صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

ing a misunderstanding. It has been stated that this summary was borrowed from an English publication; but this is a mistake. This summary was written by the author, and first published in the preface to the third volume of the Gospel Luminary, in 1830. And this is the only summary of the religious faith of the Christian Connexion which the author has seen, all the abstracts of the faith of the Connexion, which have come under his observation, having been taken from this summary; which is conclusive evidence that it meets with general approbation, among his brethren.

Sensible of the numerous defects which this work contains, it is with much diffidence that the author presents this volume to the public; but he still cherishes the hope that it will be productive of good, and that it will be read, with interest, by his friends. With his best wishes, and with his most devout aspirations for their present peace and future felicity, he now submits to their consideration these humble sheets; trusting that they will regard with a favorwhatever imperfections they may discover in them.



New York, May 20th, 1843.

A 2

S. C.

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