صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Anthropophagi, ân'thrò-póf′â-ji. s. man-Antipodal, ân-tip'ò-dâl. a. relating to

eaters, cannibals

Antiacid, an-te-as'sid. s. alkali Antichamber, ân'tè-tshẩm-bår. s. corruptly written for antechamber Antichristian, ân-tè-kris'tshûn. a. opposite to christianity

the antipodes

Antipodes, ân-tip'o-dez. s. those who,
living on the other side of the globe,
have their feet opposite to ours
Antipope, ân'tè-pope. s. he that usurps
the popedom

Anticipate, an-tis'é-påte. v. a. to fore-Antiquary, ân'tè-kwa-rè.
taste, preclude
[anticipating Antiquarian, ân-tè-kwa’rè-ân.

s. a


Anticipation, an-tis-se-på'shůn. s. act of man studious of antiquity
Antic, An'tik. a. odd, ridiculously wild Antiquate, ân'tè-kwåte. v. a. to make
Antic, An'tik. s. who plays antics Antique, ân-tèèk'. a. ancient, of old

Aatiely, ân'tik-lè. ad. oddly [to a climax
Anticlimax, ân-te-kll'maks. s. opposite Antique, ân-tèèk'. s. an antiquity
Anticonvulsive,ân-tè-côn-vůl'siv. a. good Antiqueness, ân-tèèk'nės. s. the quality
against convulsions
of being antique [the ancients, old age
Anticourtier, ân-tè-core'tshår. s. one Antiquity, ân-tik'kwè-tè. s. old times,
that opposes the court [poison Antiscorbutical, ân-tè-skòr-bù’té-kâl. a.
Antidotal, ân-te-do'tål. a. counteracting good against the scurvy [contrast
Antidote, ân'tè-dôte, s. a remedy against Antithesis, ân-tith'è-sis. s. opposition,
[fevers Antitype, ân'tè-tipe. s. that which is re-
Antifebrile, ân-te-feb'ril. a. good against sembled by the type
Astimonarchical, ân'tè-mo-når'ke-kál. Antitypical,ân-tè-tîp ́è-kâl. a. that which
a. against government by a single explains the type
Antimonial, ân-tè-mở’nè-âl. a, made of
Antimony, ân'tè-mân-è. s. a mineral
Antinephritic, an-tè-nè-frit'ik, a, good
against diseases of the kidneys
Antiparalytic, ân-tè-pår-â-lit'ik. a. ef-
ficacious against the palsy
Antipathetical, ân-tè-på-thèt'è-kål. a.
having a natural contrariety to any
Antipathy, an-tip'â-thè. s. a natural con- Anxious, ânk'shûs. a. uneasy
trariety to any thing

[antimony Antivenereal, ân-tè-vè-nè'rè-ál. a. good
against the venereal disease
Antler, ânt'lår. s. branch of a stag's

Antonomasia, ân-to-no-mà'zhè-â. s. a
form of speech, in which, for a pro-
per name, is put the name of some

Anvil, ân'vil. s. an iron block for smiths
Anxiety, ank-zi'è-tè. s. solicitude

Anxiously, ânk'shûs-lè. ad. solicitously

Antipestilential, ân-te-pês-tè-lên'shål, a. Anxiousness, ânk'shûs-nes. s. the quality

efficacious against the plague

of being anxious

Any, en'nè. a. every, whoever, whatever Apocrypha, a-pok'rè-fâ. s. books added Aorta, â-or'tá. s. the great artery which to the sacred writings, of doubtful aurises immediately out of the left ven- thors [in the apocrypha tricle of the heart Apocryphal, a-pok're-fal. a. contained Apogaon, âp-b-jé'an. s. a point in the dis-Apogee, áp ́d-jè.

Apace, å-påse'. ad. quick, hastily Apart, a-pårt'. ad. separately, at a

[blocks in formation]

Aperitive, a-pèr'è-tiv. a. opening
Apert, a-pèrt'. a. open
Apertion, a-pèr'shûn. s. an opening
Apertly, A-pert'lè. ad. openly
Apertness, a-pèrt'nès. s. openness
Aperture, ap'ir-tshure. s. an open place
Apex, à'pêks. s. the tip or point
Aphelion, a-fe'le-in. s. that part of the
orbit of a planet, in which it is farthest
from the sun

Aphorism, âf'ò-rízm. s. a maxim
Apiary, à'pè-a-rè. s. place for bees
Apiece, à-pèse'. ad. to each one's share
Apish, a'pish. a. imitative, foppish,

Apishly, à'pish-lé. ad. like an ape
Apishness, à'pish-nès. s. mimicry
Apitpat, á-pit'pât. ad. with quick pal-

Apocalypse, a-pok'a-lips. s. revelation Apocalyptical, a-pók-a-lip'tè-kâl. a. containing revelation

heavens, in which the sun, or a planet,
is at the greatest distance from the

Apologetical, 4-pol-3-jétè-kl.a. said
Apologetic, á-pôi-o-jêt ́ik.
in defence or excuse
Apologize, â-pôl'lo-jize. v. n. to plead in
Apologue, ap'o-lôg. s. a moral tale
Apology, â-pôl'ò-jè. s. defence, excuse
Apophthegm, ap'o ò thêm, 2 s. a remark-
Apothegm, ap'o-them. Sable saying
Apoplectical, ap-ó-plek té-kál.a. rela-
Apoplectic, ap-b-plek'tik.
ting to an apoplexy

Apoplexy, ap'o-plek-sè. s. sudden deprivation of sensation

Apostacy, â-pôstá-sè. s. departure from what a man has professed, generally applied to religion

Apostate, a-pos'tate. s. who apostatizes Apostatize, a-pôs'tâ-tize. v. n. to forsake one's religion

Apostle, â-pos'sl. s. a person sent with mandates, particularly applied to

those deputed by our Saviour to preach the gospel [dignity of an apostle Apostleship, 4-pos'sl-ship. s. office or Apostolical,âp-os-tôl'è-kal.

Apostolic, áp-6s-tól/lika. taught by the apostles

Apostolically, ap-ôs-tôl'è- kál-lè, ad, in the manner of the apostles

Apostrophe, 4-pos'tro-fè. s. figure in Appeasement, âp-pèèz'mênt. s. a state rhetoric; the contraction of a word, of peace [quiets disturbances as tho' for though Appeaser, âp-pèèz'ûr. s. who pacifies, Apostrophize, a-pôs'trů-flze. v. a. to ad-Appellant, ap-pêl'lânt. s. who appeals dress by an apostrophe Appellate, ap-pèl'låte. s. person appealApostume, ap'-stume. s. a tumour ed against

• Apothecary, a-pô thẻ-kd-rề. s. a com-Appellation, áp-pel-lashủn. so name pounder of medicines

Apotheosis, ap-o-the'o-sis. s. a deification

Appellative,âp-pèl'lâ-tiv. s. a name common to all of the same kind or species Appellatory, ap-pêl'lá-tår-ré. a. containing an appeal

Aposem, ap'o-zêm. s. a decoction Appal, ap-pall'. v. a. to fright, depress Appellee, ap-pêl-le'. s. who is accused Appanage, ap'på-naje. s. lands set apart Append, âp-pend'. v. a. to hang or join to for the support of younger children Appendage, âp-pên'daje. s. something Apparatus, ap-på-rà'tås. s. things pro- added to another thing vided for the accomplishment of any Appendant, ap-pên'dânt. a. annexed purpose, as the tools of a trade, the Appendant, ap-pên'dânt. s. an accidenfurniture of a house; equipage, show tal part Apparel, ap-pâr'êl. s. dress, vesture Apparel, ap-pâr'êl. v. a. to dress, to clothe

Appendicate, âp-pên ́dé-kåte. v. a. to an


[annexion Appendication, âp-pên-de-ka'shun, s. Apparent, âp-på'rênt. a. plain, visible Appendix, âp-pên'diks. s. something apApparently, ap-på'rênt-lè. ad. openly

pended or added

Apparition, Ap-på-rish'in. s. appear-Appertain, âp-pèr-tàne'. v. n. to belong

ance, spectre, a walking spirit

Appay, ap-på". v. a. to satisfy

Appeach, ap-peetsh’. v. a. to accuse

to by right or nature

Appertainment, áp-pêr-tảng mềnt. s. that belongs to any rank or dignity

Appeachment,ap-pectsh'ment s, charge Appertenance, âp-pur'té-nânse. s. that

exhibited against any man

which belongs to another thing

Appeal, ap-pèèl'. v. n. to refer to ano-Appertinent, àp-pår'té-nênt. a. belongther as judge

Appeal,ap-peel'.s. application for justice

ing to

Appetence, ap'pè-tènse. 2s. carnal de


Appealant, ap-pellant. s. who appeals Appetency, ap pe-tên-se.
Appear, ap-peer'. v. n. to be visible, come Appetibility, ap-pêt-te-bil'è-te. s. the
Appearance, âp-pêèr'ânse. s. act of ap- quality of being desirable
pearing, semblance, show
Appetible, âp'pe-té-bl. a. desirable
Appeasable,ap-peez'â-bl.a.reconcileable Appetite, ap'pe-tite. s. keenness of sto
Appease, ap-péčz'. v. a. to quiet, pacify mach

Appetition, ap-pè-tish'ûn. s. desire

Appraiser, âp-prå'zår. s. who appraises Appetetive,ap'pe-te-tiv. a. which desires Appreciate, ap-pré'she-ate. v. a. to value,

Applaud, ap-plawd'. v. a. to praise

estimate [bility of being estimated

Applauder, ap-plaw'dur. s. who praises Appreciable,ap-prè'shè-a-bl.a.the capa-
Applause, ap-plawz'. s. public praise
Apple, ap'pl. s. fruit, pupil of the cye
Appliable, ap-pll'a-bl. a. may be applied
Appliance, ap-pli'ânse.s.act of applying
Applicability, ap-plè-kâ-bil ́ê-tè.
Applicableness, Ap ́plè-kå-bl-nės. } s. fit-

ness to be applied

Applicable, ap'plè-kâ-bl. a. may be applied

Applicably, âp'plè-kâ-blè. ad. in a manner proper to be applied

Apprehend, ap-pre-hènd'. v. a. to seize,
to fear, understand
Apprehender,ap-pre-hen'dür. s. who ap-
Apprehensible, ap-pré-hen'sè-bl. a. may
be apprehended
[ception, fear
Apprehension, ap-pre-hen shun. s. con-
Apprehensive, ap-prè-hen'siv. a. quick
to understand, fearful
Apprentice, ap-prèn'tis. s. one bound to
learn a trade

[plying Apprentice, âp-prèn'tis. v. a. to bind to Application, ap-ple-ka'shun. s. act of ap- a master [an apprentice serves Applicative, ap'plè-kå-tiv.


Applicatory, apple-ka-tür-re. a. be-Apprenticeship, Ap-prèn tis-ship. s. time longing to application

Apprize, âp-prize'. v. a. to inform
Approach, ap-protsh'. v. a, & n. to bring

Apply, åp-pll'. v. a. to put one thing to or draw near to

Approach, ap-protsh'. s. access Approacher, ap-pro'tshur. s. who approaches

coming near

another, to put to a certain use, to study Appoint, ap-point'. v. a. to fix, establish Appointer, Ap-point'år. s. who appoints Approachment, âp-protsh'ment. s. act of Appointment, Ap-point'mênt. s. decree, order, salary [in just proportions Apportion, âp-por'shan. v. a. to set out Apportionment, âp-pór'shån-ment. s. a dividing into portions Appose, ap-poze'. v. a. to question Apposite, ap'po-zit. a. proper, fit Appositely, ap'po-zit-lé. ad. fitly, suitably Appositeness, ap-pó-zit-nês. s. fitness, propriety, suitableness Apposition,ap-po-zish ́ân. s. the addition Appropriator,âp-prò-pré-à'tûr. s. he that of new matter has an appropriated benefice approbation

Approbation, âp-pró-bå'shån. s. act of
approving, attestation
Appropriable, âp-pro'pre-â-bl. a. that
may be appropriated [sign, annex
Appropriate, ap-pro'pre-ate. v. a. to as-
Appropriate, ap-pro'pre-ate. a. peculiar
Appropriation, âp-pro-pré-à'shún. s. ap-
plication of something to a particular

Appraise, ap-prazc'. v, a. to set a price Approvable,âp-proô'vâ-bl. a. that merits

upon any thing


Approval, âp-proo'vâl. s. approbation Arable, ârâ-bl. a. fit for tillage Approve, ap-proov'. v. a. to like, allow Araneous, â-rà'nè-ûs. a. like a cobweb of, justify [approbation Aration, â-rà'shûn. s. the act of ploughApprovement, Ap-proov'ment. s. liking, ing [tillage Approver, ap-proo'vår. s. he that ap- Aratory, âr'å-túr-rẻ. a. contributing to proves Arbalist, år'ba-list. s. a cross bow Approximate, ap-prôks'è-måte. v. n. to Arbiter, år'be-tůr. s. an umpire to settle approach, draw near to a dispute Approximate, ap-proks'è-måte.a.near to Arbitrable, år'bè-trâ-bl. a. depending Approximation, ap-próks-é-ma'shun. s. upon the will [termination, choice Continual approach Arbitrament, âr-bit'trá-ment. s. will, deAppulse, ap'pulse. s. act of striking Arbitrarily, år'bè-trâ-rè-lè. ad. despotiagainst [poticalness Apricot, à'pré-kôt. s. a kind of wall fruit Arbitrariness, àr'bè-trâ-ré-nês. s. desApril, à'pril. s. fourth month of the year Arbitrarious,år-be-trà rè-ûs. a. arbitrary Apron, à'půrn. s. a cloth hung before, a Arbitrary, år′bé-trâ-rè. a, absolute, decover to the touch hole of a great gun pending on no rules, capricious Apt, apt. a. fit, inclined to, ready, quick Arbitrate, âr'be-tråte. v. a. to decide Aptate, ap'tate. v. a. to make fit Arbitration, ar-be-trå'shûn. s. decision Aptitude, ap'tè-tude. s. fituess, tendency Arbitrator, år be-trå-tûr. s. a judge Aptly, âpt'le. ad. properly, fitly, readily Arbitrement, år-bit'tre-ment. 8. decision Aptness, apt'nès. s. fitness, suitableness Arborary, år′bó-râ-rẻ. a. belonging to a Aqua, à'k wå. s. water Aqua-fortis,âk-k wâ-för'tis. s. a corrosive Arboret, år'bo-rêt. s. a small tree or liquor made of nitre and vitriol Arborist, år'bò-rist. s. a naturalist who Aqua-marina, âk-kwâ-mâ-rè'na. s. the studies trees Beryl

Aqua-vitæ, âk-kwa-vè'tè. s. brandy Aquatic, a-kwât'ik. a. inhabiting growing in the water



Arborous, ar'bo-rús. a. belonging to trees
Arbour, år'bůr. s. a bower

or Arbuscle, år'bus-sl. s. any little shrub Arbute, år-bůte'. s. a strawberry-tree Aquatile, ak'kwå-til. a, inhabiting water Arc, àrk. s. part of a circle, an arch Aqueduct, âk'kwè-dûkt. s. a water-pipe Arcade, âr-kåde. s. a continued arch Aqueous, a'kwè-ûs. a. watery Arcanum, år-káʼnûm. s, (plural Arcana) Aqueousness, à'kwe-us-nès. s. waterish


a secret

[ed Arch, artsh. s. part of a circle, the sky, a chief

Aquiline,âk'wè-lin.a.like an eagle, hook-
Aquose, á-kwòse'. a, watery
Aquosity, â-kwôs't-tè. s. wateriness

Arch, årtsh. v. a. to cover with arches
Arch, artsh. a. waggish, mirthful

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