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النشر الإلكتروني
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At the beginning of the next year, this work will appear under the title of BIBLICAL REPERTORY AND THEOLOGICAL REVIEW, and may thenceforward be considered as embracing in its plan the whole range of theological and religious subjects. The work is now, and will continue under the direction of an association of gentlemen, who have received pledges of aid from distinguished writers in various parts of the Union. It will be published, as heretofore, at Princeton, quarterly; but on a new type, and will contain a greater amount of matter. It is expected that a permanent arrangement will be shortly made with a gentleman of high qualifi cations, who will devote his whole time to the superintendence of the work. The design of this Journal, and its claims upon public patronage, may be gathered from the following circular letter, issued at Philadelphia, during the sessions of the last General Assembly:


The undersigned most earnestly ask your serious attention to the subject of the following communication.

The influence of the press has never yet been fully appreciated. It is the power which forms and controls public sentiment, and governs the government. This power, however, is chiefly attributable to the periodical press. It is felt in this form in every department of human life. Experience shows that it admits of as easy an application to religion, as to any of the affairs of this world. It is undeniable that a man's doctrinal opinions and his course of action are, in a great degree, regulated and determined by the periodical publications which he is accustomed to read.

It is, therefore, justly a matter both of surprize and regret, that while wealth and talent of high order are enlisted to establish and support political and literary periodicals, many of which are unfavourable to the cause of religion, the church should, to a great extent, neglect this instrumentality. Already have many important advantages been lost by this strange and inexcusable inattention. Greater evils will ensue-evils the magnitude of which no man can measure--unless the friends of true religion can be awakened from

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