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النشر الإلكتروني

we shall find, that if we honour those with whom we have to do, with our confidence, they will feel a responsibility, and be concerned to repay us-but when we indulge suspicions, and behave towards our fellow creatures as spies, and enemies-is it likely that they will feel towards us, as friends?

Secondly; let us not make our business an excuse for ungodiiness. Some lines of life are indeed much less favorable to morality and religion than others; they afford fewer helps, or more hindrances than others—and this consideration should powerfully influence those who have the disposal of youth. But where the providence of God places us, the grace of God can keep us. And hereafter you will see many of the glorified taken from the same employments with yourselves. "These," says God, "these had the same nature, were partakers "of the same infirmities, and placed in the same cir"cumstances with yourselves. But they escaped the "corruption of the world, through lust. They found "time to serve me. They distinguished between the "duties and the vices of their calling, and so perform"ed the one as to avoid the other. They followed me "in the regeneration, and I appoint unto them a king"dom. Well done, good and faithful servant; thou "hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee "ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of "thy Lord."

II. If we have access to superiors, we should use it for good. Many of the Jews could not approach Artaxerxes, but the office of Nehemiah gave him an introduction; and he resolves to intercede for his country, and his people. In this way some have opportunities of usefulness which are denied to others--they have the eye, the ear, the favor of the rich and great. And they should lay hold of these opportunities-not to indulge and aggrandize themselves-but to mention truths: which persons in elevated circumstances seldom hear; to recommend religion of which they generally entertain mistaken notions; to place before them scenes of P 2


distress, which are not often noticed in walking along the high places of the earth

Should it please God to call them by his gracethough their souls are no more valuable than those of the meanest slaves-they can be more extensively exemplary and beneficial than others: or if not-it is well to remove their prejudices, it is well to moralize them, it is well to derive from them external assistance in relieving the poor, and maintaining the cause of God.

Let us remember that we are answerable for all our talents, and this is one of them-the influence which in various degrees we have over others. How are we using it? Are we followers of him who went about doing good? He made this the grand business of life: it was his leading aim in every situation and company: to this he rendered every thing subservient. May the same mind be in us which was also in Christ Jesus!

III. The best way to succeed in any enterprize with men is to commend the matter to God. So did Nehemiah : 66 prosper I pray thee thy servant this day, and "grant him mercy in the sight of this man."

And the propriety of this action fully appeared in his management of the undertaking, and the success with which it was crowned. Every thing is sanctified by the word of God and prayer. Nothing is too little to bring to the throne of grace. Our intercourse with God will best It will repress

prepare us for our dealings with men. every unhallowed purpose; it will give decision and vigor to good resolutions; it will inspire rectitude and dignity in action; it will enable us to bear disappointment, or success.

When we have thus commended a concern to God the mind is set at liberty, and feels satisfaction and composure. Hence, says Solomon, "commit thy works " unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established:" as if he had said," an enterprize will necessarily give "rise to much thought and solicitude, but when we carry it to God, and leave it with him, the mind is fixed, " and no longer driven hither and thither, troubled and

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"perplexed." And in unison with this is the admonition of the apostle; "be careful for nothing: but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiv"ing, let your requests be made known unto God. "And the peace of God which passeth all understanding, "shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." When we have thus addressed ourselves to God, difficulties vanish. We know that if the affair be injuri ous, he can easily hinder it; and if it be good for us, he can as easily promote it. His kingdom ruleth over all ; every event is under his direction, and every character under his control. When Herod had imprisoned Peter, the church assembled together to obtain his enlargement-But what did they? Did they draw up a petition, and address it to the king, signed with their names? No-They applied at once not to the servant, but to the master they applied to one who had Herod completely under his check: "Prayer was made, without "ceasing, of the church unto God for him." And what was the consequence? What were bars and fetters to God? "When Herod would have brought him forth, "the same night Peter was sleeping between two sol"diers, bound with two chains: and the keepers before “the door kept the prison. And behold, the angel of "the Lord came upon him, and a light shined in the "prison and he smote Peter on the side, and raised "him up, sayng, arise up quickly. And his chains "fell off from his hands."

Solomon has told us, and not without reason, that "the king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the ri"vers of water; he turneth it whithersoever he will." Eastern monarchs were absolute; they consulted nothing but their own pleasure: yet God had them more under his command than a husbandman has the direction of the water in a meadow. The husbandman, you know, can easily give it a new current, by digging a new channel-and in this case, it is worthy of our observation, that the nature of the water remains the same, and no violence is offered to impel it along-it flows as

freely as before. Admirable image this, of God's overruling providence in making use of princes, and heroes, and politicians, to accomplish his own designs, while their dispositions are unchanged and unrenewed, and they willingly follow the leadings of their pride, avarice, or revenge.

There is a two-fold dominion which God exercises over the mind of man. The one is by the agency of his grace. Thus he can enlighten the most ignorant understanding, and subdue the most rebellious will; he can. take away the heart of stone, and give an heart of flesh. We see this exemplified in the conversion of Saul of Tarsus, in his way to Damascus. From a furious persecutor, he becomes at once a disciple and an apostle, and from that hour the language of his life was, Lord what wilt thou have me to do? But there is another empire which he exercises over mankind-it is by the agency of his providence. History is full of this. He can give another heart when he does not give a new one. Where he does not convert, he can check; he can raise up a diversion; he can indispose the mind by dejection; he can disorder the body: and in consequence of the movement of one of those circumstances which are all dependent upon his pleasure-the whole state of things will be changed. Jacob was convinced of the dominion and influence of God over the affairs and even the dispositions of men : and therefore when he was returning home, and had to meet his exasperated brother Esau-though he used all the means which prudence could suggest, he trusted in God for his safety and success he therefore retired and prayed-he earnestly committed the whole concern to God-and behold the result. Though Esau set off with a determination to kill his brother, his heart was softened upon the road, and he fell upon Jacob's neck, kissed him, and wept, For "when a man's ways please the Lord, he maketh ❝even his enemies to be at peace with him."

IV. It is worthy of our notice how Nehemiah speaks of the governor of one hundred and twenty

seven provinces-this man. Artaxerxes it is probable seldom thought of himself in a manner so humiliating. Grandeur threw a lustre which dazzled him; and a thousand flatterers were employed to make him believe he was more than human. But he was really no more than a man. He had only five senses: he was made of the same dust with his slaves; he was vulnerable, frail, mortal-a pain in the tooth would tell him so; an accident or a sickness would speak out; death and worms would end the dispute. "I said ye are Gods, "but ye shall die like MEN.”

It would be well for those who are placed above others in circumstances, to remember in how many respects of far greater importance they are only upon a level with them. And it would be well for us all to remember it; for we are prone to idolatry: we are always making flesh our arm: and this leads to a succession of disappointments by which God says to us "cease from MAN whose breath is in his nostrils, for "wherein is HE to be accounted of ?"

Let us not however suppose that Nehemiah "des"pised dominion, or spoke evil of dignities." We are far from supposing that the destruction of the various ranks in society would increase human happiness; and it is certain that the scripture takes these distinctions as they are, and even requires us "to render to all their "due, honor to whom honor is due, fear to whom fear, "and tribute to whom tribute." It commands us to fear God and to honor the king; and to be subject not only for wrath but also for conscience sake. But Nehemiah was now before the God of heaven and earth: and what is the greatest monarch in the world com pared with him? Less than nothing and vanity.This is the way to reduce worldly impressions: the world strikes and conquers you when it meets you absent from God-bring it into his presence-view it there-and what is it? What are the smiles of men to the favor of God? What are their frowns to his anger? What can drive you back from duty while he is near to support you? I, even I, am he that com

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