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" If e'er Ambition did my Fancy cheat, With any Wish, so mean as to be great, Continue, Heav'n, still from me to remove The humble Blessings of that Life I love. "
Pamela; or, Virtue rewarded [ed. by T. Archer]. - الصفحة 325
بواسطة Samuel Richardson - 1873
عرض كامل - لمحة عن هذا الكتاب

The British essayists; with prefaces by A. Chalmers, المجلد 7

British essayists - 1802 - عدد الصفحات: 342
...and am at this present writing philosopher enough to conclude with Mr. Cowley, If e'er ambition did my fancy cheat With any wish so mean as to 'be great...Heav'n, still from me to remove The humble blessings of that life I love. T. N° 115. THURSDAY, JULY 12, n11. — Ut sit mens sana in mrpore sano. JUV. Sat....

The British Essayists: The Spectator

Alexander Chalmers - 1802 - عدد الصفحات: 366
...and am at this present writing philosopher enough to conclude with Mr. Cowley, If e'er ambition did my fancy cheat With any wish so mean as to be great ; Continue Heav'n, still from me to remove Tbe humble blessings of that life I love. T. N° 115. THURSDAY, JULY 12, nil. 'Jt sit mens sana in...

The Spectator ...

1803 - عدد الصفحات: 472
...am at this present writing philosopher enough to conclude with Mr. Cowley — ' If e'er ambition did my fancy cheat With any wish so mean as to be great;...Heav'n, still from me to remove The humble blessings of that life I love.' STEELE. T. N° 115. THURSDAY, JULY 12, 1711. Ut sit metis sana in corpore sano:...

The Hive: Or, A Collection of Thoughts on Civil, Moral, Sentimental and ...

1803 - عدد الصفحات: 228
...appears with such a brightness, as that all the world must admire her beauties. If e'er ambition did my fancy cheat, With any wish so mean as to be great ; Continue, heaven, still from me to remove The humb'.e blessings of the life I love. MERIT. \ HOW many men of...

The Works of the Right Honourable Joseph Addison, المجلد 3

Joseph Addison - 1804 - عدد الصفحات: 498
...Mr. Cowley cries out with so much justice, " If e're ambition die] my fancy ch'eat, With any thought so mean as to be great, Continue, Heav'n, still from me to remove The humble blessings of that life I love." No. 253. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1710. • Pietate gravem ac meritis si forte vintm...

Essays, Biographical, Critical, and Historical, Illustrative of ..., المجلد 3

Nathan Drake - 1805 - عدد الصفحات: 376
...protestation : If ever I more riches did desire Than cleanliness and quiet do require, If e'er ambition did my fancy cheat With any wish so mean as to be great,...heav'n, still from me to remove The humble blessings of that life I love. " I know very many men will despise, and gome pity me for this humour, as a poor...

Essays Biographical, Critical, and Historical, Illustrative of the ..., المجلد 2

Nathan Drake - 1805 - عدد الصفحات: 378
...protestation : If ever I more riches did desire Th:m cleanliness and quiet do require, If e'er ambition did my fancy cheat With any wish so mean as to be great,...heav'n, still from me to remove The humble blessings of that life I love. " I know very many men will despise, and some pity me for this humour, as a poor...

The Works of Abraham Cowley, المجلد 3

Abraham Cowley - 1806 - عدد الصفحات: 290
...protestation, If ever I more riches did desire Than cleanliness and quiet do require ; If e'er ambition did my fancy cheat, With any wish so mean as to be great ; Continue, Heaven, still from me to remove The humble blessings of that life I love. I know very many men will...

The British Essayists, المجلد 7

Alexander Chalmers - 1808 - عدد الصفحات: 366
...and am at this present writing philosopher enough to conclude with Mr. Cowley, If e'er ambition did my fancy cheat . With any wish so mean as to be great...Heav'n, still from me to remove The humble blessings of that life I love. T. N° 115. THURSDAY, JULY 12, r711. — Vt sit mens sima in oorpore sano. JUV. Sat....

The Works of Mr. A. Cowley: In Prose and Verse, المجلد 3

Abraham Cowley - 1809 - عدد الصفحات: 286
...protestation, If ever I more riches did desire Than cleanliness and quiet do require ; If e'er ambition did my fancy cheat, With any wish so mean as to be great ; Continue, Heaven, still from me to remove The humble blessings of that life I love. I know very many men will...

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