صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

that which is good; to try every fpirit, and to bring every doctrine to the teft of God's pure and holy word. And thus we are at liberty to review the ground upon which we ftand, to correct any error, and to improve our minds in the knowledge and love of the truth.

In these and several other refpects, the fufficiency of Scripture to guide us in the way of life and falvation, is evidently feen, and how foolish and unfafe it is to for fake this heavenly guide, and follow the delufions of the church of ROME. But then, the greater the evidence that Scripture is a perfect guide to eternal life, the greater muft our obligations be to ufe it faithfully as fuch.

Let us be much in reading the Scriptures, and think and judge freely. By judging freely, I do not mean rafhly and at random; we must judge of the Scriptures with all poffible care and caution; but judge freely, without regard to the authority of any perfon, party, or church whatfoever. We are made by our gracious Creator for the knowledge of the truth; not to be the dupes of cuftom or authority, not blindly to follow the dictates, decrees, and conftitutions of weak and ambitious men; but to employ our minds generously in the fearch and knowledge of the truth. Chriftianity calls us to the nobleft exercise of our underftanding; and we lofe the benefit of it, if we do not think seriously, and judge freely.

There is no other way of having our minds established, and well feafoned with the principles of our religion. In this way we fhall fee the glory and excellency of the holy Scriptures; thus we fhall feel the power of God's word upon our hearts; thus our understandings will gradually be enlightened with Divine knowledge, and. to our unfpeakable comfort, grow up into Jefus Chrift, and gain the happiness of the man who, forfaking all impiety, and every falfe way, delights himself in the law of the Lord, and daily meditates therein. Such a one is under the special bleffing of heaven, and, like a tree planted in a fruitful foil, fhall grow and flourish, and rife infinitely higher than all the honours, wealth, and enjoyments of this world; he fall rife to immortality, and there find all the glorious fruits of a life of piety, and the full accomplishment of the magnificent promifes which here on earth he with pleasure perused in the word of God.

This is what I have to offer on this important fubject. Whatever the refult may be, with regard to others, this one point is fufficiently fecured -I have fatisfied my confcience by difcharging what I efteem an incumbent duty and I have done it in the faithfulness and integrity of my heart, according to the wifdom God has given me.







Chronological Dates for Chapters xxxiv. xxxv. and xxxvi.

[blocks in formation]


800 Uzziah king

Jeroboam II.

800 Jeroboam II. king of Ifrael

Uzziah king of Judah

800 Jeroboam II. Uzziah 772 Menahem I.

770 Menahem II.

759 Uzziah 52. Pekah 1.

753 Jotham 5. Pekah 7.

742 Ahaz 1. Pekah 18.

In the fame year

In the fame year

740 Ahaz 3. Pekah 20. In the fame year

739 Aphaz 4. 726 Hezekiah 2.

In the fame year

725 Hezekiah 3. Hoshea 6,

720 Hezekiah 7.

715 Hezekiah 13.

714 Hezekiah 14.

714 Hezekiah 14.

In the fame year
In the fame year

713 Hezekiah 15.

In the same year

710 Hezekiah 18.

[blocks in formation]

Ifaiah x. ver. 5, &c. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. ver. 28, ७८.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

PROPHETS after the Destruction of the TEMPLE, during the CAPTIVITY.

[blocks in formation]



PROPHETS after the CAPTIVITY, under the second TEMPLE.

[blocks in formation]

Ezra iv.

Daniel x. xi. xii.

Haggai i. ver. 1-12.
Haggai i. ver. 12, &c. Ezra v.
Haggai ii. ver. 1-10.
Zechariah i. ver. 1-7.
Haggai ii. ver. 10, &c.
Zechariah i. ver. 7, &c. ii-vi.
Ezra v. ver. 3, &c.
Ezra vi. ver. I-15.

Zechariah vii. viii.

Zechariah ix-xiv.

Ezra vi. ver. 15, &.
Efther i.

Efther ii. ver. 1-16.
Ezra vii-x.

Efther ii. ver. 16-21,

Efther ii. ver. 21, &c.
Efther iii. iv. v, &c.
Nehemiah i-iii, &c.
Nehemiah xiii. ver. 6.
Malachi i-iv.

Nehemiah xiii. ver. 6, &c,
The Canon of the Old Testament

completed, by adding two books
of Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah,
Efther, and Malachi; by SIMON
the Just.


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