Natural Philosophy, 33; Natural History, 30; Anatomy and Medicine, 20; Moral Philosophy, 14. The property of the University consists of two parcels of land, one of 153 acres, comprehending a mountain intended to be occupied for the purposes of an observatory, and the other of 107 acres, which constitutes the site of the University. They have also a sum of about $40,000, to be applied to building the Rotunda. The sum of $31,677 has been placed at the disposal of an agent appointed to procure books for the library; $6,000 have been deposited in London for the purchase of a philosophical apparatus; and $3,000 for the acquisition of articles necessary for the Anatomical School. -N. Y. Obs. The New Baptist Theological Seminary, at Newton, near Boston, has commenced its operations under the direction of Rev. Ira Chase, the professor of Biblical Theology. Rev. Francis Wayland, jr. has been appointed professor of Pastoral Theology. The General Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the United States, at their late session in Fredericktown, Md. voted unanimously to establish a Theological Seminary, and elected the Rev. S. S. Schmucker to the first professorship. Mr. S. is known to the public as the translator of Storr's Theology. The Rev. Mr. Kurtz, of Hagarstown, has been appointed to visit Germany and England, for the purpose of soliciting contributions. Professor Schmucker is to visit New England, and other gentlemen, the Southern and Middle States, for the same purpose. The Lutheran Church contains about one thousand congregations and nearly two hundred ministers. An Academy has been established at St. Augustine, in East Florida, for which a charter of incorporation will be asked at the ensuing session of the legislative council. Rev. Eleazer Lathrophas been appointed superinendent, and the institution is placed under the direction of 16 Trustees. It is stated that board for the pupils, in respectable private families, will cost $150 per annum. A bill has been passed in New Jersey, for the establishment of an institution for the Deaf and Dumb in that State. A monument is erecting in Glasgow, to the memory of John Knox. It is to be a Doric column, sixty feet in height. He is to be represented as preaching, leaning a little forward, his left leg advanced, and holding in his right hand a small pocket Bible. In the energy of speaking, he has grasped and raised up the left side of the Geneva cloak, and is pointing with the fore-finger of his left hand to the Bible in his right. This seems to us a singular mode of honouring the memory of such a man as John Knox. Dr. Barry, an English physician resident at Paris, in a memoir on the cir culation of the blood, is said to have shown, to the satisfaction of the Royal Academy of Sciences in that city, first, that the blood in the veins is never moved towards the heart but during the act of inspiration: and, secondly, that all the facts known with respect to this motion in man, and the animals which resemble him in structure, may be explained by considering it as the effect of atmospheric pressure. RELIGIOUS. NEW PUBLICATIONS. Beligious Scenes; being a sequel to M: Sermons for Children." By Samuel Nott, Jr. An Appeal to Liberal Christians for the Cause of Christianity in India. By a. Member of the Society for obtaining Information respecting the State of Religion in India. Boston. Office of the Christian Register. Biblical Repertory. A Collection of Tracts in Biblical Literature. By Charles Hodge. Vol. I. No. 4. Prince ton, N. J. D. A. Borredstein. The Christian Doctrine, as interpreted by Unitarians, and their Duty. A Sermon at the Installation of the Rev. Winthrop Bailey to the Pastoral care of the Third Congregational Society in Greenfield, Mass. Oct. 12, 1825. By N. Thayer, D. D. of Lancaster, Greenfield. An Address, delivered at the Commencement of the General Theological Seminary of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States, held in Christ's Church, New-York, on the twenty-ninth day of July, 1825. By James Kemp, D. D. Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Maryland. Published at the request of the Trustees. 8vo. New-York. T. & J. Swords. Christian Sympathy, a Sermon preached to the Congregation of English Protestants, in the city of Rome, Italy, on Easter Sunday, 3d April, 1825. By Bishop Hobart. 8vo. Philadelphia. Price 19 cents. An Inquiry into the Consistency of Popular Amusements with a Profession of Christianity. By T. Charlton Henry, D. D. Charleston, S. C. A Sermon delivered on the TwentyFifth Anniversary of the Female Asylum. September 24, 1825. By F. W. P. Greenwood. 8vo. pp. 20. Boston. Family and Private Prayers, compiled from the Devotional Writings, of Bishop Andrews, Bishop Ken, Bishop Wilson, Jeremy Taylor, Dr. Hickes, and Dr. Johnson. By the Rev. William Berrian, an Assistant Minister of Trinity Church, New-York. 12mo. pp. 51. New-York. E. Bliss & E. White. A Discourse delivered before the Society for the Promotion of Christian Education in Harvard University, at its Annual Meeting, in the Church in Federal-street, Boston, on the Evening of the 28th of August, 1825. By John Brazer, Pastor of the North Church in Salem. 8vo. pp. 27. Boston. Cummings, Hilliard, & Co Canons for the Government of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America; being the Substance of various Canons adopted in General Convention of said Church; Held in years of our Lord 1799, 1792, 1795, 1769, 1801, 1804, &c. pp. 43. New-York. T. & J. Swords. 8νο. Attachment to the Redeemer' Kingdom; A Sermon Preached before the Prayer Book and Homily Society, in Christ Church, Baltimore, June 2, 1825. By the Rev. Stephen H. Tyng, A. M. Rector of Queen Ann Parish. Pr. Geo. Co. Md. 8vo. pp. 32. Georgetown, D. C. A Sermon on Final Perseverance, delivered at Washington, Rhea County. By the Rev. William Eagleton, Pastor of Bethel Church, and published by request. Heiskell & Brown Knoxville, Ky. The duty of Distinction in preaching, explained and enforced. A Sermon, delivered March 9th, 1825, at the ordination of the Rev. Israel G. Rose, A. M, as Pastor of the Church in Westminster Society, Canterbury. By Orin Fowler, A. M., Paster of the Congregational Church, Plainfield, Con. Hartford, Goodwin & Co. Importance of Spiritual Knowledge. A Sermon, delivered before the Society for Propagating the Gospel among the Indians and others in North America, in the First Church, Boston, Nov. 3, 1825. By John Codman, D. D. Pastor of the Second Church in Dorchester. With the Report of the Select Committee. Cambridge. Hilliard & Metcalf. The Christian's Instructer, containing a summary Explanation and Defence of the Doctrines and Duties of the Christian Religion. By Josiah Hopkins, A. M. Pastor of the Congregational Church, in New Haven, Vt. 12mo. pp. 312. Middlebury, Vt. J. W. Copeland. A Sermon, delivered in the Second Presbyterian Church, Pittsburgh, Pa. October 16, 1825, in aid of the Funds of the Western Missionary Society. By Elisha P. Swift, Pastor of said Church. 8vo. Pittsburg. D. & M. Maclean. Prayers for the Use of Families. With Forms for Particular Occasions, and for Individuals, 18mo. pp. 108. Cambridge. Hilliard & Metcalf. An Address, delivered at the Laying of the Corner Stone of the Second Congregational Church, New York, November 24, 1825. By the Rev. William Ware. 8vo. New York. B. Bates. A Discourse, delivered in Trinity Church, New York, on Thursday, No On Oration, deiiveredat Providence, September 6, 1825, before the United Brothers Society of Brown University. By Horace Mann. 8vo. pp. 30. Providence. Barnum, Field, & Co. The Atlantic Souvenir; a Christmas and New Year's Offering. 1825. 18mo. pp. 353. Philadelipha. Carey & Lea. Elements of Geography, exhibited Historically, from the Creation to the End of the World: on a New Plan, adapted to children in schools and private families. Illustrated by four Plates. By Jedidiah Morse, D. D. Author of the American Universal Geography, Gazetteer, &c. The Sixth Edition, revised and corrected. NewHaven. H. Howe. Touches on Agriculture, including a Treatise on the Preservation of the Apple Tree. Together with Family Receipts, Experiments on Insects, &c. By Henry Putnam, Esq. Second Edition enlarged. 8vo. pp. 64. Salem. J. D. Cushing." Memoir of Simon Bolivar, Liberator of South America New-York. D. Fanshaw. Observations on the Improvement of Seminaries of Learning in the United States; with Suggestions for its Accomplishment. By Walter R. Johnson, Principal of the Academy at Germantown, Pennsylvania. 8vo. pp. 28. Philadelphia. E. Littell. 1826. Remarks on Changes lately Proposed or Adopted in Harvard University. By George Ticknor, Smith Professor, &c. 8vo. pp 48. Boston. Cummings, Hilliard, & Co. their Characters, and of the Events of the American Revolution. By his Grandson, Richard H. Lee, of Leesburgh, Va. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia. Carey & Lea. The Life of Mary Dudley, including an Account of her religious Engagements, and Extracts from her Letters; with an Appendix containing some Account of the Illness and Death of her Daughter Hannah Dudley. Philadelphia. B & T. Kite. The American Instructor, designed for all Common Schools in America. By Hall I. Kelly, A. M., Author of 12mo. pp. 168. History of the United States, from their first Settlement as Colonies, to the close of the War with Great Britain, in 1815. 12mo. pp. 336. NewYork. Charles Wiley. A History of the United States of America, on a Plan adapted to the capacity of Youth. Illustrated by Engravings. By the Rev. Charles A. Goodrich. Fourth Edition. 12mo. pp. 316. Lexington, Kentucky. W. W. Worbley. A Treatise on the Medical and Physical Treatment of Children. By William P. Dewees, Lecturer on Midwifery, &c. 8vo. pp. 500. Philadelphia. Carey & Lea. Sibyline Leaves and Wayward Criticism. By Arthur Singleton, Esq. No. 12mo. pp. 24. Boston. A Discourse delivered before the Society for the Commemoration of the Landing of William Penn, on the 24th of October, 1825. By G. L. Ingersoll, Esq. 8vo. pp. 36. Philadelphia. R. H. Small. An Address delivered at the Dedication of the Town Hall in Worcester, Mass., on the second day of May, 1825 By John Davis. Worcester, 8vo pp. 36. An Elementary Treatise on Mechanics, the Doctrine of Equilibrium and Motion, as applied to Solids and Fluids. Chiefly Compiled and Designed for the Use of the Students of the University at Cambridge, New England. By John Biography of the Signers of the Farrar, Professor of Mathematics and Declaration of Independence. 8vo. Memoirs of the Life of Richard Henry Lee, and his Correspondence with the most distinguished Men in America and Europe, illustrative of Natural Philosophy. 8vo. pp. 440. The Student's Companion, containing a Variety of Poetry an. Prose, se lected from the most celebrated Authors; to which are aded Mscella neous Matters, particularly designed to improve Youth in Reading and Parsing the English Language. By Amos I. Cook, A. M. Preceptor of Fryeburgh Academy. Second Edition. Concord, N. H. Isaac Hill. Easy Lessons in Geography and History, by Question and Answer. Designed for the Use of the Younger Classes in the New England Schools. By Joseph Allen, Minister of Northborough, Mass. 18mo. pp. 44. Boston. Cummings, Hilliard, & Co. An Oration pronounced before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Dartmouth College, August 25, 1825. By Charles B. Hadduck. Published by request. 8го. pp. 35. Concord, N. H. J. B. Moore. The Conflagration, a Poem, written and published for the Benefit of the Sufferers by the recent disastrous Fires in the Province of New Brunswick. By George Manners, Esquire, British Consul in Massachusetts. 4to. pp. 18. Boston. 1825. Ingraham & Hewes. Mina, a Dramatic Sketch; with other Poems. By Sumner Lincoln Fair field, author of "Lays of Melpomene," &c. 12mo. pp. 120. Baltimore. Joseph Robinson. Leisure Hours at Sea: being a few Miscellaneous Poems, by a Midshipman of the United States Navy. New York. The Speeches, Addresses, and Messages, of the several Presidents of the United States, at the Openings of Congress, and at their respective Inaugurations. Also, the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, and Washington's Farewell Address to his Fellow Citizens. Embracing an Official Summary of the National Events of the first Half Century of the Union. With Engravings. 8vo. pp. 536. Phil. de phi Desilver. Robert A Journal of a Tour around Hawaii, the largest of the Sandwich Islands. By a Deputation from the Mission of those Islands. 12mo. pp. 264. Boston. Crocker & Brewster. A Historical Sketch of the Formation of the Confederacy, particularly with reference to the Provincial Limits and the Jurisdiction of the General Government over Indian Tribes and the Public Territory. By Joseph Blunt. 8vo. pp. 116. ew York. G. & C. Carvill. A Letter to Robert Owen, of New Lanark, Author of two Discourses on a New Sys em of Society. By a Son of the Mist. Philadelphia. Observations on Electricity, Loom ing, and Sounds; together with a Theory of Thunder Showers, and of West and Northwest Winds. To which are added, a Letter from the Hon. Thomas Jefferson, and Remarks by the Hon. Samuel L. Mitchill. By George F. Hopkins. 1825. 8vo. pp. 40. New York. Hopkins & Morris. The Rebels; or Boston before the Revolution. By the Author of "Hobomock." 12mo. pp. 304. Boston. Cummings, Hilliard, & Co. The Passage of the Sea; a Scripture Poem. By S. L. Fairfield. New York. RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE. AFRICAN CHURCH.-A very interesting church was organized at Boston, on the evening of the 28th of December, in the presence of a crowded audience. It consisted of thirteen persons of colour, who were found among the emigrants about to sail for Liberia. All of them furnished satisfactory evidence to the ordaining council, of their being members of other churches in good standing. The Rev. Mr. Dwight in whose church the services were performed, preached the sermon from Psalm lxviii. 31.-Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her hands unto God. tive children. We began with 21; the school has increased since to 31. And as I knew it to be the great object which the Society had in view, I felt that there was no risk in furnishing them with a suit of clothes each upon the credit of the Board. We teach from eleven in the morning until two in the afternoon, it being as much time as I can spare at present. You will see from the list that Grand Cape Mount will soon be a field for missionary labours, as that nation is most anxious for improvement. I wrote to the King, some time in May to send five or six girls to school, and have since received an answer informing me that the girls and their mothers were absent, and when they returned I should have them. According to their custom they have to remain six months. I intend to write bim again, and as soon as the African Missionary Board can support a school, to get one established up there. We begin now to get on with our farms and buildings tolerably well. I have a promising little crop of rice and Cassada, and have planted about 180 coffee-trees this week, a part of which I think, will produce the next season, as they are now in bloom. I think, sir, that in a very few years we shall send you coffee of a better quality than you have ever seen brought into your market. We find that the trees of two species abound in great quantities on the Capes, both of the large and small green coffee, of which I will send you a specimen by the first opportunity. The Sunday School continues to prosper. We have now on the list forty, but only about thirty-three attend reg. ularly. Two of them, George and John, from Grand Cape Mount, can read in the New Testament quite encouragingly. SIERRA LEONE. Those who have any doubts either of the importance or the practicability of the objects contemplated by the American Colonization Society, may be relieved of them by the following testimony respecting the success of a similar plan at Sierra Leone. It is taken from a late number of the London Quarterly Review; and is inserted here the more cheerfully, as it comes from a source whence we have not been accustomed to expect statements of this kind. "By the official returns in August, 1622, it appears that the population of Sierra Leone consisted of 16,671 souls, of whom more than 11,000 were negroes, rescued by our cruisers from slavery. Perhaps so much happiness and unmingled good were never before produced by the employment of a naval force. Eleven thousand human beings had then been rescued from the horrors of the middle passage, (horrors, be it remembered, which have been aggravated by the abolition of the slave-trade, such is the remorseless villany of those who still carry on that infamous traffic,) though the mortality among them when they are first landed, arising from their treatment on board the slave-ships, has been dreadful. They are settled in villages, under the superintendence of missionaries or schoolmasters, sent out from this country, and of native teachers and assistants, whom the settlement now begins to supply. The effect of this training has been such, that though, when the population of the colony was only 4,000, there had been forty cases on the calendar for trial; ten years after, when the population was 16,000, there were only six; and not a single case from any of the villages under the management of a missionary or schoolmaster." "Captain Sabine of the Engineers, has authorized the Committee to state his testimony, that after spending six weeks in the colony, and closely and repeatedly inspecting the state of the liberated Africans, under the care of Christian instructers, the representation of their improved condition was perfectly true; and that in reference to the largest assemblage of them, at Regent's town, their spirit and conduct are such, that he is persuaded there is not to be seen on earth, a community of equal size, so truly exemplary. A naval officer, who had seen much of the negroes in slavery, was so struck with the state of these, that he could hardly believe they had been under instruction only since the end of the year 1816. Inquiring what method had been pursued to bring them from the deplorable coudition in which they were received, to such a state in so short a time, Sir Charles M'Carthy replied 'no other than teaching them the truths of Christianity, which these gentlemen were sent to propagate by the Church Missionary Society. By this alone they have ruled them, and have raised them to a common level with other civilized people; and be |