Life and Works: A Collection of Pamphlets, المجلد 51801 |
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النتائج 1-3 من 73
الصفحة 14
... Lord will be many . " These are his own words ; then how can a man presume to write against Prophecies , when he brings forward such arguments to plead for them ? for he says the Lord will plead with all flesh with his Spirit ; but does ...
... Lord will be many . " These are his own words ; then how can a man presume to write against Prophecies , when he brings forward such arguments to plead for them ? for he says the Lord will plead with all flesh with his Spirit ; but does ...
الصفحة 87
... Lord had made the promise to the house of Eli may be found in the books of Moses ; but from the words in Samuel , when the man of God was sent to him , he again reminds him of the promise the Lord had made to his father and his house ...
... Lord had made the promise to the house of Eli may be found in the books of Moses ; but from the words in Samuel , when the man of God was sent to him , he again reminds him of the promise the Lord had made to his father and his house ...
الصفحة 60
... Lord worked in Esther's heart to change the mind of the king : though we must all know , it was the Lord himself that worked with her , or the king's heart would not have been changed . But we see through- out the Bible , how the Lord ...
... Lord worked in Esther's heart to change the mind of the king : though we must all know , it was the Lord himself that worked with her , or the king's heart would not have been changed . But we see through- out the Bible , how the Lord ...
hold a controversy with all Flesh and not by | 27 |
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
angel angel of light anger answer thee appear Arians Balaam begin believe Bible Book bring brought bruised Carpenter Carpenter's cast cern children of Israel Christ clear coming command communication condemn deep destroy devil disobedience doth Dowland dream earth evil faith fall fear friends fulfilled given Gospel hadst hand hath heaven helpmate honour Jews Joanna Joanna Southcott Joseph judge judgment Kingdom land let them discern letter light Lord mankind manner mark the words mind mock mystery nations never obey ordered thee parables perfect perfectly Pharaoh Pharisees promise prophecies prophet prove receive Redemption refused Satan Scriptures sealed sent serpent sheep shewed thee spoken stand Stourbridge surely tell thee theirselves things thou didst thou hast thy dream thy heart thy pondering thy visitation thy writings tion told thee Tozer true types and shadows unto visitation to thee warn whole wisdom Woman Woolland