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النشر الإلكتروني

Navast; and, consequently, with the Lake Peypus, and the adjacent country, to Dorpat. During the high water in spring, a considerable number of vessels pass the Finnere, to the lastmentioned port.

Were the projected plan of General De Witt put into execution, to enable vessels to pass by the Aa (Gavia), which empties itself into the Baltic, not far from the estuary of the Southern Dvina or Cluna, an uninterrupted communication between Riga and the Peypus would be established. The canal necessary to be dug, is to be of small extent, but the river itself requires much labour to be made perfectly navigable. The Rivulet Schwartzbach, having a firm bottom, may be converted into a canal, with only one sluice to join the Lake Vagoula: the River Vo, necessary for this communication, requires also to be cleared, and three or four sluices built. This plan was proposed for execution at private expense, but has not commenced. Nor is it of immediate consequence, as already great traffic may be carried on from the Peypus, by the government of Pskof, through the Narova. The advantage of a passage through the Schwartzbach would be great indeed, were it to lead to an inland water communication between the ports of St. Petersburg and Riga, to avoid going by sea, particularly in time of war.


The Southern Dvina, or Duna, being the chief outlet into the Baltic, after the Neva, from all the interior provinces as far south as Kiof, for the exportation of their products, forms a separate division of inland navigation. This river is navigable to the town of Sourash. About one thousand barks, with goods, frequent it annually, besides a great number of rafts for timber and mast wood. This traffic is likely to continue, notwithstanding the great difficulty and expenses attending the navigation of the river, which, from the very town of Drisno, is filled with stones, some under water, some projecting above it. All possible means were adopted to deepen and widen the channel, which, at the estuary, is also subject to be choked up, by moving bodies of sand. It was supposed, that by increasing the natural current or stream of the river (or increasing the rapidity), by narrowing it with dykes or dams, these bars to navigation would have been removed; but the execution of this plan proved not only abortive, but very pernicious, as it caused an inundation which threatened with destruction the low country about Riga: this was only saved by the undermining or washing away of the dykes, and the stream making itself a new channel, or outlet, at a hollow road called the Duna-ravin. After the stream had taken this new course, it

was supposed, that, as only one sand-bank, of 150 feet in extent, with seven feet water, remained, and obstructed the passage of ships drawing six feet, it might be deepened, particularly during the winter, by working on the ice with certain machines in use at Plymouth (dragues). This work could not, at any rate, be executed in less than ten years; and from the constant accumulation of sand, must ever be continued, as at the River Charante in France. There is a road for ships, five versts from the estuary of the Dvina, at Dunamund, with fourteen feet water, and fit for ships drawing thirteen feet; but its situation will not admit of any amelioration, whatever safe artificial haven or port might be constructed on the left shore, both for men-of-war and merchant ships; but an enterprise so stupendous has hardly ever been attempted; and it would require such immense sums, that the Board has resolved not to enter upon it, nor attempt deepening the passage at the Damba.

The following Rivers fall into the Southern DVINA or DUNA.

The BULDERA, which joins it at the fortress of Dunamund. Vessels navigate this river, passing Milan as far as Bansk, near which it divides itself into two branches; the one

called Monsha, the other Lavenna. Both branches have falls and rapids, but are capable of improvement, particularly the Lavenna, and might be easily made navigable: the last is to be joined with the River Niemen, by means of a canal of ten versts, and the River Nevegia. By this new water conveyance, articles of trade, and necessaries of life, may be directly carried to Riga from the fruitful provinces of Poland, instead of being, as now is the case, transported to Memel and Königsburg, and there sold at low prices: of which more hereafter, when the River Niemen is treated of. The navigation of the Bludera deserves even now some attention, in consideration of the timber floated down to Riga for exportation.

The YAVGHEL, two branches of the same name, unite with the lake so called, which empties itself, by a large natural canal, (Stin-sea, or lake), near the estuary of the Dvina. Another small river joins the Stin-sea with the Vergasea, which could be united with the River Aa by a canal of some few versts: by this a new water conveyance would be opened with the Lake Peypus, and the government of Pskof. Some articles, such as provisions, charcoal, wood for fuel, &c. are carried to Riga, by this river.

The OGHERA, full of stones, is not capable of any improvement.

The PERZA, equally stony with the foregoing, and

not to be made navigable without great expense. YEFCET is a considerable river, and might be navigated during high and middle water, were some stones removed, and cataracts improved: this plan is now in contemplation. DRIZA. During high water, in spring, some wood, for fuel, is floated down this river. DRIZNA has its source in some morasses in Livonia, is full of stones, and of no use whatsoever.

POLATSKA is totally unnavigable; and, even if improved at great expense, could never benefit trade.

OULLA has for a long time been frequented; thirty large barks go down from the town of Leppelaz; timber and mast-wood is floated down, which were towed up the River Beresen (belonging to the Dnieper Division) as far as the Lake Peto, from whence they were transported by land to the Yessa: this falls into the Lake Belo, below the Leppel, whence the Oulla has its source. Upon examination, after taking possession of Lithuania, near the spot where the land-carriage was made, it appeared practicable to effect a communication by water between the Lake

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