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" Can there be any thing more ridiculous, than that a father should waste his own money, and his son's time, in setting him to learn the Roman language, when, at the same time, he designs him for a trade, wherein he, having no use of... "
The Works of John Locke - الصفحة 152
بواسطة John Locke - 1823
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Some Thoughts Concerning Education

John Locke - 1693 - عدد الصفحات: 290
...even thofe Children are whipped to it,' and made fpend' many Hours' of irieir precious time uneafily in Latin, who, after they are once gone from School,...more to do with it as long as they live. Can there be arty thing more ridiculous, than that a Father 0- fhould •.• -vd fhouid wiftfe his own Money/ dnd...

Some thoughts concerning education [by J. Locke.]. By J. Locke

John Locke - 1712 - عدد الصفحات: 330
...Children are whipp'd to it, and' made fpend many Hours of their precious L time uneafily in Latni, who, after they are once gone from School are never...live. Can there be any thing more ridiculous, than ihat-a Father mould wafte his own Money, and his Son's time, in ietting him to learn the Reman Language,...

The Literary Magazine, and American Register, المجلد 3

Charles Brockden Brown - 1805 - عدد الصفحات: 500
...appreciate their value and utility, opposes Mr. Godwin's opinions. " Children," says he, " are made to spend their precious time uneasily in Latin, who, after they are once gone from schools, are never to have more to do with it, as long as they live. Can there be any thing more ridiculous...

An Essay on a System of Classical Instruction: Combining the Methods of ...

1829 - عدد الصفحات: 188
...has made it so " much a part of education, that even those " children are whipt to it, and made spend many " hours of their precious time uneasily in Latin,..." to have more to do with it as long as they live. " But how necessary soever Latin be to some, " and is thought to be to others, to whom it is " no manner...

Miscellaneous Essays: Containing, Among a Variety of Other Articles, History ...

Mathew Carey - 1830 - عدد الصفحات: 504
...Latin BO much a part of education, that even those children are whipped into it, and made to spend many hours of their precious time uneasily in Latin,...more ridiculous, than that a father -should waste -hit and very rarely written." Parts of Poland, Bohemia, and Hungary, may, perhaps, be regarded as...

The Literary World, المجلد 7

1877 - عدد الصفحات: 226
...has made it so much a part of education, that even those children are whipped to it, and made spend many hours of their precious time uneasily in Latin, who, after they are once gone (rom school, are never to have more to do with it as long as- they live.' •Can there' he asked, '...

The American Journal of Education, المجلد 14

Henry Barnard - 1864 - عدد الصفحات: 874
...made it so much a part of education, that even those children aro whipped to it, and made to spend many hours of their precious time uneasily in Latin,...money, and his son's time, in setting him to learn the Romaa language, when, at the same time, he designs him for a trade, wherein he having no use of Latin,...

The American Journal of Education, المجلد 14

Henry Barnard - 1864 - عدد الصفحات: 840
...made it so much a part of education that even those children are whipped, to it, and made to spend many hours of their precious time uneasily in Latin, who, after they are once gone from Khool are never to have more to do with it, as long as they live. Can there be any thing more ridiculous,...

The Life of John Locke, المجلد 1

Henry Richard Fox Bourne - 1876 - عدد الصفحات: 512
...has made it so much a part of education, that even those children are whipped to it, and made spend many hours of their precious time uneasily in Latin,...are never to have more to do with it as long as they hive." " Can there," he asked, " be anything more ridiculous than that a father should waste his own...

The Life of John Locke, المجلد 1

Henry Richard Fox Bourne - 1876 - عدد الصفحات: 516
...school, are never to have more to do with it as long as they live." " Can there," he asked, " be anything more ridiculous than that a father should waste his...money and his son's time in setting him to learn the Romaii language, when at the same time he designs him for a trade wherein he, having no use of Latin,...

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