صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
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Hymn 196. L. M.

Weary souls invited to rest.

Matt. xi. 28.

OME, weary souls, with sin distrest,
Come and accept the promis'd rest;

The Saviour's gracious call obey,
And cast your gloomy fears away.
2. Oppress'd with guilt, a painful load;
O come, and spread your woes abroad.
Divine compassion, mighty love
Will all the painful load remove.

3. Here mercy's boundless ocean flows,
To cleanse your guilt and heal your woes;
Pardon and life, and endless peace;
How rich the gift! how free the grace!
4. Lord, we accept with thankful heart,
The hope thy gracious words impart;
We come with trembling, yet rejoice,
And bless the kind inviting voice.


Hymn 197. s. M.

AISE your triumphant songs,
To an immortal tune.

Let the wide earth resound the deeds

Celestial grace has done.

2. Sing how eternal love

Its chief beloved chose,

And bade him raise our wretched race
From their abyss of woes.

3. His hand no thunder bears,
No terror clothes his brow;
No bolts to drive our guilty souls
To fiercer flames below.

4. 'Twas mercy fill'd the throne, And wrath stood silent by,


When Christ was sent with pardon down
To rebels doom'd to die.

5. Now, sinners, dry your tears, Let hopeless sorrow cease; Bow to the sceptre of his love,

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And take the offer'd peace.

Hymn 198. c. M.

1. ET ev'ry mortal ear attend,
And ev'ry heart rejoice;

The trumpet of the gospel sounds,
With an inviting voice.

2. Rivers of love and mercy here,
In a rich ocean join;
Salvation in abundance flows,

Like floods of milk and wine.
3. The happy gates of gospel grace,
Stand open night and day;

Lord, we are come to seek supplies,
And drive our wants away.


Hymn 199. C. M.

FOR a thousand tongues to sing
My dear Redeemer's praise!

The glories of my God and King,
The triumphs of his grace.

2. My gracious Master and my God,
Assist me to proclaim,

To spread through all the earth abroad
The honours of thy name.

3. Jesus, the name that calms our fears,
That bids our sorrows cease:

'Tis music in the sinners ears;
'Tis life and health and peace.

4. He breaks the pow'r of cancell'd sin,
He sets the pris'ner free;

His blood can make the foulest clean;
His blood avail'd for me.

5. Look unto him, ye nations, own
Your God, ye fallen race;

Look, and be sav'd through faith alone,
Be justify'd by grace!

6. See all your sins on Jesus laid!
The Lamb of God was slain;
His soul was once an off'ring made,
For ev'ry soul of man.

7. With me ye then your Lord shall know;
Shall feel your sins forgiv'n;
Anticipate your heav'n below,
And own that love is heav'n.

Hymn 200. г. M.

1. OME, ye sinners, poor and needy, Weak and wounded, sick and sore,

Jesus ready stands to save you,

Full of pity, love, and pow'r;

He is able,

He is willing, doubt no more.
2. Now, ye needy, come and welcome,
God's free bounty glorify;

Hope and Love, Faith and Repentance,
Are but gifts which bring you nigh;
Without money

Come to Jesus Christ and buy.

3. Let not conscience make you linger;
Nor of fitness fondly dream:

All the fitness he requireth,
Is, to feel your need of him :
This he gives you,

'Tis the Spirit's glimm'ring beam, 4. Come, ye weary, heavy-laden'd, Bruis'd and mangled by the fall,.


If you tarry till you're better,
You will never come at all;

Not the righteous;
Sinners, Jesus came to call.

Hymn 201. 1. M.

OME, sinners, to the gospel feast;

Ye need not one be left behind;
For God hath bidden all mankind.

2. Sent by my Lord, on you I call;
The invitation is to all;

Come all the world! come, sinner, thou!
All things in Christ are ready now.

3. Come, all ye souls, by sin oppress'd,
Ye restless wand'rers after rest;

Ye poor, and maim'd, and halt, and blind,
In Christ a hearty welcome find.

4. My message as from God receive;
Ye all may come to Christ and live,
O let his love your hearts constrain,
Nor suffer him to die in vain!.

5. His love is mighty to compel ::

His conqu❜ring love consent to feel;
Yield to his love's redeeming pow'r,
And fight against your God no more.
6. See him set forth before your eyes,
That precious bleeding sacrifice!.
His offer'd benefits embrace,
And freely now be sav'd by grace!

7. This is the time; no more delay!
The invitation is to-day;

Come in this moment, at his calk
And live for him who dy'd for all!.

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Hymn 202. L. M',

INNERS, obey the gospel word,
Haste to the supper of my Lord:
Be wise to know your gracious day,
All things are ready, come away.
2. Ready the Father is to own,

And kiss his late-returning son;
Ready your loving Saviour stands,
And spreads for you his bleeding hands..
3. Ready the Spirit of his love,

Just now the stony to remove; T' apply and witness with the blood, And wash and seal the sons of God.. 4. Ready for you the Angels wait, To triumph in your blest estate: Tuning their harps, they long to praise The wonders of redeeming grace. 5. The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Are ready with their shining host: All heav'n is ready to resound, "The dead's alive! the lost is found!" 6. Come then, ye sinners, to your Lord, In Christ to paradise restor❜d: His proffer'd benefits embrace, The plenitude of gospel grace.

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Hymn 203. P. M.

LOW ye the trumpet, blow,

BThe gladly solemn sound;

Let all the nations know,

To earth's remotest bound,

The year of Jubilee is come;
Return, ye ransom'd sinners, home..
2. Extol the Lamb of God,

The sin-atoning Lamb,

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