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private animosities and church distractions;" this evil will accrue occasionally among any similar bodies of people whatever. But that such communities have this natural tendency, I absolutely deny. A body of people cannot always unite in sentiment on every occasion. Men will think and speak differently; and if they are not particularly guarded in the expression of their sentiments, it will naturally produce altercation and distraction. Why then does B. attach a stigma to such bodies, which, no doubt, deserve the affectionate regard of the society in general?

Your correspondent also stands opposed to instrumental music.-"If instruments of music and exclusive choirs of singers were used under the legal dispensation," says he, "it by no means follows that a christian congregation must collect into an orchestra a certain number of singing men and singing women, and commit to them, by a kind of charter, the exclusive right of monopolizing a branch of the public service of Almighty God." If such may be called argument, I would retort by observing, that it by no means follows they ought not. But your correspondent must be either totally ignorant of the term monopoly, or of the regulations which the Conference passed in the years 1805, 1815, and others, in which instrumental music was properly restricted, and all those anthems and pieces prohibited in the public worship of God, in which the congregation could not join.

The observations on the Saviour of the world pitching a sprightly tune, while some of his disciples were screaming counter, and others of them roaring out bass, are truly ludicrous, and bordering on profanity. I would, however, venture my opinion, and observe, that when the parts of a tune are judiciously arranged, it adds a harmony which destroys indifference, whets our spirits, and renders us more capable of worshipping God in the full and proper exertion of all our powers.

I feel inclined to notice several other things in the same paper, which are truly objectionable; but the length to which this article bas already swelled, compels me to conclude by making a few observations on your other correspondent's communication, in your November number. J. C. in his zeal for public singing, properly conducted, ventures to propose his judgment respecting the quali fications necessary for the composition of sacred music, but, unfortunately betrays a want of information. "I doubt," says he, "whether they (musical professors) are qualified for composing tunes properly adapted for Divine worship, except they have tasted something of the love of God in their own hearts." Every man who understands the nature of composition, must perceive the impropriety of such an observation. For what necessary connection is there between the love of God in the heart, and the composition of sacred music? Notes of music, like types in printer's boxes, may be converted either to a sacred or profane purpose, according to the design and spirit of those who use them. Men who never tasted of the love of God in their hearts, have composed some of the best and most solemn tunes which we use in our public worship. Farther, he observes, that "Hymns which are composed of anapastic feet, may be introduced occasionally with very good effect. For if the poetry be cor

rect, and the words well chosen, the music will then move in rather quick time, and will be both pleasing to the ear, and gratifying to the heart." I grant that in the primitive days of Methodism, hymns composed of anapastic feet, had tunes appended to them which were so light and airy as destroyed every solemn feeling. But in our modern publications of music, those gig tunes which were originally sung to such hymns, are now generally laid aside, and the graver common and treble tunes substituted in their stead. As these observations, however, are of minor importance, I shali pass on to notice his last paragraph, in which he entreats those who have taste and judgment, and who have likewise experienced the religion of the heart, to lend their aid, if possible, to restore Divine music to its original design. "I grant," says he, "that piety alone is not sufficient in this and case; for persons may be pious and truly sincere, yet, respecting a taste for poetry and music, may be nearly as dull as an ox." must be regretted that he has not told us the original design of music. Does he mean that every tune which we sing in our chapels "who have felt the love ought to have been composed by those only, of God in their hearts?" or does he mean that all tunes, the parts of which cross each other, ought to be laid aside; that there should be no repetition of words or music? If this is not his design, I confess I cannot perceive any other. Such, however, would destroy the very best of our tunes; and that characteristic of sweet singing, which we have so justly acquired, would soon be lost.


Sir, I worship God in the great congregation. I think suitable hymns and tunes ought always to be united. Good congregational singing, which can only result from a well-regulated body of singers, adds greatly to the solemnity of the worship of God; and as far as I can see room for improvement in our singing department, since the Conference have passed such salutary regulations, is, to make a proper selection of persons and voices, and by placing a judicious and pious leader over them, the singing will no doubt be conducted to the benefit of the congregation, and the glory of God. Hoping you will give the above thoughts a speedy publication,


November 8, 1818.


I am, Sir, &c.

To the Editor of the Methodist Magazine.

J. H.

Ir is a fact too well established to admit of a question, that some persons who frequent the house of God, look upon singing and prayer as unimportant, if not superfluous parts of Divine worship. Others again are so captivated by harmonious singing, as to think prayer and preaching are scarcely worthy of their notice. The following observations of Mr. Bradburn, contained in one of his Sermons, (new edition, pages 310, 311,) shew the error of these extremes. If in your opinion they are calculated to profit any of your numerous readers, their insertion in your Miscellany, will much oblige, Your's respectfully, J. B-E.

Nov. 2, 1818.

"IF praising God and the Lamb be so great a part of the employment of saints and angels in heaven, surely it ought not to be considered as a trifling or insigniäcant part of Divine worship upon earth. Yet how many, who consider themselves as true Christians, make little or no account of it. Leaving all other descriptions of professors to themselves, is there no blame due to any of the people called Methodists concerning their singing? What can exceed the doctrine, the language, and the experimental part of our hymns? How have some of them been blessed to thousands! Why then are the ministers in most places, grieved, first, by a great many of the congregation coming in when singing is over, and often not till prayer is nearly finished? And secondly, why, as soon as the sermon is dene, are so many sometimes seen going away? Is hearing a man talk to you, what you call worshipping God? Alas for you! this shews the low state of your souls. Preaching has its use; but if preaching alone be considered as public worship, it is a sad mistake. I had almost said, it is no part of it. To say the best, it is the least part of it; for prayer and praise are the chief parts of the true scriptural worship of God in Christ Jesus. I fear very much lest the singing in our chapels should be wholly left to a set of singers. I have no objection to singers sitting together, and taking the lead, if the congregation can follow them; nor do I think there is any evil in the singers, where they are numerous, occasionally singing a few verses a one, if the tune be a good, but difficult one: but even this should be only once out of two or three times during Divine service, and never, if the words are not for the glory of God. How like a little heaven does an assembly of pious people appear, when joining with angels and glorified saints in singing the praises of God and our Saviour! Such we have often seen and heard to our comfort, and there is no need of altering this means of grace and proof of our love; but rather improve herein, by taking the advice of St. Paul, "Let the word of Christ dwell in you in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms, and hymns, and spiritual sungs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord." Col. ii. 16.

In our Magazine for March last, page 224, we inserted a letter from Switzerland, stating the distress existing there by famine, and soliciting help from England. The Rev. Dr. Steinkopff received from benevolent friends, and remitted, 501. the receipt of which is acknowledged in the following

Extract of a Letter from the Rev. J. F. Franz, Parish Miuister at Mogelsberg, in the

District of Toggenburg, dated August 18, 1818.

"When I first applied to you for assistance, I was minister of a small parish of 300 souls, many of whom were in extreme distress during that awful period of famine in 1816 and 1817. Since the commencement of the present year, it pleased God to call me from that congregation to a much larger parish, containing no less than 1800 souls. I found them in a state of alienation from God, and a degree of poverty which no words can describe. There I saw whole families deprived of the privilege of frequeuting the house of God by the almost entire want of clothes; children, and even young men and young women, twenty years of age, unable to read a single letter; numbers of the inhabitants, who had neither a Bible nor a catechism. I scarcely knew what to do and how to help, when your first donation seached me. I felt constrained to bless God, who commisserates the poor and needy, and had disposed the hearts of distant benefactors to afford them relief. I immedi

ately procured food for the hungry, clothes for the naked, Bibles, Testaments, and school books for the uninstructed and destitute. When the money was all gone, I applied to the Basle Bible Society for a further supply of the Scriptures, and received from its committee a generous present of fifty Bibles and one hundred Testaments. I cannot describe the joy which these treasures afforded both to me and my children. I had scarcely informed them, that I could furnish them with a New Testament at the cheap rate of a few pence, than they flocked to my house with their weekly farthings; and when they had completed their subscriptions, they hastened home with their Testaments full of sacred delight and gratitude. Whilst I was thus endeavouring to diminish the mass of misery among my people, a nervous fever broke forth in my parish, the natural consequence of very low living. In a single week, I had frequently six or seven to bury; in many instances, both the father and the mother died, leaving behind a number of helpless orphans. In this crisis, my heart was gladdened with another charitable contribution from our British friends, for which I could not sufficiently thank God. I immediately applied this sum for the relief of these forsaken orphans, feeding and clothing them, and putting them out as apprentices.

"Blessed be God, the years of famine are now past. In looking back to that most distressing period, it affords me a pleasing satisfaction to have been employed as an almoner of British bounty, and thus to have become an humble instrument in the hand of God, of rescuing some from a state of starvation, whilst many others have been refreshed and benefited both in body and soul. For I constantly aimed to combine due attention to the temporal necessities of the poor with a regard to their spiritual wants, pointing out to them the inexpressible mercy of God in the salvation of lost sinners through our Lord Jesus Christ. The distress to which many families are still exposed, chiefly arises from want of employment. Formerly, our manufactories employed numbers in weaving and spinning, but a great falling off has taken place, and many of the industrious poor cannot procure work. I scarcely dare to solicit any further relief, our benefactors having been already liberal toward us; but I would simply recommend both my parishioners and myself to their Christian remembrance, earnestly praying that the Most High may bless our generous friends both in time and eternity."

To the Editor.



THE following short account of the last but truly happy and triumphant moments of the late much lamented Mrs. Rowe, has been transmitted to me for the Obituary of the Magazine. By its immediate insertion, you will much oblige many of your readers, and particularly her mouruing friends, to whom she was justly endeared by the amiableness of her disposition, the sincerity of her friendship, her active benevolence, and genuine piety.*

Her superior mental endowments, both natural and acquired, with the amiable Christian virtues with which she was adorned, rendered her a bright ornament in society, and qualified her for extensive usefulness in her providential sphere. If we may form an estimate of real worth from public opinion and feeling, she pos sessed no ordinary degree of Christian excellence. I have seldom, if ever, wit

* A Memoir of Mrs. Rowe is preparing to be published in the Methodist Magazine, or in a separate volume.

nessed, in so crowded a congregation as attended her funeral sermon, such general and tender emotions of affection and sorrow.

O that they may be wise, that they may understand this, that they may consider their latter end. "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints."

I am, your's, affectionately,

J. BUCKLEY. late excellent Mr. John Thomas, alderMARTHA, the dutiful daughter of the man of Newport, Monmouthshire, of whom a short but interesting Memoir appeared in the 36th volume of the Methodist Magazine, and the most affectionate and beloved wife of Thomas Rowe, died September 16th, 1818, aged 34 years.

The immediate cause of the fatal disorder which terminated her valuable life,

was the shock which her humane and tender feelings received, about three mouths before her death, at seeing a child struck down by the horses of a gentleman's carriage, as it passed rapidly along the street; for although the child

was not killed, nor materially injured, yet there was every probability at the moment that it would be crushed to death. About a fortnight before her triumphant entrance into glory, she broke a bloodvessel in the lungs, which was followed by frequent emissions of blood, for three or four days. On the last of these days, the symptoms were so alarming, that her medical attendant was apprehensive of immediate dissolution. To the inquiry how she felt, made by her afflicted husband, as he held her in his arms, though scarcely able to articulate, she replied, Locking upward;" and shortly after beckoning unto him, exclaimed, with a lovely smile, "The Lord my righteousIt was justly observed by one of her sisters who was present,


"A mortal paleness on her cheek, But glory in her eye."

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the commencement of my illness, felt I was safe on the Rock of Ages, but I wanted to experience entire sanctification: I thought, what is it? Surely, it is to be totally emptied of seif, and completely filled with God. I prayed, O God, give me a clean heart! and he said, I will; be thou clean.' I then enjoyed the first part of the blessing, and, just now, the latter part has been also communicated: I am now filled with all the fulness of God!" This night she sung, "He smooths my bed and gives me sleep," the favourite anthem of her honoured father, "Let the words of my mouth, and the meditations of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my Redeemer," and several other pieces.

Thus did this most amiable and holy woman continue happy in the Redeemer's shentered into its full enjoyment in love until the night of the 16th, when glory. About four hours before her departure, a profuse perspiration issued from every pore, and her extremities bequiry of him whom heaven has bereft and came cold in death. In reply, to the inleft to sorrow, yet not without hope, how she felt? she said, "Strength in weakness." A few minutes after, observing a smile indicative of the most rapturous feelings of delight, playing on her lovely countenance, he said, "You are happy,

The same day she exultingly said, "I am happy in my heavenly Father's love." From this period until her final departare from this world of shadows, her mind was preserved in perfect peace. “Not a wave of trouble rolled across her peaceful breast." In the night seasons, although she had scarcely any sleep, a lovely smile rested on her countenance; and she frequently said, to those who had the privilege of sitting with her, He giveth songs in the night." "He will keep these in perfect peace whose minds are stayed upon him." To her husband's in-my love." "Yes," she ardently replied, quiry, if she had any new or peculiar views of the nature of that religion which they mutually professed and enjoyed, she answered, "No, it is all love; keep in the old paths; the doctrine of entire sanctification is a glorious doctrine, hold it fast." One day she said, her eyes being raised with holy joy towards heaven, "There is my hope there is my happiness; he compasses me about with songs of deliverance!" The morning of the last sabbath she spent on earth, she said, "A transient cloud has passed over my mind, lest in consequence of the oppression on my breath I should not always continue patient; but that has been removed by the promise, I will be with thee in the day of trouble, and thou shalt glorify me." In the afternoon, she requested that the fine hymn, containing the following most consolatory lines, might be read unto her :

"Be thou, O Rock of Ages, nigh,

So shall each murmuring thought be gone;
And grief, and fear, and care shall fly,
As clouds before the mid-day sun."
At night, she addressed the writer of
this account as follows: "I have, from

very happy; I have great peace and joy through believing; my Jesus has done all things well. He is a mighty Saviour; people there was none to help, no, not he tred the wine-press aloue, when of the one! Praise him, praise him; O, I shall have an eternity to praise him!" Then, as if desirous of affording instruction to those around her, affectionately addressing them, she said, "Religion is not a little thing; the right hand must be cut off, the right eye must be plucked out; yes, in-1 deed, the right hand must be cut off: religion is a great thing; it is to love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, with all thy soul, with all thy mind, and with all thy strength. Yes," she reiterated, exerting all her mental and bodily energies, "with all thy strength." Turning her eyes, with expressions of great tenderness towards her husband, whom she loved with all that affection which the sacred Scriptures warrant and enjoin; she said, "my love, we shall meet together again, I know we shall." A little before twelve, at the request of one of her sisters, he desired her to suspend, for a few moments, her extraordinary exertion in the utterance of praise, 66 What is the word," she ear

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