صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

nó, môve, nỗi, một ;—tube, tab, bull;–3l1;pound;thin, THis

men:coo take rise.

Begin, e-gla'. v. n. to enter upon; to com- Beldam, bel-dâm. s an old woman, a hag. Beleaguer, bè-lè'-går. v. a. to besiege, to block up a place. La place. Beleaguerer, be-'-går-år. s. one that besieges Belfry, bel'-frè. s. the place where the bells are [lumniate.


Begin, oe-gin'. v. a. to do the first act of any thing; to begin with, to enter upon. Beginner, be-gin'-nur. s. he that gives the first cause; an unexperienced attempter. Beginning, be-gin'-ning. s. first original or [surround; to shut in. Begird, be-gerd. t.a. to bind with a girdle; to Begone, be-gon'. interj. go away, hence, away. Begot, be-got. Begotten, be-got-in. part. pass. of beget. Begrease, be-grèze'. v. a. to soil or daub with [ly impressed. Begrime, be-grime. v. a. to soil with dirt deepBeguile, bè-gylle'. v. a. to impose upon, delude; to deceive.

fat matter.

Begun, be-gin'. part. pass. of begin.

Behalf, be-haf. s. favour, vindication, support. Behave, be-have'. v. a. to carry, to conduct. Behave, be-have'. v. n. to act, to conduct one's self.

Behaviour, be-have-yar. s. manner of behaving one's self, conduct, course of life.

Behead, be-hed'. v.a. to kill by cutting off the head.

Beheld, be-held'. part. pass. from behold. Behemoth, bè -he-môth. s. the hippopotamus, or river horse.

Beliest, bé-hest'. s. command.
Behind, be-hind'. prep. at the back of another;
on the back part; inferiour to another.
Behind, be-hind'. ad. backward.
Behold, be-hold'. v. a. to view, to see.
Behold, be-hold'. interj. see, lo.
Beholden, be-hol'-dn. part. a, bound in gratitude.
Beholder, be-hol-dür. s. spectator.
Behoof, be-hoor. s. profit, advantage.
Behoove, be-hoov'. v. n. to be fit, to be meet.
Being, being. s. existence, a particular state
or condition; the person existing.
Being, be'-Ing, conj. since.

Belabout, belly-bar. v. a. to beat, to thump.
Belated, belated, a. benighted.

Belay, be-là, v. a. to block up, to stop the pasage, to place in ambush Istomach. belsh. v. n. to eject wind from the Falch, bêlsh, s the action of eructation.


Belie, bè-ll. v. a. to feign, to mimick; to caBelief, bè-lèèf, s. credit given to something; the body of tenets held; persuasion; creed. Believable, bé-lèè'-vá-bl. a. credible. Believe, bé-lèèv'. v. a. to credit upon the au thority of another.

Believe, bé-lèèv'. v. n. to have a firm persua sion of any thing; to exercise the virtue of faith. [fessor of Christianity. Believer, be-lèè'-var. s. he that believes; a proBelike, be-ke'. ad. probably, likely, perhaps. Bell, bell. s. a hollow sounding body of cast metal.

Belle, bell, s. a gay young lady.

Belles Lettres, bel-let-tår. s. polite literature. Belligerent, bel-lidje'-è-rênt, a. waging war. Bellow, bel-lò. v. n. to inake a noise as a bull; to vociferate, to roar as the sea or the wind. Bellows, bel-las. s. the instrument used to blow the fire.

Bely, bel'-lè. s. that part of the human body which contains the bowels.

Belly, bel-le. v. n. to hang out, to bulge out. Bellygod, bel'-le-god. s. a glutton. Belman, bell'-mân. s. a town-crier. Belmetal, bell-mêt-ti. s. the metal of which bells are made. [to have relation to. Belong, bè-long', v. n. to be the property of; Beloved, be-lav-éd. a. dear. unbefitting Below, be-lo'. prep. under, inferiour it dignity. Below, bè-lo'. ad. on earth, in the regions of the dead.

Belt, belt. s. a girdle, a cincture. nr. Belwether, bell-werH-år. s. the sheep which leads the flock. [in the mire. Bemire, be-inire'. v. a. to drag, or encumber Bemoan, be-mone'. v. a. to lament, to bewail Bemoaner, be-mo-når. s. a lamenter. Bench, bensh. s. a seat; a seat of justice; the persons sitting upon a bench Bencher, ben'-shar. s a senvx member 2 of the inns of court

Fate, får, fåll, fât ;-mè, met ;-pine, pîn ;

Bend, bend. v. a. to make crooked, to incline; Bereave, bè-rève'. v. a. to deprive of; to take to subdue.

Bend, bend. v. n. to be incurvated, to bow.
Bend, bend. s. flexure, incurvation.
Bender, bên'-dår. s. the person who bends; the
instrument with which any thing is bent.
Beneath, be-neтHe'. prep. under, lower in
place, rank, excellence, or dignity. [below.
Beneath, be-neтHe'. ad. in a lower place, under;
Benediction, bên-e-dik'-shûn. s. a blessing.
Benefaction, ben-e-fak-shûn. s. the act of con-
ferring a benefit; the benefit conferred.
Benefactor, bên-é-fak'-tår. s he that confers a
[confers a benefit.
Benefactress, bên-è-fâk'-três. s. a woman who
Benefice, bên'-e-fls. s. an ecclesiastical living.
Beneficed, bên'-e-fist. a. possessed of a benefice.
Beneficence, be-nêf'-è-sense. s. active goodness.
Beneficent, be nef-e-sent. a. kind, doing good.
Beneficial, bên-è-fish'-ål. a. advantageous,

Beneficiary, bên-e-fish'-yâ-rè. z. holding some
thing in subordination to another.
Beneficiary, ben-è-fish'-ya-rè. s. one that has


Benefit, ben'-e-fit. s. advantage, profit, use.
Benefit, ben-e-fit. v. a. to do good to.
Benefit, ben'-e-fit. v. n. to gain advantage.
Benevolence, bè nêv'-vò-lênse. s. disposition to
do good, kindness.

Benevolent, bè-nẻv'-vò-lênt. a. kind, having

Benight, be-nite'. v. a. to surprise with the com-
ing on of night.
Benign, bé-nine. a. kind, generous, whole-
Benignity, be-nig'-ne-té. s. graciousness, actu-
al kindress; salubrity.

Benignly, be-nine'-lè. ad. favourably, kindly.
Benison, bên'-ne-zn. s. blessing, benediction.
Bent, bent. s. the state of being bent; declivity.
Bent, bent. part of to bend. made crooked;
directed to, determined upon.
Benumb, bé-nam'. v. a. to make torpid, to stu-
Bepaint, be-pant'. v. a. to cover with paint.
Bepinch, be-pinsh'. v. a. to mark with pinches.
Bequeath, be-kwerнe'. v. a. to leave by will


Bequest, bé-kwest', s. something left by will.


Pereft, be-reft', part. pass. of bereave.
Bergamot, ber-gå-môt. s. a sort of pear, an es
sence or perfume; a sort of snuff.
Berhyme, be-rime'. v. a. to celebrate in rhyme.
Berlin, ber-lin'. s. a coach of a particular form.
Berry, ber'-rẻ. s. any small fruit with many


Beryl, bêr-ril. s. a precious stone.
[beg, ask.
Beseech, bè-sèètsh. v. a. to entreat, supplicate
Beseem, be-seem'. v. n. to become, to befit,
Beset, bè-sêt'. v. a. to besiege, to hem in, to
[to happen ill to.
Beshrew, be-shroo'. v. a. to wish a curse to
Beside, be-side'.
Besides, be-sides'.
prep. over and above.
Beside, be-side'.
ad. over and above.
Besides, be-sides'.
Besiege, bé-sèèje'. v. a. to lay siege to, to beset
with armed forces.

Besieger, bè-sèè'-jår. s. one employed in a

Besmear, be smeer. v. a. to bedawb, to soil.
Besmirch, be-smêrtsh'. v. a. to soil, to discolour.
Besmoke, bè-smoke', v. a. to foul with, or har
den in smoke.

or soot.

Besmut, be-småt'. v. a. to blacken with smoke
Besom, be-zam. s. an instrument to sweep
Besot, bè-sót. v. a. to infatuate, to stupify.
Besought, be-såwt'. part. pass. of beseech.
Bespangle, bè-spång'-gl. v. a. to adorn with
[with dirt or water.
Bespatter, bè-spât'-tår. v. a. to spot cr sprinkle
Bespawl, be-spawl. v. a. to daub with spittle.
Bespeak, be-spèèk'. v. a to order beforehand,
to speak to, to betoken.
Bespeaker, be-spèè'-kår. s. he that bespeaks any
Bespeckle, bè spêk'-kl. v. a. to mark with

Bespice, bè-spise'. v. a. to season with spices.
Bespit, be-spit'. v. a. to daub with spittle.
Bespot, be-spot'. v. a. to mark with spots.
Bespread, be-spred'. v. a. to spread over.
to Besprinkle, be-sprink'-kl. v. a. to sprinkle over.
Best, best. a. most good.
Best, bêst, ad, in the highest degree of 2-

nỏ, môve, når, nôt ;-tube, tüb, büll ;—8îl ;-påånd ;-thin, THS.

Bestead, bè-stêd'. v. a. to profit, to treat, to ac-Beweep, be-wèèp'. v. a. to weep over or upon commodate. Bewet, be-wet. v. a. to wet, to moisten.

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Bestial, bês'-tshé-ál. a. belonging to a beast; Bewilder, be-wil'-dûr. v. a. to lose in pathless brutal. places, to puzzle.


Bestiality, bes-tshè-ål'-è-tè. s. the quality of [thing. Bestick, be-stik. v. a. to stick over with any Bestir, be-star'. v. a. to put into vigorous action. Bestow, bè-sid, v. a. to give, to confer upon; to lay out.

Bestrew, be-stro. v. a. to sprinkle over.

Bewitch, bè-witsh'. v. a. to injure by witchcraft, to charm.

Bewitchery, be-witsh'-år-rè. s. fascination, charm.

Bewray, bè-rå'. v. a. to betray, discover per fidiously, to make visible.

Bewrayer, be-ra'-ûr. s. betrayer, discoverer.

Bestride, be-stride'. v. a. to stride over any Beyond, be-yond'. prep, at a distance not reach thing

Bet, bêt. s. a wager.

Bet, bet. v. a. to wager, to stake at a wager. Betake, be-tåke'. v.a. to take, to seize; to have

recourse to.

Bethink, be-think'. v. a. to recall to reflection. Bethral, be-thrall'. v. a. to cuslave, to conquer. letide, bè-tlac'. v. n. to happen to, to befall; to come to pass.

Betimes, Le-timz'. ad. seasonably, early; soon. Betoken, bè-to-kn. v. a. to signify, to represent; to foreshow.

Betook, be-took'. irreg. pret. froin betake. Betray, be-tra'. v. a. to give into the hands of enemies; to discover a secret.

Betrayer, be-tra'-år. s. he that betrays; a traitor. Betroth, be-troth'. v. a. to contract to any one, to affiance.

Better, bêt'-tår. a. having good qualities in a greater degree than something else. Better, bet-tar. ad. well in a greater degree. Better, het'-tår. v. a. to improve, to meliorate; to surpass, to exceed.

Better, bêt-tur. s. a superiour in goodness. Bettor, bêt'-tår. s. one that lays bets or wagers. Between, be-tween'. prep. in the intermediate space; belonging to two. Betwixt, be-twikst. prep. between. Bevel, bêv'-il. s. in masonry and joinery, a kind of square.

Beverage, bêv'-dr-idje. s. drink, liquor to be drunk.

Bevy, bev'è. s. a flock of birds; a company. Bewail, be-wale'. v. a. to bemoan, to lament. Beware, be-ware'. v. n. to regard with caution, to be suspicious of danger from

ed; on the farther side of; out of the reach of, above.

Bias, bi'-âs. s. the weight lodged on one side of a bowl; propension, inclination. Bias, bi'-ás. v. a. to incline to some side. Bib, bib. s. a piece of linen put upon the breasts of children.


Bibacious hi-ba-shis. a. much addicted to drinking

Bibber, bûr. s. a tippler.

Bible, bi'-o. s. the sacred volume, in which are contained the revelations of God. [ber. Bibliographer, bib-lè-ôg'-grâ-fûr, s. a transcri Bibliothecal, bib-le-oth -è-kâl. u. belonging to a library.

Bibulous, bib'-u-lås. a. that has the quality of drinking moisture.

Bicker, bik'-kår. v. n. to skirmish, to fight of and on; to quiver.

Bickerer, bik-ür-ûr. s. a skirmisher.
Bicorporal, bi-kôr'-po-rål, a. having two bodies
Bid, bld. v. a. to desire, to order; to offer, tv

Bidden, bid-dn. part. pass. invited, commanded
Bidder, bid'-dur. s. one who offers a price.
Bidding, bid-ding. s. command, order.
Bide, bide. v. a. to endure, to suffer.
Bide, bide. v. n. to dwell, live, inhabit.
Bidental, bi-dén'-tal. a. having two teeth.
Biding, bl-ding, s. residence, habitation.
Biennial, bl-en'-nè-âl. a. of the continuance of

[blocks in formation]

Fate, får, fåll, fat;-mě, mẻt ;-pine, pin ;

Bifold, bl'-fold. a. twofold, double.
Big, blg. a. great, large; pregnant; swollen.
Bigamist, big-ga-mist. s. one that has commit-
ied bigamy.
[wives at once.
Bigamy, big-ga-me. s. the crime of having two
Bigbellied, big-bêl-lid. a. pregnant.
Bigness, big nês. s. greatness of quantity; size.!
Bigot, big gåt. s. a man devoted to a certain

Bigoted, big-gut-ted. a. blindly prepossessed
in favour of something.

Bigotry, big-gat-trẻ. s. blind zeal, prejudice
Bilander, Blân-dar. s. a small vessel used for
the carriage of goods.

Bilberry, bil-ber-rè. s. whortleberry.
Bilbo, bil-bo. s. a rapier, a sword.
Bilboes, bil-boze. s. a sort of stocks.
Bile, ble. s. a yellow, bitter liquor, separated in
the liver, and collected in the gal.-bladder; a
sore, angry swelling.
Bilge, bilje. v. n. to spring a leak. [guage.
Bilingsgate, bil-lingz-gate. s. ribaldry, foul lan-
Bilinguous, bi-ling-gwus.a.having two tongues.
Bilious, bil-yas. a. consisting of bile.
Bilk, bilk. v. a. to cheat, to defraud.
Bill, bill. s. the beak of a fowl; a kind of hatch-
et; a written paper; an account of money; a
Jaw; an advertisement.
Bill, bill. v. n. to caress, as doves by joining
Bill, bill. v. a. to publish by an advertisement.
Billet, bil-lit. s. a small paper, a note, a small
lug of wood.

Billet, bil-lit. v. a. to direct a soldier where hel
is to lodge; to quarter soldiers.
Billiards, bil-yürdz. s. a kind of play.
Billow, bil-lo. s. a wave swoilen.
Billowy, bil'-ld-è. a. swelling, turgid.
Bin, bin. s. a place where bread or wine is

Binacle, bin'-a-kl. s. a sea term, meaning the

Bind, bind. v. a. to confine with bonds, to gird, to enwrap; to fasten any thing.

Bind, bind. v. n. to contract, to grow stiff; to be obligatory.

Binder, bind'-ar. s. a man whose trade it is to bind books; one who binds sheaves; a fillet. Binding, bind'-ing. s. a bandage.

Binocle, bin'-no-kl. s. a telescope fitted so with
two tubes, as that a distant object may be seen
with both eyes.

Binocular, bi-nok'-u-lår. a. having two eyes.
Biographer, bl-og-gra-fur. s. a writer of lives.
Biography, blog'-gra-fè. s. an historical ac
count of the lives of particular men.
Biparous, bip -på-rus. a. bringing forth two at 3
[spondent parts.
Bipartite, bip'-pår-tite. a. having two corre
Biped, bi'-ped. s. an animal with two feet.
Bipennated, bl-pen'-nâ-têd. a. having two wings.
Bipetalous, bl-pêt'-tâ-lås. a. consisting of two

Biquadrate, bi-kwa'-dråte.
Biquadratick, bl-kwa-drât'-ik.

s. the fourta power aris ing from the multiplication of a square by itself.

Birch, burtsh. s. a tree.

Birchen, bar-tshn. a. made of birch.
Bird, bard. s. a general term for the feathered
kind, a fowl.

Birder, bård-år. s. a birdcatcher.
Birdlime, bård'-llme. s. a glutinous substanc
used to catch hirds.

Birdsnest, bårdz'-nest. s. the place where a bird
lays her eggs and hatches her young,
Birth, berth. s. the act of coming into life; ex
traction, lineage; condition; thing born.
Birthday, berth-da, s. the day on which any
one is born.

Birthnight, berth -nite. s. the night in which
any one is bori.

Birthplace, bêrth'-plåse. s. place where anyone

is born.

Birthright, berth'-rite. s. the rights and privi leges to which a man is born; the right of the first born.

Biscuit, bis'-kit. s. a kind of hard, dry bread, made to be carried to sea; a small, swee cake.

Bishop, bish'up. s. one of the head order of the
clergy; a cant word for a mixture of wine,
oranges, and sugar.

Bishoprick, bish'-ap-rik. s. the diocess of a Dish
Bismuth, biz-muth. s. a hard, white, minerał
substance, of a metalline nature.
Bissextile, bis-seks'-til. s. leap year.

nó, môve, nỗr, nốt ;tube, tải, bill ;311;—potnd;—thin, TEIS.

Bit, bit. s. the iron part of a horse's bridle; as Blade, blåde. s. a spire of grass, a green shoo much meat as is put into the mouth at once;

of corn.

a small piece of any thing; a Spanish West-Blade, blade. s. the sharp or striking part of India silver coin: a weapon or instrument; a brisk man, either fierce or gay.

Bitch, bltsh. s. the female of the dog kind.

Bite, bite. v. a. to crush or pierce with the teeth to cheat, to trick.

Blain, blåne. s. a pustule, a blister.
Blame, blame. v. a. to censure, to charge with
a fault.


B'te, blte. s. the seizure of any thing by the teeth; a cheat, a sharper. [er. Blame, blame. s. imputation of a fault; crime, Biter, bl'-tôr. s. he that bites; a tricker, a deceiv- Blameable, bla'-ma-bl. a. culpable, faulty. Bitter, blt'-tår. a. having a hot, acrid, biting Blameably, bla'-må-blè. ad. culpably. taste; sharp, cruel, severe; calamitous, mis- Blameless, blame'-lês. a. guiltless, innocent erable; satirical. Blamelessly, blame'-lès-lè. ad. innocently. Bitterly, bit-tar-le. ad. with a bitter taste; in Blameworthy, blåme'-war-тнè. a. culpable a biting manner, sorrowfully; sharply. Bitterness, bit'-tår-nés. s. a bitter taste, malice, implacability; severity of temper keenness of reproach; sorrow, affliction. Bitumen, be-tu-mên. s. a fat, unctuous matter dug out of the earth, or scummed off lakes. Bituminous, bè-tu-mè-nås. a. compounded of bitumen.

Bivalve, bl'-válv.
Bivalvular, bi-val'-vu-lâr.


Blanch, blånsh. v. a. to whiten; to strip or pee satire, such things as have husks.

a. having two

Blab, blab. v. a. to tell what ought to be kept


Blab, blåb. s. a tell-tale.
Black, blak. a. dark; cloudy, sullen; wicked;!
Black, blák. s. a black colour; mourning, a

Black, blåk. v. a. to make black, to blacken.
Black-cattle, blåk'-kat-tl. s. oxen, bulis, and


Blackguard, blåg-gård s. a low term for a
dirty fellow.

Black-lead, blák-led. s a mineral mucn used
for pencils.
[ble; the fruit of it.
Blackberry, blas ber-re. s. a species of bram-
Blackbird, blák'-hård. s. the name of a bird.
Blacken, blåk'-kn. v. a. to make of a black
to darken, to defame.
Blacken, blåk-kn. v. n. to grow black.
Backish, blak'-isn. a. somewhat black.
Blackmoor, biak'-more. s. a negro. [ness
Blackness, blák'-nês. s. black colour; dark-
Blacksmith, blák'-smith, s. a smith that works
in iron.
the urine; a blister, a pustule.
Bladder, blâd-car s. the vessel which contains

Bland, blând. a. soft, mild, gentle.
Blandish, blan'-dish. v. a. to smooth, to soften.
Blandishment, blân'-dish-ment. s. act of fond-
ness, expression of tenderness by gesture.
Blank, blank. a. white; unwritten; confused,
without rhyme.

Blank, blank. s. a void space; a lot by which
nothing is gained; a paper unwritten.
Blanket, blank'-it. s. a woollen cover for a bed
Blanket, blânk'-it. v. a. to cover with or toss in
a blanket.
Blankly, blånk'-lè. ad. in a blank manner,
paleness or confusion.
Blaspheme, blas-feme'. v. a. to speak in terms
of impious irreverence of God; to speak evil


[my. Blaspheme, blås-fene'. v. n. to speak blasphe Blasphemer, blås-fè'-mår. s. a wretch tha speaks of God in impious and irreverent terms. Blasphemous, blås'-fè-mås. a. impiously reeren with regard to God.

Blasphemously, blâs'-fè-mås-lè. ad. Impously,
with wicked irreverence.
Blasphemy, blas'-fè-mè. s. an offering of indig-
nity unto God.

Blast, blåst. s. a gust, or puff of wind; the sound
made by any instrument of wind-musick.
Blast, blåst. v. a. to injure, to invalidate; te

Blatant, bla'-tånt. a. bellowing as a calf
Blatter, blåt -tår. vn to roa

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