Bridewell boys, former turbulence of, 699 Bridgewater, duke of, canals by, 633 Bright, Edward, the largest man, 791 Brighton, 629
Brill, (The,) Middlesex, Cæsar's camp called, 673, 783
Brindley, James, civil engineer, died, no- tice of, 632
Brittany, superstitions in, 486
Carbonari, ludicrous anecdote about, 699 Cardan, curious circumstance of, 228 Caraboo, impostor, self-called, notice and engraving of, 816
Cards, a child played for at, 672 Carlos, colonel, and Charles II., notice of,
Carna, goddess of the hinge, 364 Cars, travelling ones in Ireland, engrav- ings of, 120, 121
Brockbank, William, the walking post, Carter, farmer, ludicrous " trial of farmer
Dr. Busby's, a supposititious one,
shoemakers' amusement with, ib. Chalmers, James, curious advertisement by, 469
Chamberlain, lord, power formerly exer- cised by, over actors, 532 Chancery, a hoax in, 573 Chances in lotteries, computations touch- ing, 728
Charitable corporation, notice of, and of lottery for the sufferers by, 726 Charles I., behaviour of, 72, 73
II., notice of, 349; public notice of his continuing to heal the evil, 341 V., anecdote of, 229; curious pageant at Dunkirk by, 435 Charlotte, queen, notice of, 542 Charlton, Mr. T., notice of, 814 Cheap Tommy, (Thomas Hogg,) notice of, 471 Cheldonizing, or swallow-singing, ex- plained, 556
Chemists, anecdote of, 318 Chepstow castle, sports at, 781
Cherries, feast of, at Hamburgh, 520 Cheshire, customs in, 275, 299, 686 Chester, ancient horse-racing at, 270 Chicheley, archbishop, artifice of, 571 Child, Mr., banker, notice of, 723
one played for at cards, 672 Chillcott, Charles, notice of, 485 Chimes, 69 Chimney-sweepers, rhetoric of one, 28; May-day exhibition of, 307; procession, public dinner, and oratory of the mas- ters, 309; engraving of "the last chimney-sweeper," ib.; masters' hand- bill, ib.
Chimneys, how to dress for the summer,
Chinese festival of lanterns, 45 Cholera morbus, remarks on, 622 Cholmondeley, marquis of, 188 Christians, their hatred of Jews, 267 Christmas, usages and celebrations re- specting, 814, 819, &c.
Christmas out of doors, at Ratzburg, 6 Christopher, Bartholomew, a sufferer by gambling, 764
Christ's Hospital. See Blue-coat Boys Chuneelah, the elephant killed at Exe- ter Change, 161
Churches, pressing for the navy in, 222; watching of, in Yorkshire, 274; cu- rious colloquy on images, &c. in, 684; Hogarth's satire on some old supposed embellishments in, 685 Churchill, (Stuart), Arabella, notice of, 663
Clack Fall Fair, 686, 792, 803
Clapham, old church of, notice of, 685 Clay, Hercules, delivered from danger by a dream, 184
Clayton, Mr., an old and good tenant, 628 Cleobulus, his riddle on the year, 13 Clerkenwell in 1730, notice of, 350 Cleves, patent for Order of Fools at, 644 Climate, changes of, 35; Howard's work on climate of London recommended, 2 Climbing boys, society for suppressing, 311. See Chimney-sweepers Clinton, Samuel, an extraordinary sleep- er, 48
Clogs, engraving of an old shoe and clog,
Clothing, counteractive of heat, 390 Clouds, singular case of their electricity
in Java, 541; notices respecting heights, motions and shapes of clouds, ib. Club, calves.head, 79
Coachmen (Hackney), instances of ho- nesty of, 451
Coat and badge, Dogget's prize of, for rowing, 531
Cobblers' festival of, at Paris, 527, 528 See Shoemakers
Cook-maid, engraving of, in a lottery puff, 752
Cooper's hall, lotteries latterly drawn in, 560
Copenhagen-house, 782 Corbet, Richard, bishop of Norwich, 695 Cornwall, Christmas drama of St. George as acted in, 61; customs in, 338, 504; earthquake in, in 1757, 504 Coronations, Mr. Taylor's excellent work on, 498
Corpse candles, exhalations so called, 510 Corpus Christi day, notice of, 348 Cotswold, harvest home on, 578 Country and town, contrast of, 683
mansions, description of, 810, &c Court (Lawless), notice of, 643 Covent-garden market, 594 Coventry, earl of, 688 Cow-mass, 435 Cowper, earl, 688 Cracknell, T., notice of, 419 Craniology, notice of, 419 Credulity, popular, 570 Criminals, elephants employed as exe- cutioners of, 178
Crispe, sir Charles, notice of, 471 Crocodile, the first living one in England, 803
Croker, T. C., jaunting car described by,
Cromwell, Oliver, original letter of, 456 Cross, Paul's, history and engraving of, 208 Mr., account of his elephant at Exeter change, 162
Crucifixion, Christ's, celebration of at Seville, 211; relics of, 213 Cruikshank, George, phrenological illus trations by, 561
Cuckoo, the, observations on, 569 Cumberland, customs in, 225, 334 Cup, the clayen, or clome, or ciomen, 826
Cock, W., (sir W. Swallowtail), notice Cupid, the popular representation of, en-
Coffins, anecdotes of, 510
Coleridge, Mr., his description of Christ-
mas out of doors at Ratzburg, 57 Coleshill, customs of, 234
graving of, and satire on, 773 Curling, game of, 82
Dalmahoy, Mr., statement of, 764
Dalmer, a baker, how his fortune made, | Dog, ludicrous trial of, 99; and of the 781
Danby, lord, anecdote of, 548 Dancing (morris), 396 bears, 780
Darkness and fog in 1813, 51 Darlington, earl of, 688
Daughters, a curious present to one, 780 Davenant, sir W., notice of, 261 Davis, George, a sleep-walker, 648 Days, lucky, notice of a supposed one, 660 Death, apparition of the chariot of, 489; account of the "death fetch," in an Irish tale, 507; opera of "The Death- fetch" noticed, 506; prayers for priso- ners under sentence of death, 689; death of the State Lottery, 750, 751; annual death of a whole people, 791 Debtors, fraudulent, singular case of one, 621
Dedication, of joints of the fingers to saints, 47
Deer, Sion Gardens lottery for, 723 D'Eglantine, Faber, why so called, 303 Delaval, sir F. B., curious anecdote of, 736
Dellicott, William, convicted of stealing a penny, 450
Den of the Elephant' killed at Exeter Change, engraving of, 168 Denny, D., lottery fraud of, 733 Derby, West, customs of, 216 Derbyshire, customs in, 226, 319 Devil, history of the good devil of Wood- stock, 291; engraving of St. Michael standing on the devil, 636; called by James I. a busy bishop, 620; his usual shape an empty bottle, 621; overlook- ing Lincoln College, 618; superstitions respecting him, 619 Devils, printers', 620
Devonshire, customs in, 333, 505, 585, 826
Dew (May), dancers at Arthur's seat, Edinburgh, 205
Diaries, curious extracts from one, 653 Dibdin, Charles, his opera of "The Waterman" noticed, 531 Digby, lord, annual tolling for, 628 Dimsdale, sir H., mayor of Garrett, 412,
Dinners, curious invitation to one, 254; anecdote of an election one, 597 Diogenes and his lantern, print of, 322 Dissenters, their celebrations of throwing out the Schism Bill, 531 Diversions, curious one of a widowed hus- band, 510
Doctors, the Whitworth one, 239 Does, origin of carrying a buck and a doe in St. Paul's cathedral, 60 Dogget, Thomas, actor, notice of, and of his coat and badge rowing for, 531
dog of Heriot's hospital, 380 Dolmoors, Somersetshire, custom at, 459,
Dragon, St. George and the, engraving of, 637
Dramas, fertility in producing, 567 Draper, Elizabeth, account of her wed- ding-dress in 1550, 398
Drawing of the Lottery, engraving of, 721. See Lottery
Dreams, Mr. Clay delivered from danger by one, 184; curious remarks on dreams, 769; notices of dreams, 789, 791
Dress, a lady's in 1550, 398; engraving of an ancient dress for autumn, 671 Drop handkerchief, custom of, 333 Drummond, lady Jane, notice of, 372 Drunkenness, singular advertisement touching, 469
Dublin, May day in, 298
Duck, Stephen, the thresher poet, 552 hunting, description of, 702 Duelling, memorandum to men of ho- nour touching, 471
Dulce domum, supposed origin of, 355 Duncan, lord, notice of, 658 Dunck, Miss, a great heiress, 449 Dunkirk, cow mass at, 435 Dunmow, Essex, ancient custom at, en- graving of, 400
Dunning, John, (lord Ashburton,) died, notice of, 544
Dunstable, mode of catching larks at, 59 Dunstan, sir Jeffery, mayor of Garrett, 412, 415
Durham, county of, ceremony of a new bishop entering, 522
city of, custom at, 224 ox, complaint of, 774 Dwarf, curious one, 803 Dyne, Corey, a noted backsword player, 671
Hamilton, general, killed in a duel by Honey, to take without killing the bees,
Hanger, col., his description of a West-Horne, W. A. esq.. notice of, 596
minster election, 427
Hanover, no State Lottery ever in, 768 Harburgh lottery, bill to suppress, 723 Hardouin, Père, died, notice of, 796 Harper, John, (sir John,) mayor of Gar- rett, 412, 417, 421; engraving of his election, 420
Harrington, sir J., election cxpenses, &c. of, 830
Harris, a sleep-walker, 650 Hartsyde, Margaret, notice of, 375 Harvest-home, engraving of, 577, 579; harvesting on a Sunday, notice of, 578; notice of harvest in France, 439 Hastings, Mr., an old English gentleman, 812
Hatherleigh, Devonshire, customs in, 71 Hawkesbury in Cotswold, harvest-home in, engraving of, 577 Hawthorn, Glastonbury, 821 Hazlitt, Mr., notice of, 629 Health, art of preserving, 98, 808; drink- ing health in harvest, 584, 586 Heat, great degrees of, safely borne, and how, 386
Hedgehogs, wandering about Oldham, in Lancashire, by day, 470 Hell, a pageant representation of, 436 Helston, Cornwall, notice of “Furry" at, 324
Henry VII., chapel of, built by sir Regi- nald Bray, 536 Herefordshire, "crying the mare" in, 582; griggling, and making of cider in,
Heriot's hospital, Edinburgh, engraving
and notice of, and also of the founder, 373, 374; his arms and autograph, 457 Herod and Herodias, 570 Highgate, swearing on the horns at, 40,
Hinge, the, Carna goddess of, 364 Hitchin, in Hertfordshire, custom at, 587 Hoare, sir R. C., 511
Hob (old), custom of in Cheshire, 686 Hogg, Thomas, (cheap Tommy,) 471 Hogmany, a new year's usage in Scotland, 7; similar in England, 37 Holland, Ann, duchess of Exeter, her will, 416
Charies, actor, anecdote of, 731 Holy Thursday, custom on, 318 Home, the poor man's described, 282
Forgery, extreme ingenuity and vigilance | Gideon, Sir Sampson, fraud of, touching in, 738
Fortunatus lottery, 720
"Fortunes of Nigel," a novel, notice of, 383
Fortune-telling by means of snails in Scotland, 343
Gilchrist, Dr. John, his gift to Heriot's hospital, 383
Gin lane, 136; gin act, notice of, 635 Glasgow and Ayr, synod of, decision of respecting Sunday, 578 Glastonbury thorn, 821
Gleaning apples from the trees, (called griggling,) 635
Glendower, Owen, notice of, 513
notice of, 548 Fountain in June, engraving of, 393 Fountain's abbey, a beautiful ruin, 531 France, spending of twelfth-night in, 16;" lotteries in, 766, &c.; lark-shooting in, 45; harvest in, 189
Free, Mrs., her curious application about a lottery prize, 722 Freeman's well, the, at Alnwick, 125 Freemasons, engraving and account of a procession burlesquing, 261
French, Thomas, a singular pauper, 340 Frost, great, in 1814, 51; frost fair, 55 Fruits, the pleasure of buying our own, 594; how to mark growing fruits, 607 Funerals, a remarkable one, 341 Fuseli, H., painter, notice of, 276
Gainsborough, Thomas, painter, notice of, 533
Gall and Spurzheim, Drs., notice of, 561 Galloway, lord, poetical lamentation, &c. of, 316
Game laws, copy of the order for swans,
Gaming; a child played for at cards, 672 Gammon of bacon, custom about, 365 Garden-walks, singular management of, recommended, 259
Gardiner, col., anecdote of, 347
Garrett, in Wandsworth road, election of mayor of, 410
Garrick, David, anecdote of, 31; play- bill of his first appearance in London, 668; further notice, 826
Gaskill, Isaac, penance done by, in 1826,
Gassendi, explanation by, of bloody rain, 564
Gathering of May-dew, engraving of, 305 Gay science, the college for at Toulouse,
Gazette, first published at Oxford, in 1665, 692; origin of the name, ib. Geneva, engraving of the death of an elephant at, 353
madame, lying in state, 635 Gentlemen, old English, their houses and mode of living, 810, 812 George IV., his birthday noticed, 542 Gerard's-hall, London, May-pole of, 306 German showman, engraving and notice of, 665
Ghosts. See Apparitions Gibbon, John, notice of, 729
Glory of Regality," Mr. Taylor's excel- lent work called, 498
Gloucestershire, harvest custom in, 582 Go, (little and great,) lottery, notice of, 749
God, mother of, curious address to Mary as, 545
God save the king, air of, 269 Goddards, attempt at explanation of, 569 Gold, an image of, dug up, notice of, 803 Golding's model lottery, 792 Good Friday, 205
Gordon, lord George, 416 Gossamer, showers of, produced by the field spider, 594, 666 Gottingen university, 622 Grain. rogue in, an acknowledged one 365
Grant, Sir A., expelled the Commons, 72€ Grasshoppers, 575
Greatness, ludicrous complaint against 774
Green, Valentine, 343 Greenwich hospital adventure, lottery sc called, 723
Gregory, Dr. George, died, notice of, 185 Griggling orchards, in Herefordshire, 635 Grocer's sugar hogshead, with boys, no- tice and cut, 781
Gruel against witchcraft, still made and sold in Scotland, 344
Guard, yeomen of, instituted in 1485, 676 Guildford, old, church, accident in, 271 Guilds; Necton (in Norfolk) guild, en-
graving and account of, 335
Gutch, Mr., his account of the pretended Caraboo, 817
Gymnastics, society for, in London, 327; engraving of gymnastic exercises, 329
Hackneymen, instances of honesty of, 451 Hail, guarding forcing-houses against, 619
Hair powder, convictions about, 782 Halde, J. B. Du, died, 649 Halifax, earl of, marriage of, 449 Hall, capt. H., his description of passing the line, 697
Halls, ancient, description of one, 809 Hallow-eve fires, 630
Halo, lunar, extraordinary one, 769 Hamburgh, feast of cherries at, 520
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