صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Fate, får, fåll, fåt-mè, met-pine, pin-nỏ, môve,

Transgressor, tråns-grẻs'sûr s. law-break- Transplantation, trans-plan-tà'shun s. act

er; offender

[blocks in formation]

of removing to another soil Transport, trans-port' v. a. to carry into banishment; to hurry by violence of passion; to put into ecstacy Transport, trans'port s. a vessel of carriage; rapture, ecstacy [ance,carriage Transportance, trans-por'tanse s. conveyTransportation, trâns-por-tà'shûn s.removal; banishment

Transposal, trâns-pó'zál s. the act of putting things in each other's place Transpose, trans-póze' v. a. to put each in the place of other

Translate, trân-slåte' v. a. to remove; to interpret in another language Transposition, tråns-pò-zish'un s.the act of Translation, tran-slá'shůn s. removal, act putting one thing in the place of another of removing; the act of turning into Transubstantiate,trân-sub-stân'shè-åte v.a. another language, version to change to another substance Translator, tråân-sla'tur s. one that turns Transubstantiation, trân-såb-stân-shẻ-å ́any thing into another language [cy shun s. change of substance [in vapour Translucency,trâns-lu'sen-sẻ s.transparen- Transude, trån-sude' v. n. to pass through Translucent, trans-lu'sent transparent, Transumption, trans-sům'shun s.the act of Translucid, trâns-lu'sid clear taking from one place to another Transmarine, trans-må-rèèn' a. lying or Transversal, trâns-vẻr'sâl a.running crossfound beyond sea [rection Transmigrate, trâns ́mè-gråte v. n. to pass Transverse, träns-vêrse' a. in a cross difrom one place or country into another Transversely, trâns-vèrs'le ad. in a cross Transmigration, trans-mè-grà shûn s. pas- direction



[agem; a play sage from one place or state into another Trap, trắp s. a snare; an ambush,a stratTransmission, trans-mish'un s. the act of Trap, trap v. a. to ensnare, to catch transmitting [one to another Trapdoor, trâp-dore' s. a door opening Transmissive,trâns-mis'siv a.derived from and shutting unexpectedly Transmutable, trans-mù'tâ-bla. capable of Trapezium, trå-pè'zhè-ûm s. a quadrilaterchange [into another nature or substance Transmutation,träus-mu-tà'shẩn s.change Transmute,trans-mate' .n.to change from one nature or substance to another Transparency, trans-på'rên-sè s.clearness, power of transmitting light Transparent, tràns-på'rẻnt a. pervious to Travail, trâv'il s. labour, toil [pass, to go the sight; clear Travel, trávil v. n. to make journeys; to Transpierce,trans-pèèrse' r.a. to penetrate Travel, trávil s. journey

al figure, whose four sides are not equal, and none of its sides parallel [¡ishments Trappings,trap'pingz s.ornaments, embelTrash, trash s. any thing worthless, dross, Trashy, trash'è a. worthless, vile [dregs Travail, travl v. n to labour

Transpiration, tran-spé-rà'shân s. emis-Traveller, trâv'il-år s. one who goes a sion in vapour


Transpire, tran-splre' v. n. to be emitted by Traverse, trå-verse' ad. crosswise, athwart vapour; to escape from secresy to notice Traverse,trå-verse' prep.through,crosswise Transplace, trans-plåse' v. a. to remove, to Traverse, traverse a. lying across

put into a new place

Transplant, trâns-plant' r. a. to remove and plant in a new place

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Traverse, tråv'êrse v. a. to cross, to thwart with obstacles; to wander over; to examine thoroughly

når, nót—tube, tåb, bûll—ðîî—poůnd--thin, THis.

Traveste, trav'ês-tè a. dressed so as to be Trench, trẻnsh s. a pit or ditch; earth thrown up

made ridiculous Tray, tra s. a shallow trough in which Trenchant, trên'shânt a. cutting, sharp meat is carried Trencher, trên'shur s. a wooden platter Treacherous, trêtsh'ẻr-ûs a. faithless, per-Trencherman, trẻn ́shûr-mån s. à feeder, fidious [lessly an eater Treacherously, trêtsh'êr-us-lè ad. faith-Trendle, trên'dl s. any thing turned round Treachery, tretsh'er-è s. perfidy, breach of Trepan, trẻ-pân' s. a surgeon's instrument faith [sugar Trepan, trẻ-pân' v. a. to perforate with the Treacle, trè'kl s. molasses, the spume of trepan; to insnare

Tread, trẻd v. n. to set the foot, to trample, Trepidation, trẻp-è-da'shån s. the state of to couple trembling; state of terror Trespass, três'pås v. n. to transgress; to enter unlawfully

Tread, trẻd s. step with the foot

Treadie, trêd'dl s. part of an engine on which the feet act Trespass, três pås s. transgression Treason, tre'zn s. an offence against the Tresses, três'siz s. curls of hair person of majesty, or the dignity of Trestle, três'sl s. a moveable form by which the commonwealth [of treason any thing is supported [waste Treasonable, trè'zn-a-bl a. of the nature Tret, trêt s. an allowance in weight for Treasure, trêzh'ère s. wealth hoarded Trey, trå s. a three at cards Treasure, trêzh'ure v. a. to hoard,to lay up Triable, trl'å-bl a. capable of trial Treasurer, trẻzh'ù-rûr s. one who has the Triad, triad s. three united

care of money

[money is kept Trial, tri'âl s. test, examination [gles Treasury, trêzh'u-rẻ s. a place in which Triangle, tri'ång-gls. a figure of three anTreat, trète v. a. to negotiate; to discourse Triangular, tri-ång'gù-lår a. having three on; to manage; to entertain


Treat, trète s. an entertainment given Tribe, tribe s. a distinct body of people Treatable, trè'tà-bl a. moderate [tate Tribulation, trib-ù-là'shûn s. vexation, disTreatise, trè'tiz s. discourse, written trac- turbance of life Treatment, trète'ment s. usage Tribunal, trl.bu'nal s. the seat of a judge Treaty, tre'te s. negotiation Tribune, trib'une s. an officer of Rome Treble,treb'bla. threefold; sharp of sound Tributary, trîb'u-tâ-rè a. paying tribute Treble, trêb'bl v. a. to multiply by three Tributary, trib'u-ta-rè s. one who pays Treble, trêb'b! s. a sharp sound; the upper tribute [knowledgment of subjection part in musick [treble Tribute, tribute s. payment made in acTrebleness, treb'bl-nes s. state of being Trice, trise s. a short time, an instant Trebly, trêb'blè ad. in threefold number Trick, trik s. a sly fraud; a dexterous aror quantity Tree, trèè e. a large vegetable rising with Trick, trik v. a. to cheat, to defraud; to one woody stem to a considerable Tricking, triking s. dress, ornament height; any thing branched out Trickish, trik ish a. knavishly artful Trelis, trellis s. a lattice-work of iron, Trickle, trik'kl v. n. to fall in drops wood, or ozier [fear or cold Trident, tri'dent s. the three-forked sceptre Tremble, trẻm'bl v. n. to shake as with| of Neptune Tremblingly, trẻm'bling-lè ad. fearfully Tremendous, trè-men'dás a. dreadful Tremor, tré můr s. quivering or vibratory motion



Triennial, tri-ên'yâl a. lasting three years Trifallow, tri fål-lò v. a. to plough land the third time before sowing Trifle, tri'fl v. n. to act or talk with levity Tremulous, tram'-lås a. trembling, fearful Trifle,tri' s.a thing of no moment [levity Trench,trênsh v.a.to cut into pits or ditches Trifler,tri'fl-år s.one who acts or talks with


Fåte, får, fåll, fåt—mè, met-pine, pîn—nò, môve,

Trifing, tlf-lag a. unimportant
Triform, tri forma. baving a tripple shape
Trigger, trig går s. a catch of a wheel or
[three corners

Trituration, trit-tshù-ra shẳn s. pulverized by rubbing

Triumph,triumf s. pomp with which a vicgun tory is publickly celebrated; victory; Trigonal, trig'd-nål a. triangular; having joy for success [tory with pomp

Trigonometrical, trig'd-no-mët'trè-kal a. Triumph, triumf v. n. to celebrate a vicpertaining to trigonometry Triumphal, tri-åmf'ål a. used in celebra

Trigonometry, trig-o-nime trẻ e. the art ting a victory

of measuring triangles


Triumphant, tri-imf'ânt a. celebrating a Trilateral, tri-låt'er-ål a.having three sides Triumphantly, trl-3mf'ânt-lè ad. in a triTrill, trill's. quaver, tremulousness of mu- umphant manner Trill, trill v. a. to utter quavering [sick Triumvirate, tri-ům vè-rât) s. a coalition Trillion, tril'yun s. a million of millions of Triumviri, tri-ům vẻ-ri Trim, trim a. nice, dressed up [millions or concurrence of three men Trim, trim v. a. to dress; to shave; to Triune, tri-ùne' a. at once three and one make neat [measures Trivet, triv'it s. any thing supported by Trimeter, trim'è-têr a. consisting of three three feet [unimportant Trimly, trim'le ad. nicely, neatly Trivial, triv'yal a. vile, worthless; trifling, Trimmer, trim'mår s. one who changes Trivially, triv'yal-è ad. commonly; lightly sides to balance parties, a turncoat Trivialness, triv'yål-nês s. commonness; Trimming, trim'ming s. ornamental ap- lightness pendages to a coat or gown Trine, trine s. an aspect of planets placed in three angles of a trigon Trinitarian, trin-é-tà'rè-ân s. one who believes the doctrine of the Trinity Trinity, trin'é-tè s. the union of the three persons in the God-head Trinket,tringk'kits. toy, ornament of dress Trip, trip v. n. to fall by losing the hold of the feet; to err; to stumble

Trochee, trò kè s. a foot in Latin poetry,
consisting of a long and short syllable
Troglodyte, trog'lò-dite s. one who inhab-
its caves

Troll, troll v. n. to run round; to fish with
a rod which has a pulley towards the
Trollop, trollup s. a slattern [bottom
Troop, troop s. a company; a body of


Troop, troop v. n. to march in a body Trip, trip s. a stumble; a mistake; a short Trooper, troop'ur s. a horse-soldier voyage or journey

[parts Trope, tropes. a change of a word from its original signification

Tripartite, trip pâr-tite a.divided into three
Tripe, tripe s. the intestines

Tripedal, trip'e-dâl a. having three feet
Tripthong, trip'thông s. a coalition of three
Triple, trip pla. threefold, treble [vowels
Triplet, trip lit s. three of a kind
Triplicate, triple-kåte a. made thrice as
Triplicity, tri-plis'è-tè s. trebleness
Tripod, tripod s. a seat with three feet
Tripping, tripping a. quick, nimble
Triptote, trip tote s. a noun used but

three cases


Trophied, tro'fid a. adorned with trophies
Trophy, tro'fe s. something taken from an


Tropical, trop'è-kål a. rhetorically changed from the original meaning; belonging to the tropick [sun turns back Tropick, tropik s. the line at which the Trot, trot r. n. to move with a high jolting pace

Trot, trots. the jolting high pace of a horse Troth, troth s. truth, faith, fidelity Trisection,tri-sêk'shûn s.division into three Trothless, trôth'lês a. treacherous equal parts [ing of three syllables Trouble, trab'bl v. a.to disturb, to perplex; Trisyllable, tris'sil-la-bl s. a word consist- to distress; to sue for a debt [vexation Trite, trite a. worn out, stale Trouble, tråb'bl s. disturbance, affliction, riteness,trite'nês s.stalcness, commonness Troublesome, tråb bl-sum a. vexatious,un

nor, nôt—tùbe, tub, båll-dil-påånd-thin, THIS. easy, afflictive; burdensome; teazing Truncheon,trůn'shån s.a cudgel; a staff of Troublesomeness, tråb'bl-såm-nês s. vexa- command tiousness [fused, disordered Trundle, trån dl v. n. to roll Troublous, tråb'bl-ås a. tumultuous; con-Trunnions, trůn'y unz s. the knobs of a gun

Trough, trof s. any thing hollowed
Trounce, troůnse v. a. to punish
Trousers, trou'sûrz s. breeches
Treut, trout s. a delicate fish
Trow, trò v. n. to think, to imagine
Trowel, troù il s. a tool totake up mortar,
and spread it on bricks

that bear it on the cheeks of a carriage Trunk, trungk s. the body of any thing; a chest for clothes; the proboscis of an elephant or other animal

Trusion, troo'zhůn s. the act of thrusting Truss, trus s.a bandage for ruptures; bundle of hay or straw

Troy-weight, troè'wate s. a kind of weight Truss, trus v. a. to pack close together by which gold and bread are weighed Trust, tråst s. confidence, reliance; credTruant, trỏo ant s. an idler [business it; deposit Truant, troo'ânt a. idle, wandering from Trust, trust v. a. to place confidence in Truce, troose s.a temporary peace,a cessa- to believe; to sell upon credit [thing tion of hostilities [killing Trustee, trus-tèè' s. one intrusted with any Trucidation, trỏỏ-sè-dà'shån s. the act of Trusty, trust'è a. honest, faithful, true Truck, tråk v. n. to traffick by exchange Truth, trôôth s. purity from falsehood; fiTruck, truk s. exchange; wooden wheels delity; reality

Try, tri v. a. to examine, to essay

for carriage Truckle, truk'kl v. n. to be in a state of Tub, tåh s. a large open vessel of wood subjection Tube, tube s. a pipe, a siphon Truculent,troo'kù-lẻnt a.savage,barbarous Tubercle, tu ber-kl s. a small swelling Trudge,trådje v.n.to jog on,to march hea-Tuberous, tù'bêr-us a. having prominent vily on True,trẻỏ a. not false,veracious; genuine ; Tubular, tủ'bu-lâr faithful, honest; exact [birth Tubulated, tu bu-là-têd


4. fistular, lonTrueborn, troo'born a. having a right by gitudinally hollow Truebred, troo'bred a. of a right breed Tuck, tåk s. a long narrow sword Truehearted,troo-hårt'ed a.honest, faithful Tuck, tuk, v. a. to crush together, to hinTrueness, troo'nes s. sincerity, faithfulness der from spreading

Truffle, troỏ'fls. a kind of subterraneous Tucker, tåk år s. a small piece of linen mushroom that shades the breasts of women [week Truisin,trỏo izm s.an identical proposition Tuesday, tuze'de s. the third day of the Trull, tråll s. a vagrant strumpet Tuft, taft s. a cluster, a clump [ters Truly, trôỏ'le ad. really; exactly; indeed Tufted, tuf'ted a. growing in tufts or clusTrump, trump s. a trumpet; a winning Tufty, tåf'te a. adorned with tufts [card Tug, tåg v. a. to pull, to pluck [effort Trump, tramp v. a. to win with a trump Tug,tüg s.a pull performed with the utmost Trumpery, trump'er-ès. something falla-Tuition, tà-ish'an s. guardianship ciously splendid; empty talk; trifles Tulip, tulip s. a flower


Trumpet, tråmp'it s. an instrument of mar-Tumble, tum'bl v. n. to fall; to roll about tial musick Tumble, tum'bl s. a fall

Trumpet, trump'ît v. a.to publish by sound Tumbler, tåm'bl-ür s. one who shows posof trumpet, to proclaim [a trumpet tures or feats of activity Trumpeter, tråmpit-år s. one who sounds Tumbrel, tüm'bril s. a dung cart Truncate, trång kåte v. a. to maim Tumefaction, tù-mè-fák'shun s. a swelling Truncation, tran-kå'shûn s. the act of lop-Tumefy, tú mè-fl v. a. to swell ping or maiming

Tumid, tù'mid a. swelling, puffed up



Fate, får, fåll, fåt-mé, mêt-pine, pin-nò, mỏve, Tumour, tu'mår s. a morbid swelling to double in; to blunt; to repeal; to Tumulose, tu-mu-lòse' a. full of hills Tumult, tú mult s.a sti; a wild commotion Turn, tårn s.the act of turning; meaning; Tumultuary, tu-mül'tshú-à-rè a. disorder-Turncoat, turn'kote s. a renegade [turn ly, confused [violent Turner, tårn'år s. one whose trade is to Tumultuous, tu-mål'tshu-s a. turbulent; Turnkey, tűrn'kéé s. one who opens and Tumultuously, tu-môl'tshu-us-lè ad. with

confusion and violence Tun, tún s. a large cask; two pipes Tun, tan e. a. to put into casks, to barrel Tunable, tu'nå-bla. harmonious Tunably, tu'na-blè ad. harmoniously Tune, tune s. a diversity of notes put together; harmony, concert of parts right disposition

locks the doors of a prison Turning, tårn'ing s. flexure, meander Turnip, turn'ip s. a white esculent root Turnpike, tårn'pike s. a toll-gate on a road Turnstile, tuin'stile s. a cross-bar turned on a pin to let foot passengers through, and prevent horses [by the pine, &c. Turpentine, tur'pên-tlne s. the gum exuded Turpitude, tur'pe-tåde s. inherent vileness, Tune, tune v. a. to put into such a state as Turret, tür'rêt s. a little tower [badness that the proper sound may be produced Turtle, tår'tl s. a species of dove; the seaTuneful, tune fül a. musical

Tuneless, tune'lês a. unmusical

Tunicle, tu ne-kl s. cover, integument

[der of architecture
Tuscan, tus'kån a. denoting the rudest or-
Tush, tash int. an expression of contempt

Tunnage, tan'nidje s. content of a vessel Tusk, tusk s. a fang
measured by the tun; a tax [funnel Tutelage, tu'têl-áje s. guardianship
Tunnel, tun'nil s.the shaft of a chimney; a Tutelar, tu te-lår
Tup, tup s. a ram

Tup, tap v. a. to butt like a ram
Turban, tar bûn s. the head-dress worn by
the Turks

Tutelary, tu'tè-lâ-rè}


defensive, guar


Tutor, tu'tår s. one who has the care of
another's learning and morals
Tutor, tu'tur r. a. to instruct
Tutorage, tu'tur-aje s. the authority of a
Tutoress, tu'tur-ês s. directress, governess
Tutty, tat tè s. a sublimate of zine or cala-
mine collected in the furnace
[sion Twain, twåne a. two

Turbary, tår ba-rẻ s. right of digging turf
Turbid, tur bid a. thick, muddy
Turbidness, tår bid-nes s. muddiness
Turbith, tar bith s. yellow precipitate
Turbot, tår båt s. a delicate fish
[sharp noise
Turbulence, tur bú-lense s. tumult, confu- Twang, twang v. n. to sound with a quick
Turbulent,tår bu-lênt a.tumultuous, violent Twang, twang s. a sharp quick sound
Turbulently,tur bú-lẻnt-lè ad. tumultuously Twattle, twot tl v. n. to prate, to chatter
Turcism, tar'sizm s. the religion of the Tweak, twèke v. a. to pinch, to squeeze be-

Turf, tårf s. a clod covered with grass
Turfy, tårf'è a. full of turfs

Turgid, tur'jid a. swelling; pompous
Turkey, türke s. a large domestick fowl
Turmerick, tår'mêr-îk s. an Indian root
which makes a yellow dye

twixt the fingers

Tweedle, twee dl v. a. to handle lightly
Tweezers, twèè'zårz s, nippers

Twelfth, twelfth a. second after the tenth
Twelfthtide, twelfth'tide s. the twelfth day
after Christmas

Twelve, twelv a. two and ten
Twelvemonth, twelv'můnth s. a year

Turmoil, tår'moil s. trouble, disturbance Turmoil, tår-moil' v. a. to harass with com-Twentieth, twen'tè-ëth a. twice tenth motion; to weary Twenty, twen'tè a. twice ten Turn, tårn v. a. to put into a circular or Twice, twise ad. two times; doubly vertiginous motion; to change with re-Twidle, twi-dl v. a. to touch lightly spect to position; to transform; to Twig, twig s. a small shoot of a branch translate; to convert; to make giddy;Twiggy, twig'gè a. full of twigs

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