Writing Unseen Commentaries: A Student Help BookWordSmith, 2001 - 96 من الصفحات |
Standard Level | 10 |
PASSAGE | 71 |
Passages for Further Practice not from past IB papers | 91 |
How to Compare Passages for those who need to | 101 |
A Focus on Style | 108 |
Advanced Placement Essay Questions | 111 |
An Extract Back in Context | 124 |
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
Action answer Anthony Hecht Ashraf Auden Betteredge Bystander Character Cherokee colour commentary convey David Wagoner described detail Donald Justice Dorothea Mackellar Edwin Muir effect Ehrendorf emphasises exam examples extract eyes face fact father feel geranium girl give going grey guiding questions happening head IB Standard Level idea important Interrogation Ishvar James Dickey language live look Louis MacNeice MacNeice Madame Melmotte Marie meaning Musée Des Beaux notes Omprakash Oscar and Lucinda paragraph passage's perhaps Peter Carey phrase piece of writing poem poem’s poet poet's poetry prose rhyme Rita Dove Rohinton Mistry Rosanna Rosemary Dobson SCASI scrapyard Section sense sentence Setting Show slowly snake story style suggest tell there's things thought Tourist from Syracuse turned verse voice W H Auden wait walking Walter Llywarch What's Wilkie Collins woman words