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النشر الإلكتروني

its length we could not form any accurate opinion, because its southern extremity, winding behind distant mountains, was concealed from our view; but we inclined rather to the statement of Hegesippus, as applied by Reland* to the text of Josephus; this makes it one hundred and forty stadia, or seventeen miles and a half. Josephus speaks of the sweetness of its water, of its pebbly bottom, and, above all, of the salubrity of the surrounding atmosphere. He says the water is so cold, that its temperature is not affected by its being exposed to the sun during the hottest season of the year. A most curious cir

cumstance concerning this lake is mentioned by Hasselquist : "I thought it remarkable," observes this celebrated naturalist, "that the same kind of fish should here be met with as in the Nile; Charmuth, Silurus, Bonni, Mulsil, aud Sparus Galilaus." This explains the observations of ceftain travellers, who speak of the lake as possessing fishes peculiar to itself; not being perhaps acquainted with the produce of the Nile. Josephus considers the Lake Gennesareth as having fishes of a peculiar nature ;** and yet it is very worthy of notice, that, in speaking of the fountain of Capernaum, his remarks tend to confirm the observation made by Hasselquist. "Some consider it,' says he,tt as a vein of the Nile, because it brings forth fishes resembling the Coracinus of the Alexandrian lake."

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This lake was the scene of a most bloody naval engagement between the Romans under Vespasian, and the Jews who had revolted during the administration of Agrippa. The account

of the action, as given by Josephus, proves that the vessels of the country, as at this day, were nothing more than mere boats: even those of the Romans, expressly built for that occasion, and described as larger thau the ships used by the Jews, consisted of small craft, rapidly constructed, aud for the building of which, it is said, they had abundance both of artificers and materials. Titus and Trajan were present in that engage

* Palaest. Illust. lib. 1. c 39. tom. I. p. 259 Traj, ad. Rhen. 1714. "Namque lacus ipsius, velut quodam mare sinus amplissimus, in longitudinem centum quadraginta extenditur stadia, latitudine quadraginta diffunditur." Hegesip pus de Excid Urb. Hiero. lib. iii. c. 26. vol. VII. p. 492. Bib. Pat. Par. 1654. The waters of this lake are thus extolled by Quaresmius: dosae, vel amarae, sed clarae, dulces, potabiles, et fecundæ," Quaresmii Elucid. Terr Sanc. lib. vii. c. 3. p. 882. tom. II. Antverp, 1639.

Joseph. lib. iii. de Bell Jud. c. 18.

"Non cœnosæ, pali

Hasselquist's Voy. and Trav. in the Levant, p. 157. Lond. 1766.

**Lib. iti cap 18 de Bell. Jud.

Η Ταύτην φλέβα το Νείλο τινὲς ἔδοξαν, ἐπεὶ γεννᾷ τῷ κατὰ τὴν ̓Αλεξανδρέων λίμνην Κορακίνῳ παραπλήσιν. Joseph. lib. iii. de Bell. Jud. tom. II. p 258. ed. S. Haverc. Amst. &c. 1720. The same kind of fish is mentioned in Athenaeus. (p. 227. C. Hav.) See also Gesner de Aquatilibus."

If Ibid. cap. 17.

ment; and Vespasian was himself on board the Roman feet, The rebel army consisted of an immense multitude of seditious people, from all the towns of the country, and especially from those bordering upon the lake, who, as fugitives after the capture of Tarichæa* by Titus, had sough trefuge upon the water. The victory gained by the Romans was followed by such a terrible slaughter of the Jews, that nothing was to be seen, either upon the lake or along its shores, except blood, and the mangled corpses of the insurgents: their dead bodies infected the air to such a degree, that the victors, as well as the vanquished, were sufferers upon the occasion: the number of the slain, after the two actions, (that of Tarichwa and the naval engagement which followed,) amounted to six thousand five hundred persons. Neither was the slaughter less memorable of the prisoners, who were marched to Tiberias as soon as the victory had been obtained. Vespasian caused them all to be shut up in the amphitheatre; where twelve hundred of them were put to death, being unable or unfit to bear arms. This amphitheatre, according to the account given by Josephus, was large enough to contain thirty-seven thousand six hun dred persons, (beside a vast number of others who were given as slaves by Vespasian to Agrippa, as well as of the inhabitants of Trachonitis. Gaulon, Hippos,|| and Gadara :** the sum total whereof he has not mentioned,) all of whom were mountaineers of Anti Libanus and Hermon, or restless tribes of freebooters from eastern Syria; unable, as Josephus describes them, to sustain a life of peace, and exhibiting, eighteen hun

Tarichaea was situated beyond the baths of Emmaus, at the southern extremity of the Lake of Gennesareth, three miles and three quarters distant from Tiberias; or thirty stadia, according to Josephus. Between these two cities Vespasian's army was often encamped, and generally at the bats of Emmaus. Pliny, speaking of Tarichaa, says, that, by some, the lake was called after the name of this city. "A meridie Tarichea, quo nomine aliqui et lacum appellant." (Plin. Hist. Nat. lib. v. eap. 15. L. Bat. 1635. tom. I. p. 262.) In the same manner, the Lake of Geneva is by some called Lake of Lausanne; and especially by Gibbon, who was offended at being censured for it. The author once heard him express an intention of proving this last to be the only correct appellation.


Future travellers will perhaps discover the remains of a building of this magni

Trachonitis was the country near Damascus, to the east of Hermon and Anti


Gaulon gave its name to the district called Gaulonitis, beyond Jordan, on the eastern side of the Lake of Gennesareth. D'Anville has not placed it in his map of Palæstine. It was one of the six cities of refuge.

A city opposite to Tiberias, upon the Lake Gennesareth, at the southwestern extremity of a ridge of mountains bearing the same name, and being a branch of the chain of Hermon.

**A city beyond Jordan, distant seven miles and a half from the Lake Gennesareth. Like Hippos, it gave its name to a small province. The hot baths of Gadara are mentioned by Epiphanius. Gadara, according to Polybius, was one of the strongest cities of the country.

dred years ago, the same state of society which now charac terizes the inhabitants of that country.

After reluctantly retiring from this crystal flood, we return ed to the castle. Here, within the spacious and airy apartment prepared for our reception, we mutually expressed our hopes of passing at least one night free from the attacks of vermin; but, to our dismay, the sheik, being informed of our conversation, burst into laughter, and said, that, according to a saying current in Galilee, "THE KING OF THE FLEAS HOLDS HIS COURT IN TIBERIAS." Some of the party, provided with hammocks, slung them from the walls, so as to lie suspended above the floor; yet even these did not escape persecution: and, for the rest of us, who lay on the bare plauks, we continued, as usual, tormented and restless during the night, listening to the noise made by the jackals. Being well aware what we had to expect, we resolved to devote as many hours as possible, before daybreak, to conversation with the people of the country, to our supper, and to the business of writing our journals. They brought us a plentiful repast, consisting of three sorts of fried fishes from the lake: one of these, a species of mullet, was, according to their tradition, the favourite food of Jesus Christ. The French, during the time their army remained under Buonaparte in the Holy Land, constructed two very large ovens in this castle. Two years had elapsed, at the time of our arrival, since they had set fire to their granary; and it was considered a miracle by the inhabitants of Tiberias, that the combustion was not yet extinguished. We visited the place, and perceived that, whenever the ashes of the burned corn were stirred by thrusting a stick among them, sparks were even then glowing throughout the heap; and a piece of wood, being left there, became charred. The heat in those vaulted chambers, where the corn had been destroyed, was still very great.

The next morning we arose as soon as light appeared, in order to bathe once more, and take a last survey of the town. Although, from several circumstances, we were convinced that the ancient city stood upon the site of the modern, it is very probable that it occupied a greater extent of territory*, particularly toward the south, where there are remains of build

Quaresmius mentions a gate of black and white marble on its western side: deseribing the city as of a square form, saying of it," Non multum antiqua est, et veteri Tiberiade multo minor: hanc enim longe majorem istâ fuisse circumjacentes magno ruinae, et marime procedendo ad duo milliaria meridiem versus, non obscure demonstrant.” Klucid Terr. Sanct. lib. vii. cap. 4. tom. II. p. 864. Ant. 1639,

ings. Some authors mention a temple, called* ANAEKA PONON, erected upon the spot where it was believed our Saviour miraculously fed the multitude: and other edifices, whereof no trace is now remaining. The most singular circumstance concerning Tiberias is mentioned by Boniface :† he describes the city as not being habitable, on account of the multitude of serpents This has not been stated by any other author; neither did any observation made by us upon the spot, concerning the natural history of the country, serve to explain the origin of this representation; the more remarkable, as it is affirmed by one who resided in the Holy Land, and whose writings are frequently quoted by authors toward the end of the sixteenth and the beginning of the seventeenth centurics. Tiberias at present is much inhabited; principally by Jews, who are said to be descendants of families resident there, in the time of our Saviour; they are perhaps a remnant of refugees who fled hither after the capture of Jerusalem by the Romans. The Christian inhabitants of this town are, however, also numerous of this we were convinced, by the mul titude we saw coming from the morning service of the church.

Nicephorus, lib. viii. cap. 30, &c.

Bonifacius de Perenni Cultu Terræ, Sanctæ lib. ii.

“Tiberias civitas omninò inhabitabilis est, propter serpentum multitudinem." Ib. He was superior of a monastery at Mount Sion in Jerusalem, and afterward a vanced to an episcopal sea in Italy Fid. Quaresm. Eluc. tom. I. lib. 5. c. 13.



Departure from Tiberias-Effect of the Climate-Production of the Desert-Lubi-State of the Country-Mount_Thabor-Change of Route-Narrow Escape of the AuthorCamp of Djessar's Cavalry-Wars of the Arabs-Their Manner and Disposition-Address of an Arab to his Mare-SIMMOOM, or Wind of the Desert-Bread baked in the Sun's Rays-Emir of the Mountains-Plain of Esdraelon-Encampments-Jennin-Effect produced by Change of Government-Santorri-Ancient Castle-Napolose or SICHEM-Reception by the Governor-Aspect and State of the City-Its various Appellations-Circumstances connected with its ancient History-Tomb of Joseph-Tomb of Joshua Nature of those Reliques-Samaritans-Jacob's Well.

We were on horseback by six o'clock, on Monday morn ing, July the sixth, notwithstanding our excursion, and continued our route. Leaving Tiberias, we took a different road from that by which we came, and crossed an extensive valley, hoping to visit Mount Thabor. In this valley, three hundred. French cavalry defeated an army of ten thousand Turks; an event so astonishing, even to the Turks themselves, that they considered the victory as obtained by magic; au art which they believe many of the Franks to possess.

All the pleasure of travelling, at this season of the year, in the Holy Land, is suspended by the excessive heat of the sun. A traveller, wearied and spiritless, is often more subdued at the beginning than at the end of his day's journey. Many rare plants and curious minerals invite his notice, as he passes slowly along, with depressed looks fixed upon the ground; but these it is impossible for him to obtain. It appears to him to be an act of unjustifiable cruelty to ask a servant, or even one of the attending Arabs, to descend from his horse, for the purpose of collecting either the one or the other. All nature seems to droop; every animal seeks for shade, which it is extremely difficult to find. But the chameleon, the lizard, the serpent, aud all sorts of beetles, basking, even at noon, upon rocks and in sandy places, exposed to the most.

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