Conversations on the Bible. By a Lady1824 |
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النتائج 1-5 من 32
الصفحة 30
... wilderness of Beer - sheba , despairing of any further supply , she laid her son down under some bushes , and , that she might not see him die , she sat down to weep at a distance ! From this overwhelm- ing anguish she was aroused by a ...
... wilderness of Beer - sheba , despairing of any further supply , she laid her son down under some bushes , and , that she might not see him die , she sat down to weep at a distance ! From this overwhelm- ing anguish she was aroused by a ...
الصفحة 79
... wilderness -to institute a body of laws for their government , and finally , to record the whole wonderful transaction with the pen of inspiration . * Miriam , who is often mentioned in the succeeding his- tory . But notwithstanding the ...
... wilderness -to institute a body of laws for their government , and finally , to record the whole wonderful transaction with the pen of inspiration . * Miriam , who is often mentioned in the succeeding his- tory . But notwithstanding the ...
الصفحة 82
... wilderness , that we may sacrifice unto the Lord our God . ' I am sure he will not let you go , and I will smite Egypt with all my wonders , and after that he will let you go . " " And that they may believe that the Lord God. * A ...
... wilderness , that we may sacrifice unto the Lord our God . ' I am sure he will not let you go , and I will smite Egypt with all my wonders , and after that he will let you go . " " And that they may believe that the Lord God. * A ...
الصفحة 83
... wilderness on his way , he was met by his brother , already instructed in the great work on which they were about to enter ; and communicated to him the awful in- terview to which he had been admitted , at the foot of Horeb . Empowered ...
... wilderness on his way , he was met by his brother , already instructed in the great work on which they were about to enter ; and communicated to him the awful in- terview to which he had been admitted , at the foot of Horeb . Empowered ...
الصفحة 84
... wilderness to sacri- fice . But the demand was rebellion ! Possessed of abso- lute power , and satisfied with his own sufficiency , the king of Egypt recognized no authority in the voice of Je- hovah ! " Who is Jehovah ? " said the ...
... wilderness to sacri- fice . But the demand was rebellion ! Possessed of abso- lute power , and satisfied with his own sufficiency , the king of Egypt recognized no authority in the voice of Je- hovah ! " Who is Jehovah ? " said the ...
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عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
Aaron Abimelech Abraham afflicted altar amongst Amorites army Assyria Babylon Balaam became behold blessing brethren brother brought called Canaan captivity CATHERINE CHARLES chief commanded covenant daughter David death Deity delivered divine earth Egypt Elisha enemies Esau Ezra FANNY father favour glory hand hath heart heathens heaven Hebrew holy honour hundred inhabitants Isaac Israel Israelites Jacob Jehovah Jephthah Jeroboam Jerusalem Jews Joab Joseph Joshua Judah king king's kingdom land Levites lived Lord Manasseh Medes mercy messenger miracle Moab monarch Moses mother Mount Mount Seir nation Nebuchadnezzar Nineveh offered Pharaoh Philistines pious present priests prince promise prophecy prophet punishment received refused reign religion royal sacred sacrifice Samson Saul scripture sent servant Shechem Sisera Solomon sons strangers Syria Tabernacle temple thee thou shalt throne tion tribes unto whilst whole wife wilderness worship Zedekiah