Walker's Hibernian Magazine, Or, Compendium of Entertaining Knowledge

الغلاف الأمامي
R. Gibson, 1808

طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات

عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة

مقاطع مشهورة

الصفحة 213 - As it was, he saved her by his courage — improved her by his authority — adorned her by his talents — and exalted her by his fame. His mission was but of ten years ; and for ten years only did his personal power mitigate the government ; but though no longer feared by the great, he was not forgotten by the wise ; his influence, like his writings, has survived a century ; and the foundations of whatever prosperity we have since erected, are laid in the disinterested and magnanimous patriotism...
الصفحة 544 - Their property of every kind, moveable and immoveable, shall be respected, and they shall be at liberty either to accompany the French army or to remain in Portugal.
الصفحة 544 - French government, against subjects of Portugal, or any other individuals residing in this country, founded on the occupation of Portugal, by the French...
الصفحة 111 - I be so fortunate as to carry into retirement the equal approbation and good will of my fellow citizens generally, it will be the comfort of my future days, and will close a service of forty years with the only reward it ever wished.
الصفحة 247 - Thus from every appearance in nature, and from every occurrence of life, you may derive natural, moral, and religious observations, to entertain your minds, as well as rules of conduct in the affairs relating to this life and that which is to come.
الصفحة 165 - I have heard by credible report of such as were secret with his chamberers that, after this abominable deed done, he never had quiet in his mind; he never thought himself sure. Where he went abroad, his eyes whirled about; his body privily fenced,' his hand ever on his dagger, his countenance and manner like one always ready to strike again.
الصفحة 25 - Fearful, and cautious on the latent prey: As in the sun the circling covey bask Their varied plumes, and, watchful every way, Through the rough stubble turn the secret eye. Caught in the meshy snare, in vain they beat Their idle wings, entangled more and more: Nor, on the surges of the boundless air Though borne triumphant, are they safe; the gun...
الصفحة 646 - His lordship seeing by his tone of voice that he would not be refused, promised to obey him : once more embraced him, and then left him with tears in his eyes. On his return home he immediately opened the box, and found a great number of papers which he judged would be of great use to him. Next morning, as he was preparing (notwithstanding his promise ) to return to the old man, he was suddenly stopped by the following letter, sealed with his own arms, and to his extreme...
الصفحة 247 - From the observation of the day and night, the hours and the flying minutes, learn a wise improvement of time ; and be watchful to seize every opportunity to increase in knowledge. From the vices and follies of others observe what is hateful in them; consider that such a practice looks as ill or worse in yourself.
الصفحة 374 - For what the eternal Maker has ordain'd The powers of man : we feel within ourselves His energy divine : he tells the heart, He meant, he made us to behold and love What he beholds and loves, the general orb Of life and being : to be great like him, Beneficent and active. Thus the men Whom Nature's works can charm, with God himself Hold converse ; grow familiar, day by day, With his conceptions, act upon his plan ; And form to his, the relish of their souls.

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