صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

nor, not-tube, tåb, båll—¿ïï—pỏând-thin, THIS.

grammar that primarily designates the Northern, nor тHårn a. in the north name of any thing

Nonage, non'ådje s. minority

Northstar,north'står s.the pole-star [north
Northward, north wård ud. towards the

Nonconformity, non-kôn-för ́mè-tè s. refu- Northwest, north-west's. the point between sal of compliance

None, nůn s. not one; not any
Nonentity, non-ên'tè-tè s. nonexistence



the north and west

Nose, noze s. the prominence on the face, which is the organ of scent and the

Nonexistence, non-ég-zïs'tênse s. inexis- emunctory of the brain [allegiance Nose, noze . a. to scent, to smell Nonjuring,nôn-jù'ring a. refusing to swear Nosegay, nòze'gå s. a bunch of flowers onnaturals, non-nắt tshu-ralzs. any thing Noseless, noze les a. wanting a nose which is not naturally, but by accident Nosle, uôz'zl s. the extremity of a thing · or abuse, the cause of disease; as air, as, the nosle of a pair of bellows [eases diet, sleep, exercise, exertion, and the Nosology, no-zðl'lő-jè s. doctrine of dispassions Nostril, nos tril s. the cavity in the nose Nonpareil, non-på-rêl' s. excellence une-Nostrum, nos'trům s. a medicine not yet qualled; a kind of apple; a printing made publick [fusal; no more [or do more Not, not ad. the particle of negation or reonplus,non'plus s.puzzle, inability to say Notable, no tå-bla.remarkable, observable lonplus, nón plås v. a.to confound, to puz- Notable, not'â-bl a. careful, bustling zle [residence Notableness, nôt'tå-bl-nês s. appearance of onresidence, non-rêz'è-dènse s. failure of business onresident, non-rèz'è-dènt ́ ́s. one who Notably, nó tá-blè ad. memorably, remarkneglects to live at the proper place Notary,no'tá-rè s. an officer whose business Conresistance, non-rè-zîs'tâpse s. passive it is to take notes of any thing which may obediènce [grammatical language concern the publick onsense, nôn'sènse s. unmeaning or un- Notation, no-tà'shân s. the act or practice onsensical, non-sền ́sè-kål a, unmeaning, of recording any thing by marks [thing foolish [solution Notch, nôtsh s. a nick, a hollow cut in any onsolution, non-so-lu'shån s. failure of Notch, nôtsh v. a. to cut in small hollows onsuit, non'sùte v. a. to deprive of the Note, note s. mark, token; notice; sound benefit of a legal process for some fail- in musick; a small letter; explanatory ure in the management annotation

odle, nôô'dls. a fool, a simpleton ock, nöök s. a corner

Don, noon s. the middle hour of the day
Donday, noỏn-da' s. mid-day
onday, noon-da' a. meridional
ontide, noon'tide s. mid-day

ontide, nôôn'tide a. meridiona!

■ose, nåỏse s. a running not

-ose, n3ôze v. a. to tie in a noose


Note, note v. a. to observe ; to attend,to set
Noted, no'ted purt a. remarkable, eminent
Nothing, nothing s. nonenity
Nothingness, näth’îng-uês s.non-existence;
thing of no value

Notice, no'tis s.remark, heed; information
Notification, ub-tè-fè-kå'sḥün s. the act of
making known
Notify, no'tè-fl v. a. to declare

[ion r, nor conj.a particle making the second Notion, no'shan s.thought, sentiment, opin or subsequent branch of a negative pro-Notional, no'shun-âl d. imaginary, ideal position Notionally, no'shan-âl-lè ad, in idea, men

o the south

rth, north s. the point opposite to the tally [ledge un in the meridian; the point opposite Notoriety, no-to-rl'è-tè s. publick know[the north and east Notorious, no-to'rè-ås a. publickly known rtheast, north-èèst' s. the point between Notoriously, nô-tô ́ré-ús-lè ad. públickly, rtherly,nôr'ruår-lè a.towards the north evidently

Fåte, får, fåll, fât—mê, mêt—pine, pin—nò, môve,

Notoriousness, nó-tò'rè-ůs-nês s. publick many, more than one; comparative fame [though; nevertheless, however multitude; harmony; poetry Notwithstanding,not-with-standing conj.al-Numberless, nåm'bår-lês a. innumerable Nought, nåwt s. nothing Numbness, num'nès s. terpor, stupefac tion

Noun, noun s. the name of any thing

(numbered Nourish, når'rish v. a. to increase or sup- Numerable, nu'mêr-á-bl a. capable of being port by food [nourishment Numeral, nu'mèr-âl a. relating to number Nourishable, når'rish-á-bl a. susceptive of Numerary, nú'mêr-â-rè a. belonging to a Nourisher, nûr'rish-ůr s. the person or number thing that nourishes

[nance Numeration, nu-mêr-a'shun s. the art of Nourishment, når'rish-mênt s. food, suste- numbering; a rule of arithmetick Novel, nov'vel a, new Numerator, nu'mêr-à-tår s. he that num Novel, nov'vel s. a small tale [of novels bers; that number which serves as the ;* Novelist, nov'vêl-list s. innovator, a writer common measure to others Novelty, nov'vel-te s. newness Numerical, nu-mêr'rik-âl a. numeral, deNovember, no-vẻm'bår s. the eleventh noting number [sameness in number month of the year [of a step-mother Numerically, nu-mêr'rik-ál-é ad.respecting Novercal, no-ver'kâl a. having the manner Numerous, nù'mêr-rus a. containing of Novice, no'vls s. one not acquainted with consisting of many any thing, a fresh man [vice Nummary,ndm'mâ-ré a.relating to money Novitiate, no-vish'è-åte s. the state of a no- Numskuil, nům'skål s. a dunce, a dolt Now, nou ad. at this time, at the time pres- Nun, nån s. a woman secluded in a cloisNow, nod s. present moment [ent ter from the world [from the pope Nowadays,nou-daze ad in the present age Nuncio, nan'she-ò s. a messenger, an envoy Nowhere, no'hware ad. not in any place Nuncion, nån'shån s. a piece of victuals Nowise, no'wize ad. not in any manner or eaten between meals Noxious, nok'shôs a. hurtful


Įdegree Nuncupative, nån-kù'på-tiv a.publick. Noxiousness, nok'shûs-nès s. hurtfulness Nuncupatory,nån-ků'på-tår-rẻ ly or soNoxiously, nok'shůs-lè ad. hurtfully lemnly declaratory, verbally pronounNozle, noz'zl s. the nose, the end Nubiferous, nů-bif'fer-ås a.bringing clouds Nunnery, nån’når-è s. a house of nuns Nubile, nå'bil a. marriageable Nuptial, nop'shål a. pertaining to marriage Nuciferous, nu-siffer-us a outbearing Nuptials, nap'shålz's. marriage Nucleus, nu'klé-as sa kernel, any thing Nurse, nårse s. a woman that has the care about which matter is gathered [ed of another's child; a woman that has Nudation,nu-da's hún s. act of making nak- the care of a sick person [tend the sick Nudity, nu'dè-tè s. naked parts Nurse, nurse v. a. to bring up a child; to Nugacity,nt-gas'sè-té s.futility,trifling talk Nursery, når sår-rè s. the act or office of Nugation, nu-ga'shun s. the act or practice of trifling

nursing; a plantation of young trees to be transplanted; the place where any thing is fostered or brought up

to bring up

Nugatory, ni'gå-tûr-è a. trifling, futile Nuisance, nu sånse s.something noxious or Nursling, nurs'ling s. a fondling offensive [void Nurture,når'tshures. food, diet; education Nullify, nil'le-fi v. a. to annul, to make Nurture,når'tshåre v.a. to educate,to train, Nullity, nål'lè-tè s. want of force Numb, num a.torpid; producing chillness Numb, nům v. u. to make torpid Number, nam'bår v. a. to count, to reckon Number, nåm'bar s. the species of quanti ty by which it is computed how many

Nustle, nås's! v. a. to fondle, to cherish
Nut, nåt s. the fruit of certain trees; 1

small body with teeth, which corres pond with the teeth of wheels [kept long Nutbrown, nåt brðůn a. brown like a nu

nör, nôt—tűbe, tâb, bâll—dil—pʊůnd-thin, Tнis.

Nutcrackers, nåt'kråk-kårz s. an instru-Obediently,ó-bè jè-ënt-lè ud.with obedience ment used to break nuts Obeisance, d-bà'sânse s. a courtesy, an ac'

Nutgall,nôt'gål s. excrescence of an oak of reverence
Nutmeg, nåt még s, a kind of spice import-Obelisk, ob'è-lisk s. a sort of pyramid
ted from the East Indies
Obese, d-bèse' a. fat, loaden with flesh
Nutshell, nut'shel s. the hard substance Obesity, d-bes'sè-tè s. morbid fatness
that encloses the kernel of the nut Obey, d-ba' v. a. to pay submission to
Nut-tree, nút trèè s. a tree that bears nuts Object, ôb'jekt s. that about which any
Nutrification, nů-trè-fè-kà'shån s. manner power or faculty is employed
of feeding or being fed
Object, ôb-jekt v. a. to oppose [fault found
Nutriment, nú trè-ment s. food, aliment Objection,ob-jek'shûn s.adverse argument,
Nutrimental, nå-trè-mên'tâl u. having the Objective, ob-jêk'tiv a. belonging to or
qualities of food
[nourishing contained in an object; proposed as an

Nutrition,nu-trish'in s.the act or quality of
Nutritious, nu-trish as a. nourishing
Nutritive, nu'trè-tiv

Objectively, ob-jè̟k tỉv-lè ad. in manner of an object [jections Nutriture, nu'trẻ-tùre s. the power of nour-Objector, éb-jék'tår s. one who offers obishing Obit, d'bit s. funeral obsequies [prove Nuzzle, nůz zl v. a. to nurse, to foster; to Objurgate, db-jar gåte v. a. to chide, to rego with the nose down like a bog Objurgation, 8b-jur-gà'shân s. reproof, reNymph, nimfs. a goddess of the woods, prehension meadows, or waters; in poetry, a lady


Oblate, óh-late' a. flatted at the poles [fice
Oblation, ob-la'shân s. an offering,a sacri-
Oblectation, ôb-lêk-tà'shûn s. delight,plea


AF, ofe s. a changling; an idiot [ness
Oafishness,ofe'ish-ness.stupidity, dul-Obligation, ôb-lè-gå'shån s. the binding

Oak, óke s. a well known tree
Oakapple,oke'âp-pls.a spungy excrescence
Oaken, d'kn a. made of oak [on the oak
Dakum, o'kam s. cords untwisted
Qar, òre s. an instrument to row with
Daten, o'tn a. made of oats

power of any oath, or contract; favour by which one is bound to gratitude Obligatory, db'lè-gå-tår-è a. imposing an obligation, binding [please, to gratify Oblige, d-blldje' v. a to bind, to compel; to Obligee, ôb-lé-jèè' s. one bound by a legal [sant


Dath, 6th s. an affirmation, negation, or promise, corroborated by the attestation Obliging, d-bll'jing part. a. civil, complai of the Divine Being Obligingness,d-bll'jing-nes s.complaisance Oatmeal, ot'mèle, or Ŏte'mèle s.flour made Obligor, ôb-le-gor' s. he who binds himself by grinding oats [fed Oblique, ôb-like' a. not direct

Dats, otes s. a grain with which horses are Obliqueness, oblikeness.deviation from Jbduce, ob-důse' v. a. to draw over as a Obliquity, ôb-lik we-te covering [ing physical or moral rectitude; deviation Obduction, ob-dik'shûn s.the act of cover- from perpendicularity Obduracy, ob'ju'ra-se s.inflexible wicked-Obliterate, ob-lit'ter-rate v. a. to efface ness, hardness of heart [ibly obstinate Obliteration,ob-lit-têr-rà'shan s.effacement bdurate, ôb'ju-rate a.hard of heart,inflex-Oblivion, d-bliv'vẻ-âm s. forgetfulness; bdurateness, ôb′jù-rât-nês s. stubborness, amnesty [fulness impenitence [authority Oblivious, d-bliv'vè-as a. causing forgetbedience, d-be'jè-enses, submission to Oblong, ob'lông a. longer than broad bedient, d-bè jè-ênt a. submissive to au-Obloquy, ôb'ló-kwé s. blame, slander; disthority [to the rule of obedience grace


bediential, d-be-jè-ên'shála according Obnoxious, ôb-nók'øbås g. subject', siøble,

Fåte, får, fåll, fât-iné, mêt-pine, pîn-nỏ, mỏve, Obnoxiousness, ôb-nók ́shůs-nẻs s. guil-Obstriction, ôb-strîk'shûn s. obligation, tiness [obscure bond

s. impurity of

Obnubilate, ôb-nù'bè-låte v. a. to cloud, to Obstruct,ôb-strûkt' v. a to hinder [obstacle
Obscene, ôb-sèèn' a. immodest; disgusting Obstruction, ob-stråk'shun s. hinderance;
Obsceneness, ob-sèèn'nës
Obstructive, ôb-stråk'tiv a. hindering,
Obscenity, ob-sen'ne-té
causing impediment
Obstruent, ob'strů-ênt a. hindering
Obtain, ôb-tane' v. a. to gain, to acquire
Obtainable, ôb-tane'à-bla. to be procured
Obtend, ôb-tênd' v. a. to oppose [ing
Obtention, ôb-tên'shan s. the act of obtend.
Obtest, ob-test v. u. to beseech, to suppli


thought or language, lewdness Obscuration, ob-sku-ra'shun s. the act darkening; state of being darkened Obscure,ob-skure' a. dark, gloomy,abtruse Obscure, ob-skure' v. a. to darken Obscurely,ôb-skure'lè ad. not brightly Obscureness, ôb-skåre'nes. nes} s. darkness; Obscurity, ốb-skurẻ-te unnoticed state, privacy; darkness of meaning


Obtestation, ob-tês-ta'shun s. supplication
Obtrectation, ôb-trek-ta'shun s. detraction
Obtrude, ob-trôöd' r. a. to thrust in by force
Obtruder, ob-trood'år s. one that obtrudes
Obtrusion,ôb-trỏỏ ́zhûn s.the act of obtrud.



Obsecration, ôb-sè-krå'shûn s. entreaty Obsequies, ob'sè-kwiz s. funeral rites Obsequious, ôb-sè'kwè-ûs a. obedient, compliant [dience, compliance Obtrusive, ob-trôỏ'sîv a. inclined to force Obsequiousness, ôb-sè'kwè'üs-nês s. obe- one's self or any thing else upon others Observable, ob-zêr'vâ-bi a. remarkable, Obtund, ôb-tând' v. a. to blunt, to dull, to eminent Observably, ôb-zer vá-blè ad. remarkably Obtuse, ôb-tuse' a. not pointed, not acute Observance, ôb-zêr'vânse s. respect; reli-Obtuseness, ôb-tùse'nês s. bluntness gious rite; rule of practice Obvert, ob-vert v. a. to turn towards Observant, ôb-zer vânt a. attentive Obviate, ôb'vè-áte v. a. to meet in the way, Observation, ôb-zêr-vå'shân s. the act of to prevent observing; note, remark Observator, ôb-zer-va'tur s. a remarker Observatory ôb zêr'vâ-tů-rẻ s. a place buiit for astronomical observation [obey Observe, ôl-zérv' v. a.to watch; to note; to Occasion, ôk-kä'zhůn s. occurrence, inciObserver, ôb térv'år s. one who looks on, dent; convenience; casual exigence a beholder Table Occasion, ôk-ká'zhůn v. a. to cause; to Obsolete, ob's-lète a. disused, unfashion- influence Obsoleteness, ôb'só-lète-nës s. unfashiona-Occasional, ôk-ká'zhůn-âl a. incidental, [tion Occecation, ôk-sè-kå'shûn s. the act of


[ed Obvious, ob've-ûs a. open; easily discoverObviously, ôb've-us-le ad. evidently Obviousness, ôb'vè-is-nês s. state of being evident or apparent


Obstacle, ob'sta-kl s. hinderance, obstruc- blinding Obstetrication, ôb-stêt-trẻ-ká'shan s. the Occident, ôk'sè-dent s. the west office of a midwife Occidental, ôk-se-dên'tâl a. western [head Obstetrick,ob-stêt'trik a.befitting a midwife Occiput, ok'sè-pût s. the hinder part of the Obstinacy,ób'sté-nå-sé s.stubbornness,con- Occlude, ôk-klude' v. a. to shut up [up turmacy [cious Occlusion, ôk-klu'zhûn s.the act of shutting Obstinate, ob'ste-nåt a.stubborn, contuma- Occult, ok-kult' a. secret, hidden Obstinately, ob'stè-nát-lè ad. stubbornly, Occultation, ôk-kůl-ta'shun s. the time that inflexibly Lorous a star or planet is hidden from our sight Obsereperous,ob-strap'pêr-ås aloud, clam- Occupancy, ôk'ku-pân-sè s. the act of t Obstreperousness, db-strêp'per-rås-nês s. king possession [session of any thing loudness, clamour Occupant, ok'kd-pânt s, he that takes por

nôr, nôt-tùbe, tåb, bûll-dil-poånd-thin, THIS.

Occupation, ôk-kù-på'shån s. employment, Oesophagus, è-sôf få-gus s. the gullet
Of, ov prep. concerning

business; trade, vocation

Occupier, ok'ku-pl-år s. a possessor

Occupy, ok'ku-pl v. a. to possess

Off, of ad. signifying distance, absence or departure, disappointment

Occur, ok-kûr' v. n. to appear here and Off, of int. depart!

there; to happen

dental event

Ocean, o'shûn s. the main, the great sea
Oceanick, d-she-ân'îk a. pertaining to the


Off, of prep. not on; distant from


Occurrence, ok-kår'rênse s. incident, acci-Offal, of ful s. waste meat; coarse flesh [pleasure given; anger Offence, of-fense' s. crime; injury; disOffenceless, of-fênse'lês a. innocent Offend, ôf-fend' v. a. to make angry; to transgress [gressor Offender, of-fên'dår s. a criminal, a transOffensive,of-fen'siv a.displeasing; injurious Ochreous, o'krè-us u. consisting of ochre Offensively, ôf-fênʼsiv-lè ad. mischievously, Octagon, ôk'tå-gôn s. a figure consisting of injuriously

Ocellated, d-sel'là-têd a. resembling the eye
Ochimy, ok'ke-mè s. a base metal
Ochre, d'kår s. a kind of earth

eight sides and angles

Offensiveness,f-fên'siv-nês s.injuriousness Octagonal, ok-tåg'go-nål u. having eight Offer, of'får v. a. to present; to sacrifice; angles and sides [angles to bid; to propose Octangular, ok-tâng'gu-lår a. having eight Offer,of'får s.proposal; price bid; attempt Octave, ok'tave s.the eighth day after some Offering, of'für-ring s. a sacrifice festival; an interval of eight sounds Octavo, ôk-tà'vò a. a book is said to be in octavo when a sheet is folded into eight


Offertory, of'fer-tur-è s. the thing offered, the act of offering

Office, of fis s. a publick charge or employment; business; place where business Octennial, ok-tên'nè-âl a. happening every is transacted [publick; a commander eighth year [year Officer, of fè-sûr s. a man employed by the October,ok-to'bůr s. the tenth month of the Official, ôf-fish'al a. pertaining to a pubOctuple, ok'tu-pl a. eightfold lick charge [ing to office Ocular, ôk 'ku-lâr a. known by the eye Officially,of-fish'âl-è ad.in a mannerbelongOculist, ôk'ků-list s. one who professes to Officiate, ôf-fish'è-åte v. n. to discharge an cure distempers of the eyes [unlikely office, to perform an office for another Odd, ôd a. not even; particular; strange; Officious, ôf-fish'us a. over-forward [ness Oddly, ôd'le ad. not evenly; strangely, Officiousness,of-fish'us-nês s.over-forwardparticularly Offing, of'fing s. the act of steering to a Oddness, ôd'nês s. the state of being not distance from the land even; strangeness, particularity

Offset, of'sêt s. shoot of a plant

Odds, ôdz s. inequality; superiority; quar-Offscouring,of-skoåring s. recrement, part rel, debate, dispute

Ode, ode s. a lyrick poem

rubbed away in cleaning any thing
[inable Offspring, ôf'spring s.children; production
of any kind

Odious,o'de-ûs a. hateful,detestable, abom-
Odiousness, o'dè-us-nês s. hatefulness Offuscation, ôf-fus-kå'shån s.act of darken-
Odium, ò'dè-ům s. invidiousness [fumed Oft, oft
Odoriferous, ò-do-rif'fêr-is a. fragrant,per- Often, of'fn)
ad. frequently, many times
Odoriferousness,ò-dò-rif'fèr-ús-nễss.sweet- Ogec, d-jèè' ́s. a sort of moulding in arch-
[in fondness
Odorous, b'dår-ûs a. fragrant, perfumed Ogle, d'gl v. a. to view with side glances, as
Odour, o'dar s. scent, whether good or bad Oglio, d'le-ò s. a medley
Oecumenical, êk-ù-mên'né-kål a. general Oh, d'int. an exclamation denoting pain or
Deliad, è-'yad s.a glauce, token of the eye Oil, 81 s. the juice of olives; grease, &c.

ness of scent



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