صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Archaiology, år-kå-ôl'ò-jè. s. a discourse¡ Arctic, ârk'tik. a. northern

on antiquity

Arcuate, år'ku-åte. a. bent in the form

Archangel, årk-åne'jel. s. one of the high- of an arch
est order of angels, a plant, dead nettle Arcuation, ar-ku-à'shûn. s. incurvation
Archangelic, ark-ân-jêl'lîk. a. belonging Ardency, ar'den-se. s. ardour, eagerness
to archangels
Ardent, ar'dent.a.hot, fierce, affectionate
Archbishop, artsh-bish'up. s. chiefbishop Ardently, år'dent-lè. ad. eagerly
Archbishoprick, artsh-bish'up-rik. s. ju-Ardour, ár'dur. s. heat, heat of affection
risdiction of an archbishop [deputy Arduity, år-dù'è-tè. 2 s. height,
Archdeacon, artsh-de'kn. s. a bishop's Arduousness, ar'ju-us-nès. difficulty
Archdeaconry, artsh-dè'kn-rẻ. s. juris-Arduous, år'jù-ús. a. lofty, difficult
diction of an archdeacon
Are, àr. the plural of the present tense

Archdeaconship, årtsh-de'kn-ship. s. the of the verb To be
office of an archdeacon [duchess Area, à'rè-â. s. superficial contents [ing
Archduchess, artsh-dåtsh'ès. s. grand Arefaction, år-re-fak'shun. s. act of dry-
Archduke, artsh-dåke'. s. grand duke Arefy, âr'rè-fi. v. a. to dry
Archprelate, artsh-prèl låte. s. chief pre-Arenaceous, ár-é-na'shus. a. sandy
Arenose, âr-é-nôse'. a. sandy


late Archpresbyter, ârtsh-près'bé-tèr. s. chief Arenulous, 4-rên'ù-lús. a. full of smal presbyter Areotic, à-rè-ôt'ik. a. opening the pores

Arched, ar'tshed. p. a. bent like an arch Argent, år'jênt. a. silver coloured
Archer, artsh'ůr. s. who shoots with a Argil, âr'jil. s. potter's clay


Argillaceous, ar-jil-la'shus. a. clayey Archery, artsh'ûr-è. s. art of an archer Argillous, âr-jil'lus, a, consisting of clay Archetype,ar'ke-tipe. s. original pattern Argosy, ar'go-sè. s. a large vessel used Archetypal, år-ké-ti pâl. a. original for merchandise Archiepiscopal,år-ké-è-pîs'kó-pâl. a. belonging to an archbishop

Argue, år'gu. v. n. to reason, dispute
Arguer, årgu-ûr., s. a reasoner, disputer
Argument, ar'gù-mênt. s. a reason, sub-

Architect, ar'kè-tékt. s. a chief builder
Architective, år-kè-tèk'tiv. a. that per- ject of discourse, controversy

forms architecture

Architecture, år'ké-tek-tshire. s. the science of building

Argumental, àr-gu-mèn'tål. a. belonging
to argument


Architrave, år'ke-trave. s. that part of Argumentative,år-gu-mên'tâ-tiv. a. con

a column which lies upon the capital

taining argument

Archives, ar'kivez. s. a place of records Argute, år-gûte'. a. subtile, witty, shrill

Archwise, artsh'wize. a. like an arch
Arctation, ark-ta'shun. s. confinement

Arid, år'rid. a. dry, parched up
Aridity, a-rid'dè-tè, s. dryness


Aries, à'ré-èz. s. the ram; one of the Armorer, år'mur-úr. s. who makes arms twelve signs of the zodiac Armorial, år-mo'rè-âl. a. belonging to Arietta, à-ré-èt'tâ, s. a short air or tune the arms of a family Aright, a-rite'. ad. rightly, without error Armory, ar'mur-ê. s. place for arms, arArise, a-rize'. v. n. to get up as from sleep Armour, år'můr. s. defensive arms Aristocracy, år-is-tók’krâ-sẻ. s. govern-Armour-bearer, år'mår-båre'dr. s who ment by nobles carries the armour of another Aristocratical, ár-ris-to-krât'tè-kål. a. Armpit, årm'pit. s. the hollow place unrelating to aristocracy [of aristocracy der the shoulder Aristocrate, âr-is-to-kråt. s. a favourer Arms, armz, s. weapons, ensigns armoArithmancy, a-rith'mân-sê, s. a foretell-Army, år'mè. s. a body of armed men ing of future events by numbers

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Arithmetical, ar-ith-mêt'té-kål. a. ac-Aromatic, ár-d-måt'ik. cording to arithmetic


a. spicy

Aromatics, år-o-måt'iks. s. pl. spices

Arithmetically, ar-ith-mêt'tè-kâl-lè. ad. Aromatize, âr'ò-mâ-tize. v. a. to scent

in an arithmetical manner Arithmetician, år-ith-mè-tish'ân. s. a master of the art of numbers Arithmetic, a-rith'me-tik. s. the science of numbers

with spices

Arose, à-rôze'. preterit of the verb Arise
Around, a-round'. ad. on every side
Around, â-round'. prep. about
Arouse, a-ròùze'. v. a. to wake, raise up

Ark, årk. s. a vessel, the repository of Arow, a-ro'. ad. in a row
the covenant of God with the Jews

Arquebuse, år'kwè-bus. s. a hand gun

Arm, arm. s. a limb of a man or of a tree Arquebusier,år-kwè-bus-èèr'.s. a soldier
Arm, arm. v. a, to furnish with arms
Arm, årm. v. n. to take arms
Armada, ar-ma'da. s. an armament for
Armadillo, àr-mâ-dilò. s. an animal
Armament, år'mâ-mênt. s. a naval force
Armature, ar'må-tshûre. s. armour
Armillary, ar'mil-lâ-rè. a. resembling a being put in order

armed with an arquebuse
[sea Arrack, år-râk'. s. a spirituous liquor
Arraign, år-ràne'. v. a. to accuse
Arraignment, år-råneʼmẻnt. s. a charge
Arrange, år-rånje'. v. a. to put in order
Arrangement, ár-rånje'mênt. s. state of

bracelet [waste-clothes Arrant, år'rânt. a. bad in a high degree Armings, arm'ingz. s. the same with Arrantly, âr'rânt-lè. ad. corruptly Armipotence, år-mip'o-tense. s. power in Arras, ár'râs. s. tapestry


[in war Array, âr-rà'. s. dress, order of battie Armipotent, år-mip'ò-tênt. a. mighty Array, âår-rà'. v. a. to put in order, dress Armistice, ar'mè-stis. s. a short truce Arrear, ar-réer. s. part of a debt unpaid Armlet, arm'let. s. a little arm, bracelet Arrearage, âr-rèèr ́àje. s. remainder of Armoniac, ar-mo'nè-åk. s. a salt



Arrest, âr-rèst'. s. a. restraint of a man's Article, år'tě-kl. v. n. to stipulate, make person [joints Arrest, år-rest'. v. a. to seize, to stop Articular, år-tik'u-lår. a. belonging to the Arriere, år-rèèr'.s. last body of an army Articulate, år-tik'ù-låte. a. distinct Arrival, år-rl'vål. s. the act of coming to Articulate, år-tik'ů-låte. v. a. to form any place words; to make terms Arrive, år-rive'. v. n. to come to, happen Articulately,år-tik'ù-låte-lè.ad.distinctly Articulation, Ar-tik-ù-là'shûn. s. joint of Arrogancy, arro-gan-se. s. the act or bones, the act of forming words quality of taking much upon one's self Artifice, år'tè-fis. s. trick, stratagem Arrogant, âr'ro-gånt. a. haughty, proud Artificer, år-tiffè-sûr. s. an artist Arrogantly, år'ro-gânt-lè. ad. in an arro-Artificial, ar-te-fish'âl. a. made by art gant manner [just claims Artificially, år-té-fish'âl-lè. ad. by art Arrogate, ar'ro-gåte. v. a. to exhibit un-Artificialness, ar-tè-fish'âl-nės. s. artfulArrow, âr'rò. s. a pointed weapon shot ness

from a bow Artillery, år-til'lår-rè. s. great guns Arrowhead, âr'ro-hêd. s. a water plant Artisan, år-tè-zân'. s. a manufacturer Arrowy, ar'ro-è. a. consisting of arrows Artist, årt'ist. s. professor of an art Arse, årse. s. the buttocks Arsenal, år'sè-nål. s. a magazine Arsenical, år-sen'è-kâl. a. containing senic

Artlessly, art'lès-lè. ad. without art Artless, art'lês. a. without fraud ar-Artuate, år'tshů-åte. v. a. to tear limb from limb

Arsenic, årse'nik. s. a violent poison
Art, art. s. a trade, skill, cunning
Arterial, àr-tè'rè-âl. a. belonging to an

Artery, år'tur-e. s. a canal conveying the
blood from the heart

Arundinacious, â-rûn-de-na'shus. a. of,
or like reeds
[ing with reeds
Arundineous, âr-in-din'è-is. a. abound-
As, âz. conj. in the same manner
Asafoetida, âs-sâ·fèt ́è-dâ. s. a stinking


Asbestine, âz-bês'tin. a. incombustible
Asbestos, âz-bès'tûs, s. a stone which fire

Artful, årt'ful. a. cunning, skilful
Artfully, årt'ful-lè. ad. with art
Artfulness, art'fùl-nês. s. skill, cunning cannot consume
Arthritic, år-thrît'ik.

Arthritical, ar-thrit ́e-kál.a. gouty

Artichoke, år'tè-tshoke. s. an esculent plant

Artic, år'tik. a. properly Arctic

Ascend, ás-send'. v. a. & n. to rise, climb
Ascendant, âs-sên'dânt. s. superiority
Ascendant, ås-sen'dânt. a. superior
Ascendency, âs-sên'dên-sè. s. influence
Ascension,as-sen'shun. s. act of ascending

Article, år'tè-kl. a. a part of speech, as Ascension-day, âs-sên'shůn-da'. s. day on the, an; a part of any complex thing which our saviour ascended into heaven


Ascensive, âs-sen'siv. a. in a state of Asleep, a-sleep'. ad. sleeping
Aslope, a-slope'. ad. with declivity
Asp, or Aspic, asp, or ås'plk. s. a ve-
nomous serpent
Asp, âsp. s. a tree

Ascent, ås-sênt'. s. rise, act of rising Ascertain, ás-ser-tàne'. v. a. to make certain

Ascertainer, ås-sêr-tà'nûr. s. the person that proves or ascertains Ascertainment, âs-sêr-tàne'mênt. s. settled rule

Ascetic, as-set'ik. s. a hermit

Ascites, âs-si'tèz. s. a kind of dropsy
Ascititious, as-se-tish'ús. a. additional
Ascribable, as-skriʼbâ-bl. a. that may be

Ascribe, ås-krlbe'. v. a. to attribute to
Ascription, ás-krip'shůn. s. act of as-

Ash, Ash. s. a tree


Aspalathus, âs-pâl'a-thûs. s. a plant
Asparagus, As-pår'å-gås. s. a plant,

vulgarly pronounced sparrow grass
Aspect, ás'pêkt. s. visage, look, air
Aspect, ås-pêkt'. v. a. to behold
Aspectable, âs-pèk'tå-bl. a. visible
Aspection, âs-pêk'shån. s. beholding
Aspen, as'pên. s. a tree, the poplar
Aspen, âs'pèn. a. made of aspen wood
Asper, âs'pûr. a. rough, rugged
Asperate, as'pe-råte. v. a. to make rough
Asperation, ås-pè-rà'shůn. s. a making

Ashamed, a-sha'mêd. a. touched with Asperity, âs-pèrè-tè. s. roughness Ashen, âsh'shên. a. made of ash wood Aspernation, âs-per-na'shûn. s. neglect Ashes,ash'iz.s.remains of any thing burnt Asperous, ás pé-rús. a. rough, uneven Ashlar, åsh'lår. s. free stones out of the


Asperse, âs-pêrse'. v. a. to bespatter [land with censure or calumny


Aspersion, as-pêr'shân. s. censure
Asphaltic, as-fal'tik. a. gummy
Asphaltos, ás-fal'tås, s. a bituminous,
inflammable substance, resembling


Ashore, a-shore'. ad. on shore; on the
Ashweed, ash'wèèd. s. an herb
Ashy, Ash'è. a. ash-coloured, pale
Aside, â-side'. ad. to one side, from the
Asinary, as'se-nâ-rẻ. a. belonging to an Asphodel, s'fo-del. s. day-lily
Asinine, as'sè-nine. a. belonging to an ass Aspic, âs'pik. s. the same as Asp [full
Ask, åsk. v. a. to beg or entreat, inquire Aspirate, as pe-rate. v. a. to pronounce
Askaune, {4-skanse'.} ad. sideways Aspirate, As'pè-rate. a. pronounced with
Askaunt, 4-skånt'. ad. obliquely

Asker,åsk'ür.s.he who asks,a water newt
Askew, a-sku'. ad. aside, with contempt
Aslant, â-slânt'. ad. obliquely, on one

full breath

Aspiration, âs-pè-rà ́shûn. s. an ardent
wish, the pronunciation of a vowel
with full breath

Aspire, âs-plre'. v. n. to desire, aim at
Asquint, â-skwint ad. obliquely

Ass, Ass. s. an animal, a stupid fellow
Assail, as-såle. v. a. to attack, assault
Assailable, âs-så'lâ-bl. a, which may be

Assessor, âs-sès'sûr. s. he that lays taxes
Assets, âs'sèts. s. effects left by one dead
to pay debts
Assever, as-sev'èr.

Assailant, As-så lånt. s. he that attacks Asseverate, is seve-rate. }

Assailant, as-sàʼlânt. a. attacking
Assailer, as-sà'lůr. s. he that attacks


v. a. to affirm with solemnity as upon oath Asseveration, âs-sev-é-rå'shûn. s. solemn affirmation as upon oath Assiduity, as-se-dů ́è-tè. s. diligence Assassinate, as-sås'se-nåte. v. a. to mur-Assiduous, âs-sid'jù-ús. a. diligent der by violence [act of assassinating Assiduously, as-sid'jů-us-lè. ad. diliAssassination, âs-sås-se-ná'shún. s. the gently

Assassin, âs-sâs'sin. s. a murderer

Assassinator, âs-sås'ċ-nå-tür. s. mur- Assign, âs-sine'. v. a. to appoint [assigned


Assault, as-sålt'. s. storm, invasion
Assault, ás-salt'. v. a. to attack, invade
Assaulter, âs-såltʼår. s. one who assaults
Assay, âs-sa'. s. trial, examination
Assay, âs-sa'. v. a. to examine, try
Assayer, âs-så'ůr. s. an officer of the

Assignable, as-sine'd-bl. a. that may be
Assignation, as-sig-na'shůn. s. appoint-

ment, a making over [is assigned Assignee, âs-si-ne'. s. to whom a thing Assigner, as-si'når. s. he that assigns Assignment, ås-sine'mênt. s. appointment, a making over

[ment Assigns, as-sinz'. s. persons to whom a trust is assigned

Assecution, as-se-ku'shûn. s. acquireAssemblage, as-sèm'bladje s. collection Assimilable, ås-sim'è-lå-bl. a. that may Assemble, âs-sem′bl. v. a. & n. to bring be made like to something else [together Assimilate, âs-sim'è-låte. v. a. to bring to the nature or likeness of another thing

or meet together

Assembly, as-sem'ble. s. a company met
Assent, as-sent'. s. act of agreeing, con-


Assimilation, As-sim-mé-là'shin. s. the
act of assimilating

Assent, as-sênt'. v. n. to concede, yield
Assentment, as-sent'mênt. s. consent Assist, âs-sist'. v. a. to help


Assert, âs-sèrt'. v. a. to maintain, affirm Assistance, as-sis'tânse. s. help, furtherAssertion, as-sêr'shûn. s. act of assert-Assistant, âs-sis'tânt. a. helping, aiding ing

Assertive, ås-ser'tiv. a. positive
Assertor, âs-sêr'tår. s. vindicator
Assess, âs-sês'. v. a. to charge with any
certain sum

Assessment, ås-ss'mënt. s, taxation

Assistant, as-sis'tânt. s. who assists
Assize, ás-size'. s. a court of justice,

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