صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Fåte, får, fåll, fåt—mẻ, mét-pine, pîn—nỏ, môve,

Septilateral, sép-tè-låt'tẻr-âl a. having sev-Serpentine, ser'pên-tine a. winding like a en sides [sisting of seventy


Septuagesimal,sep-tshů-â-jês'sè-mal a.con-Serpiginous, sêr-pid'jè-nůs a. diseased with Septuagint, sep'tshu-a-jint s. the old Greek a serpigo

[tetter version of the Old Testament,supposed Serpigo, ser-pi'gò, or sår-pè'gò s. a kind of the work of seventy-two interpreters Serrate, ser'råte a. formed with jags Septuple, sep'tu-pl a. seven times as much Serrated, sêr'rà-têd like the edge of a saw Sepulchral, se-pal'krål a. relating to burial Servant, sêr'vânt s. one who attends anothSepulchre, sep půl-kår s. a grave, a tomb er, and acts at his command Sepulchre,se-půl'kår v.a.to bury,to entomb Serve, serv v. a. to attend at command, Sepulture, sep pål-ture s. interment, burial to supply with any thing; to promote Sequacious,se-kwa'shusa.following; pliant Service, ser vis s. office of a servant; pro Sequacity, sè-kwâs'è-tè s. ductility, toughSequel, sè'kwêl s. conclusion Sequence, se 'kwense s. order of succession Sequent, sé'kwent a. following

fession of respect; obedience; milita[ness ry duty; use; advantage; course, order of dishes

Serviceable, sèr'vis.â-bl a. active; useful Sequester, sé-kwes'tûr v. a. to put aside; Serviceableness, sêr'vis-â-bl-nès s.activity; to deprive of possessions [separation Servile, sér vil a. slavish, mean [usefulness Sequestrable, sé-kwês'trå-bl a. capable of Eervilely, ser vil-lè ad. meanly Sequestration, sêk-wês-trå'shan s. separa-Servility, ser-vil'è-tè.. slavishness tion; deprivation of profits Seraglio,se-ral'yo s.a house of women kept for debauchery Seraph,ser'râfs.one of the orders of angels Seraphical, sè-râf'fè-käl Seraphick, se-râf'fik a: angelical

Seraphim, sêr'râ-fim s. angels of one of the heavenly orders

Sere, sère a. dry, withered

Servitor, sér'vè-tår s. attendant; one of
the lowest order in the university
Servitude, serve-tùde s. slavery, depend-
ence; state of a servant
Sess, ses s. rate, tax

Session, sesh'un s. the act of sitting; an
assembly of magistrates or senators
Set, set v. a. to place; to fix; to adjust, to
plant; to embarrass


Serenade, sèr-é-nåde' s.musick with which Set, sêt part. a. regular, not lax ladies are entertained by their lovers in Set, sêt s. a number of things suited to each the night [nocturnal musick Setaceous, sè-tà'shús a. bristly

Serenade, ser-e-nåde' v.a. to entertain with Seton, sè'tn s. an issue in the neck

Serene, sé-rène' a. calm, placid

Serenely, sé-réne'lè ad. calmly, quietly
Serenity, se-rên'ne-te s. calmness
Serge, serdje s. a kind of cloth

Sergeant,sar'jânts.a petty officer in the ar

Settee, set-tèè' s. a long seat with a back
Setter, set'tår s. one who sets ; a dog
Settle, sêt'tl s. a bench

Settle, sêt'tl v. a. to fix ; to establish; to
determine; to compose

my; a lawyer of the highest rank un-Settle, set'tl v. n. to subside; to lose motion der a judge

Series, se ré-èz s. sequence; succession
Serious, sè're-us a. grave, solemn
Seriously, sè re-us-le ad. gravely, solemnly
Seriousness, se re-us-nês s. gravity, solem-
Sermon, sér'mun s. a pious discourse [nity
Sermonize, ser mûn-ize v. n. to preach or

give instruction in a formal manner
Serous, sé'râs a. thin, watery
Serpent, ser'pênt s. an animal that moves
by undulation without legs

or fermentation; to establish a domestick state; to make a jointure for a wife Settlement, sêt'tl-ment s. a jointure granted to a wife; subsidence; act of quitting a roving for a domestick life; a colony, a place where a colony is estabSeven, sev'vn a. four and three [lished Sevenfold, sêv'vn-fèld a. repeated seven Sevennight, sen'nit s. a week [times Seventeen, sev'vn-tèèn a. seven and ten Seventh, sêv'vnth a. the ordinal of seven

nor, nôt-tùbe, tâb, båll—öll-pôûnd—thin, THIS.

of it

Seventhly, sev'vnth-lè ad. in the seventh of fish; or skin made rough in imitation
Seventy, sev vn-tè a.seven times ten [place
Sever, sev'vûr e. a. to part by violence; to

Shake, shake r.a. to put into a vibrating motion; to make to totter or tremble; to make afraid

[rour Shake, shake v. n. to tremble; to be in terShake, shake s. concussion ; motion given and received

Several,sev'ar-ål a. distinct; divers, many Severally, sev'ur-âl-é ad. distinctly Severe, sé-vère' a. sharp; cruel; rigid Severely,sè-vère'lè ad.painfully,afflictively Severity, sé-ver'è-tè s. cruel treatment; Shalloon, shal-loon' s.a slight woollen stuff rigour [a needle Shallop, shal'låp s. a small boat Sew, so v. a. to join by threads drawn with Shallow, shal'lo a. not deep; futile, silly Sewer, so'år s. he or she that uses a needle Shallow, shal'lo s. a shelf, a shoal Sewer, shore s. a passage for foul or use- Shallowness, shal'lò-nês s. want of depth; less water want of thought Sex, seks s. the property by which any Sham, sham v. n. to trick, to cheat animal is male or female Sham, sham s. fraud, trick, imposture. Sexagenary, seks-âd'jén-ár-è a. aged sixty Sham, sham a. false, counterfeit years [Sunday before Lent Shambles, sham'blz s. a butchery Sexagesima, seks-a-jes sè-må s. the second Shambling, sham'bl-ing a. moving awkSexangular, seks-âng'gù-lår . having six wardly and irregularly Shame, shame s. disgrace, ignominy

angles Sexennial, seks-ên'nè-âl a. lasting six years Shame, shame . a. to disgrace Sextant, seks tänt s. the sixth part of a cir-Shamefaced, shame faste a.modest,bashful [degrees Shameful, shame'fül a. disgraceful Sextile, seks til a. at the distance of sixty Shamefully, shame'fûl-è ad. disgracefully Sexton, seks tůn s. an officer of the church Shameless, shame'lês a. impudent


Sextuple, seks 'tu-pl a. sixfold
Shabbily,shab'bé-lè ad. meauly,despicably
Shabbiness, shab bé-nês s. meanness
Shabby, shâb bè a. mean, paltry
Shackle, shak'kl v. a. to chain, to fetter
Shackles, shak'klz s. fetters, chains
Shad, shad s. a kind of fish
Shade, shade s. obscurity; screen; um-
brage; shelter; a colour; a spirit
Shade, shade v. a. to cover from the light
or heat; to shelter


Shadiness, sha dè-nês s. umbrageousness
Shadow, shad'do s. shade; dark part of
picture; faint representation; type
Shadow, shad'do v. a. to cloud; to screen;
to represent typically
Shady, sha'dè a. fuli of shade

Shaft, shaft s. an arrow; a deep perpen-
dicular pit; the spire of a church
Shag, shag s. rough woolly hair; a kind
of cloth

Shagged, shagged) a. hairy; rough,
Shaggy, shagge
Shagreen, sha-grèèn' s, the skin of a kind

Shamelessly, shame'lês-lè ad. impudently,
audaciously, without shame

Shank, shangk s. that part of the leg which
reaches from the ancle to the knee
Shape, shape v. a. to form, to mould
Shape, shape s. form; make; idea
Shapeless, shape'lês a. wanting regularity
of form
Shapeliness, shape'lè-nes s. proportion of
Shapely, shape'lè a. well formed
Shard, shård s. a fragment of an earthen
vessel; a plant; a sort of fish
Share, share v. a. to divide; to cut
Share, share s. part; dividend
Sharer, sha'rur s. one who divides; one
who participates

Shark, shark s. a voracious sea-fish; a
greedy artful fellow

Sharp, sharp a.keen, piercing; inventive;
quick; shrill; sarcastick; hungry; pain-
ful; vigilant
[edge, to point
Sharpen, shår'pn v. a. to make keen, .to
Sharper, sharp'ur s. a petty thief [acutely
Sharply, shårp'lè ad. severely; keenly

Fate, far, fall, fåt-iné, mêt-pine, pin-nỏ, môve, Sharpiess, sharp'nes s. keenness; sour- Shelly, shel'lè a. abounding with shells ness, ingenuity [desirous Shelter, shel tår s. a cover from any exterSharp-set, sharp-sêt' a. eager, vehemently nal injury or violence; security Sharp-sighted, sharp-sl'ted a.having quick Shelter, shel'tår v. a. to defend, to protect sight [pieces; to dissipate Shelving, shelving a. sloping, inclining Shatter, shât'tår v. a. to break into many Shepherd, shêp'půrd s. one who tends Shave, shave v. a. to pare off with a rá- sheep [tends sheep zor; to cut in thin slices Sheperdess, shep'pår-dês s. a woman that Shaver, sha'vůr s. a man that practises the Sherbet, sher-bết' s. the juice of lemons or art of shaving [from any body oranges mixed with water and sugar Shaving, sha'ving s. a thin slice pared off Sherd, sherd s. the fragment of broken Shawm, shawm s. a hautboy, a coronet earthenware

She, sheè pron. the female pronoun de-Sheriff, sher'if s. an officer to whom is inmonstrative; the woman before men- trusted in each county the execution of tioned [bound together the laws [risdiction of a sheriff Sheaf, shefe s. a bundle of stalks of corn Sheriffalty, sher'if-al-te s. the office or juShear, shère v. a. to clip or cut Sherry, sher're s. a kind of Spanish wine Shears, sherz s. an instrument to cut, con- Shield, sheeld s. a buckler; defence sisting of two blades moving on a pin Shield, shèèld v. a. to defend, to protect Sheath, sheth s. the scabbard of a weapon Shift, shift v. a. to change, to alter; to Sheath, sheтHv.a.to enclose in a sheath Sheathe,


Shift, shift s. expedient; last resource; Shed, shed v. a. to effuse, to spill artifice; evasion; a woman's linen Shed, shed s. a slight temporary covering Shifter, shift'år s. a man of artifice [live Sheen, sheen s. brightness, splendour Shiftless,shift les a.wanting means to act or Sheep, sheep s. the animal that bears wool Shilling, shilling s. a silver coin, value Sheepcot, sheep'kôt s. little enclosure for twelve pence sheep [sheep are enclosed Shily, shilè ad. not frankly Sheepfold, sheep'fold s. the place where Shin, shin s. the forepart of the leg Sheepish, sheep'ish a. bashful; diffident Shine, shine v. a. pret. I shone, I have shone; Sheepishness, sheep'ish-nës s. bashfulness sometimes I shined, I have shined; to Sheepshearing, sheep sheer-ing s. the time glitter; to be splendid; to be propiof shearing sheep tious [miliar Sheep's-eye, sheèps-l' s. a modest diffident Shiness, shi'nes s. unwillingness to be faSheepwalk,sheep'wȧwks.pasture for sheep Shingle, shing'gl s. a thin board to cover Sheer, shère a. pure, clear



Sheet, sheet s. linen of a bed; sail; as Shingles, shing'glz s. a kind of tetter or much paper as is made in one body; herpes that spreads itself round the any thing expanded

Shekel, shek'kl s. a Jewish coin, in value about two shillings and sixpence



Shiny, shi'ne a. bright, luminous Ship, ship s. a large vessel made to pass Shelf, shelf s. a board fixed against a sup- over the sea with sails porter, so that any thing may be placed Ship, ship v. a. to put into a ship upon it; a sandbank in the sea, a rock Shipping, ship'ping s. vessels of naviga under shallow water Shipwreck, ship'rek s. the destruction of ships by rocks or shelves; destruction Shipwreck, ship'rêk v. a. to destroy by dashing on rocks or shallows

Shell, shel s. the hard covering of any thing, the external crust

Shell, shel v. a. to take out of the shell

Shellfish, shel fish s. fish invested with a Shipwright, ship'rite s. a builder of ships;

hard covering

Shire, shère s. a county

nôr, nôt-tùbe, tåb, bûli—öîl-pound-thin, THIS.

Shirt, shårt s. the under linen garment of Shortsightedness, short-sl′tẻd-nės s.myopy

a man

Shirtless, shart'lês a. wanting a shirt
Shive, shive s. a slice, a thick splinter
Shiver, shiv'år v. n. to quake, to tremble
Shiver, sniv'ur s. one fragment of many
into which any thing is broken
Shoal, shòle s. a crowd, a sandbank
Shoal, shole a. shallow, obstructed with
Shoaly, sho'lè a. full of shoals [banks
Shock, shok s. concussion, external vio-
lence; offence; a pile of sheaves of
[offend, to disgust
Shock, shok v. a. to shake by violence; to
Shoe, shỏo s. the cover of the foot

Shot,shot s. the flight of a shot; the small

pellets for the charge of a gun; a sum charged, a reckoning

Shotfree, shot frèè a. clear of reckoning Shotten,shot'tn a.having ejected the spawn Should, shůd s. a kind of auxiliary verb used in the subjunctive mood Shoulder, shòl'dår s. the joint which con nects the arm to the body; the upper joint of the fore leg of a beast Shoulder, shól'dår v. a. to push with insolence; to put upon the shoulder Shout, shout v. n. to cry in triumph or ex ultation [of triumph or exultation Shoe, shoo v.a. pret. I shod; part. pass. shod; Shout, sh3ût s. a loud and vehement cry to fit the foot with a shoe [shoes Shove,shův v. a. to push by main strength; Shoeboy, shoô'bỏẻ s. a boy that cleans to rush against


in putting on a shoe

Shoeing-horn, shỏỏ'ing-hörn s. a horn used Shove, shiv s. the act of shoving, a push [shoes Shovel, shův vl s. an instrument consisting of a long handle and broad blade with raised edges


[a shovel Shovel, shav'vi v. a. to throw or heap with Show, shỏ v. a. to exhibit to view; to direct; to teach [pearance; exhibition Show, sho s. a spectacle; external apShower, shoå'år s. a fall of rain; liberal distribution

Shower, shou'ûr v. a. to wet; to pour down
Showery, shou'ûr-è a. rainy

Shoemaker,shoô'må-kår s. one who makes Shog, shog s. violent concussion Shone, shon the pret of shine Shook, shook the pret. of shake Shoot, shoot v. a. to discharge from a bow or gun; to let off; to emit Shoot, shoot v. n. to germinate, to feel quick pain [main stock Shoot, shoot s. a branch issuing from the Shooter, shoot'år s. one that shoots Shop, shop s. a place for sale or work Shrank, shrank the pret. of shrink Shopboard, shop'bord s. bench on which Shred, shred v. a. to cut into small pieces any work is done [sells in a shop Shred, shred s. a small piece cut off; a Shopkeeper, shop'kèèp-ûr s. a trader who fragment Shopman, shop'man s. one who serves in a Shrew,shroo s. a peevish turbulent woman shop [bank of a river; a buttress Shrewd, shrood a.maliciously sly,cunning Shore, shore s. the coast of the sea; the Shrewdly,shro3d lead.mischievously; slily Shore, shore v. a. to prop, to support Shrewdness,shrood'ness.sly cunning,archShoveless, shore'lês a. having no coast [lately; to scream Shorn, shorne the part. pass. of shear Shriek, shreek v. n. to cry out inarticuShort, short a. not long; defective; scan-Shriek, shreek s. an inarticulate cry of anShort, short ad. not long [ty; brittle guish or horrour [sound Shorten, shor'tu v. a. to make short; to Shrill, shril a. piercing or tremulous in Shrilly, shril'lè ad. with a shrill noise Shorthand, short’hând s. a method of wri- Shrillness, shrîl'nês s. the quality of being ting in compendious characters Shortly, short'le ad. quickly, briefly Shrimp,shrimp s.a small shellfish; a dwarf Shortness, short'nês s. the quality of being Shrine, shrine s.a case in which something short [far sacred is reposited




Shortsighted, short-sl'têd a. unable to see Shrink shrink v. n. pret. shrunk, or shrank

Fate, får, fåll, fåt-mé, mêt-pine, pin-nỏ, mỏve, part. shrunken; to contract itself into less Sideboard, side'bord s. a side-table for room, to shrivel; to fall back as from conveniencies [in front, not direct danger [kles Sidelong, side long a. lateral, obliqe, not Shrivel, skriv'vl v. a. to contract into wrin-Sidelong, side'long ad. laterally, obliquely Shroud, shroud s. the dress of the dead; Sideral, sid dêr-âl a. starry, astral rope that supports the mast Sideration, sid-dêr-à'shůn s. a blast,sudden [horseback

Shroud, shroud v. a. to shelter, to cover deprivation of sense
Shrovetide, shrove'tide

Shrovetuesday, shròve-tuze'de) before Ash-wednesday

Sidesaddle,side'sâd-dl s.a woman's seat on s.the day Sidesman, sidz'man s. an assistant to the

Shrub, shrub s. a small tree; spirit, acid, and sugar mixed

Shrubby, shrub'bè a. full of shrubs


Sideways, side'waze ad. on one side
Sidewise, side'wize

Siege, sedje s. the act of besetting a fortiShrug, shrug v. a. to contract or draw up Sieve, siv s. a bolter, a searce [fied place Shrug, shrug s. a motion of the shoulders Sift, sift v. a. to separate by a sieve usually expressing dislike [shrink Sigh, sv. n. to emit the breath audibly Shrunk, shrunk the pret, and part. pass. of Sigh, si s. a violent and audible emission Shrunken,shrunk kn the part pass.of shrink of breath [ledge; eye; show Shudder, shůd'dår v. a. to quake with fear Sight,site s.perception by the eye; knowShuffle, shuf'fl v. a. to throw into disorder; Sightless, site lês a. wanting sight to change the position of cards Sightly, site'lè a. pleasing to the eye Shuffle, shuffl v. n. to play mean tricks, to Sign, sine s. a token; a miracle; a conevade fair questions; to move with an stellation in the zodiack irregular gate

Shuffle, shuffls. a trick, an artifice
Shuffler, shuf'fi-år s. he who plays tricks,
or shuffles

Shun, shin v. a. to avoid, to decline
Shut, shut v.a.to close; to bar; to contract
Shut, shut part. a. rid, clear
Shutter, shat tår s. a cover, a door
Shuttle, shat'tl s. an instrument used in

[or seal Sign, sine v. a. to mark; to ratify by hand Signal, sig nål s. a sign that gives notice Signal, sig'nål a. eminent, remarkable Signalize, sig'nal-ize v. a. to make eminent Signally, signal-é ad. eminently Signature, sig'nâ-túre s.a sign or mark impressed upon any thing,a stamp [a king Signet,sig'net s.a seal; the seal-manual of Significancy, sig-nif fé-kân-sè s. meaning Significant, sig-nif'fe-kânt a. expressive of something beyond the external mark; betokening; important [of expression Significantly,sig-nif fè-kânt-lead.with force Signification, sig-nif-fè-kå'shůn s.meaning expressed by a sign or word Signify, signe-fi v. a. to mean; to import Sicken, sik'kn v. a. to make sick [gusted Signiory, sene'yo-ré s. lordship, dominion Sicken, sik'kn v.n.to grow sick; to be dis-Sigupost, sine'post s. that upon which a Sickle, sik'kl s. the hook to cut corn [ness sign hangs [stillness Sickliness, sik'le-nês s. disposition to sick-Silence, silense s. habitual taciturnity; Sickly, sik lè a. not healthy; faint, languid Silence, sllense int. an authoritative reSickness, sik'nês s. state of being diseas-straint of speech

Shuttlecock,shut‍tl-kôk s.a cork stuck with
feathers, and beaten backward and for-
Shy, shi a. reserved; cautious [ward
Sibilation, sib-e-là'shůn s. a hissing sound
Siccity, sik'sé-tè s. want of moisture
Sick, sik a. afflicted with disease

ed; malady

Side, side s. the part of animals fortified]
by the ribs; margin; party
Side, side a. lateral, oblique (in a faction
Side, side v. n. to take a party, to engage

Silence, slénse r. a. to still, to oblige to hold peace

Silent, silent a. not speaking; still Silently, silent-le ad. without speech; without noise

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