صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Advertise- Ad-veriliz-ment. }


ligence, information

Advertiser, Ad-vér-tl'zůr. s. gives information


¡Adulteration, 4-dûl-tûr-à'shûn. s. state of being contaminated

one who of adultery


Adulterous,â-důl'tür-ůs. a. guilty of adul Adultery, â-dül'tůr-è. s. act of violating the bed of a married person Adumbrant, âd-ûm'brânt. a. giving a slight resemblance

Adulterer, å-důl'tür-ûr. s. a man guilty [guilty of adultery [telligence Adulteress, â-důl'tůr-ės. s. a woman Advertising, åd-ver-tl'zing. a. giving in-Adulterine, â-dül'tûr-ine. s. a child born Advesperate, âd-vès'pè-råte. v. n. to of an adulteress draw towards evening Advice, âd-vise'. s. counsel, notice Advice-boat, åd-vise'bôte. s. a vessel employed to bring intelligence Adviseable, ad-vi'za-bl. a. prudent Adviseableness, âd-vl ́zâ-bl-nès. s. the Adumbrate, âd-ům'bråte. v. a. to exhibit quality of being adviseable [form a faint resemblance [sketch Advise, åd-vize. v. a. to counsel, in-Adumbration, âd-um-brà'shûn. s. a faint Advise, âd-vize'. v. n. to consult Adunation, âd-u-nà'shůn. s. union Advised, âd-vi'zêd. p. a. prudent, wise Aduncity, â-dûn'sè-tè. s. crookedness Advisedly, âd-viʼzêd-lè. ad. deliberately, Adunque, â-důnk'. a. crooked by design, purposely, prudently Advocacy, ad'vo-kå-sè. s. defence, vindiAdvisedness, ad-viʼzêd-nês. s. delibera-Advocate, âd'vô-kåte. s. a pleader tion [information, prudence Advocation, âd-vo-ka'shun. s. a plea Advisement, åd-vize'mènt. s. counsel, Advolation, âd-vo-là'shůn. s. flying to Adviser, âd-vìʼzår. s. a counsellor Adulation, âd-ju-là'shûn. s. flattery Adulator, åd-ju-lå ́tûr. s. a flatterer Adulatory, âd'jà-lå-túr-rẻ. a. flattering Adult, a-dult'. a. grown up

Adult, â-dult'. s. a person above the age of infancy



Advolution, âd-vo-lu'shůn. s. rolling to
Advoutry, åd-vòû'trẻ. s. adultery
Advowee, ad-voù-. s. he that has the
right of advowson [sent to a benefice
Advowson, âd-vòù'zůn. s. a right to pre-
Adure, â-dure'. v. n. to burn up
Adust, â-dust. a. burnt up

[with fire

Adultness, A-dült'nès. s. the being adult Adulter, å-dúl'túr. v. a. to commit adul-Adusted, â-dust'èd. part. burnt, dried terv [which adulterates Adustible, â-dûs'tè-bl. a. that which may Adulterant, 4-dil'tür-ânt. s. the thing he burnt up

Adulterate, â-dültür-åte. v. a. to cor-Adustion, â-düs'tshůn, s. a burning up rupt Aerial, à-'re-al. a. belonging to the air Adulterate, A-dil'tår-åte. a. corrupted Aerology, à-år-ôl'lô-jè. s. doctrine of the Adulterateness, à-dûl'túr-åte-nės, s. state [divining by the air of being adulterate Acromancy, à'ûr-d-man-se. s. the art of




Affidation, af-fè-då'shůn.

Affidature, af-ft-da' (shure.}

s. mutual

Aerometry, à-dr-ôm'mè-trè. s. the art Affectuous, âf-fék’tshủ-ûs. a. full of pasof measuring the air [tract Aeroscopy, à-dr-ôs'ko-pè. s. the obser-Affiance, af-fl'ânse. s. a marriage convation of the air [s. a medicine Affiance, âf-fl'ânse. v. a. to betroth Ethiops-mineral, è-the-ups-min'ür-râl. Affiancer, âf-fl'ân-sår. s. he that affiEtites, é-tl'tèz. s. eagle-stone Afar, â-far'. ad. at a great distance Afeard, å-fèrd'. p. a. afraid Afer, a'far. s. the south-west wind Affability, âf-fa-bil'lè-tè. s. civility Affable, af'få-bl. a. courteous Affableness, af'fa-bl-nês. s. courtesy Affably, âf'få-blè. ad. courteously Affabrous, âf'fa-brùs. a. complete Affear, âf-fère'. v. n. to confirm, blish

Affair, áf-fare'. s. business

contract or oath of fidelity
Affidavit, af-fè-da'vit. s. a declaration
upon oath

Affied, af-fl'èd. p. a. affianced
Affiliation, âf-fil-lé-à'shin. s. adoption
Affinage, af'fè-nåje. s. refining metals
esta-Affined, âf-fi'nêd. a. related to another
Affinity, af-fin'né-tè. s. relation [clare
Affirm, âf-ferm'. v. a. & n. to ratify, de-
Affirmable, âf-fêr'må-bl. a. that which
may be affirmed


Affect, âf-fèkt'. s. affection, passion Affect, af-fèkt'. v. a. to act upon Affectation, âf-fèk-tà'shån. s. awkward Affirmance, âf-fèr'mânse. s. confirmaimitation [died with care Affirmant, âf-fer'mânt. s. the person Affected, âf-fék'tèd. p. a. moved; stu- that affirms [affirming Affectedly, âf-fèk'tèd-lè. ad. hypocriti-Affirmation, âf-fèr-må'shůn. s. the act of cally [quality of being affected Affirmative, âf-fèr'mâ-tiv. a. that which Affectedness, af-fék'ted-nês. S. the affirms [positive side Affection, âf-fèk'shûn. s. passion, love Affirmatively,âf-fèr'mâ-tiv-lè. ad. on the Affectionate, âf-fèk'shůn-åte. a. fond, Affirmer, âf-fer'můr. s. the person that tender


Affectionately, âf-fèk'shûn-åte-lè. ad. Affix, âf-fiks'. v. a. to subjoin


Affectionateness, âf-fèk'shůn-åte-nès. s.
fondness, tenderness
Affectioned, af-fék'shånd. a. inclined
Affectiously, âf-fèk ́shús-lè, ad. in an af-
fecting manner

Affix, åf'fiks. s. a particle united to the end of a word

Affixion, âf-fik'shun. s. act of affixing Afflation, âf-fla'shůn. s. a breathing upon Afflict, âf-flikt'. v. a. to grieve Afflictedness, âf-flik'tèd-nès. s. grief Affective,âf-fiktiv. a. that which affects Afflicter, âf-flik'tür. s. he who afflicts Affectuosity, af-fék-tshû-os'sè-tè. s. pas-Affliction, Af-flik'shun. s. calamity sionateness Afflictive, af-flik'tiv. a. painful

Aforehand, A-före'hånd. ad. by a previous provision ped

Aforementioned, â-före-men'shånd. a. mentioned before

Affluence, Af'fl-ense. s. concourse plenty Auency, afflù-En-se. s. affluence Affluent,af'fla-ênt. a. flowing to; wealthy [before Affluentness, åf'flù-ènt-nês. s. quality of Aforenamed, â-före-nà'mèd. a. named being affluent [some place, affluence Aforesaid, â-före'såde. a. said before Afflux, affluks. s. the act of flowing to Aforetime, a-före'time. ad. in time past Affluxion, af-flük'shún. s. the act of Afraid, â-fråde'. p. a. terrified

flowing to a particular place
Afford, af-ford'. v. a. to produce; to be Afront, à-frûnt'. ad. in front
able to bear expenses
Affranchise, af-från'tshiz. v. a. to make After, âftår. ad. following
Affray, âf-fra'. v. a. to terrify, fright
Affray, af-frà. s. a tumultuous assault
Affriction, âf-frik'shån. s. act of rubbing
Affright, af-frite'. v. a. to terrify
Affright, åf-frite'. s. terror, fear
Affrightful, af-frite'ful. a. terrible
Affrightment, âf-frite'mênt. s. terror
Affront, af-frånt'. v. a. to meet face to
face; provoke, offend

Afresh, 4-fresh'. ad. anew, again

[free After, af'tår. prep. in pursuit of, behind

Afterages, àf'tür-â'jèz. s. posterity
Afterall, âf'tår-åll. ad. at last
Afterbirth, âf'tûr-bèrth. s. the secundine
Afterclap, af'tår-klap. s. unexpected
event happening after an affair is sup→
posed to be at an end

Aftercrop, âf'tür-krop. s. second harvest Aftergame, af'túr-game. s. methods taken after the first turn of affairs Aftermath, âf'tür-mâth. s. second crop of grass mown in autumn Afternoon, af'tår-noon. s. the time from the meridian to the evening [birth Afterpains, âf'tûr-pånez. s. pains after Aftertaste, âftúr-taste. s. taste remainAffusion, Af-fù'zhin. s. the act of affusing ing on the tongue after the draught Affy, af-fl'. v. a. & n. to betroth; put Afterthought, âf tûr-thàwt. s. reflections after the act

Affront, af-frånt'. s. insult, outrage
Affronter, åf-från'tår. s. the person that
[quality of affronting
Affronting, af-från'ting. p. a. having the
Affuse, âf-füze!. v. a. to pour one thing
upon another

trust in

[blocks in formation]

[times Aftertimes, af'tür-timez. s. succeeding Afterward, âf'tür-wàrd. ad. in succeeding time

Again, â-gên'. ad. a second time [posite
Against, à-gênst'. prep. contrary, op-
Agape, a-gape'. ad. staring

going Agaric, âg'a-rik. s. a drug

Agast, a-gast'. a. struck with horror

Agate, åggåt. s. a precious stone
Agaze, a-gaze'. v. a. to amaze
Age, åje. s. a period of time; a hundred
Aged, à'jed. a. old

Aggressor, â g-grês'sûr. s. the assaulter [years Aggrievance, åg-gre'vânse. s. injury Aggrieve, åg-grève'. v. a. to vex, hurt Aggroup, ag-groop'. v. a. to bring together into one figure

Agedly, a'jed-lè. ad. after the manner of
an aged person

Agen, a-gèn'. ad. again, in return
Agency, a'jèn-sé. s. acting for another
Agent, à'jent. a. acting upon, active
Agent, à'jent. s. a deputy, a factor
Aggeneration, âd-jèn-núr-à ́shûn. s. state
of growing to another body
Aggerate, âd'jûr-åte. v. a. to heap up

Aghast, å-gåst'. a. the same as Agast
Agile, áj'il a. nimble, active, ready
Agileness, âj'll-nès. s. nimbleness
Agility, a-jil'è-tè. s. activity
Agitable, aj'è-ta-bla. moveable
Agitate, aj'e-tåte. v.a. to move, discuss
Agitation, aj-e-tà'shûn. s. the act of mo-
ving; state of being moved

Agglommerate, âg-glôm'mûr-åte. v. a. to Agitator, a'jè-tå-tur. s. he who agitates gather up in a ball [cines Aglet, âg'let. s. pendants at the ends of Agglutinants, âg-glù'tė-nânts. s. medi- the chieves of flowers

Agglutinate, ág-gla'tè-nåte. v. n. to unite Agminal, âg'mè-nál. a. belonging to a Agglutination, ag-glú'tè-nà'shûn. s. union troop

descent from

Agglutinative, åg-glù'tè-nâ-tiv. a. procu-Agnail, âg'nåle. s. a whitlow ring agglutination [large, to exalt Agnation, âg-nå'shin.) Aggrandize, âg'grân-dize. v. a. to en- the same father

Aggrandizement, åg'grån-dlze-ment. s. Agnition, âg-nish'un. s. acknowledgment the state of being aggrandized

Agnize, ag-nize'. v. a. to acknowledge Aggravate, âg'grá-våte. v. a. to make Agnomination, Ag-nom-me-nå'shûn. s. any thing worse [of aggravating allusion of a word to another Aggravation, Ag-grå-và'shûn. s. the act Agnus Castus, ag'nůs-câs'tus. s. the Aggregate, ag'grè-gåte. a. framed by chaste tree

the collection of particular parts into Ago, 4-go'. ad. past, long ago

one mass

[of many particulars Agog, a-gog'. a. in a state of desire Aggregate, âg'grè-gåte. s. conjunction Agoing, a-going. a. in action Aggregate, aggre-gate, v. a. to collect, Agone, a-gon'. ad. ago, past to heap many particulars into one Agonism, ag'd-nizm. s. contention [tion Agonistes, åg-d-nis'tèz. s. a prize-fighter Aggregation, åg-grè-gà'shûn. s. collec- Agonize, âgʼö-nize. v. n. to be in great Aggress, ág-grês'. v. n. to commit the pain


Agony, âg'o-nè. s. violent pain

Aggression, âg-grèsh'ûn. s, commence-Agood, å-gud', ad. in earnest

first act of violence

ment of a quarrel

Agrace, â-gråse'. v. a. to grant favors

Agrarian, 4-grå'rè-ân. a. relating to Ailing, àle'ing. p. a. sickly
Agrease, a-grèze'. v. a. to daub, grease
Agree, a-gre'. v. n. to be in concord
Agreeable, å-grè'â-bl. a. suitable to
Agreeableness, a-grè'a-bl-nès. s. the
quality of pleasing

Agreeably, a-grè'a-blè. ad. pleasingly ;
consistently with

Aim, àme. v. a. to point, to guess
Aim, àme. s. point, intention, design
Air, are. s. the element encompassin
the earth; music; manner of th

Air, åre. v. a. to expose to the air
Airbladder, àre'blád-dúr. s. a bladde

filled with air

Agreed, â-grèd'. p. a. settled by consent Airbuilt, åreʼbilt. a. built in the air

Agreement, å-grè'mênt. s. compact

Airdrawn, àre'dråwn. a. painted in air

Agriculture, ag'rè-kül-tshůre. ́s. hus-Airer, àre'ûr. s. he that exposes to the


Agrimony, åg'rè-můn-nè. s. a plant
Aground, a-ground'. ad. stranded
Ague, à'gu. s. an intermitting fever
Agued, a'gu-êd. a. struck with the ague
Ague-tree, a'gu-trè. s. sassafras
Aguish, à'gu-ish. a. having the qualities
of an ague


Airhole, àre'hole. s. a hole to admit air Airiness, àre'è-nès. s. exposure to the air

Airing, åre'ing. s. a short jaunt Airless, àre'lês. a. without air Airling, åre'ling. s. a young, gay person Airpump, àre'půmp. s. a machine to draw the air out [air into mines [compassion Airshaft, åre'shaft. s. a passage for the Ah, å. intj. a word noting surprise or Airy, àre'è. a. composed of air, vain Aha! Aha! à-ha'. intj, a word intimating Aisle, lle. s. the walk in a church

Aguishness, à'gu-ish-nès. s. resembling an ague

triumph and contempt

Ahead, a-hêd'. ad. further onward

Ahight, â-hite'. ad. aloft, on high
Aid, ade. v. a. to help, succour
Aid, ade. s. help, support
Aidance, ade'ânse. s. help, support
Aidant, ade'ânt. a. helping, helpful
Aid-de-camp, àde-de-kông'. s. an officer
who assists a general

Aider, àde'år. s. a helper, an ally
Aidless, àde'lès. a. helpless
Ail, åle. v. a. to pain, to affect
Ail, àle. s. a disease

Ailment, àle'ment. s. pain, disease

Ait, åte. s. a small island in a river
Ake, àke. v. n. to feel a lasting pain
Akin, á-kin'. a. related to, allied to
Alabaster, al'a-bás-tür. s. a kind of
Alabaster, ål'â-bás-tûr. a. made of ala-
Alack, â-lák'. intj. alas; an expression
of sorrow
Alackaday, â-lák'a-dà. intj. noting sor-
Alacriously, â-lâk ́rè-ůs-lè. ad. cheer-

Alacrity, â-lak'krè-tè. s. cheerfulness
Alamode, al-å-mode'. ad. in the fashion
'Aland, â-lând'. ad. at land, landed

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