صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

quent Summerfield, which is of itse

recommendation. F

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and more attractive countenance is seldom looked upon
was composed by the poet Holland, of Sheffield, who was the
of Montgomery, and possessed much of his excent st
exhibits great taste, and affectionate reverence for the
of the subject, who was in many respects one of the
men of modern times. The present edition has be
hundred pages, by the publication of a number of S
ters, and the reminiscences of his oratory, manner.
several eminent men of this country and England.
play the peculiarly amiable traits of Summerfield's
delightiul manner; and as specimens of letter-writing

mon excellence.

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The work is very neatly printed in large type, on tipe makes an attractive and highly useful volume.-N gelist.

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There is an odor of sanctity, a hallowed, sweet rem nected with the name of SUMMERFIELD, which makes i to recall his name. "Whom the gods love die yo heathen maxim, was beautifully illustrated in the dea spirit. It is almost twenty years since his earthly ca nated-a career how brief-how brilliant! Yet it seems but as yesterday since his persuasive voice was falling upon our ears like music-sounding even now like the rich melody of a bright vision. It was our pleasure to read the interesting Memoir of Mr. Holland in manuscript, before the original publication; but we were not aware, until the receipt of the present volume, that it had gone to a sixth edition. This has been rendered more valuable by the addition of copious selections from the literary remains of the gifted subject.Commercial Advertiser.

The Life of Summerfield by Holland, with an introductory letter by James Montgomery, has reached its sixth edition. The name of this young man is familiarly dear to thousands and tens of thousands, and the sweetness of his seraphic spirit lingers in the memory of many as the recollection of a visit from a dweller in a better land. Not like a comet, but like the morning star, he shone for a brief season above the horizon, then melted away into the brighter light of heaven," and left behind him a memory fragrant and precious. This volume is fmbellished with a striking portrait.-New York Observer.


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