صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Fåte, får, fall, fåt—mè, mêt-pine, pin-nỏ, môve,

Oil, dil v. a. to smear or lubricate with oil reliance, the motive or occasion of any Oiliness, dil'lè-nês s. unctuousness, greasi- thing, the time at which any thing hap [and pickles pens


Oilman, dil'mân s. one who trades in oils On, on ad. forward

Oily, dil'è a. consisting of oil
Ointment, dint'ment s. unguent


On, ôn int. a word of incitement or encour
Once, winse ad. one time; formerly

Old, old a. past the middle of life; of long One, wan a. less than two, single; any, continuance; ancient; long practised particularly one

the same thing; concord

Oldfashioned, old-fash ́and a. formed ac-One, wån s.a single person; the first hour cording to obsolete custom Oldness, old'nês s. antiquity One-eyed, wan'Ide a. having only one eye Oleaginous, d-le-âd'jin-ds a. oily, unctuous Oneirocritick, d-ni-rò-krit'tik s. an interOlfactory, ôl-fak'tår-è a. having the sense preter of dreams [being one of smelling Oneness, wan'nês s. unity; the quality of Oligarchy, ôfle-går-kè s. a form of govern-Onerate,ôn'nêr-råte v. a. to load,to burthen ment which places the supreme power in Oneration, ôn-nêr-à'shần s. the act of load a small number, aristocracy, Olio, ò'lè-ò s. a mixture, a medley


Onerous, on'nêr-ås a. burthensome Olive, ol'liv s. a plant producing oil,the em- Onion, ân'yån s. a plant [Greek alphabet Only, one'lè a. single

blem of peace Omega, d-mè gå s. the last letter of the Only, one lè ad. simply, singly Omelet, ôm'let s. a kind of pancake made Onset, ôn'sêt s. attack, assault

with eggs [nostick Ontologist, ôn-tôl'lò-jîst s. a metaphysician Omen, o'mên s. a sign good or bad, a prog-Ontology, ôn-tôl'lò-je s. metaphysicks Omentum, d-mên'tům s. the call, the double Onward, on'wård ad.forward,progressively membrane spread over the entrails Ominous, ôm'min-ds a. foreshowing ill Ominousness, ôm'mîn-nås-nês s. the quality of being ominous Omission, d-mish'ån s. neglect of duty Cmit, d-mit' v. a. to leave out,not to mention Omnifarious, om-ne-fa're-us a. of all kinds Amoriferous, om-nif'fer-is a. all-bearing Omnifick, om-nif'fik a. all-creating Omnigenous, din-nîd'jè-nûs a. consisting of all kinds


dinnipotency, ôm nip pờ-tên se} salmigh

ty power, unlimited power Canipotent, om-nip'pò-tênt a. almighty

Onyx, o'niks s. a semipellucid gem
Ooze, 88ze s. soft mud; slime
Ooze, ôôze v. n. to run gently
Oozy, do'zè a. miry, muddy
Opacate, o-på kåte v. n. to shade,to darken
Opacity, d-pâs'sè-tè s. cloudiness
Opacous, o på'kûs a. dark, obscure
Opal, o'pål s. a precious stone
Opaque, d-pake' a. uot transparent, dark
Open, o'pn v. a. to unclose; to divide; te

Open, o'pn a. unclosed; apparent ; sincere
Openeyed, o'pn-ide a. vigilant, watchful
Openhanded, ò-pn-hånd'êd a. generous,


Omnipresence, om-ne-prez'ênse s.ubiquity, Openhearted, o-pn-hårt'èd a. generous, Opening, o'pn-ing s. aperture, breach;

unbounded presence

Omnipresent, om-nè-prêz'ênt a. present in dawn

every place [knowledge Openly, d'pn-lè ad. publickly, plainly Omniscience, om-nish'è-ênse s. boundless Openness, d'pn-nês s. plainness, clearnes Omniscient, om-nish'è-ènt a.knowing with- Opera, op'pêr-râ s. a poetical fiction, repout bounds resented by vocal and instrumental mu Granivorous,ôm-niv'vó-rås a. all-devouring Operant, op'pèr-rånt a. active On prep. noting addition or accumula-Operate, op'pêr-åte v. n. to act, to bare son, state of progression, dependence or agency


når, nôt-tube, tåb, båll-dil-pôůnd—thin, THIS.

Tavern, tåv ́årn s. a house where wine is Telescope, těl ́lè-skope s. a glass by which sold

Taw, tåw v. a. to dress white leather
Taw, tåw s. a marble to play with
Tawdriness, tåw'dre-nês s. tinsel finery
Tawdry, tåw drè a. meanly showy
Tawny,taw'nè a.yellow, like things tanned
Tax, taks s. an impost, a tribute imposed
Tax, tak s v. a. to load with imposts; to
charge, to censure

Taxable, taks'å-bl a. that may be taxed
Taxation, tâks-å'shun s. the act of load-
ing with taxes, impost
Tea, te s. a Chinese plant

distant objects are viewed

Tell, teil v. a. to utter; to relate; to in-
form; to count

Teller, tellur s. one who tells or relates
Telltale, tel'tåle s.one who carries officious
Temerarious, têm-ér-a'rè-ûs a. rash, heed-
Temerity, té-mẻr'è-tè s. rashness, unrea-
sonable contempt of danger

Temper, têm'pår v. a. to compound; to
mollify, to assuage

Temper, têm'půr s. due mixture of contrary qualities; disposition of mind [tion Temperament, têm per-å-mênt s. constitu[struction Temperamental, têm pẻr-å-mênt'ål a. constitutional [patience, sedateness

Teach,tetsh v.a. pret. and part. pass. taught to instruct

Teachable, tètsh'a-bl a. susceptive of in-
Teachableness, tètsh'à-bl-nes s. docility, Temperance, têm'pêr-anse s. moderation;
willingness to learn
Temperate, têm'per-ate a. moderate
Teacher,tétsh'urs.an instructer,a preacher Temperately, têm per-ate-lè ad. moderate-
Teal, tèle s. a wild fowl

ly; calmly [of nature; moderation Team, téme s. a number of horses or ox-Temperature, têm'pêr-a-ture s.constitution en drawing at once the same carriage Tempest, têm pest s. the utmost violence Tear, tere s. water from the eyes of the wind; tumult [turbulent Tear, tare s. a rent, a fissure Tempestuous, têm-pês'tshù-ûs a. stormy,

Tear, tare v.a.pret. tore; part. pass. torn; to Templar, têm plàr s. a student in the law

pull in pieces, to lacerate

Tear, tåre v. n. to fume, to rave
Tearful, tére'ful a. weeping

Tease, teze v. a. to comb wool; to torment
with importunity

Teat, tète s. the dug of a beast

Temple, têm pl s. a place appropriated to acts of religion or the study of the law; an ornamental building in a garden; the upper part of the sides of the head Temporal, tem'po-râl a. measured by time, secular; placed at the temples Technical, têk'nè-kål a. belonging to arts Temporally, têm'pò-rål-è ad. with respect Techy, têtsh'è a. peevish, fretful [ing to this life [rary Tectonick, tek-tôn'ik a.pertaining to build-Temporaneous, têm-po-rà'nè-ås a. tempoTe-Deum,te-de'ům s.a hymn of the Church Temporary, tem'po-râ-rè a. lasting only for Tedious, te'de-us s. troublesome; weari- a limited time some by prolixity; slow [as to weary Temporize, têm'pò-rize v. n. to procrastiTediously, te de-as-lè ad. in such a manner nate; to comply with the times or ocTediousness, tè dè-ås-nês, or tè jè-ús-nês s. casions [porizes wearisomeness by continuance Temporizer, têm'pò-rl-zûr s. one who temTeem, tèèm v. n. to bring young; to be Tempt, temt v. a. to solicit to ill, to entice pregnant [and twenty Tempter, têm'tår s. an enticer Teens, teenz s. the years between twelve Temptation, têm-tà'shůn s. the act of Teeth, teeth plur. of tooth [part tempting, enticement Tegument,teg'u-ment s.cover, the outward Ten, ten a. the decimal number, twice five Teint, tint s. colour, touch of the pencil Tenable, tên'å-bl a. such as may be mainTelegraph, têl'è-graf s. an instrument that tained or held [retentive; cohesive conveys intelligence to a distance Tenacious, tè-na'shus a. grasping hard; through the means of signals Tenant, tên'ânt s. one who rents of another

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Fåte, får, fåll, fåt—mė, mét—pine, pîn―nò, môve,

Tenantable, tên'ånt-à-bl u. such as may be Tepefaction,tẻp-è-fâk shản s. act of warmheld by a tenant

Tenantless, tên'ânt-lês a. unoccupied

ing slightly
Tepid, tepid a. lukewarm

Tend, tend v. a. to watch, to guard; to at-Tepidity, te-pîd'è-tè s. lukewarmness Tendence, tên'dânse s. attendance [tend Terce, terse s. a vessel containing fortyTendence, tên'dense ( s. direction; drift Tendency,tên'dên-se) Tender, ten'důr a. soft; easily pained; delicate; compassionate; amorous Tender, tên'dúr v. a. to offer, to propose to Term,term s.limit, boundary; the word by acceptance [ceptance which a thing is expressed; condition Tender, tên'dår s. offer, proposal to ac-Term, term v. a. to name, to call Tenderly, tên'dår-lè ad. mildly, gently Termagancy, têr må-gần sè s. turbulence, Tenderness, tên'dår-nês s. the state of be- tumultuousness [scolding ing tender; susceptibility of impression; Termagant, ter må-gånt a. tumultuous; Tendinous, tên'dè-nås a. sinewy [soreness Termagant, ter'mâ-gânt s. a scold Tendon, tên dân s. a sinew Tendril, tên'dril s. the clasp of a vine Tenebrious, tè-nè'brè-ås a. dark, gloomy Tenement, tên'è-ment s. any thing held by

two gallons of wine Tergeminous, têr-jêm'è-nûs a. threefold Tergiversation, ter-jè-vẻr-sà'shủn s. shift, · subterfuge, evasion

a tenant

Terminable, ter'mè-na-bl a. limitable
Terminate, ter'mè-náte v. a. to limit; to
put an end to

Termination, têr-mè-na'shun s. end, con-
[covered with grass

Tenet, tên'nit s. position, principle,opinion Terrace, têr'râs s. a small mount of earth Tennis, tên'nis s. a play at which a ball is Terraqueous,tér-rá'kwè-ás u. composed of driven with a racket land and water Tenour, or Tenor, tên'når s. continuity of Terrene, ter-rène' a. earthly, terrestrial state; a sound in musick Terreous, ter rè-as a. earthy, consisting of Tense, tense a. stretched, stiff [nify time Terrestrial, tér-rẻs'trè-âl a. earthly [earth Tense,tense s. a variation of the verb to sig- Terrible, têr're-bl a. dreadful, formidable Tenseness, tense'nes s.contraction,tension Terribly,ter'rè-blè ad.dreadfully, formidaTensible, tên'sè-bl a.capable of extension Terrier, têr'rè-ûr s. a dog that follows the Tensile, tên'sil [game under ground Tension, ten'shan s. the act of stretching, Terrifick, ter-rif fik a. dreadful state of being stretched Terrify, ter re-fi v. a. to fright Tensive, tên'siv a. giving a sensation of Territory, ter'rè-tår-è s. land, district stiffness or contraction Terrour, têr'rår s. fear communicated or


Tent, tent s. a moveable lodging-place; a received; the cause of fear
pavilion; a roll of lint put into a sore;
a species of wine
Tentation, ten-tå'shûn s. trial, temptation
Tentative, tên'tă-tiv a. trying, essaying
Tented, tént'êd a. covered with tents
Tenter, tên'tår s. a book on which things

Terse, têrse a. smooth; neat [but one day
Tertain, ter'shûn s. an ague intermitting
Tesselated, tês sêl-là-tẻd a. variegated by

are stretched

Tenth, tenth a. ordinal of ten
Tenth, tenth s. the tenth part; tithe
Tenthly, tenth lè ad. in the tenth place
Tenuity, tè-nu'è-tè s. thinness, exility
Tenuous, tên'nù-as a. thin, small, minute
Tenure, tè'nure s. the manner whereby
tenements are holden of their lords


Test, test s. a cupel to try metals ; trial
Testaceous,tés-ta'shusa.consisting of shells
Testament, tês' tâ-mênt s. a will; the name
of Holy Scripture
Testamentary, tẻs-tâ-mên'tâ-rè a. given by
Testate, tes'tate a. having made a will
Testator,tes-tà'tůr s.one who leaves a will
Testatrix, tês-tà'triks s. a woman who
leaves a will

Tested, test'êd a. tried by a test

nor, nôt-tùbe, tåb, bûll—8}-pôûnd-thin, THIS.

suiting a the

Tester, test'år s. a sixpence ; the cover of The, Tue article. noting a particular thing a bed Theatral,the a-trål u.belonging to a theatre Testicle, tês 'tè-kl s. an organ of seed in theatre, the 'à-tur s. a playhouse; a place animals [witnessing rising by steps like a theatre Testification, tês-te-fé-ka'shûn s. act of Theatrick, the-at trik Testifier, tes'tè-fl-år s. one who testifies Testify, tês te-fi v. n. to witness Testily, tês te-le ad. tretfully, peevishly Testimonial, tës-té-mo'nè-al s. writing produced by any one as an evidence for himself

Theatrical, the-at tre-kal}a.


Thee, THèe the oblique singular of thou
Theft, theft s. the act of stealing
Their, Tuare pron. of them
Theist, the'ist s. one who believes in God
Theism, the 'izm s. the mere belief of a
God; deism

Testimony,tes'tè-mun-è s.evidence; proof
Testiness, tês te-nés s. moroseness
Testy, tês'te a. fretful, peevish
Tetchy, têtsh'è a. froward, peevish
Tete-a-tete, tate'a-tate' ad. cheek by jowl
Tether, teru'ür.. a string by which cattle Then, ruen ad. at that time
are held from pasturing too wide
Tetragonal, te-trág'go-nål a. square

Them, Thêm s. the oblique case of they
Theme,thème s.a subject,short dissertation
Themselves, THêm-selvz' s. these very per-


[that time

Thence, THênse ad. from that place; from

Tetrarch, tetrark, or têt'iårk s. a Roman Thenceforward,ruênse-fôr'wård vård } ad.from

governour of the fourth part of a pro- that time


[ment Theocracy, the-ôk'krå-sè s. government Tetrarchy, têt'trar-ke s. a Roman govern- immediately superintended by God Tetrastick, te-tras'tik s. a stanza of four Theocratical, the-o-krat'tè-kål a. relating Tetter, têt tår s. a scab, a scurf [verses

to a theocracy

Teutonick, tu-ton'ik a. spoken by the Teu- Theologian, the-ò-lò'jè-ân s. a divine; a tones, or ancient Germans professor of divinity

Text, tekst s. that on which a comment is Theological, the-d-lôd jè-kâl a. relating to written; sentence of Scripture the science of divinity Theologist, the-ŏl'lo-jists. a divine

Textile, têks til a. woven

Textuary,teks tshu-a-rè a.relating to a text Theomachy,the-om'a kè s.strife of the gods Texture, teks'tshare s. a web; disposition Theorem, the'o-rẻm s. a position laid down of the parts of bodies as a settled truth

Than, Tнan ad. placed in comparison

Theoretical, the-o-rette-kål } a. speculative

Thank, thangk v. a. to return acknowledg- Theoretick, the-d-rêt'ik
ments [favour, expression of gratitude Theoretically, the-b-rêt'é-kâl-è ad. specu
Thanks, thangks s. acknowledgment for Theorist, the b-rists. a speculatist [latively
Thankful, thangk'fül a. full of gratitude Theory, the'ò-rè s. speculation, scheme
Thankless, thangkles a. unthankful
Therapeutick, ther-â-pu'tik a. curative

Thanksgiving,thangks'giv-ings.celebration There, THȧre ad. in that place

of mercy

That, THât pron. which; who

Thereabout, THȧre'â-boûtad. near that
Thereabouts, THȧre'à-boûts)

Thereby, THȧre-bi' ad. by that



Thatch, thatsh s. straw laid upon the top Thereat, THare-ât' ad. at that, on that acof a house to keep out the weather Thatch, thatsh v. a. to cover as with straw Therefore, THêr'fore ad. for this reason Thatcher, thatsh'ur s. one who covers Therefrom, THåre-from' ad. from that houses with straw

Thaw, thaw v. n. to grow liquid, to melt

Therein, Tuare-in' ad. in that, in this
Thereinto, THåre-in-to' ad. into that

Thaw, thaw s. liquefaction of any thing Thereof, THȧre-ôf' ad. of that


Thereon, THȧre-ôn' ad. on that

Fate, får, fåll, fåt-mẻ, met-pine, pin-nỏ, môve,
Thereto, Thare-to'

Thereunto, THȧre-in-tỏ' ad. to that
Thereupon, THȧre-up-on' ad. upon that
Therewith, THȧre-with' ad. with that; im-

Thirst, thurst v. n. to feel want of drink; to have a vehement desire

Thirstiness, thurst'tè-nês s. the state of being thirsty

Thirsty, thurst'tè a. suffering want of drink; possessed with any vehement desire

Theriacal, the-rl'â-kål a. medicinal Thermometer, ther-mom'è-tår s. an instrument for measuring the degrees of heat Thirteen, thûr'tèèn a. ten and three [tenth and cold [lating to the measure of heat Thirteenth,thur-tèènth' a.the third after the Thermometrical, ther-mo-met trẻ-kal a. re- Thirtieth, thur'te-eth a. the tenth thrice told These, THèze pron. the plural of this Thirty, thur'tè a. thrice ten Thesis, the 'sis s. a position

They, THà pron. men, women, persons [ed
Thick, thik a. gross; muddy; close,crowd-
Thick, thik ad. frequently, fast, closely
Thicken, thik'kn v. a. to make thick
Thicken, thik'kn v. n. to grow thick
Thicket, thik'et s. a close wood

This, THis pron. that which is present
Thistle, this'sl s. a prickly weed
Thistly, this'le a. overgrown with thistles
Thither, THITH'år cd. to that place; to that
Thitherto, THITH'år-to ad. so far [end
Thitherward, THITH'ur-wård ad. towards
that place

Thickness, thik'nes s. the state of being Tho', Tò conj. contracted from Though thick, density; considerable depth; Thong,thong s. a strap or string of leather grossness; closeness [to another Thoracick, tho-râs ik a. belonging to the Thief, theef s. one who takes what belongs Thorai,tho'ral a.relating to the bed [breast Thiefcatcher,thèèf'kâtsh-år Thieftaker, theèf'tå-kår s. one whose Thorn, thorn s. a prickly tree Thorny,thor'ne a. full of thorns, vexatious business is to detect thieves Thorough, thur'rò a. complete Thieve, theev v. n. to steal




[ing Thoroughfare, thur'ro-fare s. a passage Thievery, theev'ar-è s.the practice of steal-Thoroughly, thůr ro-le ad. fully Thievish, theev'ish a. given to stealing Thoroughpaced, thir'ro-paste a. perfect Thievishly, theev'ish-le ad. like a thief Thoroughsped, thûr'ro-sped a. finished Thievishness, thèèv'ish-nês s. disposition to in principles, thorough-paced [ly, fully [the buttocks and the knee Thoroughstitch,thür'rò-stitsh ad.completeThigh, thi s. a limb including all between Those, THóze pron. plural of that Thill, til s. the shafts of a waggon Thou, THOů pron. in the oblique case singular Thimble, thim'bl s. a metal cover by which thee; in the plural ye; in the oblique case women secure their fingers from the plural you [although needle Though, Tuò conj. notwithstanding that, [attenuate Thought, thawt s. the act of thinking Thin, thin v. a. to make thin or rare; to idea; sentiment; conception; opinion; Thine, Tuine pron. belonging or relating to solicitude Thing, thing s. whatever is

Thin, thin ad. not thickly

Thinly thin'le ad. not thickly

[thee Thoughtful, thẳwt'fůl a. contemplative; [tation; anxiety

Think, thingk v. n. pret. thought; to have anxious ideas, to reason; to judge; to intend; Thoughtfulness,thawt'fül-nês s.deep mediThinking,thingk'ing s.imagination [to muse Thoughtless, thawt'les a.negligent,careless Thoughtlessness, thawt'lès-nes s. want of thought [of ten hundred Thousand, thôů'zând a. or s. the number Thousandth, thôü'zândth a. the ordinal of a thousand

Thinness, thin'nês s. contrary to thickness
Third, third a. the first after the second
Third, third s. the third part

Thirdly, third'lè ad. in the third place

Thirst, thurst s. the pain suffered for want Thrall, thrawl s. a slave; slavery

of drink; vehement desire

Thraldom, thrawl'dům s.slavery, servitude

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