INDEX. A. ABNEY, counsellor, sarcastic retort on, in a court of justice, Actions, number of, declared felonies without benefit of Address of Wakefield to his judges, II. 142, 388. one, intended to have been delivered, 113, 120, 125, 151. instances of the long duration of conjugal, 187. comparison of our own with the greater ones of other men, a persuasive to gratitude, 390. Age of Reason, by Paine, character of, II. 19, 41. Answer to, 20, 28. 36, 38. publisher of a cheap edition of, prosecuted, Aikin, Rev. Dr. particulars respecting, I. 217. Aikin, Dr. John, charges the early votaries of the mathema- Memoir of Dr. Enfield by, II. 225. sketch of the character of Wakefield by, 314 note. Alberti, Wakefield, for the multiplicity of his reading, com- Alcock, bishop, Jesus College, Cambridge, founded by, I. 65. Alphabetical Characters, Essay on the Origin of, I. 269, 511, America, will attain no eminence in literature for many ge- Americans, sanguinary prayer against, in the church service, Amusements, favourite ones of Wakefield, I. 87, 451. II. Anexagoras, trait of benevolence recorded of, I. 50 note. of a traveller in Paris ignorant of French, 55. of a popish priest respecting the English univer- sities, 68. of Dr. Boldero and the bishop of Ely, 80 note. of a Cambridge proctor, 94. of Dr. Halifax and Dr. Ogden, 97. of a Cambridge doctor, by Fuller the historian, 159. of Secker, 169. of Chillingworth, 172 note. of Tiberius, 190 note. of a Welch curate, 202 note. of a dissenting preacher, 209. of Dr. P. of Warrington, 241, 242 note. of Mr. John Wesley, 243. of Timothy Bennet, shoe-maker, and Lord Halifax, 258. of Mr. John Lewis of Richmond, 259, 261, 264 note. of a prime minister and a prelate on the question of slaves in Scythia in revolt, 322. Anecdote of the king of Prussia and an hussar, 324. of a moderator in the astronomical schools at Cam- bridge, II. 75 note. Antediluvians, longevity of, a point of difficult determination, Antichrist, Four Marks of, why published anonymously, 1.288. Apology for the Liturgy and Clergy of the Church of Eng- to whom ascribed, ib. 330. Apostacy, nothing so injurious to the cause of truth as, I. x. note. Animal food, Wakefield, in the latter period of his life, an - opinions of Hartley and Sir Thomas More on the sub- Ascham, Roger, an enemy to severity of discipline in schools, - evils resulting from the want of self-knowledge de- scribed by, 38 note. long duration of the matrimonial connection of the parents of, 187 note -- laments the inattention of parents to the education of their children, 272 note. Asgil, sentiment of, on authors, I. 327 note. Ashton, Rev. Dr. Charles, particulars respecting, I. 68. Authors, ancient, obligations of the moderns to, I. 347. II. 60. 309.* B. Bacon, ideas of, on the value of biography, I. 5. on the mode in which youth should be in- structed, 31 note. on the neglect of states to the subject of edu- cation, 36 note. on cleanliness, 55 note. on sacred learning, 99 note. on insincerity in matters of religion, 206. on the way to advance in literary studies, 270 note. on the effect of lucre on the pursuit of know- ledge, 285 note. on the practice of things just, regardless of consequences, 302 note. on penal laws, 311 note. Backhouse, rev. Mr. instance of the credulity of, I. 120. Badcock, rev. Mr. dishonest in his conformity to the church, I. 206. parody by, 207. conduct of, as a reviewer, 252. Bagot, bishop, Dr. Enfield's character of, I. 552. Bailey, rev. Mr. reasons of, for not desiring church prefer- ment, I, 18. Ballad, celebrated one in the Spectator, by whom written, Bampton Lectures, I. 207. Baptism, Treatise on, I. 233, 456, 466. designed for heathen converts, not for the children of Christian parents, 434. syllogism on, 458. Baptism, arguments in favour of, answered, 460. Barbauld, Mrs. 1. 83, 222. Barclay, Mr. M. P. one of Wakefield's sureties on his liberation from prison, II. 264. Barclay, Robert, tendency of the writings of, I. 418, 436. charges the great with the practice of raising a false cry of danger, by means of their tools, 331 note. excuses himself from bearing testimony to the charac- Beddoes, Dr. recommends the equal apportionment in schools - - visits Wakefield in his imprisonment, 150. contributes to his subscription, 157. letter from him, ib. Belsham's Answer to Wilberforce cited, II. 110 note. Benevolence, admirable trait of, I. 50. amiableness of evangelical, 256. Bennet, bishop, his regard for Wakefield, I. 106. popular effect of the extempore preaching of, 200. - weakness of the opponents of, 70. force and excellence of his writings, 71, 267 note, 351. |