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النشر الإلكتروني

include as well as the Custom House Clearing and Entering, half the Piloteage, anchorage, unladeing and relading, the different freight goods, Powder money, etc., that may accrue at any or all the ports she may truck at 'till her final discharge at Lisbon or Cadiz, the duties and customs if any on the Freight Goods is a material charge on them, of course as is likewise the primage customary paid the Master at Lisbon, which Messrs. Stocker and Wharton inform'd me was about 1 or 1 per ct. on the vallue of the Freights, to be charged to the Freight goods, except my 1/3 of the Peggy's cargo, which the Master by agreement was not to take on my part of her Cargo, nor upon any other Goods shiped on my account during his voyage, that suppose the ships Freight to be £300, and the primage I per ct. his due would be £3, the two thirds of which would be his due provided I was interested 1/3 of said Freight Goods; but if not concerned the whole woud be his due, chargeable to the Proprietors of the Goods on Freight. this is what I meant by the Captains being intituled to customary Primage. with regard to your proposal of being jointly concerned in cargo to Boston of Wine, Fruit, etc., for the reasons before noted of my falling into this business to raise a remittance for London, it woud not suit me. my present request is this when the ship arives at Lisbon to sell her, if the price I have limitted my Captain to take can be obtained in a few days, the amount to be remitted to Hayley and Hopkins of London with dispatch. If this cannot be done, then load her with salt for my account, with the utmost dispatch, and let her sail for Newfoundland, where I have ordered Capt. Barron to lodge his Cargo in the hands of Mr. George Sears of St. Johns, and from thence come direct to Newport. the least I expect will be 1/6 Stg. per bush. English Measure, which will make a Freight of near £200 for the Ship, for which good bills may be had on London at 40 Days sight, and the ship will be with me to refit at a much less Expence than at any other place, when I will send her to Philadelphia if you will hold 1/3 of Flour, and she shall perform the same voyage over again during the next year. If you chose to

be jointly concerned in the Salt to Newfoundland, I have no objection, as your moiety of the neat Proceeds can be remitted in Bills direct to London from thence. This plan I woud have pursued if nothing better can be done. If you or your Friends coud give her a Freight to Boston, equal to £150, I shoud chuse it before the salt voyage, as she woud be the sooner here to refit for the Philadelphia voyage, in which if you exert yourself may accomplish. If the ship shoud go to Cadiz the Freight of course increases. 7/ Stg. is now given for those Markets out of Maryland and Virginia as per advice this Post, and at New York 6/ Stg. for their small Barrels to the France Market - such is the demand for ships this Spring. Youll take care the Freight moneys be remitted to my Friends in London with all dispatch, and that she has the utmost Dispatch at Cadiz, as delays at that port often happen. should this be the case it will make her return here late, and destroy the Philadelphia voyage. you'll give me the earliest notice if you will hold 1/3 from Philadelphia on a new voyage as also Stocker and Wharton that I may conduct accordingly. Freights to and from the Western Ilands I am afraid of on account of the great Risk of the ship laying at those Islands. therefore as I have laid open to you what I think most conducive to my Interest, I shall still leave the Captain at liberty to undertake any other plan that may appear more for my interest with your advice, which may present at his arival with you, doubting not of your acting for the best, in full Confidence of which I am, with much esteem, Gentlemen, Your most obedient humble Servant



Dear Sir,

Edenton, April 25, 1774.

Captain Riply informed me some time past, that a Captain of yours had brought [a] Jack Ass1 from the St[ra]its


1 Spanish Jacks were much esteemed. Washington received some from Spain.

as a royal gift.

to Rhode Island. I shall take it as a particular favour if you will purchase him for me by all means. I am in hopes he was brought chiefly for me. If you remember when I was at Rhode Island the first time I was one day saying that wanted to purchase one, you said you either had a Vessel going up the Straits soon or had one there then, and that you would give the Captain particular instructions to try to get one.

I am afraid it will be very late in June before I shall have the happyness of seeing you in Rhode Island. I have not as yet sold any part of my Crop nor had any offer. I never knew Markets so low; I have not seen the Captain of your Brig and I am afraid as he is gone up Cushy to Riply and shall go out of Town tomorrow for Hallyfax about Seventy miles and cannot be at home again in ten days.



[London,] 29 April, 1774.

We are now favoured with yours of the 9th March by Captain Davenant. Allen was sailed from hence before the receipt of this Letter, but we believe the money advanced him was not more than would be conformable with your orders now before us. We shall follow your directions respecting the sale both of the Neptune and the Deborah, and hope neither of them will lay long on hand. Davenant chusing to return to Rhode Island, we have kept your instructions in view and paid him £54.8.6 on the Snow's Account, for which you will find his receipt enclosed. The Oyl he brought us on account of yourself and Mr. Rivera is landed and shall be disposed of as expeditiously as possible; but the large quantity now in the Buyers hands will not permit us to expect an immediate sale; you may depend upon our not missing any good opportunity. The nominal price is £42.10 for White and we think we shall get about that price for this parcel of yours. The Staves are also landed and shall be taken care off.

The Insurance desired on the Ann for Africa, etc., [is] effected and herewith you have the Account thereof, your 2/3 of premio, etc., thereon being £89.6.4 is to your del The premio on these Voyages has for some time past been only 7 Guineas several have been done at that rate both by Mr. Lane's house and ours, the first of which was as you observed Mr. Mawdsleys Brig the Mary, in doing which our two Houses went hand in hand, and by so doing effected that which neither of us could have accomplished any other way. the great success which the African Vessels have had was the inducement. Since our last Mr. Thomas Dolbeare of Jamaica has remitted us for your Account a bill for £150 on T. and R. Hunt, which is accepted and when paid shall be placed to your credit. In our next we shall transmit Account Sales of the 3 Casks of Indico consigned us by that Gentleman, the money for which will about that time be growing due. We have no Letter yet from Captain Buckley; We suppose he must before this time be returned for America. We are very respectfully, Sir, Your most humble Servants,

[Endorsed,] Per Captain Frost.



Dear Sir,

Savanna Lamarr, April the 30th, 1774.

I IMBRACE this present oppertunity to acquant you that I arrived the 27 Instant, after a Pasage of seventeen days, and at my arrival I delivered my Credentials to Captain Benjamin Wright, Merchant here, agreable to my Instructions, but am afraid that I have not arrived at so good Markitts as I could wish in respect to our Pork, there being so much made this year and I being detained so long at Carolina that there was many barril arrived before me, which makes it rather against us, but however after all our Misfortune of driving asshore and long Detention there, I am glad to inform you that our Cargo comes out in very good order, and likewise the Hogs they were as fatt as Seals. I can't percive that the schooner has recived any

Damage by driveing asshore, for she is as tite as a vessell can be, and dont complain any attall. the greatest Damage was lousing our boat which I was oblidge to buy another, which cost twenty five Dollars, for which sum I drew on Captain Joseph Reply, Merchant at Caushy. as for the perticular prices of Good here I am not able to inform you of, as I have but jest arrived. but as Captain Wright rites by the same convannce I amagine he will rite the perticular. haveing nothing more to rite essencial, only shall make the best of my way home as soon as the Schooner is disposed of agreable to my Instructions, conclude with my steady attention to promote your Interest and am Sir

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AFTER my arrival here and delivering my Cargo to Captain Wright agreeable to my instructions, he perposd a Voyage to me by your desire, which I am very sorry I could not proseed. my Reasons why, is my not knowing it before I saild from Carolina, so that I might have settled my business accordingly, but not knowing but what I should continy the Carolina Trade as I have been there some voyages past and expecting to go there this winter, I left my afairs very much unsettled therefore I could not pretend to undertake. and another reasons is I dont think it would have been prudent for me to undertook that Voyage had I

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