A journey from St. Petersburgh to Pekin (continued) Journal of the residence of Mr. De Lange, agent of His Imperial Majesty of all the Russias, Peter the First, at the court of Pekin, during the years 1721 and 1722. Translated from the French. Journey to Derbent in Persia, with the army of Russia commanded by His Imperial Majesty Peter the First, in the year MDCCXXII. Journey from St. Petersburgh to Constantinople, and thence back to St. Petersburgh, in part of the years 1737 and 1738, undertaken at the instances of Count Osterman, chancellor of Russia, and of Mr. Rondeau, minister from Great Britain at the court of St. Petersburgh

الغلاف الأمامي
W. Creech, 1788

من داخل الكتاب

طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات

عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة

مقاطع مشهورة

الصفحة 83 - I fhall call crackers, for want of a more proper name. Their explofion refembled the reports of many great guns, fired at certain intervals, and exhibited a view of many charming colours, and forms of fire. Thefe, with a few fire- works of different kinds intermixed, continued for the fpace of three hours.
الصفحة 7 - ... or inclemencies of the weather. After we had waited about a quarter of an hour, the Emperor entered the hall at a back-door, and seated himself upon the throne; upon which all the company stood.
الصفحة 34 - I flialJ, therefore, only mention one fcene, which appeared to me the moft. extraordinary. There entered on the ftage feven warriors, all in armour, with different weapons in their hands, and terrible vizards on their faces. After they had taken a few turns about the ftage, and furveyed each other's armour, they at laft fell a quarrelling ; and, in the encounter, one of the heroes was flain.
الصفحة 11 - ... bearing the fame device, with little caps on their heads faced with fable. After them came the muficians carrying their inftruments. By this time the hall was pretty full ; and, what is furprifing, there was not the leaft noife, hurry, or confufion. Every one perfectly knows his own bufjnefs ; and the thick paper foles of the Ghinefe boots prevent any noife from their walking on the floor.
الصفحة 428 - Mofco, he represented to his people that the peace, the rejoicings for which were now celebrating, was obtained by means of his naval ftrength. The triumphant entry was made from a village, about feven miles from Mofco, called Sefwedfky.
الصفحة 86 - What pleafed me moft, was a fmall mount, raifed in the middle of the garden, from which fprung a ftream of white and blue -fire, in imitation of water. The top of the mount contained a cavity, in fhape of a large urn, from which the fire rofe to a prodigious height. Oppofite to the gallery, where the Fmperor fat, were erected three large frames, about thirty feet high each.
الصفحة 208 - I cannot help being of opinion, that it is fufficient to contain all the nations in Europe, where they might enjoy a more comfortable life than many of them do at prefcnt.
الصفحة 44 - ... mufic ? he faid it was very good, but their own was better. No ladies were to be feen, though, I believe, feveral of them were behind a fcreen, at the other end of the room. The mufic being over, the Emperor ordered one of the princes to conduct the...
الصفحة 479 - This great monarch took all the pains, and ufed all the means poffible, in order to be intimately acquainted with every thing proper for a man who ruled a mighty empire, to know. He entered into the detail of every branch of the arts ufeful to mankind ; into that of all the manufactures which regarded the conftruction of fhips, and fitting them for the fea ; into that of the making of arms, artillery, &c.
الصفحة 470 - I have more than once feen him ftop in the ftreets, to receive petitions from perfons who thought themfelves wronged by fentences pafled in courts of judicature. On taking the petition, the perfon was told to come next day to the fenate ; where the affair was immediately examined and determined, if the nature of it would admit its being done in fo fhort a time.

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