صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Associable, as-so'shë-â-bl. a. that may Asterism, âs'tè-rism. s. a constellation Astern, a-stêrn'. ad. abaft, behind the

be joined to another

Associate, as-so'shè-åte. v. a. to unite ship with, to accompany


Asthma, ast'må. s. a disease of the
Asthmatical, åst-mât'è-kál.
Asthmatic, åst-måt'ik.


a. trou

Associate, ås-so'shè-åte. a. confederate
Associate, as-so'shè-åte. s. a partner
Association, âs-só-she-d'shůn. s. union, bled with the asthma [confound
society, confederacy, partnership Astonish, As-ton'nish. v. a. to amaze,
Assort, ás-sort'. v. a. to range in classes Astonishment, as-tôn'nish-ment.s.amaze-
Assot, ås-sót. v. a. to infatuate [pease ment, confusion of mind

Assuage, âs-swàje'. v. a. to mitigate, ap-Astound, âs-tòûnd'. v. a. to astonish, to
Assuagement, as-swȧje'mènt. s. that confound with fear or wonder
Astraddle, a-stråd'dl. ad. with legs

which mitigates or softens


Assuager, as-swà'jûr. s. he who assuages [architecture Assuasive, ás-swa'siv. a. softening Astragal, as'trå-gål. s. an ornament in Assubjugate, as-sûb′jů-gåte. v. a. to sub-Astral, âs'trål. a. relating to the stars ject to [of being accustomed Astray, a-strå'. ad. out of the right way Assuefaction, As-swe-fak'shůn. s. state Astrict, ås-trikt'. v. a. to contract by Assuetude, âs'swé-tude. s. custom [tracting Assume, âs-sume'. v. a. to take, arro-Astriction, ås-trik'shån. s. act of congate, claim or seize, suppose Astrictive, as-trik'tiv. a. stiptick, bindAssumer, ås-sû'mår. s. an arrogant man ing Assuming, as-su'ming. p. a. arrogant


Astrictory, as-trik'tůr-ré. a. astringent


Assumption, âs-süm'shun. s. act of assu-Astride, a-stride'. ad. with the legs open ming, thing supposed, a postulate Astriferous, as-trif'è-rås. a. bearing stars Assumptive, as-sum'tiv. a. that which Astringe, ås-trinje'. v. a. to bind or draw is assumed [contracting Assurance, âsh-shu'rânse. s. certain Astringency, as-trin'jên-se. s. power of knowledge, want of modesty Astringent, ås-trin'jent. a. binding Assure, ash-shure'. v. a. to make secure Astrolabe, as'tró-låbe. s. an instrument or confident [immodest for taking the altitude of the sun or

Assured, âsh-shu'rèd. p. a. certain,

stars at sea

Assuredly, ash-shu'red-le. ad. certainly Astrologer, ås-trólò-jår. s. he who forcAssuredness, âsh-shu'rêd-nês. s. cer- tels by the stars tainty

Astrological, ás-tro-lód'jè-kál. a. reAssurer, âsh-shu'růr. s. he who assures Astrologic, âs-trô-lôd'jîk. Asterisk, âs'tè-risk. s. a mark in print- lating to astrology



[tise astrology

Astrologize, is-trôl'ò-jize. v. n. to prac

Astrology, as-trôl'ò-jé. s. practice of Atomical, â-tôm'è-kål. a. relating to foretelling by the stars [atomical philosophy

a. be


Astronomer, as-tron'no-mår. s. he that Atomist, ât'to-mist. s. one that holds the studies the celestial motions Atomy, åt'o-me. s. an atom Astronomical,ds-tro-nôm’c-kil. Astronomic, ás-trô-nôm'ik. longing to astronomy Astronomically, as-trů-nôm'è-kál-lè. ad. in an astronomical manner

Atone, à-tone'. v. a. & n. to agree, expiate Atonement, á-tone'mènt. s. agreement, concord, expiation, equivalent Atop, a-top'. ad. on the top, at the top Astronomy, as-trôn’nu-mè. S. a science Atrabilarian, at-trả-bé-là rẻ-ấn. a. meteaching the knowledge of the celes- lancholy [lancholic tial bodies Atrabilarious, ất-trầ-bé-là rẻ-us. a. meAsunder,a-sün'dår. ad. apart, separately Atrabilariousness, ât-trâ-bè-là'rè-ûs-nês. Asylum, á-sl'lam. s. a sanctuary, refuge s. the state of being melancholy At, åt. prep. Athanor, ath'a-nor. s. a digesting fur-Atramentous, át-trâ-mên'tůs. S black


Atheism, the-ism. s. disbelief of a God Atheist, a'the-ist. s. one that denies the existence of God

Atheistical, à-the-is'tè-kål. a. given to atheism

Atramental, ât-tra-men'tál. a. inky,

Atrocious, â-tro'shus. a. very wicked
Atrociously, â-trở ́shûs-lè. ad. in an atro-
cious manner

Atrociousness, a-tro'shus-nès. s. quality
of being enormously criminal
Atrocity, a-trôs'sê-tè. s. wickedness

Atheistically, a-thè-is'tè-kâl-lè. ad. in an Atrophy, at'tró-fè. s. want of nourish

atheistical manner

[ism ment

Atheistic, à-the-is'tik. a. given to athe-Attach, ât-tâtsh'. v. a. to seize, fix
Atheous, a'the-ůs. a. atheistic, godless
Athirst, â-thårst'. ad. thirsty

Attachment, ât-tâtsh'ment. s. adhe
rence, regard [to begin a contest

Athletic, ath-let'ik. a. belonging to Attack, ât-tak'. v. a. to assault an enemy,

wrestling, vigorous Athwart,a-thwart'. prep. across, through Atilt, -tilt'. ad. like one making a


Atlas, ât lås. s. a collection of maps Atmosphere, átʼmo-sfère, s. the air that surrounds the earth

Atmospherical, ît-md-sfèr'è-kål. a. belonging to the atmosphere

Atoin, di'tům. 6. a very small particle

Attack, ât-tâk'. s. an assault
Attacker, åt-tâk'ür. s. he who attacks
Attain, ât-tàne'. v. a. & n. to gain, reach,

Attainable, åt-tåne'â-bl. a. that which
may be obtained

Attainableness, ât-tàne'â-bi-nês. s. qua-
lity of being attainable
Attainder, åt-tåne'dür. s. the act of at-
tainting in law

Attainment, åt-tåneʼment. s. acquisition Attitude, ât'tè-túde. s. a posture, action Attaint, ât-tante'. v. a. to dishonour, cor-Attollent, ât-tôl'lent. a. raising up


Attaint, ât-tante'. s. stain, spot, taint
Attainture, ât-tåne'tshûre. s. imputation
Attemper, åt-têm'pår. v. a. to mingle,

Attemperate,ât-têm'pê-råte. v. a. to pro-
portion to something

Attorney, At-tur'ne. s. an agent, lawyer
Attorneyship, ât-tûr'né-ship. s. office of
an attorney
[lure, invite
Attract, ât-trakt'. v. a. to draw to, al-
Attractical, ât-tråk'tè-kål. a. attracting
Attraction, ât-tråk'shån. s. the power of
drawing any thing, the power of al-
luring or enticing

Attempt, at-têmt'. v. a. to attack, try
Attempt, ât-têmt'. s. attack, endeavour
Attemptable, at-têmt'tâ-bl. a. liable to
attempts or attacks
Attempter, At-te nt'tår. s. he who at-Attractively, ât-trák'tiv-lè. ad. in an at-
Attend, ât-tènd'. v. a. & n. to regard, Attractiveness, åt-tråk'tiv-nès. s. quality
accompany, stay [train, attention of being attractive
Attendance, ât-tên'dânse. s. waiting, a Attractor, åt-trâk'tür. s. agent that at-
Attendant, át-tên'dânt. s. he who attends Attrahent, åt'trå-hent. s. that which
Attender, ât-tên'dår. s. companion

Attractive, åt-tråk'tiv. a. that attracts Attractive, ât-tråk'tiv. s. that which [tempts draws [tractive manner

Attent, åt-tênt'. a. intent, attentive Attributable, ât-trib'i-tå-bl. a. that may Attention, ât-tên'shân. s. act of attend- be ascribed or attributed ing [ful Attribute, åt-trib'ite. v. a. to ascribe to Attentive, at-tên'tiv. a. heedful, regard-Attribute, at'tre-bûte. s. thing attributed, Attentively, at-tèn'tiv-lè. ad. carefully quality adherent [ascribed Attentiveness, åt-tên'tîv-nês. s. heedful-Attribution, ât-tre-bu'shůn. s. qualities Attrite, åt-trite'. a. worn by rubbing Attriteness, ât-trite'nès. s. the being much worn


Attenuant, ât-tên'ù-ânt. a. making thin
Attenuate, åt-tên'ù-åte. a. made thin
Attenuation, åt-tên-ů-à'shůn. s. the act of Attrition, ât-trish'ûn. s. a rubbing against
making thin or slender [witness Attune, ât-tune'. v. a. to make musical
Attest, at-test', v. a. to witness, call to Atween, â-twèèn'. ad. or prep. between
Attestation, At-tês-tà'shůn. s. testimony Atwixt, a-twikst'. prep. in the middle
Attiguous, åt-tig'ù-ås. a. hard by Auburne, àw'burn. a. brown, of a tan co-
Attinge, åt-tinje'. v. a. to touch slightly lour
Attire, ât-tire'. v. a. to dress, habit, Auction, åwk'shûn. s. sale to the best bid-
Auctionary, awk’shûn-â-rè. a. belonging
to an auction
[by auction
Auctioneer,awk-shin-èèr'.s. he who sells


Attire, át-tire'. s. dress, horns of a buck
Attirer, ât-tl'rår. s. he who attires


Audacious, åw-dàʼshûs. a. bold, impudent Aunt, ånt. s. a father's or mother's sister Audaciously, àw-dåʼshûs-lè. ad. boldly Aurelia, àw-re'lè-á. s. the chrysalis Audaciousness, àw-dà'shûs-nès. s. impu-Auricle, àw'rè-kl. s. the external ear; dence two muscular caps, covering the two

Audacity, àw-dâs'è-tè. s. spirit, boldness ventricles of the heart Audible, aw'dè-bl. a. loud enough to be Auricula, àw-rik'ù-la. s. a flower heard [of being heard Auricular, àw-rik'ů-lâr. a. secret, told in Audibleness, àw'dè-bl-nès. s. capableness the ear [gold Audibly, aw'de-blè.ad.in an audible man-Auriferous, àw-rif'fè-rås. a. producing Aurist,àw'rist, s. one who cures disorders of the ear


Audience, àw'jè-ênse. s. a hearing [ing Audit, àw'dit. s. a final account [finally Aurora, àw-rò'râ. s. poetically, the mornAudit, àw'dit. v. a. to take an account Auspice, àw'spis. s. omen, favour Auditor, àw'dè-tůr. s. examiner of ac- Auspicial,àw-spish'âl. a. relating to progcounts, a hearer [hearers nostics [happy Auditory, aw'de-tůr-rẻ. s. assembly of Auspicious, aw-spish'us. a. favourable, Auditress, aw'de-três. s. she who hears Auspiciously, àw-spish'us-lè. ad. happily Auger, àw'går. s. a carpenter's tool Austere, àw-stèèr'. a. harsh, rigid Aught, awt. pron. any thing Austerely, aw-stèèr'lè. ad. severely.

Augment, àwg-mênt'. v. a. & n. to in- Austerity, àw-stèr'è-tè. s. strictness crease, grow bigger

Augur, àw'gur.

[increase Austral, àws'trål. a. southern

Augurer, awgar-dr. s. a soothsayer aw/går-år.} s. a soothsayer

Augment, awg'ment. s. increase, state of Austrine, àws'trin. a. southern Augmentation, àwg-mên-ta'shůn. s. act Authentical, àw-thên'tè-kâl. a. authentic of increasing, thing added Authentically, àw-thèn'tè-kâl-lè. ad. in an authentic manner Authenticate, àw-then'tè-kåte. v. a. to esAugur, àw'går. v. n. to guess, conjecture tablish by proof [rity, genuineness by signs [augury Authenticity, àw-then-tis'se-té. s. authoAugurate, àw'gů-råte. v. n. to judge by Authentic, aw-then'tik. a. genuine Auguration, àw-gu-rà'shůn. s. practice Author, àw'thur. s. inventor, writer of augury [gury Authoress, àw'thur-ès. s. a female writer Augurial, aw-gu'rẻ-ål. a. relating to au- Authoritative, àw-thôr'ẻ-tâ-tiv. a. havAugury,aw'gu-re.s.an omen or prediction ing due authority August, aw-gust'. a. great, grand, royal August, åw'gúst. s. eighth month Augustness, àw-gust'nès. s. dignity Aulick, àw'lik. a. belonging to the court Auin, àwn. s. a French measure, an ell

Authority, àw-thor'è-tè. s. legal power, influence, credit

Authorization, aw-thò-rẻ-zà’shủn. s. es= tablishment by authority

Authorize, âw'thỏ-rize. v. a. to empower


Autocrasy, aw-tôkʼrâ-së. s. independent Averment, â-vèr'mênt. s. establishment of any thing by evidence Automaton, aw-tôm’&-tồn. s. a machine|Avernat, 4-vernất. s. sort of grape that hath the power of motion within Averse,a-verse'. a. contrary to, unwilling itself [tion Aversely, â-vèrs'lè. ad. backwardly Autopsy, aw/top-se. s. ocular demonstra-Averseness, a-vers'nés. s. unwillingness Autoptical, àw-top'tè-kål. a. perceived Aversion, a-ver'shån. s. hatred, dislike by one's own eyes [year Avert, å-vert'. v. a. to turn aside, turn off Autumn, àw'tům. s. third season of the Aviary, à'vè-â-ré. s. a place for birds Autumnal, aw-tum'nål. a. belonging to Avidity, d-vid'è-té. s. greediness, eager


} S. &

s.& a. help

Auxiliar, åwg-zll'yår.
Auxiliary, àwg-zil'ya-ré.
er, assistant, helping
Avail, a-våle'. v. a. to profit, assist
Avail, â-våle'. s. profit, advantage,


Avocate, âv'vo-kåte. v. a. to call away
Avocation,âv-vo-kå ́shûn. s.
s. act of calling
aside, business that calls

Avoid, â-võid'. v. a. & n. to shun, retire be-Avoidable, â-vòîd'à-bl. a. that which may be avoided

Available, â-vå′lå-bl. a. profitable Availableness, â-vàʼlâ-bl-nés. s. power of promoting the end

Avoidance, â-võid'ânse. s, act of avoiding
Avoider, â-võîd'èr. s. he who avoids
Avoidless, â-võid'lės. a. inevitable
Avoirdupois, âv-¿r-dù-pòîz'. s. a kind of
Avolation, âv-d-lå'shún. s. act of flying
Avouch, â-voutsh'. v. a. to affirm, justify
Avouchable, a-vỏûtsh'å-bl. a. that may
be avouched

Availably, a-và'lå-blè. ad. powerfully
Availment, a-vale'ment. s. advantage
Avale, â-våle'. v. a. to let fall, depress
Avant-guard, â-vânt'gård. s. the van
Avarice, âv'a-ris. s. covetousness
Avaricious, âv-â-rish'ůs. a, covetous
Avariciously, âv-à-rish'ûs-lè. ad. covet-Avoucher,4-vôùtsh'èr.s.he that avouches
|Avow, â-vòù'. v. a. to declare openly
Avariciousness, âv-â-rish'ús-nès. s. the Avowable, â-vòù'å-bl. a. that may be
quality of being avaricious
Avaunt, a-vawnt'. intj. begone
Avenge, à-venje'. v. a. to revenge, punish
Avengeance, a-vèn'janse, s. punishment
Avengement, â-vènje'mênt. s. revenge
Avenger, 4-vên'jur. s. revenger
Avenue, âv'è-nů. s. entrance to a walk
Aver, â-ver'. v. a. to declare positively
Average, áv'är-áje. s. mcan proportion

openly declared

Avowal, á-vòù'âl. s. justificatory decla-
Avowedly, â-vôù'êd-lè. ad. in an avowed
Avowee, âv-du-te'. s. see Advowee
Avower, å-vòu'ûr. s. he that avows
Avowsal, â-vỏù'zál. s. a confession
Avowtry, å-vòù'trè. s. adultery
Avulsion,a-val'shin. s. act of pulling from

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