صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Fåte, får, fåll, fåt—mè, mêt-pine, pin-nò, move, Manificent,mu-nif'fè-sẻnt a. liberal, gene- Musketoon, mûs-ke-tôón' s. a blunderbuss Igenerously Muskiness, mus ke-n is s. the scent of musk Munificently,mu-nif'fè-sent-lè ad. liberally, Muskmelon,musk'mêl-lins.afragrantmelon Muniment, mu'nè-ment s. fortification Musky, mus kè a. fragrant, sweet of scent Munition,mu-nish'un s. fortification,strong Muslin, můz'lin s. a fine stuff made of cot



Mural, mù'ral a. pertaining to a wall [fully
Murder,mår dår s.the act of killing unlaw-
Murder, mår dår v. a. to kill unlawfully
Murderer, můr'dår-år s. one who has shed

human blood unlawfully [mits murder
Murderess,mår'dar-èss.a woman that com-
Murderous, mår dår-ús a. guilty of murder
Muriatick, mu-ré-ât'tîk a. partaking of the

taste or nature of brine Murk, můrk s. darkness Murky, můr'kè a. dark, cloudy Murmur, mûr'mår s. a low buzzing noise; a complaint half suppressed


Mussulman, můs'sůl-mân s. a Mahometan believer. This is an Arabick

word, the plural of which is formed according to the general rule of adding ! to the singular; thus making mussulmans-and not, as it is often erroneously written, mussulmen.—[Amer. Ed.] Must, must v. imperfect, to be obliged Must, måst s. new wine, new wort Must, must v. n. to grow mouldy Mustaches, mis-stà'shiz s. whiskers Musturd, můs-tůrd s. a plant Muster, mås'tůr v. n. to assemble

Murmur, můr'mår v. n. to give a low buz-Muster, mûs'tår s. a review, a register Mustermaster, mûs'tår-må-står s. one who superintends

zing sound; to grumble

Murrain, můr rin s, the plague in cattle

Murrey, mår'rè a. darkly red


Muster-roll, můs'tår-role s. a register of Muscadine, můs’kâ-dlne s. a kind of sweet Mustiness, můs'tè-nês s. mould, damp foul. grape



[damp Muscle, mås'sl s. the fleshy fibrous part of Musty, můs'tè a. mouldy, spoiled with an animal body; a shell-fish [muscles Mutability,mù-tâ-bil'è-tè s.changeableness; Muscular, mås'ku-lår a. performed by inconstancy Muscularity, mûs-kủ-lâr'è-té s. the state of Mutable, mu'tå-bl a. subject to change; having muscles [brawny Mutation, mù-tà'shon s. change, alteration Musculous, můs'kú-lås a. full of muscles, Mute, mute a. silent, not vocal Muse, můze s. one of the nine sister god-Mute, můte s. one that has no power of desses who, in the heathen mythology, speech; a letter which can make no are supposed to preside over the liberal Mute, måte v. n. to dung as birds [sound arts; deep thought, absence of mind Mutely, mute'lè ad. silently [essential part Muse, můze v. n. to ponder, to study in si-Mutilate, mu'til-ate v. a. to deprive of some lence Mutilation, mů-tè-la'shun s. deprivation of Museum, mů-zè ́ům s.a repository of learn- a limb, or any essential part [tion ed curiosities [an upstart Mutineer, mù-tin-nèèr' s. a mover of sediMushroom,mash'room s.a springingplant; Mutinous, mu'tin-nus a. seditious Musick, muzike. the science of harmoni-Mutinousness, mu'tin-nås-nès s. seditiouscal sounds; harmony Musical, mu'zè-kål a. harmonious Musicalness, mu'zè-kâl-nês s. harmony Musician, mu-zistan s. one skilled in mony


Mutiny, mu'tè-név. n. to rise against authority, to make insurrection Mutiny, mu'tè-nè s. insurrection, sedition har-Mutter, mût'tår v. n. to grumble, to mur

Musk, misk s. a perfume, a flavour
Musket, můs'kit s. a soldier's hand-gun
Musketeer, mås-kè-tèèr' s. a soldier whose
eapon is his musket


Mutton, måt'tn s. the flesh of sheep [red
Muttonfist, måt'tn-fists. a hand large and
Mutual, mu'tshu-al a. reciprocal

Mutually, mu'tshò-âl-lè ad. reciprocally

nôr, nôt—tùbe, tâb, bûll-dil-pôånd—thin, THIS.

Mutuality, mu-tshù-âl'lè-tè a.reciprocation Nap, nắp v. n. to sleep, to be drowsy
Muzzle, inůz'zl s. the mouth of any thing; Nape, nåpe s. the joint of the neck behind
a fastening for the mouth
Naptha, nap'thâ s. a kind of bitumen
Muzzle, můz zl v. a. to bind the mouth Napkin, nap'kin s. a cloth used at table to
My, mi pron. possessive; belonging to me wipe the hands
Myology, mi-öl'lò-jè s.the doctrine of the



Napless, nâp'lès a. wanting nap, thread-
Nappy, nap'pè a. frothy, spumy
Narcissus, når-sis'sus s. a daffodil
Narcotick,når-kôt'tik a. producing torpor,
or stupefaction

Myopy, mi'o-pè s. shortness of sight [sand Myriad,mir'ré-ad s.the number of ten thouMyrmidon, mêr'mè-dân s. any rude ruffian Myrrh, mer s. a precious kind of gum Narrable, når'râ-bl a. capable to be told Myrtle, mêr'tls. a fragrant tree Narrate, når'råte v. a. to tell,to relate Myself, mè-self' s. an emphatical word ad- Narration, når-ra'shån s. account, relation ded to I; as, I myself do it Narrative, nâr'rå-tîv a. relating ; story tel. Mysterious, mis-tè'rè-as a. inaccessible to ling [count the understanding Narrative, når'rå-tiv s. à relation, an acMysteriousness, mis-tè rè-us-nès s. holy Narrator, nar-ra'tår s. a relater [count of obscurity; artful difficulty or perplexity Narrify, når'ré-fi v. a. to relate, to give acMysterise, mis'tè-rize v. a. to explain as Narrow, når'rò a. not broad or wide enigmas Narrowly, når'ròlè ad. contractedly; Mystery, mis'tè-rè s. something above hu closely [confined state man intelligence ; an enigma; a calling Narrowness, nâr'rò-nès s.want of breadth; Mystical, mis tè-kál a. secretly obscure; Nasal, naʼzâl a. belonging to the nose Mystick, mis'tik emblematical Nasty, nâs'te a. dirty, filthy, obscene Mystically, mis'tè-kál-lè ad. secretly, enig Nastiness, nas'tè-nês s. dirt, filth, obscenity matically [of some secret meaning Natal, nå tål a. relating to nativity Mysticalness, mis'tè-kål-nês s. involution Natation, nâ-tà'shån s. the act of swimming Mythological, mith-d-lôd'jè-kåla. relating Nation, nå'shan s. a distinct people to the explication of fabulous history National, näsh'dn-âl a. public, general [al Mythologist, mè-thôl'lò-jíst s. a relator or Native,na'tiv a.produced by nature; naturexpositor of the ancient heathen fables Native, na'tiv s. one born in any place Mythology,me-thôl'ló-jè s. system of fables Nativity, na-tiv've-tè s. birth


Natural, nat'tshů-râl a. produced by `na-
ture; illegitimate; unaffected
Natural, nåt tshu-rál s. an idiot, a fool

AB, nåb v. a. to catch unexpectedly to in

[the zenith

Nag, någ s. a small horse
Naiad, nay'åd. a water nymph
Nail, nåle s. the horny substance at the
ends of the fingers and toes; a spike of
metal; a kind of measure

Nail, nåle v. a, to fasten or stud with nails
Naked,na'kida.uncovered; evident,simple
Nakedness,na'kid-nês s. nudity ; plainness
Name, name s. an appellation; character
Nameless, name'lês a. not distinguished by
any discriminative appellation
Namely, name'lè ad. specially [name]
Namesake, name'såke s. one of the same
Nap, nåps, slumber, a short sleep; down


Naturalization,nât-tshå-rál-è-záshůn s.the
act of investing aliens with the privile
ges of native subjects

Naturalize, nåt'tshù-rål-ize v. a. to invest
with the privileges of native subjects
Naturally, nat'tsha-rál-lè ad. without affec
tation; spontaneously
Nature, nå'tshure s. the native state of any
thing; constitution; disposition; regu-
lar course; compass of natural exist-
ence; state of the world; sort, species.
There being a large class of words
subject to the same rule with this, it may

Fate, far, fall, fất—mè, mêtplne, pinnỏ, move,

not be amiss to remark, that t before y. Neatness, nète'nès s. spruceness; cleanli which is the letter that begins the sound Nebulous, néb bú-lus a. misty, cloudy [ness of long u, approaches so near to sh, as, Necessaries, nes'sès-ser-riz s. things not in the absence of accent, naturally to only convenient but needful Isably fall into it, in the same manner as s be-Necessarily, nês'sès-ser-rè-le ad. indispencomes zh in leisure, pleasure. Necessary, nes'sès-sèr-rè a. needful, indisNaught, nåwt s. nothing pensably requisite [necessary Naughtily,nåw'tè-lè ad.wickedly.corruptly Necessitate, ne-ses'sè-tate v. a. to make Naughtiness, naw'tè-nes s. wickedness, Necessitated, nè-sês 'sè-tà-têd a. in a state badness Naughty, nåw'tè a. bad, wicked, corrupt Naumachy, nåw'mâ-kè's a mock seafight Nauseate, naw'shè-åte v. a. to loathe, to reject with disgust


of want

[poverty Necessitous, nè-sês'¿è-tâs a. pressed with Necessity, nè-sẻs'sè-tè s. compulsion,fatal ity; want, need, poverty

Neck, nek s. the part between the head and body; a long narrow part

Nauseous,nåw'shus a.loathsome,disgustful Nauseously, naw'shûs-lè ad. loathsomely, Neckcloth, nek'kloth s. that which men disgustfully wear on their neck [women on the neck Nauseousness, nåw'shus-nès s. loathsome-Necklace, nek'låse s.an ornament worn by ness, quality of raising disgust Necromancer, nêk'krò-mân-sår s. an en: Nautical, naw'tè-kål Nautick, naw tikla. Pertaining to sail chanter, a conjurer [ment, conjuration Necromancy, něk'krò-mân-sè s. enchantNautilus, nåw'til-ûs s. a shell fish furnish-Nectar, něk‍tår s. the supposed drink of ed with something analogous to oars and the heathen gods [tar a sail [longing to ships Nectareous,nek-ta'rè-ûs a.resembling necNaval, nå'vâl a. consisting of ships; be-Nectarine, nek'têr-in s. a fruit of the plum Nave, nave s. the middle part of a wheel, Need, nèèd s. exigency, necessity (kind or church [the belly Need, nèèd v. a. to want, to lack Navel, na vls. the point in the middle of Needful, nèèd'fùl a. indispensably requisite Navigable, nav'vè-gå-bl a. capable of be- Needily, nèèd ́dè-lè ad. in poverty, poorly ing passed by ships or boats [by water Necdiness, nèèd'dè-nès s. want, poverty Navigate, nav'vè-gate v. n. to sail, to pass Needle, nèè'dl s. a small instrument for Navigation, nav-vè-gà'shûn s. the act of passing by water

Navigator, nav'vè-gå-túr s. sailor, seaman
Navy, na've s. an assembly of ships, a fleet
Nay, na ad. no, an adverb of negation
Neal, nèle v. a. to temper by a gradual heat
Neap, népe a. low, decrescent
Near, nere prep. close to, nigh
Near, nere ad. almost; at hand
Near, nère a. not distant; close; intimate;

Nearly, nère'lè ad at no great distance;
closely; in a niggardly manner
Nearness, nère'nês s. closeness, alliance of
blood or affection; tendency to avarice
Neat, nète s. black cattle, oxen
Neat, nète a. elegant without dignity
Neatherd, nète herd s. a cowkeeper
Neatly, nete'lè ad, elegantly; cleanlily

sewing the small steel bar, which in the mariners compass, stands regularly north and south. Needlework, néè'dl-wůrk s.the business or a sempstress; embroidery by the needle Needless, néèd'lês a. unnecessary, not reNeeds, nèèdz ad. indispensably [quisite Needy, nèè dè a. poor, necessitous Nef, nef s. the body of a church [ble Nefarious, nè-fa'ré-ds a. wicked, abominaNegation, ne-ga'shûn s, denial Negative, nèg gå-tiv s. a proposition by which something is denied Neglect, nêg-lêkt' v. a.to omit by carelessness; to postpone

Neglect, nèg-lêkt' s. instance of inattention Neglectful, nèg-lèkt'fůl a. heedless, inat[less inattention


Neglectfully, nèg-lêkt'fål-lè ad. with heed

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når, nôt-tåbe, tâb, båll-dil-pôûnd-thin, ruis.

Negligence, nêg'lè-jënse s. habit of omit- nor engage on either side
ting by heedlessness
Neutrality, nu-trål'è-tè s. a state of indiffer-
Negligent, nèg lè-jênt a careless, heedless Neutrally, nù'trâl-le ad. indifferently [ence
Negligently, neg'lè-jênt-lè ad. carelessly, Never, nevar ad. at no time [standing that
Nevertheless, nêv-år-тHè-lés' ad. notwith-
Negotiate, nè-go'shè-åte v. n. to have inter-New, nù a. fresh; modern
course of business, to traffick
Newfangled, nd-fang'gld a. formed with
Negotiation, nè-go-she-à'shûn s. treaty of vain or foolish love of novelty
Negro, ne'grò s. a blackmoor [business Newel, nu'il s. the compass round which


Newly, nu'lè ad. freshly, lately

Neigh, na v. n, to utter the voice of a horsel the staircase is carried
Neigh, nå s. the voice of a horse
Neighbour, nå-bår s. one who lives near to Newness, nu'nès s. freshness, novelty
[ing News, nuze s. fresh account of any thing
Neighbourhood,nå bår-hud s. place adjoin-New-year's-gift, nu'yèrz-gift s. present
Neighbourly, nå'bår-lè a. becoming a made on the first day of the year
neighbour, civil
Tity Next, nêkst a. nearest in place
Neighbourly,nå bår-lè ad. with social civil-Nib, nib s. the point of a pen
Neither, nè THůr conj. not either
Nibble, nib'bl v. a. to bite by little at a

Neoterick, né-o-têr'rik a. modern, novel time, to eat slowly
Nepenthe, nè-pên'thè s. a drug that drives Nice, nise a. accurate; delicate; refined
away all pains
[sister Nicely, nise'lè ad.accurately,minutely,del-
Nephew, nev'và s. the son of a brother or icately
Nephritick, ne-frit'tik a. good against the Niceness, nise'nês s. accuracy, minute ex-
[phews Nicety, ni'sè-tè s. minute accuracy; sub-


Nepotism, nep'ò-tizm s. fondness for neNerve, nerv s. an organ or sensation Nerveless, nerv'lês a. without strength Nervous, ner'vus a. well strung, strong, vigorous; having weak nerves Nescience, nesh'è-ense s. ignorance, the state of not knowing

a score


tilty,effeminate softness [may be placed Niche, nitsh s. a hollow in which a statue Nick, nik s. exact point of time; a notch; [to cut in nicks Nick, nik v. a. to hit, to touch luckily ; Nickname, nik'náme s. a name given in scoffor contempt [probrious appellation Nest, nest s. the bed formed by a bird for Nickname, nik'náme v. a. to call by an opincubation; boxes of drawers Nidification, nid-è-fè-kà'shủn s. the act of Nestegg, nest'eg s. an egg left in the nest building nests [maining in the nest to keep the hen from forsaking it [snug Nidulation, nid-ju-lå'shan s. the time of reNestle, nes'sl v. n. to settle to lie close and Niece, nèèse s. the daughter of a brother Nestling, nestling s. a bird taken out of Niggard, nig gård s. a miser

the nest

[or sister [terstices or meshes Niggard, nig'gård a. sordid, avaricious Net, net s. a texture woven with large in-Niggardliness, nig'gård-lè-nês s. avarice; Nether, nêтH'år a. lower, not upper sordid parsimony [didly parsimonious Nethermost, nêтí ́år-mòst s. lowest Niggardly, nig'gård-lè a. avaricious; sorNettle, net'tl s. a stinging herb Nigh, ni prep. at no great distance from Network, net'wark s. any thing resembling Nighly, nl'lé ad. nearly, within a little the work of a net [either side Night, nite s. the time of darkness Neuter, nu'tår a.indifferent,not engaged on Nightcap,ulte'kâp s. a cap worn in bed, or Neuter, nå'tår s. one indifferent and unen- in undress gaged

Neutral, nå'trål a. indifferent, not engaged

1 on either side; neither good nor bad


Nightdress, nite'drès s. the dress worn at
Nightfaring, nite'få-ring a. travelling in
the night
[for an undress

Neutral, nåʼtrál ́s. one who does not act Nightgown, nite'göûn s. a loose gown used

Fate, far, fåll, fât-mẻ, mêt-plne, pin-nd, môve,

joined with splendour; persons of high


Noble, no'bl a. of an ancient and splendid family; great, illustrious; exalted; magnificent; liberal

Nightingale, nite'in-gale s. a small bird that sings in the night Nightly, nite lè a. done by night Nightman, nite mân s. one who carries away ordure in the night Nightmare, nite'måre s. a morbid oppres- Noble, no'bl s. one of high rank; an old sion in the night, resembling the pres- coin rated at six shillings and eightsure of weight upon the breast Nightpiece, nite'pèèse s. a picture so co-Nobleman,nò'bl-mâns.one who is ennobled loured as to be supposed seen by candle-Nobleness, no'bl-nės s. greatness Nobless, no-blês' s. nobility Nobly, no'ble ad. illustriously

light Nightshade, nite'shade s. a plant


Nightwalker, nite'wåk-år s. one who roves Nobody, no'bôd-è s. no one in the night upon ill designs

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Nocent, no'sent a. guilty; hurtful

Nightwatch, nite'wôtsh s. a period of the Noctiferous, nok-tif fêr-os c.bringing night night as distinguished by change of the Noctuary, nôk tshủ-â-rẻ s. an account of watch what passes by night Nigrescent, ni-grès'sent a. growing black Nocturnal, nók-tår nål a. nightly Nimble, nim'bl a. quick, active [ity Nod, nôd r. n. to decline the head with a Nimbleness, nim bl-nës s. quickness, activ- quick motion; to pay a slight bow; to Nimbly, nim'ble ad. quickly, speedily be drowsy [a slight obeisance Nincompoop, nin kim-pööp s. a fool, a tri-Nod,nôd s.a quick declination of the head; Nine, nine a. one more than eight [fler Noddle, ned'dl s. a head, in contempt Ninefold, nine'fold a. nine times Noddy, nod'dè s. a simpleton, an idcot Ninepins, nine'pinz s. a play where nine Node, nodes. a knot; a swelling pieces of wood are set up on the ground Nodosity, no-dos'sè-te s. knottiness to be thrown down by a bowl Ninescore, nine'skòre a. nine times twenty Nineteen, nine'tèèn a. nine and ten Nineteenth, nine'tèènth a. the ordinal of nineteen

Nodous, no'dus a. knotty, full of knots Noggin, nôg'gin s. a small mug Noise, noèz s. any kind of sound; outcry; occasion of talk [report Noise, nôèz v. a. to spread by rumou,r or Noiseless, noèz'lês a. without sound Ninth, ninth a. next in order to the eighth Noisiness, nôè'zè-nès s. loudness of sound Ninetieth, nine'tè-ith a.the tenth nine times Noisome, noè'sům a. noxious, mischievous Ninny, nin'né s. a fool, a simpleton [told Noisomeness, noé'sům-nès s.aptness to disNip, nip v. a. to pinch; to bite; to blast;

Ninety, nine'tè a. nine times ten

to vex

Nip, nip s. a pinch with the nails or teeth;
Nippers, nip'parz s. small pincers
Nipple, nip'pl s. a teat, dug

gust, offensiveness

[a blast; a taunt Noisy, noè'zè a. sounding loud; clamorous Nolition, no-lish'un s. unwillingness Nombles, nům blz s. the entrails of a deer Nomenclator, nôm-ên-klå'tår s. one who calls things by their proper names Nomenclature, nôm-en-klà tshure s. a ro cabulary, a dictionary

Nisi-prius, ni'sè-pri'us s. a judicial writ
Nit, nit s. the egg of a louse

Nitid, nit't?d a. bright, shining

Nitre, ni'tår s. saltpetre

Nominal, nom'mè-nál a.referring to names

Nitrous, ni'tris a. impregnated with nitre Nominally, nôm'mè-nål-lè ad. by name, ti

Nitty, uit'te a. abounding with nits
Niveous, niv'è-ûs a. snowy
No, nò ad. the word of refusal
Nobilitate,no-bil'lè-tate v.a. to make noble
Nobility, no-bil'lè-tès. antiquity of family

tularly [name; to appoint Nominate,nom'me-nate v. a. to mention by Nomination, nom-mè-nå'shån s. the power of appointing

Nominative, nom'mè-nâ-tÎv s. the case in

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