rev. Piari Mohun Rudra, Pastor of Trinity Church, gives two hours a day to our Junior Class, and

Mr. Parker and Mr. Clifford each give some hours a week to the English Class. The rest of the work I have to manage as best I can myself. We work mainly by dictation. I give the students a short paragraph sentence by sentence, and then we discuss it conversationally. There are few text-books in Bengáli, and if there were more, I doubt whether we should be able to use them satisfactorily. But the notes of lectures are valued by the students, and usually bound up for preservation and future study. Every few months we have an examination, in which the men generally answer fairly. But I must own I don't much believe in examinations; I would rather inspire my men with a mind to study and to think than cram their minds with a pile of answers to examination questions.

What do we read? The Bible, of course. Pyari Babu-Mr. Rudra's usual designation-reads the historical books of the Old and New Testament with the Junior Class, and I am just now going through Romans with the Senior Class, and Isaiah with all together. Then sometimes we have an hour's practice in the topical use of the Bible, in hunting up the texts bearing on some important subject, explaining and combining them in a systematic form. They wanted me to give them the Bengáli version of the "Dublin Text Book," but I say we must make one for ourselves. Then we are reading through the Prayer Book, which I am sorry to say becomes a somewhat controversial exercise, owing to the increasing attacks on the Church's doctrines, both from without and from within. Mr. Rudra has also read the Church Catechism with his class. Church history is not neglected, but I find, as I was led to expect, that the Indian mind is not easily interested in anything historical. We also have some time every week at pastoral theology, and at sermon composition, both theoretically and practically. I have begun to make the students preach on Wednesday evenings at Christ Church, and they have really acquitted themselves very fairly. Theology I take in a systematic way with the elder class twice a week.

This is all Bengáli work. With my little English Class I have been reading Pearson on the Creed, but I hardly think I shall take it up with another class, as it is rather hard for them. But what am I to take instead? We have also been reading Angus's Introduction to the Bible. They have made good progress in Greek, and will soon be able to read the Greek Testament with some ease. This is rather important in this country, where every educated Hindu can quote the Shastras, and every Musalman the Koran, with more fluency than intelligence certainly, but yet in a way that makes it desirable that our better educated Christian teachers should know the Christian Shastras in the original. Then, by way of setting them to think, I have been reading some logic with them, and find it both interesting and useful. Moreover, finding that one of them had been studying Latin by himself for two years, I have just begun giving him an hour a week in it. I should not wonder if I have to begin Hebrew with him some day. These two men have read Paley with Mr. Clifford, and are beginning Butler.

Now as to our students. They are our weak point at present, for we have only seven of them. But, after all, if we can turn out seven fairly taught men every two or three years we shall supply all the present wants of our Missions. And we are very particular as to the quality of the material we accept. Let me give you an introduction to my disciples.

My first man is Du'khlál Bishwás. He is a working catechist, posted at Christ Church, and a man of some standing. He only comes to us for some of the deeper subjects, which he has not previously studied. He is a fair preacher, and a diligent pastor, under Mr. Clifford, of the little flock at Christ Church.

Then comes Nathanael Paramánduda Sarcar, whose stature is long in proportion to his name. He is a dear good fellow, with his heart very much in the right place, but he finds it difficult to grasp recondite ideas, or to keep anything clearly in his mind. I am not sure though that he will not make a good preacher. Once before the stupidest of my pupils turned out the most eloquent of the class, and one of the most earnest. And Nathanael is very zealous in visiting in the hospital, and in teaching a class of heathen boys in the little Sunday-school, which is held by a lady of the American Mission in our lecture-rooms.

Brem Chand Bishwás is my other English-speaking student. He is a promising young man, with intellect as well as piety and zeal, and I should not be surprised if he proves very useful to us by-and-by.

Among the students who work only in Bengali, Brán Náth Bishwás is the most intelligent, as one might judge by his fine forehead. But, like most Bengalis, he is wanting in energy. He was a schoolmaster in the Krishnagar district, and a former pupil of the Training School.

Sabján was also engaged in school work, but in a lower grade. He is a good man, but no amount of city life or training would take the clodhopper out of him, and he is conscious of it. However, he is able to take in a certain amount of knowledge, and will, I think, be a useful man for some of our village congregations.

Gopal Chandra Mukerji is another style of man altogether, though he gets on very well with the others. He is a Brahmin convert of some three years' standing, sufficiently intelligent and thoughtful, but not well grounded in knowledge of any kind. In this he resembles many of his

class among the Hindus. But I trust he has in him that which alone can serve as the foundation of all knowledge useful to a worker for Christ. He is tolerably good-looking, but quiet in his manner.

Swapneswar Misri is much more talkative, having indeed travelled about all over North India, and come in contact with all sorts of people. He was converted among the Presbyterians, I think, and was appointed our reader among the Kols in Calcutta some three years ago. Besides these, the Rev. Molám Bishwás, pastor of Krishtapúr, comes to me for instruction, preparatory to priest's orders.

I ask for your prayers for our students, that they may be filled with the Holy Ghost, and established in the truth as it is in Jesus. W. R. BLACKETT. P.S.-We have inherited the library of the old Cathedral Mission College, but it wants enlargement in the theological department.



E had been wandering about on the east side of the Jordan for a fortnight, visiting the ruins of the old Moabite cities, Medeba, Heshbon, Elealah, and above all Mount Nebo, whence our eyes had wandered over the Promised Land from the snowy summits of Hermon to the heights of Hebron. We were now bound for Es Salt (Ramoth Gilead), where is our only C.M.S. station on the other side Jordan.

It was in such drenching rain as only travellers who must be

THE MISSIONARY EXHIBITION AT CAMBRIDGE. regardless of weather know the discomfort of, that we left Ammân

To the Editor of the GLEANER.

DEAR In Vult to find space for any lengthy notice of the

EAR SIR,-In your very interesting and special number for April, it

Missionary Exhibition at Cambridge; but, as one who had the pleasure of seeing it, I feel that a little more ought to be said about it. First-As a pecuniary success, after paying all expenses, it cleared more than £400, and this, let it be remembered, at a time when there is, especially in Cambridgeshire, very heavy agricultural depression, which more or less affects all classes.

Secondly-A far more important result of the Exhibition was, I feel sure, the vivid way in which it brought the realities of Mission work before the general public. The building being very large, distinct courts were marked out for each country, e.g., China, India, Japan, Africa,

Palestine, &c., &c., and each court was well stocked with curiosities from cach country, illustrating the productions, habits, customs, dress, and more especially the religious worship of that country. Just to take one instance. I am sure no one could have spent half an hour in the African court, handling the awful slave-drivers' whips, examining the native implements, and studying the hideous idols, without carrying away a very lively impression of the curse and brutality of slavery, the debasing effect of idolatry, and the great importance, apart even from its highest spiritual blessings, of bringing true Christianity, with all its civilising influences, to bear upon the Negro races.

Thirdly-Another result of the Exhibition, which was perhaps the most important of all, was the great amount of information upon Mission work which it disseminated. Not only did the things exhibited speak for themselves, but several persons, some of them missionaries of the Society, were present from time to time in the several courts, to explain some of the objects of interest, and "to put in a word by the way." And in addition to this, at the opening of the Exhibition, and at other periods, specially in the evening, short addresses were given upon the various parts of the Mission field, illustrated by some of the articles in the Exhibition. The addresses of the Bishop of Moosonee, an old missionary of the Society, were peculiarly instructive, and attracted much attention.

Lastly-There is the great amount of interest in Mission work which

the Exhibition must have aroused. First, there were the kind friends who worked for the bazaar; for I ought to have mentioned before that a large bazaar was combined with the Exhibition. Through the zeal and activity of the Rev. J. Barton, several boxes of articles from India, China, Japan, Africa, America, &c., &c., were procured, and offered for sale, together with numerous articles worked by the ladies of the working parties. And the interest taken in these working parties, the accounts of Mission work read during them, and the healthy impulse to further effort which the pleasure of having already done something for Christ's Kingdom naturally creates, all these have been, and still will be, productive of good to the great cause of Christian Missions. And then there were the crowds of visitors who daily thronged the Exhibition, and who could not fail to have been more or less interested in what they saw and heard. More than €126 was taken at the door. When we saw, as we did specially on the last night, the throngs of undergraduates present, the prayer could hardly help rising in our hearts that, with God's blessing, it might be to some the little spark of interest, which hereafter might, under the Spirit's guiding, be fanned into a flame, which should end in their offering themselves as Christ's ambassadors to heathen nations.

But I should be very thankful if the grand result of the Cambridge Exhibition should be that every large town should "go and do likewise." I do not see why, if it can be a success in Cambridge, it should not be a still greater success in such places as Bath, Cheltenham, Leamington, Birmingham, and even in London itself. Why should there not be an Exhibition every year in one or other of our large towns?

It only requires some energy and willing hands. But it wants some one to come forward in each place. The question I want answered isWhat town will take the Exhibition next year? A. H. A.

for Salt. We were more fortunate during the latter half of our ride, when it cleared up, and we were able to enjoy the beauties of the Land of Gilead, certainly the most picturesque part of the Holy Land. We passed through lovely glades of oak-trees; then over open moorland; and lastly a most precipitous and rocky defile brought us face to face with the town of Es Salt, built on the steep slope of the hill. Here we were greeted warmly by a little knot of the men belonging to our small Protestant community, and by them led to the Mission-house, where we were most hospitably received by the Rev. Chalil Jamal, our C.M.S. Native pastor. Our tents were far too wet to be pitched, and also the weather looked still very unsettled, so we were truly grateful for the generous accommodation Mr. Jamal accorded to us in his own house, I fear much to the inconvenience of himself and his family.

Seventeen years previously my father had visited Salt, and on first entering the town had been greeted by an old man, who told him he was a Protestant, and knew Bishop Gobat. Hearing that my father also knew him, he wrote a letter, begging hard for a teacher for Salt, and also urged with tears that English Christians would help them. Bishop Gobat had opened a school there once, but persecution had obliged the closing of it, and now this one man was doing all that lay in his power to lead his townsmen into the way of life, and praying day and night for a missionary. His two little boys he was bringing up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, and so far the result of his labours was an earnest desire for more teaching. man's prayers were answered, and he had the joy of seeing a young Church growing up in his native town, full of the zeal and devotion of primitive Christianity, before he entered into his heavenly rest just three months previous to our arrival. His memory will ever be fragrant in Salt, but not till the day when all secrets will be disclosed can it be known what is owed to the years of faithful prayer that rose in that dark place from its one solitary convert.

The old

We had reached Salt on Saturday afternoon, and were soon feeling quite at home there. The Mission premises are all enclosed in a small courtyard, and consist of the neat and simple church, which now can only just hold its congregation of from 200 to 250 persons, a large room used for prayer meetings and communicants' classes, and Mr. Jamal's house, containing two large and one small room. This latter, the study, with the reception-room of the house and the class-room, were most kindly given up to us, and the rest of our party were entertained in a

house in the town.

On Sunday morning at 9 o'clock, the bell (a present from the late Colonel Joicey, M.P. for North Durham) summoned us to church. Though it was pouring with rain the congregation numbered 210, most of whom were men. The service was of course in Arabic, but here, as at Gaza, our Prayer-books made us feel quite at one with our fellow-worshippers. second lesson had been read, Mr. Jamal's little daughter of a month old was baptized by her father. Mr. Bickersteth, who

After the

[graphic][merged small]

was with us, preached on Rev. iii. 20, after which the Holy Communion was administered to forty-four communicants, of whom nine were Native women. The responses during the whole service were singularly hearty, and we were much struck by the reverence and devotion of all the congregation.

In the afternoon we went to the church again, where the Sunday-school is held. After the regular lessons are over, the schoolmaster catechises the children, and when we were there several of the adults who came to school joined with the children, asking questions, and also being called on to give their thoughts about the passage in question. My father then spoke to them of the little captive maid and Naaman, and Mr. Bickersteth also talked to them before they dispersed. A heartier or more profitable children's service could not be, and indeed throughout our stay at Salt we were much struck with the reality and depth of the spiritual work going on here. We met the sons of the old man of whom I spoke before, now grown into stalwart men, and following in the steps of their good father.

There is service at Salt every morning, at 5 in summer and at 7 in winter, before the men go off to their day's work, and every evening there is a gathering in the home of some convert for Bible reading and prayer, conducted by the people themselves. On the Monday morning when the bell rang for service we imagined it was only meant to wake us, not having been told

before of all that was going on, and so we were not present at the service, which is regularly attended by a very large proportion of the converts. The greater part of each day is spent by Mr. Jamal in meeting inquirers and in conversation with them, and he has useful helpers in his schoolmaster and other natives. The only school at present is a mixed one, but we hope that soon there will be a separate school for girls. There are about ninety children in attendance, and three of these are Bedouin Arabs sent by their fathers to board in Salt for the sake of the school! Such wild little fellows they looked, with eyes like eagles.

From Salt Mr. Bahnam, a Native catechist, goes out to the plains and visits the Bedouin encampments, reading, talking, and praying with these wild nomads; and though there is as yet no fruit to be seen, the fact that he meets with a welcome and hospitality even when his errand is known, speaks of a brighter future for these races. Mr. Bahnam told us that once, when praying in a Bedouin tent with some Arabs he asked for a blessing on their flocks and herds, and that their crops might be good. After he rose from his knees the Arabs said, "He must love us, if he prays for our corn and our sheep," and then listened attentively and quietly while he told them of the God of love.

Before leaving Salt we rode to Arak el Emir, where we saw the

[graphic][merged small]

wonderful rock-hewn stables of John Hyrcanus, and the great palace described by Josephus. All the country of Gilead is wonderfully beautiful, and we saw it in all the glory of its richest vegetation. Flowers of every hue, and shrubs and trees, cover the sides of the hills, between which flow streams bordered by oleanders. From Jebel Osha, or Mount Gilead, an hour's walk to the north of Salt, we had a glorious view of the plains below, where the Jabbok winds in and out and finally joins its waters to those of the Jordan.

At last came the day when we must take leave of our kind friends. Mr. Jamal accompanied us a little way, and when we reached the top of the hill above Salt, there we saw all the school children ranged in line, with their masters. They salaamed us, and then sang an Arabic parting hymn, concluding with a benediction; pretty nosegays of anemones and ranunculus were given us by the little girls before we had to say good-bye. As we wound down hill and slowly passed out of sight we watched the line of little faces, and their parting salaam! salaam! was worthy of comparison with an English hurrah. I think our hearts were all very full as we left our good friends at Salt, knowing what small likelihood there is that we shall ever meet again on earth. But what encouragement have we not had to persevere in all missionary effort! The reaping time will come surely, even though it be slowly. Nearly twenty years ago Bishop Gobat's school at Salt had to be closed, but he hoped for brighter days to come, and bought the land on which the Mission buildings stand when as yet there seemed no hope of its being put to any use. Now we know that the Bishop was right, and may we not believe that he now rejoices in the fulfilment of some of his dearest wishes?


(See Rev. E. H. Bickersteth's article, page 58.)


EAR MR. EDITOR,-Feeling convinced that the best way to ensure a real interest in Missionary work, is to make its details thoroughly well known, some friends of the C.M.S. proposed last year to hold monthly meet. ings for the study of the GLEANER. Some account of these may be suggestive to your readers, and conduce to a larger number of competitors in the next Examination.

The young people of the parish were invited to assemble on the third Thursday of each month. A committee of ladies was formed, who kindly undertook to preside and prepare questions on each month's GLEANER. The answers to these questions were not compulsory, but all who could do so were expected to send in papers.

Being assembled, the proceedings commenced with a hymn and prayer (C.M. Selection being used). Then came business. Questions and answers were read by the committee-maps handed round, and talk encouraged-if time permitted; the answers were supplemented by extracts bearing on the subjects, which had been previously selected and marked from GLEANERS or Intelligencers of past years. The questions for the current month were then distributed. It was hoped that all the members (about ten) would go in for the Examination. But when it came to the point some were away, some who had promised turned shy at the last moment, and only three came forward, of whom two obtained honourable mention. Still all own to a much deeper interest in the GLEANER and feel that they have learned much during the year; and all wish to have the meetings continued.

The great point as you, Mr. Editor, say, is that more definiteness should be given to our prayers. Generality is the death of prayer," and how vague must our prayers on behalf of Missions be until we know the special needs of individuals in the various stations; and how can we join in thanksgiving until our hearts are stirred by hearing what wonders God hath wrought? J. E. B.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

1 M St. Philip & St. James. Another King, one Jesus, Acts 17. 7. 2 T C.M.S. Ann. Meetings. Things touching the King, Ps. 45. 1. 3 W Let the children of Zion be joyful in their King, Ps. 149. 2. 4 T Livingstone d., 1873. Thine eyes shall see the King in His 5F Crowned with glory and honour. Heb. 2. 9. [beauty, Is. 33. 17. S John King, 1st Miss. to N. Z., d., 1854. If we suffer, we shall also [reign with Him, 2 Tim. 2. 12. 7 S 4th aft. Easter. On His head were many crowns, Rev. 19. 12.

M. De. 4. 1-23. Ln. 23. 50 to 24. 13. E. De. 4. 23-41, or 5. 1 Thes. 4.

8 M Frere Tn. Estate bought, '75. Behold, thy King cometh, Jo. 12. 15. 9 T Elmslie op. dispensary, Kashmir, 1865. With healing in His 10 W Sing praises unto our King, Ps. 47. 6. [wings, Mal. 4. 2. 11 T Rebmann discov. Mt. Kilimanjaro, 1818. Break forth into singing, [ye mountains, Is. 44. 23. 12 F Abdul Masih bapt., 1811. Translated into the kingdom, Col. 1. 13. 13 S Russell & Cobbold at Ningpo, 1848. Preaching the Gospel of the kingdom, Mat. 4. 23.] [of grace, Heb. 4. 16. 14 S 5th aft. Easter. Rogation Sunday. Come boldly unto the Throne M. De. 6. Jo. 4. 1-31. E. De. 9 or 10. 1 Tim. 3. 1st Santal bapt., 1864. Children of the kingdom, Mat. 13. 38. Day of Intercession. Let the King hear us when we call, Ps. 20. 9. Who also maketh intercession for us, Ro. 8. 34. [God, He. 12. 2. Ascension Day. Set down at the right hand of the Throne of

15 M 16 T 17 W 18 T

19 F 20 S

M. Dan. 7. 9-15. Lu. 24. 41. E. 2 K. 2. 1-16. He. 4. With My Father on His Throne, Rev. 3. 21. Dening landed at Hakodate, 1874. I am He that openeth, and [no man shutteth, Rev. 3. 7. 21 S Sun. aft. Ascension. A Priest upon His Throne, Zech. 6. 13. M. De. 30. Jo. 7. 1-25. E. De. 34, or Jos. 1. 2 Tim. 4. 22 M 1st Maori ord., 1853. Each one resembled the children of a king, 23 T The King of glory shall come in, Ps. 24. 7. [Judg. 8. 18. 24 W Unto the Son He saith, Thy Throne, O God, is for ever and 25 T The Throne of God and of the Lamb, Rev. 22. 3. [ever, Heb. 1. 8. 26 F T. Scott preached 1st Ann. Ser., 1801. He must reign, 1 Co. 15. 25. 27 S Ascended on high...received gifts for men, Ps. 68. 18.

[He hath shed forth this, Acts 2. 33. 28 S Whit Sun. Ember Wk. Being by the right hand of God exalted, M. De. 16. 1-18. Ro. 8. 1-18. E. Is. 11, or Ez. 36. 23. Ga, 5. 16, or Ac. 18. [24 to 19. 21.

29 M Bp. Anderson consec., 1849. He shall testify of Me, Jo. 15. 26. 30 T Ordination at Kucheng, 1880. He shall glorify Me, Jo. 16. 14. 31 W King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Rev. 19. 16.



EFORE going to press last month we were only able just to announce

the Principalship of the Church Missionary

College of the Rev. W. H. Barlow, on his appointment to the vicarage of St. James's, Clapham. It would be difficult indeed to over-estimate the value of Mr. Barlow's services in his most important post during the last seven years. No man in England is more thoroughly imbued with the spirit and principles of the Society, and no man could have been more whole-hearted in his devotion to the work of training men for its service. It is the scrupulous thoroughness with which every detail has been attended to that has so impaired his strength as to render it impossible for him to go on. As to the excellence of his teaching, it is sufficiently witnessed to by the good places taken by many of the students in the Bishop of London's examinations (in one case the first place, in one case the second place, out of thirty or forty), and in the Oxford and Cambridge Preliminary Theological Examination, in which several first classes have been gained. Nor ought we to forget the singular success of Mr. Barlow in obtaining contributions to the Society's funds. That means were provided for sending out so many men, even during the period of financial difficulty, was largely due to his influence, and the confidence placed in him by wealthy friends of the cause. He will be followed to his new sphere of labour by many regrets and a general Godspeed. We must now look to the great Master to direct the choice of one of His servants for the important post left vacant.

Localised Gleaners.

balance sheet of the St. James's, Bermondsey, Parochial Magazine, which is a localised edition of the C.M. GLEANE, for 1981, shows the following result:-Expenditure, 500 GLEANERS monthly, £18; Local Printing, &c., £22 178. 9d.; total, £40 178. 9d. Receipts-Magazines sold, £24; Advertisements, &c., £22 198.; Total, £46 198. Profit, £6 1s. 3d., from which donations have been made to the C.M.S., and to three parochial objects.

The C.M.S. account from Old Radford, Notts, for 1881, includes "Profits on parish Magazine, £1 0s. 11d.," this magazine being the GLEANER localised.


In addition to the speakers at the Annual Meetings on May 2nd whose names were given in our last, Bishop Crowther will speak in the morning, and Sydney Gedge, Esq., the Rev. John Piper (Japan), the Rev. J. A. Faithfull, and (it is hoped) the Bishop of Nelson (N.Z.), in the evening.

Tuesday, May 16th, will be the Day of Intercession for Foreign Missions. We trust it will be a day of much prayer and much thanksgiving among the friends of the Church Missionary Society. The C.M.S. Committee will have their usual Communion Service at St. Dunstan's, Fleet Street, when the Rev. H. W. Webb-Peploe will preach. In the afternoon there will be a Valedictory Dismissal of missionaries who sail next day for Central Africa and North America. The Address will be delivered by the Bishop of Moosonee.

In addition to the offers for missionary work mentioned in our March number, the Committee have accepted the following, with much thankfulness-The Rev. J. Hannington, M.A., of St. Mary Hall, Oxford, Minister of St. George's Chapel. Hurstpierpoint; the Rev. Henry Nevitt, of St. Aidan's College, Curate of Heigham, Norwich; Mr. E. Elliott, B.A., of St. Catherine's College, Cambridge; and Mr. H. W. Lane, of Bristol.

The Committee have made the following appointments :-To the East Africa Mission, Mr. H. W. Lane (see above), as Lay Superintendent of Frere Town. To the Nyanza Mission, the Rev. J. Hannington (see above), the Rev. R. P. Ashe (see March No.) and three Islington men now ready for ordination, Messrs. J. Blackburne, Cyril E. Gordon, and W. J. Edmonds. To the Niger Mission, Mr. Thomas Phillips, B.A., of Trinity College, Dublin, and Islington College, as Clerical Secretary of the Mission. To the Moosonee Mission, the Rev. H. Nevitt (see above) and Mr. J. Lofthouse, the latter an Islington man who is to establish a Mission to the Esquimaux at Fort Churchill. To the Saskatchewan Mission, the Rev. D. J. S. Hunt (see March No.). To the North Pacific Mission, Mr. Thomas Dunn, late Vice-Principal of Trinity College, Kandy, who has been studying at Islington with a view to holy orders, and who is unable to return to Ceylon on account of his wife's health.

The Church Missionary Society having expressed to the Archbishop of Canterbury its desire for an English Bishop in Japan, and the Archbishop having requested the Society to provide a part of his stipend, the Committee have voted £500 a year for that purpose. Since this was done an old and staunch friend of the Society has undertaken to relieve the general funds of this charge for five years by paying (anonymously) the whole of it himself during that period. The selection of the new Bishop rests with the Archbishop. We hear with regret of the death of the Rev. John Pickford, Vicar of Toller Fratrum, Dorset, who was a C.M.S. missionary in Tinnevelly and Ceylon for sixteen years, from 1852 to 1868. In Ceylon he had charge of the Tamil Cooly Mission.

Bishop Crowther has arrived in England to confer with the Committee on the development and extension of the Niger Mission. He is accompanied by his grandson, Mr. Hugh Stowell Macaulay.

During the recent tour of the Marquis of Lorne, as Governor-General of Canada, in the great North-West of British America, he visited the C.M.S. Mission at Battleford, on the Saskatchewan River. The missionary there, the Rev. T. Clarke, had the honour of dining with his Excellency, who made many inquiries regarding the Mission. "He congratulated me most heartily," writes Mr. Clarke, "on the progress made, and wished me every success in the glorious work."

The C.M.S. Theological College for the North-West Provinces of India was opened at Allahabad on February 2nd, with the name of St. Paul's Divinity School. The Rev. W. Hooper, M.A., of Wadham College, Oxford (1st Class Lit. Hum., 1859), is the Principal; and the Rev. H. M. M. Hackett, M.A., of Trinity College, Dublin, the Vice-Principal.

In the past year the Bishop of Colombo has visited nearly all the C.M.S. stations in Ceylon, and within thirteen months confirmed 520 Native Christians. Of these 174 belonged to the Tamil Cooly Mission, to inspect which the Bishop spent three weeks riding and driving through the hill country with the senior missionary, the Rev. W. E. Rowlands.

The Rev. G. Shirt, of Hydrabad, Sindh, has lately visited Quetta, in Beluchistan, to recruit his health, to minister to the British troops, and to inquire as to missionary openings. He is anxious to see a Mission established among the Brahui people, who occupy a considerable part of that mountain


On February 15th a new church for the Native congregation at Lahore connected with the C.M.S. was dedicated by Bishop French. It bears the name of Holy Trinity Church, and has been erected mainly by the efforts of the Rev. H. U. Weitbrecht, of the Lahore Divinity College. The Rev. Yakub Ali is the pastor.

A very interesting account has lately been received from Mr. Last, the active lay missionary at Mamboia, East Central Africa, of a journey taken by himself and Mrs. Last into the Nguru country lying north of the now wellknown route between the coast and Mpwapwa. They penetrated into a region and among tribes never before visited by any European. The narrative of their journey, together with a capital sketch-map sent by Mr. Last, was handed to the Royal Geographical Society, and is published in the March number of that Society's Proceedings. The whole distance traversed was about 250 miles. Mr. and Mrs. Last everywhere experienced a most friendly reception. There is plenty of scope for the Society's Extension Fund, however large it may be !

It is proposed to hold a second meeting of Sunday-school superintendents and teachers at the Church Missionary House, on Monday evening, June 5th. Invitations will be issued in due course.

**We have to thank several friends for poetical and other contributions. It must be understood that those which are accepted may have to wait some time for their turn for insertion, unless there are special reasons for their being printed at once.

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