THE BOOK OF DANIEL With Introduction and Notes by THE REV. S. R. DRIVER, D.D. Cambridge: 1922 On the terms 'Excellent' and 'Excellency' in A.V., R. V., and P.B.V. of the Psalms...... Principal Abbreviations employed. KAT....Eb. Schrader, Die Keilinschriften und das A. T., ed. 2, 1883 (translated under the title The Cuneiform Inscriptions and the O. T. 1885, 1888). The references are to the pagination of the original, which is given on the margin of the English translation. (KAT.3, 1902, by Zimmern and Winckler, is a new work altogether.) KB....Eb. Schrader, Keilinschriftliche Bibliothek (transliterations and translations of Assyrian and Babylonian inscriptions), 1889-1900. L.O.T....S. R. Driver, Introduction to the Literature of the Old Testament, ed. 6, 1897 (ed. 8, revised, 1909). NHWB....M. Levy, Neuhebräisches und Chaldäisches Wörterbuch, 1876-89. OTJC.2...W. Robertson Smith, The Old Testament in the Jewish Church, ed. 2, 1892. P.S. (or Payne Smith)...R. Payne Smith, Thesaurus Syriacus. RP or RP....Records of the Past, first and second series, respec tively. Schürer...E. Schürer, Gesch. des Jüdischen Volkes im Zeitalter Jesu Christi, ed. 2, 1886, 1890 (translated, Edinb. 1890—3); Vol. 2, also, in ed. 3 (2 vols.), 1898. Ed. 4, considerably enlarged (1901– 1909), in three volumes, has not at present (May 1911) been translated into English. ZATW....Zeitschrift für die Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft, 1881 ff. For the names of Commentators, &c., see pp. cii-civ. It has been found difficult to preserve entire consistency in the transliteration of foreign words, especially Babylonian and Assyrian names; but it is hoped that the reader will not be seriously misled in consequence. Familiar names have usually been left unchanged. In other words (or sometimes ch) =П; k=P; s (or z) =Y; t=D. |