صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Brownstudy, broůn-stûd'dè. s. gloomy Buck, búk. s. suds to wash clothes, male meditations of the deer, &c.-v. a. & n. to wash clothes, copulate as bucks and does

Browse, broůze. v. a. to eat shrubs


Bruise, brôôze. v. a. to mangle with a Buckbasket, bûkʼbâs-kêt. s. basket in heavy blow-s. a hurt Bruit, brôôt. s. [Fr.] rumour, Brumal, broo ́mål. a. belonging to winter Brunette, broo-nêt'. s. a brown woman Brunt, brunt. s. shock, violence, blow Brush, brush. s. a utensil to clean by rubbing, assault, shock-v. a. & n. to rub with a brush, move hastily, fly over Brusher, brush'år. s. he that uses a brush Brushwood, brush'wôʊd. s. rough, shrubby thickets

which clothes are carried to the wash Buckbean, bük'bène. s. a plant Bucket, bûk’kit. s. vessel to draw or carry water

Brushy, brush'è. a. rough, like a brush
Brustle, brus'sl. v. n. to crackle
Brutal, broo'tal. a. savage, cruel
Brutality, broó-tál'è-tè. s. savageness
Brutalize, broỏ'tå-lize. v. n. to grow


Buckle, buk'kl. s. a link of metal to fas-
ten a shoe-v. a. & n. tó fasten with a
buckle, to bend, apply to, engage with
Buckler, bük'lür. s. a shield [tree
Buckmast, búkʼmåst. s. fruit of the beech
Buckram, bůk'rům. s. linen stiffened
with gum

Buckthorn, bûk'thòrn. s. a tree
Bucolic, bu-kolik. s. a pastoral
Bud, bud. s. first shoot of a plant-v. a.
& n. to inoculate, put forth young
Budge, bådje. v. n. to stir-a. stiff, for-
Budger, bûd'jûr. s. one that stirs

Brutally, broō'tâl-lè. ad. inhumanly
Brute, broot. a. senseless, rough, fero-Budget, bûd'jet. s. a bag, store or stock
cious-s. a reature without reason Buff, buf. s. leather made of buffalo's skin
Brutify, broō'tė-fl. v. a. to make a man a Buff, bûf. v. a to strike, (a low word)
[gross, ignorant|Buffalo, búf'fâ-lỏ. s. a kind of wild bull
Brutish, broo'tish. a. bestial, savage,] or cow
Brutishly, broo'tish-lè. ad. like a brute
Brutishness, bróô'tish-nès. s. brutality
Bubble,bub'bl.s.a water-bladder, a cheat,
person cheated-v. a. & n. to cheat,
rise in bubbles

Bubbler, bub'blur. s. a cheat

Buffet, båf-fet'. s. a kind of cupboard
Buffet, büf'fit. s. a blow with the fist-
v. a. to box, beat

Buffeter, bûf'fit-tür. s. a boxer
Buffle, büf'fl. s. the same with Buffalo
Buffleheaded, bûf'fl-hèd-èd. a. dull,stupid

Bubby, bûb'bè. s. a woman's breast, (a Buffoon, búf-föón'. s. one who makes

low word)

Bubo, bú'bo. s. a swelling in the groin Bucaniers, buk-â-nèèrz'. s. a kind of pirates in America

sport by low jests and antic postures Buffoonery, büf-föon'ür-rẻ. s. low jests Bug, bug. s. a stinking insect

Bugbear, big bare. s. a frightful object

Bugginess, bug'ge-nês. s. the state of be-Bulrush, bûl'rush. s. a large rush
ing infested with bugs
Buggy, bûg'ge. a. abounding with bugs
Bugie, bu gl.

Bulwark, bil'wůrk. s. a fortification.

Buglehorn,bu'gl-horn.s.a hunting horum, bum. s. the breech

Bugle, bu'gl. s. a shining bead of black glass

Bugle, bu'gl. s. a plant

Build, bid. v. a. & n. to make a fabric, to depend upon

Builder, blid'år. s. one who builds, an architect

Bumbailiff, bum-bå'lif. s. a bailiff of the meanest kind

Bumbast,bum-båst'. s. patchwork—more properly, Bombast

Bump, bump. s. a swelling, protube.nce-v. a. to thump, to make a loud noise

Bumper, bum'půr. s. a cup filled to the Building, bild'ing. s. a fabric, edifice brim [tic Built, bilt. s. the form, structure Bumpkin, bump'kin. s. an awkward rusBulb, bülb. s. a round body or root Bumpkinly, bamp'kin-lè. a. like a clown Bulbaceous, bûl-ba'shus. a. bulbous Bunch, bunsh. s. a hard lump, cluster Bulbous, bulbus. a. containing bulbs Bunchy, bún'she, a. growing into bunches Bulge, búlje: v. n. to take in water, jut ou: Bundle, bun'di. s. a number of things Bulk, bulk. s. the size, the majority, parti bound together-v. a. to tie in a bundle of a building jutting out [a ship Bung, búng. s. a stopple for a barrel Bulkhead, buk-hed'. s. partition across Eung, bang. v. a. to stop up Bulkiness, bui'ké-nês. s. greatness of sta-Bungle, bünʼgl. v. a. & n. to hotch, manture or size

Bulky, bůľké. a. of great size or stature
Bull, bul. s. the male of the cow, a letter
published by the Pope, blunder
Bullbaiting, bulbà-ting. s. the sport of
baiting bulls with dogs
Bull-dog, bul'dog. s. a dog remarkable
for his courage [the name of a fish
Bull-head, búl'hed. s. a stupid fellow,
Bullace, bul'lis. s. a wild sour plumb
Bullet, búl'lit. s. a round ball of metal

age clumsily, perform clumsily-s. a botch, an awkwardness. Bungler, bung'glür. s. a bad workman Bunglingly, bong gling-lè. ad. clumsily Bunn, bún. s. a kind of sweet bread Bunt, bunt. s. an increasing cavity Bunter, bun'tår. s. a low vulgar woman Bunting, bûn'ting. s, the name of a bird Buoy, buỏe. s. a piece of cork or wood floating, tied to a weight-v. a. to keep afloat

Bullion, bùl'yan. s. gold or silver un-Buoyancy, bùot'ân-se. s. quality of floatwrought

Bullition, bul-lish'ûn. s. act of boiling
Bullock, büllük. s. a young bull



Buoyant, buòd'ânt. a. that which will not [low Bur, bur. s. a rough head of a plant

, búl'lè. s. a noisy quarreling fel- Burdelais, bûr-de-là'. s. a sort of grape

Burden, bår'dn. s. a load, birth-v. a. to Burnish, bůr'nish. v. a. & n. to polish, load, incumber [pressor grow bright or glossy Burdener, bår'dn-ůr. s. a loader, an op- Burnisher, bür'nish-år. s. the person or Burdenous, bur'dn-ůs. a. oppressive thing that burnishes Burdensome, bår′dn-sům, a. troublesome Burnt, bårnt. part. pass. of Burn bur'dn-sům-nês. s. Burr, bur. s. the lobe or lap of the ear Burrel, bår'ril. s. a sort of pear Burrow, búr'rò. s. a corporate town, a


weight, uneasiness
Burdock, bûr'dók. s. see Dock
Bureau, bu-ro'. s. a chest of drawers
Burgage, bûr'gadje. s. a tenure proper
to cities and towns

Burgamot, búr-gå-môt'. s. a kind of pear
Burgess, bår'jês. s. a freeman of a city
Burgh, bårg. s. a corporate town
Burgher, bår går. s. one who has a right

to vote

rabbit hole-v. n. to mine, as conies

Bursar, bur'sûr. s. treasurer of a colleg
Burse, bûrse. s. an exchange where mer

chants meet

Burst, burst. v. a. & n. to break suddenly fly asunder-s, a sudden disruption

[lege of a burgher Burst, bårst


Burghership, bårʼgår-ship. s. the privi- Bursten, bur'stn. p. a. diseased with a

hernia or rupture

Burstness, burst'nès. s. a rupture
Burt, bårt. s. a flat fish of the turbot kind
Burthen, bår'тнn. s. see Burden
Bury, bèr'rè. v. a. to inter, conceal, hide
Bush, bush. s. a thick shrub

Burglary, bur'glá-rè. s. house-breaking
Burgomaster, bår'go-mås-tûr. s. one em-
ployed in the government of a city
Burial, ber're-ål. s. interment
Burier, bêr'rè-år. s. one who buries
Burine, bù'rin. s. a graving tool
Burlace, bûr låse. s. a sort of grape
Burl, burl. v. a. to dress cloth as fullers do
Burlesque, bur-lêsk'. a. jocular, tending
to raise laughter-s. ludicrous language
-v. a. to turn to ridicule
Burliness, búr'lè-nês. s. bulk, bluster
Burly, bar'le. a. big of stature
Busily, biz'zé-lè. ad. with hurry, actively
Burn, bårn. v. a. & n. to consume or Business, biz'nês.s.employment, an affair
wound with fire, to be on fire-s. a hurt Busk, båsk. s. steel or whalebone to

caused by fire

Burner, bår når. s. he who burns
Burnet, bår'nit. s. a plant
Burning,bar'ning. s. state of inflammation
Burning-glass, bår ning-glås. s. a glass
which collects the rays of the sun

Bushel, bùsh'il.s. a measure of four pecks
Bushiness, bush'è-nės. s. the quality of
being bushy

Bushment, bush'ment. s. a thicket
Bushy, bush'è. a. thick, full of bushes
Busiless, biz'zè-lês. a. at leisure

strengthen women's stays

Buskin, bus'kin. s a half-boot worn by
the ancient actors of tragedy
Buskined, bus'kind. a. dressed in busking
Busky, bůs'ke. a. woody

Buss, bus, s. a kiss, fishing boat

Biss, bus. v. a. to kiss, (a low word) Bist, bust. s. a statue representing a man to his breast

Bustard, bus'tůrd. s. a wild turkey

Button, bût'tn. s. any knob or ball, a bud -v. a. to dress, fasten with buttons Buttress, but'tris. s. a prop, a wall built to support another-v. a. to prop

Fustle, bûs'sl. s. a tumult, hurry-v. n. Buxom, bûkʼsûm. a. gay, lively, wanton to stir, be busy

Justler, bûs'lur. s. a stirring man

Buxomly, bůkʼsům-lẻ. ad, amorously Buxomness, buk'sům-nês. s wantonness Jusy, biz'zė. a. employed with earnest-Buy, bl. v. a. to purchase, treat about a ness, meddling-v. a. to employ, en- purchase


[dling person Buyer, bi'ur. s. he that buys Busybody, biz'ze-bôd-dè. s. a vain, med- Buzz, bůz. v. n. to hum like bees

Buzzard, bûz'zûrd. s. a species of hawk, a dunce

Buzzer, bûz'zûr. s. a secret whisperer By, bl. prep. notes the agent, instrument, cause, &c.

But, bút. conj. except, yet, only, than
But-end, bût'ênd. s. the blunt end
Butcher, but'tshår. s. one who kills ani-
mals to sell-v. a. to kill, murder
Butcherly, but'tshår-lè. a, bloody, cruel
Butchery, but'tshůr-rẻ. s. trade of a but-By, bi. ad. near, beside, passing
cher, murder, cruelty [the table By and by, bi'and-bl'. ad. in a short
Butler, but'lür. s. a servant who furnishes time

Butment, but'mênt. s. that part of the By, bi. s. something not the direct and
arch which joins it to the upright pier immediate object of regard, as by
Butt, but. s. a mark, object of ridicule,
the by
vessel containing 126 gallons
Butt, but. v. a. to strike with the head


By-end, bl'end'. s. private interest
By-law, bi'law'. s. private law

Butter, but'tůr. s. food made from cream By-path, bi'path'. s. a private or obscure

-v. a. to smear with butter


Butterfly, bat'tår-fil. s. a beautiful insect By-room, bi'rôỏm'. s. a private room Butteris, but'tür-ris. s. a farrier's paring



By-speech, bi'speċtsh'. s. casual specch Buttermilk, båt'tür-milk. s. whey that is By-stander, bi'stân'dur. s. a looker on. separated from cream

one unconcerned

Butterprint, bût'tår-print. s. piece of By-view, bl'vu'. s. private purpose wood to mark butter By-walk, bi'wawk'. s. private walk Buttertooth, but tür-tôôth. s. the great By-way, bi'wa'. s. a private and obscure broad foretooth


Buttery, but tar-rè. s. room where pro- By-west, be-west'. a. westward, to the

visions are laid up

Buttock, but'tük. s. the rump

west of

By-word, bi'würd'. s. a saying, a proverb


¡Cade, kåde. s. a barrel
Cadence, ka'dênse.

CABAL, ka-bal'. s. intrigue, private Cadency, ka'den-st. S

s. fall, fall of he

junto [trigues voice, tone or sound Cabal, ka-bal'. v. n. to form close in-Cadent, kà'dent. a. falling down Cabalist, káb'a-list. s. one skilled in the Cadet, kâ-dêt'. s. younger brothe, a traditions of the Hebrews

[blocks in formation]

has an occult meaning, mysterious Caballer, ka-bál'lür, s. an intriguer Cabbage, kab'bidje. s. a plant-v. a. to steal in cutting clothes


Casura, sé- zu'râ. s. a figure, by whha

short syllable after a complete fot is made long

Cag, kâg. s. a little barrel

Cage, kaje. s. a place of confinement for birds-v. n. to enclose in a ce Cabin, kâb'bin. s. a room in a ship, a cot-Cajole, kâ-jole'. v. a. to flatter, to sothe tage-v. a. & n. to confine or live in a Cajoler, kâ-jölûr. s. a flatterer, whedler cabin [private council-room Cajolery, kå-jo'lür-rè. s. flattery Cabinet, káb'in-net. s. a set of drawers, Caitiff, ka'tif. s. a despicable knave Cabinet-maker, kåb’în-êt-må ́kůr. s. one Cake, kåke. s. a kind of delicate brad— that makes small nice work in wood v. n. to harden as dough in the own Cable, kabl. s. great rope for an anchor Calamanco, kâl-a-mång kò. s. a wollen Cachectical, kå-kêk'tè-kål. [nousearth Cachectic, ka-kék'tik. a. having Calamine, kal'à-minc. s. a fossil Htumi[body Calamitous, kå-lâm'è-tus, a. misenble

an ill habit of body


Cachexy, kik'kek-sè. s. an ill habit of Calamitousness, kâ-lâm'è-tüs-nês.s. mi

Cackerel, kak'ür-il. s. a fish

Cackle, kak'kl. v. n. to make a noise as goose or hen-s. noise of a goose of fowl

[a tatler

sery, distress

of calx

Calamity, ka-lâm'è-tè. s. misfortune Calamus, kâl'â-mús. s. a sort of red Calash, ka-lâsh'. s. a small carriage Cackler, kåk'lür. s. a fowl that cackles. Calcarious, kâl-kà're-us. a. of the nature Cacochymy, kak'ko-kim-mè. s. a corruption of the humours Cacophony, ka-kof'o-nè. s. bad sound of Cacuminate,ka-ku ́mè-nåte. v. a. to make sharp or pyramidal

[words Calceated, kashe-à-têd. a. sho

Cadaverous, kå-dâv'è,rûs. a. having the
appearance of a dead carcase
Caddis, kâd'dis. s. kind of tape, a worm
Cade, kåde. a. tame, gentle, soft

Calcination, kål-sé-náʼshån. s. chymical pulverization

Calcinatory, kål-sin'à-túr-è. s. a vessel used in calcination

Calcine, kâl-sine'. v. a. & n. to burn to or become a calx by heat

Calculate, kâl ́kú-låte. v. a. to reckou

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