صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


når, nôt-tùbe, tåbe, bûll—ôîÏ—pôûnd—thin, Tнis.

Conjurer, kån'jår-år s. an impostor who Consecution, kôn-sè-ku'shůn s. train of conpretends to secret arts; a man of shrewd sequences; succession conjecture [of birth Consecutive, kôn-sek'ku-tiv a. following in Connascence, kôn-nâs'sênse s. community train; succeeding [accord Connate, kon-våte' a. born with another Consension, kon-sen'shûn s. agreement, Connatural, kôn-nâtsh'ů-rål a. suitable to Consent, kon-sent' s. the act of yielding or [act of nature, originally consenting; concord, agreement Connaturally, kôn-nâtsh'ù-râl-è ad. by the Consent, kou-sent' v. n. to agree to; to coConnect, kon-někt' v. a. to join; to unite operate with [able to, consistent with Connectively, kôn nêh tỉy là ad. in con-Consentaneous, hồn-sản-ta nè-us a. agree junction, in union [tion; just relation Consentient, kön-sên'shè-ênt a. agreeing, Connexion, kin-nékshun s. union, june- united in opinion [importance Connivance, kin-nivanse s voluntary Consequence, kôn'sè-kwênse s. deduction; [ness or ignorance Consequent, kon'sè-kwent a. following by Connive, kôn-nive' v, n. to pretend blind- rational deduction, or as the effect of a Connoisseur, ko-nês-såre ́ ́s. a judge, a cause [effect, that which follows [gal Consequent, kon'sè-kwent s. consequence; Connubial, kôn-nů'bè-âl a. nuptial, conju- Consequential, kôn-sé-kwên'shal a. concluConoid, ko'ndid s. a figure partaking of a sive



cone [overcome,to subdue; to surmount Consequently, kôn'sè-kwênt-le ad. by conConquer, konk'år, or kôn'kwår v. a. to sequence, necessarily [being kept Conquerable, konk'år-å-bl a. possible to be Conservable, kôn-ser'vå-bl capable of [that subdues Conservancy, kon-ser'vân-sés. a court held Conqueror, konk'år-år s. a victor; one by the Lord Mayor of London for the Conquest, kong'kwest s. the act of con- preservation of the fishery quering, subjection; victory, success in Conservation,kon-ser-va'shuns.protection;




Consanguineous, hỗn-sáng-gwinnd-us a. Conservative, kön-servi-tlv a. having the near of kin [tion by blood power of opposing diminution or injury Consanguinity, kôn-sâng-gwîn'è-tè s. rela-Conservator, kôn-ser-vå'tår 8. preserver Conscience, kon'shense s. sentiment, pri- Conservatory, kôn-ser'vâ-tur-és, a place vate thoughts; scruple where any thing is kept [dy or pickle fruit Conscientious, kôn-she-enshus a. scrupu-Conserve, Kon-serv v. to preserve,to can lous, exactly just Conserve, kon'sèrv s. a sweetmeat Conscientiously, kôn-shè-ên'shûs-lè ad. ac-Consider, kôn-sîd'ûr v. a. to think upon, to cording to the direction of conscience ponder; to requite Conscientiousness, kôn-shẻ-ên'shus-nês s. Considerable, kôn-sid'år-å-bl a. worthy of exactness of justice [just consideration; respectable; important Conscionable, kon'shun-å-bl a reasonable, Considerably, kon-sid'ůr-å-ble ad. imporConscious, kon'shus a. knowing from me- tantly [dent; regardful; moderate mory; admitted to the knowledge of any Considerate, kon-sid'ar-ate a. serious, pruthing [ledge of one's own actions Considerately, kôn-sid'ûr-åte-lè ad. calmly, Consciously, kon'shús-lè ad. with knowConsciousness, kôn'shus-nẻs s. internal Consideration, kôn-sid-ûr-å'shån s. regard, sense of guilt, or innocence notice; mature thought; importance; Conscript,kon'skripto. registered, enrolled compensation [transfer; to commit Conscription,kon-skrip'shån s. an enrolling Consign, kôn-sine' v. a. to make over; to Consecrate, kon'sè-kråte v. a. to make sa-Consignment, kôn-sine'ment s. the act of cred dedicating to the service of God consigning; the writing by which any Consagration, kou-së-krå'ship s. a rite of thing is consigned


Fate, får, fåll, fåt-mè, met-pine, pin-nò, môve,

Consist, kôn-sist' v. n. to be comprised, to Conspiracy, kôn-spîr'å-sè s. a plot, a con-
be contained in; to be composed of certed treason
Consiste e, kôn-sis'tense
Consistency, kin-sisten-sẻ

s. state with!

Conspiration, kon-spè-ra'shun s. a plot Conspirator, kon-spîr'â-tûr s. a man enga[to agree together agreement [firm, not fluid Conspire, kon-spire' v.n.to concert a crime; Consistent,kon-sis'tent a.not contradictory; Constable, kun'sta-bl s. a peace-officer Consistently,kôn-sis'tênt-lè ad.without con- Constancy, kon'stân-sè s. continuance ; tradiction, agreeably consistency; steadiness; lasting affection Consistorial, kon-sïs-tò'rè-âl a. relating to Constant, kön ́stânt a. firm, unvaried; resthe ecclesiastical court olute; certain [certainly, steadily Consistory, kôn'sis-tår-è s. the place of jus- Constantly, kôn'stânt-le ad. perpetually, tice in the ecclesiastical court [join Constellation, kön-stêl-là shuns. a cluster Consociate, kôn-so'shè-ate v. a. to unite, to of fixed stars [ment, terrour, dread Consociation, kôn-sò-shè-á’shun s. union, Consternation, kôn-ster-na'shûn s. amazecompanionship [fort Constipate, kon'stè-påte v. a. to crowd into a narrow room; to condense; to make costive

respect to material existence; substance ;| ged in a plot

Consolable, kon-so'lå-bla. that admits comConsolation, kin-so-lashân s. comfort, alleviation of misery

[give comfort Constipation, kôn-stè-på'shån s. the act of Consolatory, kôn-sol'lå-tår-è a. tending to crowding into less room; stoppage Console, kon-sole' v. a. to comfort, to cheer Constituent, kôn-stitsh'ù-ênt a. elemental,' Consoler,kon-so'lår s.one that gives comfort


Consolidate, kon-sole-date v. a. to form in- Constituent, kon-stitsh'u-ênt s. the person to a compact and solid body; to harden orthing which constitutes or settles any Consolidation, hỗn-stl-ẻ-dashân s. the act thing; he that deputes another

of uniting into a solid mass; the annex-Constitute, kôn'stè-tute v. a. to appoint; to ing of one bill in parliament to another Consonance, kon'so-nånse

Consonancy, kon'so-nan-se

Sound; consistency

s. aceord of

Consonant, kon'so-nant a. agreeable

erect; to depute

Constitution, kôn-stè-tà'shủn s. state of being; temper of body, or mind; form government


of Constitutional, k3n-stè-tu'shån-âl a. radiConsonant, kôn'sò-nånt s. à letter which cal; consistent with the constitution cannot be sounded by itself [agreeably Constrain, kôn-stråne' v. a. to compel; to' Consonantly,kon'so-nant-lè ad.consistently, necessitate Consonous, kon'sò-nus a. agreeing in sound Constrainable, kon-strå'nå-bl a. liable to Consort, kon'sort s. companion Constraint, kón-strånt' s. compulsion, vioConsort, kon-sort' v. n. to associate with Constrict, kôn-strikt' v. a. to bind [lence Consort, kôn-sort' v. a. to join, to mix, to Constriction, kôn-strik'shûn s. contraction, marry [ed with, suitable compression Consortable, kôn-sor'tå-bl a. to be compar-Constringe, kôn-strinje' v. a. to contract, Consortion, kon-sor'shûn s. partnership to bind [quality of binding Conspectable, kôn-spêk'tå-bl a. easy to be Constringent, kôn-strin'jent a. having the [to the sight Construct, kôn-stråkt' v.a. to build, to form Conspicuity, kôn-spè-ků'è-tè s. obviousness Construction, kôn-stråk shûn s. the act or Conspicuous, kôn-spik'ů-ås a. obvious to form of building; explanation; the the sight; eminent meaning [fice, fabrick Conspicuously, kôn-spik’ů-ûs-lè ad. obvi-Constructure, kôn-stråk'tshùre s. pile, ediously to the view; eminently Construe, kôn'strô v. a. to interpret, to ex[to debauch Constuprate, kôn'stà-pråte v. à. to violate,


Conspicuousness, kôn-spik'ù-ûs-nes s. emi- plain nence, celebrity

nor, nôt-tube, tåb, båll-dil-pound-thin, THIS. Constupration, kôn-stù-prå'shản s. viola- Contemn, kôn-tẻm' v. a.to despise,to neglect tion, defilement [the same substance Contemner, kôn-têm'når s. one that con Consubstantial, kôn-sub-stân'shåla. having temns, a despiser [gree of any quality Consubstantiality, kón-sub-stân-she-al'è-te Contemperament,kon-têm'par-a-ments.des. existence of more than one in the same Contemperate,kon-têm'pår-åte v. a.to modsubstance [to unite in one substance erate, to temper

Consubstantiate, kōn-sub-stân'shẻ-åte v. a. Contemplate, kôn-tẻm plåte v. a. to study, Consubstantiation,kon-sub-stân-shè-à'shån to meditate [tion; study 8. the union of our Blessed-Saviour with Contemplation, kon-têm-plå'shûn s.meditathe sacramental elements, according to Contemplative, kôn-têm'pla-tiv a. studious the Lutherans Contemplator, kôn-têm'plå-tår s. one emConsul, kôn'sůl s. an officer commissioned ployed in study [in the same age in foreign parts to judge between the Contemporary, kôn-têm'po-ra-rè a. living merchants of his nation [sul Contemporary,kon-têm'pò-râ-rè s. one who Consulship, kon'sûl-ship s. the office of con- lives at the same time with another Consult, kon-sult' v. a. to ask advice of; to Contemporise,kon-têm'po-rize v. a.to make regard,to act with respect to; to examine contemporary, Consult, kôn'sålt s. the act of consulting; Contempt, kôn-têmt' s. scorn the effect of consulting Contemptible, kôn-têm'tè-bl a. deserving Consultation, kon-sål-tà'shån s. the act of scorn; despised [ness, cheapness consulting, secret deliberation Contemptibleness, kôn-têm'tè-bl-nės s. vileConsumable, kon-sù'må-bl a. susceptible of Contemptibly, kön-têm'tè-blè ad. in a mandestruction [to destroy ner deserving contempt Consume, kon-sume' v. a.to waste, to spend, Contemptuous, kon-têm'tshu-as a. scornful Consummate, kôn-summate v. a. to com- Contemptuously, kôn-têmtshu-us-lẻ ad. plete, to perfect [perfect with scorn [disposition to contempt Consummate, kon-sum måte a. complete, Contemptuousness, kôn-têm'ts hủ-us-nês s. Consummation, kôn-sum-mà shun s. com- Contend, hôn-tendŃ v. . to strive ; to vie pletion, perfection, end Contender,kon-tên'dår s. combatant,chamConsumption, kôn-süm'shån s. the act of Content, kôn-tênt' a. satisfied [pion consuming, waste [wasting Content, kôn-tent' v. a. to satisfy; to please Consumptive, kôn-sům'tiv a. destructive, Content, kôn-tẻnt' s. moderate happiness; Consumptiveness, kôn-sumtly-nẻss. ten- acquiescence [repining dency to a consumption [boards Contented, kôn-tên'ted part. a. satisfied,not Contabulate,kon-tâb'ù-låte v.a.to floor with Contention, kôn-tên'shån s. strife, debate Contact, kon'tåkt s. touch, close union [perverse Contaction, kôn-ták'shån s. act of touching Contentious, kôn-tên'shûs a. quarrelsome, Contagion, hỗn-tảjè-ủn s. infection ; pesti- Contentiousness,hỗn-tên-shus-nés s.pronelence, venomous emanation [easy Contagious,kon-tà'jè-usa.infectious, caught Contentless, kon-tênt'lês a. dissatisfied, unby approach fity of being contagious Contentment,kon-tênt'ments. acquiescence Contagiousness,kon-tà'jè-us-nes s.the qual- without plenary satisfaction [upon Contain, kôn-tane' v. a. to hold; to com-Conterminous, kon-têr'mè-nûs a. bordering prise Contest, kon-test' v. a. to dispute, to litigate Contain, kôn-tåne' v. n. to live in continence Contest, kôn-test' v. n. to strive, to emulate Containable, kon-tà'nå-bl a, possible to be Contest, kôn'têst s. dispute, debate contained [to corrupt by base mixture Contestable, kon-tes'tå-bla. disputable, Contaminate, kön-tắmề-nate ?. a. to defile, controvertible [bility of contest Contamination, kôn-tâm-è-nå’shôn s. pollu- Contestableness, kon-tês'ta-bl-nės s. possition, defilement Context, kon-tèkst' v. a. to weave together


ness to contest

Fåte, får, fåll, fat-mè, met-pine, pin-nò, move, Context, kôn-tekst' a. knit together, firm state of being contracted Context, kôn'tekst s. the general series of a Contractibleness, kôn-trâk'tè-bl-nês s. the discourse quality of suffering contraction

Contexture, kôn-tẻks'tshure s. the disposi- Contractile, kin-trak tl a. having the powe tion of parts one among another er of shortening itself Contignation, kön-tig-na'shån framing together

S. act of Contraction, kôn-tråk'shin s. the act of contracting or shortening; abbreviation Contiguity, kon-tè-gu'è-tè s. actual contact Contractor, kôn-tråk'tår s. one of the parContiguous, kôn-tig'ù-ås a. meeting so as ties to a contract or bargain [connexion Contradict, kôn-trâ-dikt' v. a. to oppose



to touch Contiguousness, kôn-tig'ù-us-nes s. close verbally, to deny Continence, kon'tè-nense restraint, Contradicter, kôn-trâ-dik'tår s. one that Continency, kôn'tè-nen-sé chastity contradicts, an opposer [tion; contrariety Continent, kon' te-nent a. chaste, temperate Contradiction, kon-trå-dîk'shan s. opposi Continent, kon'tè-nent s. land not disjoined Contradictious, kôn-trá-dik'shús a. filled by the sea from other lands [continent with contradictions, inclined to contra Continental,kon-tè-nẻnt'âl a. relating to the dict [to, inconsistent with Contingence, kon-tin'jense accidental Contradictory,kôn-tra-dik'tår-è a. opposite Contingency, kôn-tín jên-sẻ possibility Contradistinction, kôn-trå-dis-ting'shûn s. Contingent, kôn-tin'jent a. accidental distinction by opposite qualities Contingent, kon-tỉn'jẻnt s. a thing in the Contradistinguish, kôn-trå-dis-ting'gwish hands of chance ; a proportion [ally v. a. to distinguish by opposite qualities Contingently, kon-tin jènt-lè ad. accident- Contraposition,kan-trâ-po-zish'un s.a placContinual, kon-tin'ù-al a. incessant, pro- ing over against [contrariety to rule ceeding without interruption Contraregularity, kôn-trå-rêg-u-lâr'è-tè 8. Continually, kôn-tin'd-ål-lè ad. without Contrariant, kôn-trâ'rè-ânt a. inconsistent, pause [place; duration; perseverance contradictory [destroy each other Continuance, kon-tin'u-ânse s. abode in a Contraries,kôn trâ-riz s.propositions which Continuate, kôn-tin'ù-àte a. immediately Contrariety, kôn-trå-rl'è-tè ́s. repugnance, united opposition

Continuation, kôn-tỉn-u-ashủn s. protrac- Contrarily, kôn trắ-rẻ-lẻ ad. different ways tion, or succession, uninterrupted Contrariness, kôn'trå-rè-nês s. contrariety, Continuator, kon-tỉn-ù-å'tår s. he that con- opposition [pugnant tinues or keeps up the series of succession Contrarious, kôn-trà rè-as a. opposite, reContinue, kin-tin a v. 2. to remain in the Contrariwise, kôn′trá-rẻ-wize ad, on the same state; to persevere contrary [tory, inconsistent, adverse Continue, kon-tin'ù v. a. to protract, or re-Contrary, kôn'tra-re a. opposite, contradicpeat without interruption; to unite with- Contrary, kôn'trâ-rẻ s. a thing of opposite out a chasm [uninterrupted cohesion qualities Cures Continuity, kon-te-nu'è-tè s. connexion, Contrast, kôn'tråst s. an opposition of figContinuous, kon-tin'ù-us a. joined together Contrast,kon-tråst'v.a.to place in opposition Contort, kon-tort' v. a. to twist, to writhe Contravene, kön-trå-vène' v. a. to oppose, Contortion, kôn-tör'shûn s. a twist, wry to obstruct tion motion

Contravention, kön-trắ-vẻnshủn s. opposiContour, kon-toor' s. the outline [legal Contributary, kôn-tribu-tá-rẻ a. paying Contraband, kôn'trå-bånd a. prohibited, il- tribute to the same sovereign Contract, kon-tråkt' v. a. to draw together, to shorten, to make a bargain, to betroth Contract, kon'tråkt s. a bargain

Contribute, kôn-trib’åte v. a. to give to some

common stock

Contribute, kôn-trîb'åte v. n. to bear a part; Contractedness, kôn-tråk'têd-nês s. the to have a share in any act or effect

nor, not-tube, tab, bull-dil-påůnd-thin, Tuis. Contribution, kốn-trẻ-bushân s. the act of Convalescence, kin-và-lés sense contributing; that which is given Convalescency, kon-vâ-lês'sèn-sè

to assemble

s. re

Contributive, kôn-trib'ů-tiv a. tending to newal of health promote [a part in some common design Convalescent, kôn-vå-lês'sent a. recovering Contributor, kon-trib'u-tår s. one that bears Convene, kôn-vène' v. n. to come together; Contributory, kin-trib’u-tur-ea. promoting [summon judicially the same end [penitent Convene, kôn-vène' v. a to convoke; to Contrite, kon'trite a. worn with sorrow, Convenience, kôn-vè'nè-ênse Contritely, kin’trite-lè ad. penitently Conveniency, kon-vè né-en-sès.fitness, Contrition, kon-trish'ån s. penitence, sor- commodiousness row for sin [planned Convenient, kôn-vè'nè-ênt a. fit, suitable Contrivable, kon-tri'vå-bl a. that may be Conveniently, kôn-vè'nè-ênt-lè ad. commo Contrivance, kon-trl'vânse s. a scheme; a diously, fitly [nunnery plot, an artifice [out means Convent, kôn'vent s. a religious house, a Contrive,kon-trive' v. a. to plan out; to find Conventicle, kôn-vẻn'tè-kl s. an assembly Contrive, kon-trive v. n. to form or design for worship; a secret assembly Contriver, kin-trivur s. an inventor Conventicler, kôn-ven'tik-lår s. one that Control, kon-troll' s. a check, restraint, supports or frequents private and unlawpower [to govern ful assemblies Control,kon-troll' v. a. to keep under check, Convention, kôn-vẻn'shůn s. an assembly; Controllable, kôn-troll'å-bl a. subject to contract, agreement for a time control [power of governing Conventional, kôn-vẻn'shůn-åla. agreed on Controller, kon-troll'år s. one that has the by compact [upon contract Controllership, kon-troll'år-ships. the office Conventionary, kon-ven'shůn-a-rẻ a. acting of a controller [opposition Conventual, kin-ventshủ-âl a. belonging to Controlment, kôn-troll'ment s. restraint; [in a convent Controversial, kôn trỏ-vẻrshâl a. relating Conventual, hỗn-ventshu-äl s.one that lives to disputes [quarrel Converge, kôn-věrje' v. n. to tend to one Controversy, köntrỏ-vẻr-sẻ s. dispute ; a point Controvert, kôn trỏ-yêrt u. a. to debate, to Convergent, kn-verjent } dispute [table Converging, kôn-vår'jing} a. tending to Controvertible, kôn-trò-věrt'è-bl a. dispu- one point [conversation Controvertist, kôn'trò-ver-tist s. disputant. Conversable, kôn-ver'sâ-bla. qualified for This word is sometimes, though very Conversably, kôn-vér'så-blè ad. in a conimproperly, written controversialist. versable manner Contumacious, kôn-tu-må'shus a. perverse; Conversant,kôn-ver'sånt a.acquainted with, [stinately, perversely Conversation, kôn-ver-så'shûn s. familiar Contumaciously, kôn-tủ-mashus-lẻ ad. ob- discourse, chat; commerce; behaviour Contumaciousness, kôn-tů-ma'shus-nês s.Converse, kon-verse' v. n. to cohabit with; obstinacy, perverseness to discourse



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Contumacy, kon'tù-må-sè s. a wilful contempt and disobedience to any lawful [ful, sarcastick Contumelious, kn-tu-mè lẻ-us á. reproachContumeliousness, kin-tủ-mèlẻ-us-nes s. rudeness, reproach

a convent


Converse, kôn'vêrse s. manner of discoursing in familiar life; cohabitation Conversion, kôn-vẻr'shûn s. change, transmutation; change from one religion to



Conversive, kôn-ver'siv a. conversable, soContumely, kon'tù-mè-lè s. contemptuous-Convert, kon-vert' v. a. to change; to turn ness, bitterness of language, reproach from a bad to a good life Contuse, kôn-thze' v. a. to bruise [a bruise Convert, könvert s. a person converted Contusion,kon-tu’zhûn s.the act of bruising, from one opinion to another

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