صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Bemused, be-můzd'. a. overcome with Bent, bent. s. a curve, inclination, temmusing

Bench, bensh. s. seat, seat of justice
Bend, bênd. v. a. & n. to crook, incline,
subdue, be incurvated, be submissive
Bend, bend. s. flexure, incurvation
Bendable, ben'då-bl. a. that may be bent
Bender, bên'důr. s. he who bends
Beneath, be-neтне'. prep. & ad. under,
below, unworthy of

per or disposition, tendency, a kind



Bent, bênt. part. of the verb To Bend
Benum, bè-nům. v. a. to make torpid
Bepaint, bè-pante'. v. a. to cover with
Bepinch, be-pinsh'. v. a. to mark with
Bequeath, be-kwèтнe'. v. a. to leave by

Benedict, ben'è-dikt. a. having mild and
salubrious qualities
Benediction, ben-e-dik'shin. s. blessing
Benefaction, ben-è̟-fâk-shůn. s. gift
Benefactor, bên-e-fâk'tår. s. he who con- Bereave, bè-rève'. v. a. to deprive of
fers a benefit
[confers a benefit Bereft, bè-rêft'. part. pass. of Bereave
Benefactress, bên-è-fâk'très. s. she who Bergamot, bêr-gå-môt. s. a sort of pear
Benefice, bên'è-fis. s. a church living Berhyme, be-rime'. v. a. to celebrate in
Beneficed, bên'è-fist. a. possessed of a rhyme or verses

Bequest, bè-kwest'. s. a legacy
Berattle, bé-råt'tl. v. a. to rattle off
Barberry, bår'bêr-rẻ. s. a berry of a
sharp taste


[goodness Berlin, bèr-lin'. s. a kind of coach Beneficence, bè-nêf'è-sènse. s. active Berry, bêr'rè. s. a fruit-v. n. to bear Beneficent, be-nèf’è-sènt. a. doing good berries

Beneficial, bên-e-fish'ål. a. advantageous Beryl, bêr'ril. s. a precious stone
Beneficialness, bên-è-fish'âl-nés. s. profit Bescreen, bè-skrèèn'. v. a. to shelter
Beneficiary, bên-è-fish'yâ-rè. s. he that Beseech, be-seetsh'. v. a. to entreat, beg
has a benefice
Beseem, bè-sèèm'. v. n. to become, be fit
Beset, bè-sêt'. v. a. to waylay, surround,
[to, to happen ill to
Beshrew, be-shrů. v. a. to wish a curse

Benefit, ben'è-fit. s. favour, profit

Benefit, bên'e-fit. v. a. & n. to do good fall upon
to, to gain advantage [ness, good will
Benevolence, be-név vô-lênse. s. kind-Beside, bè-side'.
Benevolent, be-nêv'vô-lênt. a. kind
Bengal, bên-gáll'. s. a thin slight stuff
Benight, be-nite'. v. a. to involve in

Benign, bé-nine'. a. kind, wholesome
Benignity, be-nig'nè-tè. s. actual


Benignly, be-nine'lè. ad. kindly

Besides, be-sides'. prep. & ad, at the
side of, near, over and above
Besiege, bè-sèèje'. v. a. to beset with

Besieger, bè-sèè'jûr. s. one who besieges kind-Beslubber, bè-slub'bûr. v. a. to dawb

Besmear, be-smèèr'. v. a. to bedawb, soil

Besmirch, bè-smêrtsh'. v. a. to soil

Besmoke, be-smoke'. v. a. to foul with Bestraught, be-stråwt'. part. distracted smoke Bestrew, be-strů'. v. a. to sprinkle over

Besmut, bê-småt'. v. a. to blacken with Bestride, be-stride'. v. a. to stride over

smoke or soot

Besom, bezům. s. a broom

Besort, bê-sort'. v. a. to suit, fit

Besot, bé-sôt'. v. a. to stupify

Bestud, be-stad'. v. a. to adorn with


Bet, bêt. s. a wager

Bet, bêt. v. a. to wager

[course to Besought, be-sawt'. part. pass. of Be- Betake, bè-tåke'. v. a. to take, have reseech Bethink, be-think'. v. a. to recollect Bespangle, bè-spång'gl. v. a. to adorn Bethral, be-thrawl'. v. a. to enslave. with spangles [with dirt or water Bethump, bè-thump'. v. a. to beat Bespatter, be-spât'ter. v. a. to sprinkle Betide, bé-tide'. v. n. to happen to, fall Bespeak, be-speèk'. v. a. to order be- out


} ad. seasonably,

forehand, to shew Betime, be-time'. Bespeaker, be-spèè'kûr, s. one who be- Betimes, bè-timz'. speaks [shew Bespeckle, be-spĉk'kl. v. a. to mark Betoken, bè-to’kn. v. a. to signify, forewith spots [or vomit Betony, bêt'tô-nè. s. a plant Bespew, be-spù'. v. a. to dawb with spew Betook,be-took'. irreg. pret. from Betake Bespice, be-spise'. v. a. to season with Betoss, be-tôs'. v. a. to disturb, agitate spices [tle Betray, be-trà'. v. a. to give up to an enemy, to discover that which has been entrusted to secrecy, to make liable to something inconvenient, to reveal, shew

Bespit, be-spit'. v. a. to dawb with spit-
Bespot, bé-spot'. v. a. to mark with spots
Bespread, be-sprẻd'. v. a. to spread over
Besprinkle,be-sprink'kl. v. a. to sprinkle


[over something Betrayer, be-tråʼur. s. a traitor Besputter, be-spåt'tår. v. a. to sputter Betrim, be-trim'. v. a. to deck, dress Best, bêst. a. & ad. most good, in the Betroth, be-troth'.v. a. to contract to any highest degree of goodness, fittest one Bestain, bé-ståne'. v. a. to spot Bestead, be-sted'. v. a. to profit, treat Bestial, bes'tshè-âl. a. of a beast, brutal Bestiality, bes-tshè-al'è-tè. s. the quality of beasts

Bestick, be-stik'. v. a. to stick over
Bestir, be-stur'. v. a. to put into action
Bestow, be-stő. .v. a. to give, to lay out
Bestower, be-sto'år. s. giver, disposer

Betrust, be-trust'. v. a. to entrust
Better, bêt'tår. a. having good qualities
in a greater degree than something

Better, bêt'tår. ad. well, in a greater de-

Better, bêt'tår. v. a. to improve, surpass
Better, bêt'tûr. s. superior in goodness
Better, bêt'tûr, s. he who lays bets

Betty, bêt'tè. s. an instrument to break Bibliothecal, bib-lè-ôth'è-kål. a. belong

open doors Between, be-twèèn'. Betwixt, be-twikst'. prep.in the middle }

Bevel, {bev'll. }s.


s. a kind of square
Beverage, bev'ůr-idje. s. drink
Bery, bev'è. s. flock of birds, company
Bewail, be-wale'. v. a. to lament
Beware, be-ware'. v. n. to be cautious
Beweep, be-weep'. v. a. to weep over
Bewet, be-wêt'. v. a. to wet, moisten
Bewilder, be-wil'dûr. v. a. to lose in path-
less places, to puzzle

ing to a library
Bibulous, bib'ù-lus. a. spongy, drinking
Bice, bise. s. a colour for painting
Bicipital, bi-sip'è-tál. 2a. having two
Bicipitous, bi-sip'e-tús. S heads
Bicker, bik'kůr. v. n. to skirmish, quiver
Bickerer, bik'kür-ür. s. a skirmisher
Bickern, bik'kurn. s. an iron ending in
a point

Bicorn, bi'korn. 2a. having two
Bicornous, bi-kór'nůs. S horns

Bicorporal, bi-kôr'pô-râl. a. having two

Bewitch, be-witsh'. v. a. to injure by Bid, bid. v. a. to ask, order, offer witchcraft, to charm, please

Bidden, bid'dn. part. pass. invited, com

Bewitchery, be-witsh'ůr-rè. s. fascina- manded tion, charm

[tion Bidder, bid'dür. s. one who bids. Bewitchment, be-witsh'mênt. s. fascina-Bidding, bid'ding. s. command, order Bewray, be-ra'. v. a. to betray, shew Bewrayer, be-rà'ůr. s. betrayer Beyond, be-yond'. prep. before, on the farther side of, farther onward than Bezoar, bezore. s. a medicinal stone

Bide, bide. v. a. & n. to suffer, to dwell
Bidental, bl-dén'tål. a. having two teeth
Biding, bi'ding. s. residence
Biennial, bl-en'nè-ál. a. for two years
Bier, bèèr. s. a carriage for the dead
Biestings, bèès'tingz. s. first milk given

Biangulated,bi-ângʻgå-là-ted.a. having by a cow after calving

Biangulous, bi-âng'gu-lûs. two corners or angles

Bias, bl'as. s. weight on one side of bowl, inclination, bent


Bias, bi'âs. v. a. to incline to one side Bib, bib. s. piece of linen under the chins of infants

Bibacious, bi-ba'shus. a. much addicted
to drinking

Bibber, bib'bår. s. a tippler
Bible, bl'bl. s. the sacred volume
Bibliographer, bib-lè-ôg'grå-für, s.


Bifarious, bi-fa'rè-ús. a. twofold
Biferous, bif'fè-rüs. a. bearing twice a
Bifold, bi'fold. a. twofold [two forms
Biformed, bi'formd. a. compounded of
Bifurcated, bl-fûr'kà-têd. a. shooting out
into two heads

Big, big. a. large, pregnant, proud
Bigamist, big gå-mist. s. one who has

committed bigamy [ing two wires Bigamy, big'ga-mè. s. the crime of hava Bigbellied, bigʻbêl-lid. a. pregnant Biggin, big'gin. s. a child's cap

Bigly, big'le. ad. tumidly, haughtily [size|Binder, bind'år. s. one who binds, a fillet Bigness, bignès. s. greatness of quantity, Binding, binding. s. a bandage

Bigot, big gut. s. one devoted to a party
Bigoted, big gut-êd. a- superstitious
Bigotry, big gat-trẻ. s. blind zeal
Bilander, bil'ân-dår. s. a kind of vessel
Bilberry, bởi′ber-rề. s. whortleberry
Bilbo, bil'bỏ. s. a rapier, sword
Bilboes, bil'boze. s. a sort of stocks

Binocular, bl-nök'ů-lür. a. having two


Biographer, bi-ôg'grå-für. s. a writer of
Biography, bi-og'grå-fè. s. history of lives
Biparous, bip'på-rus. a. bearing two at a
[dividing into two
Bipartition, bl-pår-tish'un. s. the act of

Bile, bile. s. a yellow liquor collected in Biped, bi'ped. s. an animal with two feet
the gall-bladder
Bipedal, bip'pè-dål. a. two feet in length
Bile, bile. s. a sore swelling-improperly, Bipennated, bi-pên'nâ-têd. a. having two


Bilge, bilje.v.n. to spring aleak,
Biliary, bil'ya-ré. a. belonging to the bile
Billingsgate, bil'lingz-gåte. s. foul lan-
Bilinguous, bi-ling'gwus. a. having two
Bilious, bil'y us. a. consisting of bile
Bilk, bilk. v. a. to cheat, defraud



wings [two flower leaves Bipetalous, bl-pêt'tâ-lús. a. consisting of Biquadrate, bl-kwa'dråte. s. the Biquadratic, bl-kwa-drât'ik. Š fourth power arising from the multiplication of a square by itself Birch, burtsh. s. a tree

Birchen, bur'tshn. a. made of birch

Bill, bil. s. the beak of a fowl, a kind of Bird, bård. s. a feathered animal hatchet, a written paper, account of Birdbolt, bård'bólt. s. a small arrow money, charge, a law presented to Birdcatcher, bûrd'kâtsh-úr. s. one that a legislature

makes it his employment to take birds Birder, bård'år. s. a birdcatcher bil-Birdingpiece, burd'ing-pèėse. s. a gun to shoot birds with

Birdlime, bird'lime. s. a glutinous substance to catch birds

Birth, berth. s. act of coming into life, rank


Bill, bil. v. a. & n. to publish, caress Billet, bil'lit. s. a small paper, a note, let-doux, a love letter, a small log Billet, bil'llt. v. a. to quarter soldiers Billiards, bil'yurdz. s. a kind of play Billow, bil'ló. s. a wave swollen Billowy, bil'ló-é. a. swelling, turgid Bin, bin. s. a place where bread or wine Birthdom, berth'dům. s. privilege of is deposited [box Birthright, berth'rite. s. right to which a man is born, right of the first born Biscuit, bis'kit. s. hard dry bread Bisect, bi-sekt'. v. a. to divide into two Bisection, bi-sêk'shûn. s. division into two equal parts

Binacle, bin'å-kl.s. seu term,the compass
Binary, bl'na-rè. a. two, double
Bind, bind. v. a. to confine, gird, fasten,
restrain, tie up

Bind, bind. v. n. to contract, grow stiff

Bishop, bish'up. s. one of the head order Black, blåk. s. a colour, a negro

of the clergy

Black, blåk. v. a. to blacken

Bishopric, bish'up-rik. s. the diocese or Blackamoor, blåk'å-môre. s. a negro

jurisdiction of a bishop Bisk, bisk. s. soup, broth

Bismuth, biz'math. s. a marcasite
Bissextile, bis-seks'til. s. leap year
Bit, bit. s. the iron of a bridle, a small
piece, a Spanish silver coin
Bit, bit. v. a. to bridle a horse
Bitch, bitsh. s. the female of the dog
Bite, bite. v. a. to crush with the teeth,
hurt, wound, cheat, trick
Bite, bite. s. seizure by the teeth, a cheat
Biter, bi'tür. s. he that bites
Bittacle, bit'tâ-kl. s. see Binacle
Bitter, bit'tur. a. sharp, cruel, severe
Bitterly, bit'tür-lè. ad. with a bitter taste,

Bittern, bit'turn. s. a bird

Blacken,blak'kn. v. a. & n. to make black,
darken, defame, grow black
Blackish, blák'ish. a. somewhat black
Blackmoor, blâk'môre. s. a negro
Blackness, blâk'nês, s. black colour
Blacksmith,blak'smith. s. one who works

in iron

Blacktail, blak'tale. s. a small fish
Blackthorn, blâk'thorn. s. the sloe
Bladder, blad'dür. s. vessel which con-
tains the urine, a blister

Blade, blade. s. spire of grass, sharp part
of a weapon, a brisk man

Bladed, bla'ded. a. having blades or

Blain, blåne. s. a pustule, blister
Blameable, bla'må-bl. a. culpable, faulty

Bitterness, bit'tûr-nês. s. a bitter taste, Blameableness, blá'mâ-bl-nés, s. fault

[blocks in formation]

Blameably, blà'må-blè. ad. culpably
Blame, blame. v. a. to censure, charge
with a fault-s. imputation, crime,

Blameful, blame'ful. a. criminal, guilty
Blameless, blåme'lês. a. guiltless
Blamelesly, blame'lês-lè. ad. innocently
Blamelesness, blame'lès-nês. s. innocence
Blamer, blåʼmûr. s. a censurer
Blameworthy, blåme'wûr-THè. a. cul-

Blanch, blânsh. v. a. to whiten, strip
Blancher, blâu'shår. s. a whitener

Black-cattle, blâk'kât-tl. s. oxen, cows, Bland, blând. a. soft, mild, gentle


[low Blandish,blân'dish. v. a. to smooth, soften

Blackguard, blåg-gård'. s. a dirty fel-Blandishment, blân'dish-ment. s. soft Blacklead, blåk-led'. s. a mineral


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