A Second Series of the Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians: Including Their Religion, Agriculture, &c. Derived from a Comparison of the Paintings, Sculptures, and Monuments Still Existing, with the Accounts of Ancient Authors, المجلد 1John Murray, 1841 |
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طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
according alluvial Amun Amun-re ancient animals Apis Apollo appears Arab Athor attributes Bacchus Botanical Name Bubastis Buto called cattle character Conf corn crop cubit cultivated custom Deity desert digits Diodor divine Doora earth Egyp Egyptians Elephantine emblem figure former Goddess Gods grain Greeks head Heliopolis Herodot Hierog hieroglyphics honour Horapollo Horus Iamblichus idea inundation irrigation Isis Jupiter Khem King land length Lower Egypt measure Memphis mentioned Minerva mode modern month monuments nature Neith Neph Nephthys Nile Nilometer notions observed offerings oracle origin Osiris oxen Pantheon peasant period Pharaoh plants Plin Pliny plough Plut Plutarch priests principal probably produce Pthah reason religion remarkable represented river Romans sacred sand Sarapis Saturn says scribes sculptures seed sheep soil Sothic Sown Strabo supposed temple Thebaïd Thebes Thoth threshing tion tombs tree triad Typho Vide infrà Vide Plate Vide suprà wheat woodcut worship