1 HIBERNIAN MAGAZINE : OR, Compendium of Entertaining Knowledge. FOR JANUARY, 1808. This Magazine, will in future be printed and published, at Directly opposite the Entrance to the National Bank. The Proprietor, R. GIBSON, having removed there for that purpose. Town and Country Booksellers, the Friends and Correspondents of this long established Publication, are requested to direct their Orders, and forward their Communications as above, where every kind of Letter-press, and Copper-plate Printing, will be reasonably undertaken and correctly performed. Deeply grateful for the decided Preference given to this Work, the Proprietor returns his unfeigned Acknowledgments to a liberal and discerning Irish Public. Portraits of Meffrs. YOUNG and MELVIN, embellish this Month's Publication.' Brief Memoir of MR. YOUNG, now of Crow-Street Theatre, Dublin. T Charles Mayne Young, is the fon of mr. Thomas Young, furgeon, and was born in Fenchurch-street, on the 10th of January, 1777. The rudiHE inftant a man obtains any ments of his early education were of celebrity, the world is obtained at home. At nine years of anxious to fee as much of his cha- age he went to Copenhagen, with a racter in his countenance, and to read Danish physician, who had visited as many private particulars respect- Great Britain at the expence of the ing him, as the art of the engraver, Danish court, to enquire into the and the diligence of the biographer state of the healing art in England.can furnish. The defire is, at least, innocent, and we have great pleasure in contributing to its gratification on the present occafion. January, 108. The year following this gentleman returned to England, to marry the aunt of mr. Young, and brought back with him his young travelling compa nion. |