Bank, v. to lay up money in a bank; to enclose with banks : n. earth laid up; a repository for money. Bank' rupt, a. in debt beyond the power of pay ment. Ban'ner, n. a flag; a stand ard. Ban' quet, n a feast. v. to feast; to fare daintily. Ban' ter, v. to play upon; to rally. n. ridicule, raillery. Bap' tism, n. a sacrament of admission into the church. Baptize', v. to christen; to plunge; to administer baptism. Barbari an, n. a savage. Bar ba rism6, n. an uncouth manner of speaking; inhumanity. Bar bar' i ty, n. inhumanity; cruelty. Bar' ba rous, a. rude; inhuman; cruel. Bar ber, n. one whose trade is to shave. Bard, n. a poet. Barely, ad. merely; openly; nakedly. Bar' gain, v. to make a contract. n. a contract; stipulation. Barm, n yest. er-glass Bar on, n. a rank in nobility next to a viscount. Bar' o net, n. the lowest hereditary title, next in rank to a baron. Bar os cope, n. an instrument to shew the weight of the atmosphere. Bar rack, n. a building to quarter soldiers in. Bar' ren, a. unfruitful uninventive. Bar ri cade', v. to fortify; to stop up a passage. Barrier, n. a boundary; a defence. Bar' ris ter, n. a pleader at the bar; an advocate. Bar' ter, v. to exchange one thing for another; to traffick. Base'ness, n. vileness; meanness. Bash aw', n. a turkish viceroy. Bash' ful, a. timid, modest, shamefaced. Bas i lisk, n. a serpent: a cockatrice. Basin, n. a small hollow dish. Ba' sis, n. the foundation of any thing. Bask, v. to lie in the heat of the sun. Bass, n. a mat used to kneel on in churches. Ba rom' e ter, n. a weath-Bas seon', n. a musical wind instrument. Bäste, v. to beat; to sew slightly; to drip butter upon meat roasting. Bas ti nade', v. to beat Bas ti na do, S with a cudgel. Bas' tion, n. a bulwark; a huge mass of earth usually faced with sods, standing out from rampart. a Bate, v. to retrench; to sink the price; n. strife, contention. Bate' ment, n. diminution. Bath, n. a place for bathing. Bathes, v. to wash in a bath; to wash with any thing. Bat oon', n. a staff or club; a marshal's staff. Bat tal ion, n. a division of. an army. Bat' ter, v. to beat; to beat down, to wear out with service. Bat' the ar ray', n. order of battle. Bat' tle door, n. a bat to strike a ball or shuttlecock with. Bat' tle ment, n. a wall with open places to look through or annoy an enemy. Baw' dỹ, a. obscene; unchaste. Bawl, v. to hoot; to cry as a froward child; to proclaim as a crier. Ba' yo net, n. a short sword fixed at the end of a musket. Bdell' ium, n. an aromatic gum, brought from the Levant. Bea con, n. a mark erect ed to direct travellers. Bea' dle, n. a petty officer in parishes. Beagle, n. a small hound with which hares are hunted. Beam' y, a. radiant; shining; having horns or antlers. Bear, v. to carry; to suffer n. an animal; a constellation. Beard, n. hair on the face; prickles on grain; barb on an arro w Beard less, a. without a beard; youthful. Bear' er, n. a carrier. Beast' lý, a. brutal. Beat, v. to strike; to con. quer; to dash as a flood Beat' ing, n. correction by blows. or storm. Be a tif ick, 2 a. blissful. Baw' ble, n. a gewgaw; Be at' i tude, n blessedness; felicity; happi ness. Beau, (bo) n. a man of dress. Beaver, n. an animal; the castor; a hat of the best kind, Beau monde', n. the fashionable world. Beau' te ous, a. fair; elegant in form. Beau' ti ful, a. fair. Beau' ti fy, v. to adorn; to embellish. Beauty, n. that assemblage of graces which pleases the eye. Be cause, con. on the account that. Be calm', v. to still; to quiet the mind. Beck' on, v. to make a sign with the hand. Be come', v. to be suitable to; to enter into some state. Be com' ing, a. graceful; pleasing; elegant. Bed' tam ite, n. a madman; a noisy person. Bed' stead, n the frame which supports a bed. Bee' tle, n. an insect; a large heavy mallet. Be fall, v. to happen; to come to pass. Be fore', prep. further on ward; in front of; pri or to Be fore' hand, ad. previously. Be friend', v. to favour; to be kind to. Beg' garly, a. mean; poor; indigent. Be gin', v. to commence. Be gin' ning, n. the first part of any thing. Be gone', in. get away; away; hence. Be guile', v. to cheat; to amuse; to evade. Be hav' iour, n. conduct; course of life. Be head', v to kill by cutting off the head Be' he moth, n. the river horse; hippopotamus. Be hest', n. a command; order; precept. Be hold', v. to view; to see. Be hold en, a. bound in gratitude. Be hoove', v. to be fit; to be meet. Be' ing, n. existence; a person existing. con. since. Be la bour, v. to beat; to thump. Beľ a mõur, n. a gallant; a consort. Be la ted, a. benighted. Bel foun der, n. one who casts bells. 1 bells are rung. Bel' frỹ, n. the place where | Ben e factor, n. he that Bes' tial, a. brutal; car- | Bier, n. a carriage for the confers a benefit. Be lie, v. to calumniate; to slander. Be nef i cence, n. active goodness. Be moan', v. to lament; to bewail. Bench, n. a seat; a seat of justice. Bend, v. to crook; to incline; to subdue. n. flexure; incurvation. Be neaths, pr. under; unworthy of. ad. below. Ben e dic' tion, n. blessing. Ben e fac' tion, n. the act of conferring a benefit; the benefit conferred. Be nef' i cent, a. kind; doing good. Ben e fi" cial, a. advantageous. Ben'e fit, v. to do good to; to gain advantage. n. advantage. Be nev' o lence, n. kindness; disposition to do good. Be nev' o lent, a kind; having good will. Be nign, a. kind; generous; liberal. Be nig' ni ty, n. graciousness; actual kindness. Be nign' ly, ad. favourably; kindly. Bent, n. degree of flexure; inclination. Be queaths, v. to leave by will to another. Be quest', n. something left by will. Be reave', v. to strip of; to deprive of. Be" ryl,n a precious stone. Be seech', v. to entreat; to supplicate. Be set', v. to besiege; to embarrass. Be siege', v. to lay siege to; to beleaguer. Be smear', v. to bedaub; to soil. nal dead. Big' a mỹ, n. the crime of having two wives at once. Big' ness, n. size. Big'ot ed, a. blindly prepossessed in favour of something Big' ot rỹ, n. blind zeal'; prejudice. Bil' ber ry, n. a small fruit. Bile, n a thick bitter liquor collected in the gall bladder; a painful swelling. Bilge, v. to spring a leak; n. the breadth of a ship's bottom. Bil' ious, a. consisting of bile. Bilk, v. to cheat; to defraud. Bill, n. the beak of a fowl; an account of money; an advertise ment Bil' let, na small note or letter; a stick of wood. v. to quarter soldiers Bil' let doux, n. a love-letter. Bill' iards, n. a kind of play. Bil' low, n. a wave swollen Bin' a cle, n. compass box (sea term). |