صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


JOHN IV. 27-43.

AND up-on this (whilst Je-sus was talk-ing to the Sa-mar-i-tan), came his dis-ci-ples, and mar-velled that he talk-ed with the woman; yet no man said, "What seek-est thou?" or "Why talk-est thou with her?" The wo-man then left her wa-ter-pot, and went her way in-to the ci-ty, and saith un-to the men, "Come, see a man which told me all things that ev-er I did is not this the Christ?" 1; Then they went out of the ci-ty and came un-to him. In the meanwhile, his dis-ci-ples pray-ed him say-ing, "Mas-ter, eat." But he

said un-to them, "I have meat to eat that ye know not of." Therefore said the dis-ci-ples one to anoth-er, "Hath a-ny man brought him ought to eat." Je-sus saith un-to them, "My meat is to do the will of him that sent me, and to fin-ish his work. Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then com-eth har-vest?' be-hold, I say un-to you, Lift up your eyes and look on the fields, for they are white al-rea-dy to harvest. And he that reap-eth receiv-eth wa-ges, and gath-er-eth fruit un-to life e-ter-nal; that both he that sow-eth and he that reapeth may re-joice to-geth-er. And here-in is that say-ing true, 'One sow-eth and an-oth-er reap-eth.' I sent you to reap that where-on

ye be-stow-ed no la-bour; oth-er men la-bour-ed, and ye are enter-ed in-to their la-bours." And ma-ny of the Sa-mar-i-tans of that ci-ty be-liev-ed on him for the say-ing of the wo-man, which testi-fi-ed," he told me all that ev-er I did." So when the Sa-mar-i-tans were come un-to him, they besought him that he would tar-ry with them; and he a-bode there two days. And ma-ny more be-lieved be-cause of his own word; and said un-to the wo-man, "Now we be-lieve, not be-cause of thy saying; for we have heard him ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Christ, the Sa-viour of the world." Now af-ter two days, he de-part-ed thence, and went in-to Gal-i-lee.


Who returned whilst our Saviour was talking to the Samaritan woman ?

His disciples.

Where had they been?

Into the city to buy meat.

What did the Samaritan woman do?

She left her water-pot, and went into the city, and called the people to come to Jesus.

When the disciples prayed Christ to eat, what did he say.

He said, "I have meat to eat that ye know not of."

What did our Lord say was his meat, or that which was better to him than his food?

To do the will of God.

What did our Lord mean by that which he said about the harvest ?

That his preaching should be successful, and that many would be converted.


To what, then, did our Lord compare the effects of his preaching?

To a plentiful harvest.

Did many Samaritans believe?

What request did they make to Jesus?
To tarry, or stay with them.

How long did he tarry with them?
Two days.

Where did he then go?
Into Galilee.

This lesson is a continuation of the history of the Samaritan woman. The disciples returned, bringing food for their Master to eat; but Jesus said, "I have meat to eat which you know not of." "My meat is to do the will of my Father who is in heaven." Jesus was so anxious to preach the gospel, and to save sinners, that he did not think of his bodily wants. He only thought of the work which he

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